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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#720718 added March 28, 2011 at 8:34am
Restrictions: None
The Two Tube Theory
The Two Tube Theory

I was out tonight walking the dogs…It is still cold…First I had to fill the wood stove…I am about out because it has been a long cold winter…Started in October and the snow is still on the ground. That’s where the last of the wood is too, frozen solid…I have to take a sledge hammer and bust it loose and then into the wheelbarrow it goes for the trip to the stove.

Once the stove is filled I go into the garage and get the cat bowls…I have three walk ons….ugly cats but they really like me…or maybe they remember what it was like to be hungry and I bring the food…

Anyway once that chore is done I walk the dogs and on a clear crisp night the stars are bright and the moon is shining. I got to thinking as I looked up into the sky about what a long trip that twinkle of light had to reach my eye. It started out thrown from a nuclear furnace and traveled a long time to get here. And what assurance did it have that I’d be looking up when it did. Think about that trip across space at a velocity we can hardly imagine, all those silent nights until it twinkled into my eye.

A poet on WDC got me to thinking about being connected. That just because we don’t get much feedback we sometimes think we aren’t. I have this pet theory that we are instruments of God Creation….Tools if you will…In the beginning was the WORD….I believe that…a resonance or a vibration…and the word was GOD….he came vibrating like a bumble bee…and said, let there be light….Talk about a big bang! But you know it takes more than talk to create the universe and he must have had a bag of tools and I speculate that one of those was life and he uses life in all its wondrous form to the purpose of his creation…pretty heavy don’t you think?

Sometimes we don’t really know how we’re being manipulated but we are…pecking away like little chickens doing his work and not even realizing it.

Think about it. When do we sense God’s presence….When we're really hurting or when we're really elated….That’s when we get on his frequencies…Think about it this way…Imagine life is a tube inside a tube. The outer tube leads to a dimension where God is and the inner tube is the world we live in. In the outer tube are holes drilled about a third of the way down and the inner tube has a hole in the middle. For the holes to align the tubes have to be turned right and the inner one needs to reach high or fall low… In that way the holes align and the spirit passes from one to the other….Like a frackin valve.

Now I can prove this by pointing out two gospel hymns that were surely inspired by God….The words are so powerful and evocative that there is no way they simply came to mind. One is the battle hymn of the Republic…It is almost euphoric…Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord…he is tramping out the vintage where the grapes of wraths are stored…it goes on and on, from one breathtaking image to the next without pause for about five stanzas…The woman who wrote it was on a definite high…

Then there is the other that comes to mind . It is born of the lowest of lows…It is equally as evocative and powerful but it comes from the bottom of the tube….the orifice we can only attain when we are about to hit rock bottom….Amazing grace how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me…I once was lost but now am found was blind and now I see….

Mankind has gotten too comfortable…we bob about through life like the a half filled reservoir on a commode….Seldom are we flushed and seldom do we over flow we just bob up and down a little…As our technology enable us to raise up the scale of Maslow’s needs we no longer experienced the highs and lows that our creator intended and the regular communications that once existed in a stressed out human species balanced on the precarious edge of extinction were lost in the shoals of our comfort zone….and that is where we spend most of our lives, thinking we have it made…cut off from our creator.

I used to have a prayer….spare me lord from harsh testing…until I woke up one night to the chilling words….“Why? are you tired of talking to me Percy?“

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