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McKinzie S. Heart's Blog on her journey as an author
#730402 added August 2, 2011 at 10:55am
Restrictions: None
A short story for you - Eternal Fire
Eternal Fire

The wind howled viciously through the trees like a distant woman’s scream muffled by the thick snow-covered boughs of heavily scented pines. Hunter pulled his coat closer bending his head against the onslaught while trying to ignore the memories these sounds unlocked. He had tried so hard to forget the tragedy of last year but no matter where he wandered or how far he traveled, he could never escape himself and the dark thoughts just on the edge of his consciousness.

Had he not disappeared from everyday life to become the wanderer he had, he would have known that this blizzard had been anticipated for several days. So now, on foot, he found himself in quite a troublesome position. Where could he bed down for the night safely from the tortuous elements? And how would he be able to fill his empty belly faced with such an assault?

Onward he trudged, his mind flipping between caring that he find a safe haven or just lying down for a last permanent sleep. At least if he breathed his last tonight, he would see her again, be with her again. Her life had been claimed too young. They had only been married just over two years when a fire had taken her away from him. Emily…

He stopped in his tracks and his knees wobbled as he fell upon them into the snow. “Oh Emily, my dear love,” he whispered heartbroken kneeling upon the icy, ground. “Why, why were you taken from me? Why didn’t I die instead?”

Even now, the tears slid easily from his soul shredding what little humanity struggled to keep him alive.

Uncaring, he fell forward sobbing into the white blanket. “Take me. I don’t want to live anymore! Oh Emily, Emily…”


“Emily?” he quickly held his breath trying to stifle his emotional outburst.

He raised his head from the snow and cocked it to the side listening for that familiar sound, that treasured sound he hadn’t heard in so long.


As he moved to lie back down, the wind shrilled past biting at his ears. Hunter

“Emily! Emily! I hear you. Where are you?” He stumbled to his feet and spun about searching in all directions. The blizzard shrouded his view and desperation filled him. Either he had heard her precious voice or he had gone mad. It didn’t matter which as long as he was with her again.

Another gust whipped past. Hunter

He turned and blindly flung his body into that direction following the sound. He pushed and fought, struggled and clawed when only a few yards away the dim outline of a cottage loomed before him. The wind’s shrill cries and bombarding memories exploded through his head but when he reached the door and placed his hand upon the knob, it suddenly quieted as though the blizzard had momentarily dropped off the face of the earth. He tested the knob but it didn’t budge.

Quietly, he moved to the nearest window and noticing a faint light, rubbed upon the chilly glass to see better.

Twin pools of haunted jade gazed through the small spot of the deeply frosted window... needing, searching for that light flickering within and discovered, of all things, a fire left smoldering in a center stone hearth. The light summoned quietly...beckoning with its siren voice.

He could almost hear the faint steaming, crackling and felt the pull of warm invite. Looking about, he tested the dark window, yet it didn’t budge...and still it seemed to glow for him to come hither. The icy window stuck fast, frigid from the cold...refusing to release its hold, but he wouldn’t allow this mere barrier to stop him from entering his newfound safe haven.

Eventually, he would succeed in prying it open then he would be inside next to the enticing warmth. He smiled with assurance.

The fire trembled with excitement as she gazed upon his determined face and the sight of his unfathomable grin. She thrilled at the thought of rebuilding...kindling her flames so she beckoned more urgently...her glowing embers enticing, tempting, luring. She had searched for him for so long. Had needed his touch for what seemed an eternity.

Hunter pressed his warm body to the chilly glass, melting the ice from without. The window now opened to his slightest touch and warm lips smiled with pleasure; all it took to get past the icy barrier was the right touch in the right place. With practiced ease, he slowly entered the room...hesitant...was he alone?

Yes. Obviously, no one had been there in awhile. How could the fire have lasted?

It quivered before him...needing him and wanting him to make her burn; there was plenty of kindling but no one to tend to her and she had struggled to maintain for her search. But suddenly, she felt his touch...his nurturing and she began to dance...her body leaping in passionate, sultry sparks. She sighed, contented...happily lost...and the heat deepened as flames burst forth with great force; Hunter stepped back with surprise. He did not know the intensity within; however, now he reveled in the seductive, bewitching dance as he enjoyed the fire's amorous touch upon his chilled skin. It reminded him of another time…a time when Emily had slept contentedly next to him before a fire much like this.

