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by Gee1
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #1796431
Horror/Romantic fiction
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#729710 added August 3, 2011 at 6:27pm
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Blood destiny: Raine
  Blood destiny: Raine 

{ The king paced as his mate wailed in anguish. Verrena was the strongest female he had ever met so he knew by her wails that the pains she bore were no ordinary birthing pains. Dear goddess, he wished he could spare her this pain. His fangs elongated as his mate gave one final blood curdling wail that was immediately replaced by a shrill roar. His son. His son was finally here and healthy by the sound of it.  He entered the room eager to embrace his female, eager to kiss her perfect lips, to breathe words of love and honor. The slave girl, Willa eyed him with her usual adoring gaze. " Your son, sire," she said, presenting the babe for his inspection. " Willa!", the queen suddenly wailed. " Come quickly!" To Willa's horror, another head was breaching the queen's womb. Abomination, she thought as he all but forced himself into the world. She could smell it on him, this child, this second child was as his mother was. He was an abomination, not Vampire like their proud, beautiful father, not like Willa herself but Lycan, a wolf, a beast just like it's mother. She wrapped him carefully, careful not to allow it to touch her and carried it from the room. Neither mother nor father saw her leave, so happy were they, so cocooned in the warmth of their love. " You have honored me with, not one but two strong sons, my love, I am greatly pleased," he said, an arrogant grin lighting his beautiful face. " Yes, my love..." The queen sniffed the air instinctively, something was amiss. " Fury? Where is Willa? Where is Raine? Where is my son?" Her eyes glowed and only the blood loss from the birthing prevented her taking her Lycan form and hunting Willa down. " Fury! Find Willa! Find my son!" {                                                                                                              His second raced outside, tracking Willa by the trail of fear that she left in her wake. He fought a nagging sense of foreboding doom as he noticed the direction the slave had taken. She was headed to the Forbidden Forest. Rumors abounded about the forest and about the beasts that prowled it. Large man-like beasts, more animal than human that walked upright and preyed upon the humans that lived on the outskirts. Suddenly, he saw her. She was being mauled by the largest dog-like creature he had ever seen. It's large teeth gnashed and gnawed through Willa's throat with relish. Skye drew his sword and in one mighty arc, severed the creature's head from it's body. Astonishingly, the creature seemed to shrink right in front of him until it took human form. In it's hand was a blanket, a blanket that bore the king's seal, a bloody, crimson colored blanket that did not bode well for the young prince. The young Prince, Skye feared was lost to them. Fury's howl of pain was preceded by the Queen's tortured scream{ She could not seem to stop the howls of pain and grief that issued from her. She was inconsolable. Fury, king of the vampires felt his heart break as his mate grieved. He could not reach her, she was as lost to him as his son was. Raine, son of Fury, the last pureblood vampire was dead, mauled to death by an unholy creature. Storm, his other son wailed in his basket as if he sensed his mother's grief and his father's pain. " Be still, my son, all will be well." Skye ran to kneel at his king's feet. " Rise Skye, let us cast aside these formalities."    " Sire, there is a chance that the boy lives." Fury lunged at him, fangs bared. " A human woman from the village, tells a tale, a most remarkable tale of a she-wolf fighting a creature from the forest for a child who did not cry even as the creature killed the slave. The woman says the wolf sniffed the child and carried it away as the creature killed the slave." The queen stopped wailing. She had a smile on her lovely face as she walked towards the warriors. " Skye, did you say a wolf took my son, that she smelled him and then took him?"  Skye nodded simply. " Aye, my lady, that is what the human witnessed." " He lives, my love. Fury! Our son lives!" She ran to him and Skye looked away as the king and queen embraced...passionately. " We will find him, Verenna. He will be with us once more."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
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