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Required journal entries for Language and Culture class at Baker
#730035 added August 13, 2011 at 11:19pm
Restrictions: None
Journal 9: Language and Writing
I couldn't imagine a life without the ability to write. How could I possibly express myself? If I didn't have the written word, I know I'd have to do what the Aztec's did and create one myself. My poetry might be bad drawings then, but I don't think I could go without it. I can't imagine not having a book to read. Sitting around a campfire listening to stories is fun, but not the same thing as cuddled undera blanket with a cup of hot cocoa and a good book. I certainly would not be the same without a writing system. I would have to speak more if I could not write things down. I'd use a tape recorder to write possibly. Audiobooks would the "in" thing. What would all my favorite author's have done without the ability to write things down? Stories would change all the time. Imagine how much different the circle series would be if Ted Dekker had to keep reciting it orally! It might never end! The impact on language would be immeasurable. I'm going to have to agree, I don't think I could truely fathom it. Or even want to. "I sing because I'm happy, I sing because I'm free, His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me." You can hear the passion in singers voices about the ability to raise their voice in song. That is how I feel about the ability to write. I write whether or not I'm happy, I write to find some peace, I write to God or to myself, because writing is me.

268 words
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