His heart felt as though ripped apart all over again as he sat in morbid reverie. He gazed at the spirited flames...stoking every now and then to keep the fire blazing and brilliant. And he thought, who would have known such a radiant, beguiling fire to exist...hidden in such a dark, cold house? Why did such a house exist with no one to tend to it?

The whistling wind blew about the outer walls yet the interior now felt warm and cozy. Hunter made himself comfortable upon the sofa examining his surroundings. Had this house belonged to him, it would have been well kept not abandoned. He leaned forward and stoked the fire again. Whispers floated upon the air.


He stiffened, his green eyes sharpening while gazing about. “Who’s there?”

The fire blazed as though in response cocooning him in its amorous warmth, touching upon his skin with caressing kisses. He eased back upon the sofa relaxing once again. Hearing his name had only been his imagination just as when he had been outside. He had become weary from his lonely travels.

His eyes felt heavy but he fought sleep. Only nightmares awaited him from a past filled with lost love and death. He had left that life behind, wandering aimlessly through the lands without thought or purpose merely existing. He shook his head and arose to search for the bathroom. Could there possibly be running water?

His fingers rubbed the long, rough hair upon his chin. And he certainly could use a shave too.

His luck seemed to be holding out as he discovered not only a bathroom but electricity and supplies as well. It must have not been abandoned for too long. At any rate, it didn’t make too much sense but he was thankful for it.

Not long after and he looked like a changed man…clean, shaven and feeling quite a bit more human. He gazed at his reflection. Haunted green eyes stared back set in a strong, masculine face surrounded by chestnut waves that he secured once again in a leather strip. His lips pursed grimly unimpressed by the perfection of man that just as grimly stared back at him.

He stood a firm 6 feet 4 inches with broad shoulders, muscled body, and trim torso. Any woman would gladly claim him as her own. In fact, one woman once had until…

A growl rumbled through his stomach and he frowned. He would have to await morning to ease his hunger. It was far too late now to attempt to hunt for his meal but he might explore a bit. The cottage was quaint with just a few rooms and a small kitchen so he eased back to the living room.

His eyes widened with surprise. “What the hell is going on?”

Spread out upon the small table near the sofa and fire lay a small meal fit for a king. Where had it come from? Who had made it and how had it gotten here? He wanted to think on it further but hunger drove him to immediately scramble to the feast.

“I don’t know where this came from or who put it here but I sure am thankful,” he mumbled as he ravenously devoured the miniature banquet. No explanation existed. The gods must be watching after him. Then again, perhaps he still lay outside in the snow dying and he was but dreaming. He didn’t care.


A woman’s voice called to him as the fire crackled and sparked.

He stopped in mid-sip of his wine and spun his head around. He knew no one was here but him so where had the voice come from? He ran a hand over the grip of his gun then relaxed taking another deep swallow of his drink. It felt like smooth, liquid fire sliding down his throat and curling into his belly.

He finished his meal then reached for the poker repositioning the logs before adding a couple more. The heat surrounded him while the warmth of fine wine and a full belly eased his mind causing his lids to become heavy. He leaned back with his hand still positioned on the grip and dozed off.

The hearth glowed wildly with life and a loud crack sent an ember flying out onto the floor before his boots. It burst into a flame that began to grow. It didn’t catch and spread but remained contained as it slowly blazed and flickered morphing before the sleeping man. Only moments later and the growing flame took on the shape of a naked woman.

Her eyes glowed with unrequited passion while her blazing hair blew wildly about.

She leaned forward and lightly touched upon his leg without burning him. “Hunter, my love,” she whispered.

Now her body shaped more finely with the fire still burning and glowing but on the outline only. She ran her hand up his leg past his waist and onto his chest. He sighed in sleep. “Emily…”

With tender ease of her slender fingers, she scorched the clothes from his body bit by bit from the shirt he wore all the way to his boots. Wisps of smoke curled between them rising to play across her soft nipples. She sighed with need.

Her heated fingers trailed across his broad chest, down his waist, and onto his sleeping cock. Without warning, his eyes fluttered open hazy from exhaustion and the wine to see the silhouette of an enticing woman bending over him outlined only by the fire– undressing and touching to her heart’s desire.

He grabbed her wrist halting her hand upon his meat. “Who are you?”

