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Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1777075
When Caer finds herself kidnapped she has to rely on a dangerous man
#724149 added May 17, 2011 at 2:34pm
Restrictions: None
XXI: Brannigan
"You can't be serious." Caer said after she gained control of herself. There was no way the news he was bringing her was real. He was just trying to get to her. But what reason does he have?

"I'm being serious. You've heard about the killings. The last one had your picture and a note that said, 'She's Next'." Garrett ran his hand through her hair and down her cheek. "It's Toby. You know that right? I didn't connect it until after he attacked you. There have been attacks on beautiful women with blonde hair and green eyes for three years that they've managed to connect. It's gotten much more frequent recently. He's after you."

Ever particle of her being was telling her that what he said was right, that she was in danger. But at the same time, she didn't want to believe it. She had left thought of Toby and his brutal assault for her nightmares, and now they were encroaching on her reality. "No. You told me you took care of him. You told me he wouldn't bother me any more!" She yelled at him. Not knowing what to think.

In his presence she felt an odd calm. A sense of security that she couldn't latch onto the source. As comforting as the feelings were she didn't want to feel them, not from him. She had erased him from her life. Gone on as though he had never existed. And she had been perfectly content. Well, almost perfectly. Aside from the nights alone she had never realized how lonely she was, the ice cream she had inhaled after she had come home, the weight she had gained from her cooking, and the memories that still haunted her, she was perfect.

Garrett hated seeing the fear in her eyes. She was so fragile and to know that she was in danger, made him sick. The moment he had heard the news about the photo, he had quickly come up with a plan. She would need protection. Protection that the local police couldn't handle. He didn't want her to be killed because of insolent law enforcement officers. Granted, he had friends that were rather high up in government locals, ones that he had made recently, but ones that he was sure would ensure him safety in many ways.

"Duchess," He said, placing his hands on her shoulders, wanting to pull her into his arms and tell her how much he missed her. "I made a mistake with Toby. At the time I thought I was doing something right. He saved my life once, and I thought I couldn't kill him, else I'd be forever in his debt." He took a deep steadying breath. "I don't want you to get hurt. I want to protect you. Please, will you let me?"

Looking down at her, he realized that she was actually considering the idea. For this he rejoiced that she was willing to give him a little bit of consideration. However, before he could get her answer, the buzzer sounded on her apartment. Glaring at him she said pointedly. "We have those for a reason. Use it next time." His heart lept at the thought that she was considering that there would be a next time. A time when he would have the opportunity to legally speak to her. A time when she would actually want to speak to him.

"Hello?" She asked depressing the button.

"Ms. Ash, there are two police men here to speak to you." The doorman said in his rather superior butler voice. "I have checked their credentials, called the police station they are based, and spoke to their lieutenant. These men are who they say they are. Shall I send them up?" There was a hint of distain in his voice as he spoke of them. She guessed that they had not stated their business.

She hesitated. It would be so easy just to tell him that she was busy, or to have him direct them to come back another time, but she knew she was just delaying the inevitable. "Yes, send them up. I'll get this over with quickly. Did they say their business?"

"No. They will not tell me anything." Just as I thought.

"Alright. Thank you." She took her hand off the button and turned back to Garrett. "How do you get past the doorman?"

He grinned like the Cheshire cat and shook his head. "A magician never reveals his secrets." Dipping down in an elaborate bow, he swept his hand from his head and out, as though removing a top hat.

Caer rolled her eyes not impressed with his theatrics. He was in a much more lighthearted mood than she remembered him ever being in. Especially since the circumstances that brought them together again were just as dire and possibly just as painful. At least she would be in an environment that she would be able to control. And she meant to keep it that way. She was going to make sure that the detectives that were here to talk her knew that she intended on staying here. And that if she wasn't at her apartment and wasn't answering her phone, then something was wrong.

She was glad when the men knocked on her door. She knew the news they were bringing was going to be the same as what Garrett brought, but somehow it would seem more real when they told her, she was sure. It wouldn't diminish the fear. Even now, not really knowing one hundred percent if the news they brought was the same, she still felt fear.

There was a painful tightness in her chest coupled with the heartburn-like stomach ache she had, Caer was miserable. She had her answer from the detectives the moment she opened her door and saw the recognition, mixed with the pity, and the determination.

She hated sad movies. Always had, and always would.

Caer sat on the corner of the couch, her head laying on the arm rest, her legs extended into Garrett's lap. Titanic was playing on TV, a special on Lifetime for everyone who loved a classic love story. Poor Jack had given up his life for Rose. If that isn't love, I don't know what is! Caer thought absently as the tears ran down her face and Rose let her lover go, watching him sink into the ocean. It was a terrible movie, and she didn't know why she even watched it.

Okay, if she was being honest with herself, she had watched it to piss Garrett off. He had refused to leave her alone in her apartment. "If I can get past the doorman and security without trouble, then Toby can." It was a compelling argument. At least it would be if there wasn't an armed policeman on twenty-four hour watch in front of the elevators on both the lobby floor and hers.

Since there were only two apartments on Caer's floor it made it easier for security. Less pedestrian traffic and Sylvia was more than happy to have her guests screened. She had become slightly over protective of Caer since she had come back home. She and Howard had stayed at her apartment so that, in case of an emergency, they were close. They were also engaged.

It was always satisfying when two people that she set up got married. They were a cute couple. Perfect for each other and totally in love. She had watched them progress in their relationship much more closely than she had some of the others. They reminded her of Uncle Wes and Aunt Urma. Whenever they caught a glimpse of the other in a toaster reflection, passing in the hallway, or if they were just sitting together, they would smile and find some way to make physical contact.

To be so completely in love like they were would be amazing, Caer always thought when she watched them. They weren't afraid to do silly things for each other, Howard wasn't afraid to bring home flowers and some little gift that would make Sylvia squeal and quickly blush. She wanted to experience that. To fully enjoy another person so fully that she wanted to spend the rest of her life and beyond with him.

Looking down the couch she saw the person that had come close once, but he was going to have to prove himself again.

© Copyright 2011 Meradee (UN: lilliepa416 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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