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Rated: 13+ · Book · Opinion · #1508897
Blogging/Journaling/Complaining on an entirely inconsistent basis.
#732060 added August 20, 2011 at 1:31pm
Restrictions: None
Worst First: A Way of Life
I pretty much think we all make our decisions about our outlook on life.  We can choose to be happy, sad, depressed, dreadfully bummed out, humorous, joyful, thankful, negative or positive.....you get the general idea.  Yes, we can.  I realize that there are some who suffer from medical conditions which influence their view of life, but even those people can choose better paths.

Today I want to share one of my most successful hints for the procrastinator, the people who rarely complete projects, and those of you who just want to be happier.  I call it my Worst First way of life.  I spent several years as a motivational speaker in Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas.  People in my seminars overwhelming told me that this was the key for them in changing their lives.

As a child with homework to complete, I found I dreaded doing it.  Then, I discovered the reason I dreaded it was because I had science and history homework.  I didn't mind the English work and absolutely loved the math.  However, the more I postponed homework, the more depressed I became.  Then, I had an epiphany.  You are right, I didn't know what an epiphany was in the third grade, but that's what I had.  I discovered if I came in from school and sat down to do my homework first, then I was free to play out as long as I wanted, watch television with my parents until bedtime, or read a book.  I also noted that my parents were happier with me and that was a huge pay-off for me.  I lived to make my parents proud.

Okay, so I would come in from school, get a snack, and hit the homework.  I kept an assignment notebook and would take it out and number the subjects I wanted to do.  I did my math first, then my English, and then lost interest.  I didn't want to do the history and I hated to even consider the science.  Instantly, I was depressed and not wanting to work anymore.  Then, I had a light-bulb moment.  What if I did the science first, then the history?  Then, I'd have the good stuff left.  That appealed to me.  I tried idea and it was wonderful.  I got the things I hate out of the way and with each subject next on my list, I became more and more interested and excited about doing the homework.  No more depression.

I know what you are thinking.  I'm an adult now.  How is that gonna help me?  I don't have homework anymore.  Yes, I do.  Let's make a list of things we might need to do  during a day:

1.  read a novel
2.  weed-eat
3.  walk 2 miles
4.  take a nap
5.  go to the store
6.  pay bills

Let me rearrange my list to one I like better because is will be my Worst First list:

1.  walk 2 miles
2.  weed-eat
3.  go to the store
4.  pay bills
5.  read a novel
6.  take a nap

The thing I don't like the most is walking two miles because the weather is not always enjoyable and it's exercise.  I'd much rather be sleeping.  However, I have just lost 22 pounds over the last 3 months by walking.....so I can't quit.  Solution:  I get up at 6 am everyday but Sunday and walk.  It's cool and I am a mile down the road before I am good and conscious.    1.  walk 2 miles

The next thing I am not too keen on today is weed-eating.  So, that is my next chore.  Since I don't particularly like to do this and I am already outside and sweaty, why not?  Mark that baby off!!  After a shower I feel pretty good because the worst things are behind me:  walking and weed-eating.  My day is still young and looking pretty good. 
1.  walk 2 miles
2.  weed-eat

Since my two favorites are reading and napping, they automatically go to the end of the list.  Therefore, paying the bills and going to the store are next.  I really am not keen about having to go to the store because I have three miles of dirt road and 25 minute ride ahead of me.  But, I grab my list and off I go.  An hour and a half later, I am back at the hacienda.  The day's looks better and better.
1.  walk 2 miles
2.  weed-eat
3.  go to the store

I go on-line and pay the bills, check email, and I eat a bowl of cereal for lunch.  I'm chomping at the bit to get to my next two chores.
1.  walk 2 miles
2.  weed-eat
3.  go to the store
4.  pay bills

Guess what's next?  Reading and napping.  The reading will segue nicely into the nap, don't you think?  After my nap, I can do anything I darn well please for the rest of the day and night.  How great is that?

1.  walk 2 miles
2.  weed-eat
3.  go to the store
4.  pay bills
5.  read a novel
6.  take a nap

The #1 reason for procrastination is  we can't stand to face some of the things we need to do.  Get in the habit of hopping on those first.
If I did my two favorites first, I would never get out of the bed.  The walking, weed-eating, store, and bills would have to be put off until the next day and the next and the next.  See how depressing it is to never get to those things you dislike? 

This is how it would work out for me if I didn't use this system:  Reading and napping all day, weeds taking over my yard and eventually my house, eviction for non-payment of bills, no healthy food to eat, so I just snack all day on junk food.  No walking .=  weight gain and gain and gain and gain.  How did my life get so DEPRESSING?

Just saying....

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