She smiled in response grasping and caressing him until he hardened for want. He moaned and reached a hand up to touch an enticing breast. Her hot nipple hardened as he squeezed and rolled it between his fingers. Her lips parted as she sighed then she knelt, leaning forward and took his lips with her own needy ones. His hands took on a mind of their own exploring her soft and so very willing skin.
At first her kiss skimmed tenderly but quickly deepened more demanding while she continued to move her hand up and down across his hardened cock. She ran a thumb over his moistened cockhead while her tongue dueled with his own…demanding his response.

He attempted to clear his head and separated their lips just a fraction. “Who are you?”

She squeezed his dick hard and a groan escaped him as he pushed his hips toward her throbbing from her experienced manipulations.
“You know me, love. It’s been awhile and I need you so badly.”

Her lips moved down to press searing kisses upon his neck and down his throat while her other hand explored his body as though she owned it. His breathing quickened. It had been a long time since a woman had touched him in such a way…

Her moist tongue darted out trailing to a hardened male bud as she slowly circled it before sucking one in. He gasped with pleasure thrusting his hips up against her hand even harder. She moved to lower her thighs over his lap and lifted a leg placing her pussy directly over his cock. He held his breath in anticipation. She moved his head between her soft labia and rubbed back and forth over her wet honey hole covering him with her sweet nectar. He moaned loudly.

“Do you like that? Do you want me?”

He made to move but she pressed her hand against his chest. “Not yet.”

She lowered her body further making just his head enter her. She squeezed upon him hard.

“Oh yes. Take me,” he growled reaching up and kneading her ass.

A soft laugh escaped her lips and played wickedly across his spine. Her laugh sounded so deliciously familiar. She pulled his face to her breasts and he eagerly devoured the rosy peaks nipping and suckling to his hearts content. Now a moan escaped her lips as she closed her eyes while her head rolled back. With an evil grin, he took full advantage and yanked her down upon his powerful dick. With a hard thrust, he forced his meat into and along her wet path hitting her hot core.

She cried out flinging her head forward and grabbed at his shoulders digging her nails in. The pain felt exquisite and he grabbed her hips digging his own fingers in while he picked up thrusting speed.

“Oh yes, fill me Hunter. Take it like you own it,” she begged riding him as she positioned a leg outside each hip. She jolted up and down upon him as he slammed into her depths causing her nether lips to repeatedly bang against his base while her breasts bounced wildly to his fucking. Without warning, he flipped her over onto the couch so that now he was on top. He dug his heels in and lifting her legs onto his shoulders, he savagely plowed into her wet, inviting flesh.

“Lady, I don’t know who you are but you’re mine for the night,” he growled breathlessly.

Sexual heat surrounded them as she cried out in joy. “Oh yes, Hunter. Fuck me. Take me! Make me yours!”

He didn’t notice her calling his name or he would have wondered how she knew it. All he knew was that below him lay a seductress that needed to be fucked just as much as he needed to fuck her.

He brutally used her willing and luscious flesh. She clawed into his back sending shooting pain down his body but the pain felt wickedly wonderful.

“I’m cuming, oh God, I’m cuming,” she cried out arching her back.

He watched in the dim light as her nipples peaked and she shuddered then the obvious rush of liquid heat surrounded his cock. He continued slamming into her depths shaking the couch and violently jolting them about. Her scent filled him and he inhaled deeply. He couldn’t help himself as the pleasurable tingling swirled in his balls then shot through his hard-on and exploded from his head. He yelled out thrusting his hips forward several more times as he unloaded his seed deep into her body.

For some time, he lay atop and in her not wanting to move and possibly destroy this dream. But the circumstances had been strange. He reached a hand up and buried his fingers into her hair moving her head to bring her shadowed eyes to his.

“Who are you?”

He moaned as she tantalizingly tightened her body upon him.

“Look deeper into my eyes and tell me who I am,” a smile curled the edge of her lips. A smile that he had seen somewhere before.
“I’m not sure that I know you but I do know that I like what we just did.”

She took his hand in hers and ran it along the length of her body then brought their connected hands lower to feel along their wet connection.
“Does this remind you of anything?”

It did. He yanked his hand away but she snatched it back making him wrap his fingers along with hers around his cock to caress its length and their connection.

“No. It’s the wine playing with my mind…”

“And does wine make you cum so well,” she teased throatily continuing with the caresses.

“Then it’s a dream. To have eaten such a strangely wonderful meal and now to have a hot-blooded woman lying beneath me…it’s just too fantastic.”

