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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/730738-Ping-Ponging-Around
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#730738 added August 5, 2011 at 6:15pm
Restrictions: None
Ping Ponging Around
Another Day on the Farm

My wife has a weekend off coming up and we are trying to decide what to do with it. These are the options.

Do a whirlwind visit of my two daughters, and Linda’s parents.

Do a quality visit with one of the above.

Take some time off together in a quiet weekend getaway.

Linda is having trouble deciding like she always does. Ever since she got her dollar allowance as a kid and had to decide how to spend it in Woolworths, she’s had this problem. She loves to have me help her decide and is particularly delighted when I come to the same conclusion she has reached in the back of her mind. Thus my problem solving has little to do with “Best” and a lot to do with figuring out where her mind is heading…. I know! I know! telling people what they want to hear is no substitute for telling the bold and unvarnished truth, however, there are certain processes you learn in marriage that are not exactly scientific or totally honest.

Sweeny Todd was nothing like I expected. I thought the acting was great but the story line a bit overdone and graphic. Still I am sure it appealed to many and received a mountain of good reviews. It was one of those movies that when it was over Linda and I looked at one another and didn’t know exactly what to say.

Tonight I think we will go to Baraboo and eat at the Cracker Barrel and maybe see a movie. The two are right next door to each other. Yesterday we did yard work and I worked on my truck. I had misplaced, for about a year a Gauge, Gauge. That’s right a tool that measures the gauge or thickness of a metal. It is a circular aluminum device with slots of various thickness cut in it, to do its intended purpose. You slip the metal coupon into the appropriate slot and “voila!” you know how thick it is. I also found a caliper that will do the same thing. Knowing the thickness is important in selecting the proper tip in gas welding. Speaking of that my acetylene tank ran out yesterday and I have to get an exchange. I understand that stuff is in short supply and is no longer being manufactured much in the United States… some kind of environmental issue. I could be wrong on that but lately it has been scarcer than hen’s teeth.

In the yard cleanup I discovered that some of my 55 gallon drums had collected water and frozen in the winter and the bottoms had bowed out in a concave manner. Had to stand them on end and beat them onto a level plane with a sledge hammer. I intend to fill them with sand and stack them on the corner of my property to use as a backstop for zeroing my rifles. I love to shoot….hate to hunt but love to shoot. That really has my neighbors scratching their heads. After feeling like the “Hunted” in Vietnam my heart is not longer in shooting dumb animals. Turkeys and deer taste gamey anyway and why anyone prefers them over store bought is hard for me to understand.

Every morning Linda lets the dogs out and when they do their business and come back in she gives them a doggie treat. They really like that and almost tear the door down to get back in and have their dumb biscuit. Maybe its not so dumb…. I sure do like my coffee in the morning.

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