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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/721152-Excellence
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#721152 added April 1, 2011 at 11:25am
Restrictions: None

The run time for the stuff I write is about a month. I get views for about thirty days and then it slows to a trickle…then for the next six months I get a slower trickle before it drops off to almost nothing….Unless it gets picked up on the random read generator and a few more crop up. I have been here now for two years and a typical write has 30 views the first month, 40 the first six months and 50 the first year….something in that ballpark…I haven’t done the actual statistics nor do I intend to… I think views are the best indicator if something you write (as I’ve said before) is working, although I have friends here who don’t agree.

Having burried what I’m about to say in the above statement, I 'm going to make a statement that violates one of my cardinal principles…(hush now don’t want to awaken the wrong folks) This is to never say something that I’m uncomfortable seeing posted on the church bulletin board. It has to do with one of my favorite cousins who has a passion for art and sadly, no aptitude…. You can see why I hesitate to say this because he will know who I’m referring to if he ever reads this blog and it will hurt his feelings because we are friends. Still I don’t think there is much chance of this happening because nobody reads this blog anyway.

Anyway the reason I bring this up is for a number of reasons. I like to define things that many people think are difficult to define…Like Leadership…My definition is that Leadership is knowing best and getting others to do it. Thus you can see it has a two component definition and anyone trying to define it in a single component will fail….thus the difficulty in defining it. This leads to the point of this blog….It is the word Excellence…It suffers from the same malady as Leadership…..It has a two component definiton and thus has that elusive and amorphous quality. Excellence is Passion plus Aptitude….You can’t achieve excellence without passion but passion isn’t enough. You have to have aptitude….Nor is aptitude alone enough….you have to have passion. My cousin has the passion but not the aptitude and everyone knows it but he is such a nice person nobody has ever gotten up the nerve to tell him. Me neither….I am as bad as everyone else….I have however done something that my relatives haven’t….I have told him where his aptitude lies. He is resonance oriented rather than light oriented….I.e. he needs to be a writer and not a drawer….The things he describes are absolutely beautiful.

I see this all the time….I see it here on WDC….Several examples come to mind which I won’t use because it might get back to some extremely passionate and appitudinal writers….(I made up that word) They are simply caught up in the wrong things and are not matching their aptitudes with the strength of their talents…. I probably said too much but if they happen to read this and confront me I will swear I wasn’t referring to them….I already have some evasive answers up my sleeve…. The point to this baring of my soul is to simply say that if your aptitude is not in alignment with your passion then maybe you ought to realign….duh! I say duh! Because it’s obvious to me and these are intelligent people I’m talking about…why hasn’t it dawned on them yet after walking around on this planet for a not miniscule period of time is the perplexing questions of why we are always the last to know.

Now I suppose everyone who reads this will think I am referring to them and will be totally off base… I am referring to nobody who has ever responded to this blog…

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/721152-Excellence