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You never know what you'll find - humor, ramblings, rants, randomness- it's all me! |
If life had a "redo" or "rewind" button would you use? If so, what situation comes to mind? If not, why? What if life was a cassette player? Again, I'm showing my age. For you youngsters, google it. It was after 8 tracks and before CDs. When I first thought of this prompt, I was convinced I wouldn't use a rewind button on life, because who we are is made up of all our experiences. But to be honest, I'd use ALL the buttons. Rewind Moments: Plenty of moments come to mind, but I won't bore you with all of them. How about 2? One sad, one happy? 1. Just a couple of weeks ago, we had gone to the vet for my puppy, Bella. She had an infection and we got some medicine. After giving it to her, I set it in the middle of the kitchen table. Something in my head said to put it in a cabinet, but I didn't listen. Bella's a tiny dog. I got her from the pound; they think she's a pug/chihuahua mix. With her size, I told myself it was a safe place for the medicine. I was wrong. I don't know how she got to it, but she did. She ate it all, and I watched my best friend die at the animal emergency hospital. The guilt I have mixed with the grieve is beyond explanation. Rewind . . . be more responsible . . . bring my Bella back. 2. Giving birth to my son. I know that sounds strange. The pain and all, but I didn't think it was that bad of pain, and he was a big boy. I'd just like to rewind it,and experience it again to see his face for the first time again; capture each new look in my mind, feel the kind of love you can only experience with a child. Don't get me wrong, I love every moment with him, but I had know idea the extent of love I could feel, so in some ways I think I didn't take fully comprehend the miracle that was happening. Rewind . . . Hello, Reese . . . This is going to be fun. Fast Forward: Okay, we all have to admit there are moments we would fast forward - getting a shot, being yelled at by the boss, heart break, etc. I'm trying to think of something witty here and it's just not coming. Oh, I know a fast forward moment - it's not witty though. When you take teacher certification tests, you don't get the results for over a month. It sucks! I would fast forward those results so that I know whether to celebrate or bang my head against the wall. Ohhhh and I would fast forward through all commercials on So You Think You Can Dance and Criminal Minds. Record: Well, life pretty much does have a record button. . . .It's called memories. However, I've noticed I'm losing more than I thought I was. It seems in the past year over and over I've been asked, "Remember that time . . . .?" and my answer is a confused look and a 'no'. It's pretty bad when don't even vaguely remember it. I thought for awhile people were just messing with me. But not that many people could have the time to screw with my mind. Pause: I would pause that moment where you are laying in the arms of someone you love, feeling safe, loved, content, and like the rest of the world doesn't exist. Wait...... Who is the mushy person typing? That doesn't sound like me at all. Holy Hat, is blogging actually making me show various sides of myself? This could be dangerous. I'm glad there isn't an erase button on a cassette player. I don't think there was anyway. I'd hate to have to think that deeply right now. Thanks for reading! audra |