“It’s not a dream.”

“I’ve died in the blizzard then.”

“No, you are quite alive and in a most delicious way,” she growled squeezing tightly upon him again. His cock slowly hardened in response.

“Who are you? This place has been obviously abandoned yet not abandoned. Is this your place?”

“You could say that,” she replied running her fingers across his heated skin.

Her touch sent sparks through his body and into his soul. She felt so good against him and he felt so amazing buried in her. If only he could see her better within the firelight. The edge of her silhouette seemed to glow with the very light of the fire from the hearth. He moved his hips forward pressing deeper as his cock awakened from its short rest then lowered his chest upon her voluptuous breasts.

Her skin felt hot and inviting making him want to bury his entire body into her.

He stared into her hidden eyes trying to glimpse who she might be. The only discernable thing was the wicked smile that she offered back.

“Hmm, I see that you are hungry for my flesh again. Well, take it…take it any way you like it, love.”

At her words, fire swirled down his spine and settled into the pit of his belly. The invitation couldn’t be any plainer than that. And he never was a man who could turn down any good opportunity.

“Lady, maybe you shouldn’t have made that offer because there is much that I need and much that I can take.”

Her smile faltered only momentarily as she bit her bottom lip. Hunter grinned at the reaction and knew he completely had her.

Then without a word, she positioned her legs up and draped them over his shoulders while still impaled. “Seems we are both in need so…take me.”

The open comment surprised him, nevertheless, he moved deeper and plunged feeling himself hit her core.

“Oh my God,” she gasped moving with him.

“Do you like that?”

“Very much. Don’t stop Hunter.”

With another thrust, he picked up speed.

The fire blazed fiercely in the hearth. He turned his head toward it until she drew it back with firm, warm fingers.

“Oh, I need you so much,” she groaned. Her skin seemed to mimic the light from the fireplace.

His brows furrowed as the flames grew behind them warming his backside quite oddly. However, the light began to uncover his temptress’s identity. He continued taking her while he bent down nibbling at her lips bending her in half. Their bodies rocked savagely while all the while he waited for what he hoped would be the inevitable.

He didn’t expect what happened next.

As they continued to rock together in sensual, liquid motion, her skin began to glow exposing her identity.

His heart flew to his throat. “Emily, how…”

“Shhh, my love. I’ve searched for you for so long…”

He couldn’t stop the lovemaking as his heart exploded with joy. Her heat deepened and tiny flames began to lick at her skin. He should fear her but he didn’t. She had died yet now she lay beneath him…his long lost love.

“How, how can this be,” he groaned feeling the wet heat swallow him as she arched her back, eyes fluttering shut in bliss then released herself upon him.

“I’m not sure. But I’m here to take you with me. Will you come with me, my dear husband?” She panted with effort.

Flames now danced fiercely upon her body with wisps reaching out to touch him but he felt no pain. All he felt was the loving passion that surrounded him. Had he died?

“Hunter, will you come to me for eternity? I need your answer now,” she pressed her hips hard against him in emphasis.

Only one answer existed.

“Yes. Take me, love. Take me,” he moaned burying his face into her neck and hair. Tears flowed from his eyes but evaporated upon her skin.

They stilled for a moment as she placed her hands upon his head and brought him away to face her. “Kiss me, Hunter. Kiss me and make the pain and loneliness go away. Prove your love.”

Eagerly, his head dipped as he kissed her with a fierceness that took their breaths away. He devoured her essence then began thrusting again to claim what was his, had always been his. She in turn, initiated the taking as she wrapped her arms possessively about him. Flames danced across her skin in brilliant colors then spread to his body in torrential swirls. She assured no pain.

“Don’t be afraid, love. It is only a brief transition.”

“As long as I’m with you, I don’t care.”

Their hearts raced feverishly against each other and lips met in mutual need. They were never meant to be apart.

He continued making love to her as fire spread across both of them engulfing, teasing, promising. Soon they seemed as one - burning gloriously together until their bodies no longer had form. The fire spread engulfing everything in its path as it sped across furniture and onto the walls. Only moments later and the entire cottage blazed upon the snow.

But not a soul witnessed the tempestuous fire and it didn’t matter. The distinct laughter of their reunited souls filled the air and as the roar of the fire continued, so did their passion on into eternity.

© Copyright 2011 McKinzie S. Heart (UN: mckinziesheart at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
McKinzie S. Heart has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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