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Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1777075
When Caer finds herself kidnapped she has to rely on a dangerous man
#724136 added May 17, 2011 at 1:59pm
Restrictions: None
VIII: Solace
"Come on Duchess." He whispered in her ear. Her head was pillowed on his chest, shivers still wracking her body as the tears continued to fall. Somewhere deep inside, the logical part of her brain, she knew she should be trying to move away from this man. He was, after all, just as terrifying as the storm raging outside. "Calm down, you're okay. You're inside, safe from the storm." He said kindly, running his hand down her hair.

Caer felt the comfort she so desperately wanted. This man was holding her, giving her a sense of security that, while very comforting, was much different than the comfort of her mother. She couldn't, however, find fault with the way her skin reacted as he held her. It felt good, right, as if she belonged there, in his arms...

Stupid! She chided herself. Fear is doing funny things to your brain. When have you ever fallen for a pretty face? Especially a pretty face that kidnapped you, duct taped your mouth, and shoved you in a trunk for several hours. The first thing you need to do when you get out of here is get your head checked. No matter how much the voice in her head chastised her, she couldn't let go of the physical enjoyment of having his body so close to hers in such a non-sexual way.

She decided then that if Garrett had tried to force himself on her, tried to even touch her in a suggestive way without her consent, she would have resented him. This, this was...What was this? She wondered. It was a demonstration of the man he really was inside, Caer finally concluded. He may have kidnapped her, forcibly removed her from her neighbors home, almost suffocated her with duct tape and attached her to a floor. But his actions had a purpose. Hopefully a good one. She didn't know how deep the rivers of forgiveness ran within her own mind, but she wasn't sure she could handle a creepy reason.

If he had a creepy reason, she thought, like gang rape, wouldn't they have acted already? Caer hadn't seen any of the other men since she was removed from the trunk after her less than epic escape attempt.

Escape. The concept was a fleeting possibility. Not with the knowledge that Garret could hear her from where ever he was. She certainly hoped there weren't any security cameras in the room. If there were she would be mortified. She did have to use the restroom in here, she had no other choice. I will have to experiment. She thought. Tomorrow will be the perfect opportunity to see if they're seeing into the room with electronic eyes.

All thoughts of running away dissipated as Garrett started stroking her cheek. His calloused hand sent tingles through her entire body. Good tingles, ones that made her drowsy, and soon sent her into the blessedly welcome oblivion of sleep.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Her breathing evened out, the tears stopped, the shivers stilled, and the horrible keening sound she had been making, which he was certain she wasn't aware was coming from her, was silent, and she was relaxed. He felt intense relief, knowing that she was no longer suffering in consciousness. He ran his hand down her cheek one last time, enjoying the silky feel of her flawless skin. Wiping away the tears that stained her cheeks he felt his heart clench. Something had caused her reaction, what, he had no idea, but he meant to find out.

Seeing her green eyes filled with terror had nearly lost it. A completely rash reaction, one that surprised him. Feelings this intense were new to him. He had had plenty of relationships, none of them had really amounted to anything, but never in any of them had he felt even a fraction that he had then. Emotions and attachments were dangerous in his business. They were a weakness that, if anyone caught wind of, could be used against him. For her sake, he told himself vehemently, don't let yourself feel this, you don't want her to get hurt!

Realizing the direction of his thoughts he found horror. Was he actually contemplating letting this girl go, letting her out into the world where she would start the search for him. All of his plans would be ruined, everything wood be destroyed and he couldn't let that happen, not even for these crazy emotions.

Sylvia's limp body was easy to manipulate as he got her into the cot. As he adjusted the shackle so it wouldn't be a hindrance should she wake in the night, he noticed a scar just above it. Three inches long it proclaimed of a former injury that must have been painful. I wonder where it happened... He asked himself before realizing that he was letting his emotions compromise his plans. His resolve would need some work, but he needed to distance himself from her.

Who are you kidding Garret? You know you'll never be able to stay away from her.

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