What a different perspective you get walking. I stepped out my front door and saw a toad at my feet. It was a plump one. Maybe, the size of a golf ball. It jumped under some daffodils. . I've never thought walking was unusual. But, it seems that way now in Maine. We have stop checks. The police will question you if you are walking. They want identification. Most of the time they recognize me. I've noticed new traffic signs. The sign is blue with white letters and says, "Evacuation Route." Odd, no one told me we were evacuating? I've noticed many critters have been left on the side of the road. I even saw a dead deer. I called my friend to collect this fresh meat on my cell phone. I get the feeling there is a storm coming or some other.. calamity. Animals get restless when something like that is coming. It just doesn't feel right. We had a peat moss fire. The fire department was called. That can be caused by cigarettes or extreme heat. Most folks don't know there is a dormant volcanic rift off York beach. I swear the planet is shifting its mantel. That could explain the odd animal behavior. I don't think Maine has ever had a tsunami. It has had flooding and earth quakes. Let's assume that the coast has to be evacuated. Where to? Canada? These roads aren't large enough for that much traffic. The best exit would be on foot into the woods. It would take more time and planning. You can't stop off at a restaurant in the middle of a hike. I think the Huron tribe is around here. They might help out. Ponderous.... |