Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/718600-Chapter-8
Rated: 13+ · Book · Fantasy · #1752853
Lyllian is forced to confront not only her prejudices, but also herself
#718600 added February 25, 2011 at 1:39pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 8
That evening Lyllian declined supper, preferring to remain secluded as she tried to rationalize the events from Naldell’s story. She found sleep eluded her most of the night as she just couldn’t justify the savage acts the mashari had committed according to Naldell’s rendition of events.  She attempted to convince herself that his words were a fabrication of lies, that there was some other explanation for his grievous condition, but she had seen the pain in his eyes as he recalled memories best forgotten. She couldn’t imagine the torment of listening to your loved one scream and being unable to act, nor could she comprehend being an outcast in your own homeland.

When slumber did overcome her, it was not restful, deep sleep; nightmares plagued her throughout the night. Upon daybreak she retired early from her bed and reflected further on the incident. She was confident that Naldell had no motives for deceitfulness, which left her with only one conclusion, and that realization left her with a feeling of foreboding. The marshari were supposed to be honorable and virtuous warriors, slaying evil without mercy. She had seen no wickedness in the bookkeeper and his wife, and even if she had, the fact that the marshari purposely prolonged the suffering of the enemy was not a noble action.

*            *            *

Unlike Lyllian, David found sleep came effortlessly after numerous late nights spent handling a delicate situation involving a new nation of misfits to the northeast led by some idiot named Tezka Seyvil. It had been in his experience that most races were innately peaceful, but demons appeared to have maliciousness ingrained into them. Although Seyvil declared his intentions amicable, only time would tell what this newly self-appointed demon lord's true motives were.

Now feeling well rested, David made it a priority that morning to feed. It had been over a week since he had last fed and it showed; he was unusually pale and cantankerous, lacking his usual composure and bearing. He proceeded towards the dungeons where, upon entering, his senses were accosted with odors of mold and decay which always seemed to accompany such dark places. Ignoring the pungency of unwashed human bodies, he continued his way to the back where only the most deplorable criminals were confined and randomly picked a cell.

Having chosen his victim he entered the cell in a deliberate manner and abruptly assailed the vampyre inside before he had time to comprehend his impending doom. David sank his teeth deep in the fiend's neck, sawing back and forth a little to increase the rate of the blood flow as he indulged in his dark thirst. At first his prey struggled, but it was in vain; he was in David's iron grip unable to escape. In his anticipation David had evidently lacerated the flesh too deeply; the blood was coming out faster than he was able to ingest it. This did not concern him; despite being rather messy he would still be satisfied by the end of the episode.

He had no scruples in what he was, and he relished in the euphoria that resulted from sedating his hunger. He observed the thoughts and memories of his victim coming to him in flashes as the blood warmed his belly and made him stronger. Eventually the blood began to slow; the man’s heartbeat grew weak before ceasing completely.  A low moan of sexual pleasure escaped his lips as he let the corpse slip from his embrace. He closed his eyes and savored the ecstasy and intoxication which overwhelmed his senses.

After what seemed like eons he recovered enough to register his surroundings as he opened his eyes. He dispassionately noticed that his clothes were covered in blood, all in all a rather sloppy feeding.  As David went to reach for the cell door, he noticed the nails of his hands were extended into claws. He promptly withdrew his hand and willed himself back into his more human form and once he obtained his composure, he left the corpse in a puddle of its own blood and instructed the guards to dispose of the body.

After meticulously grooming himself and changing his clothes, he went to check upon the girl. Given that she had declined supper last night he imagined her to be hungry, so he was sure it would not take much to coax her out of her room to dine with him. He emanated ebullience as he entered her room, but in contrast to his jovial mood he found her in what he was beginning to feel was her normal state of being: reserved and withdrawn. She heard the door shut, but she did not need to turn to see who it was. "How are you feeling today?" came his mellifluous voice from behind her.

"I..." she was staring at the floor, refusing to meet his gaze.

"I am sure you must be hungry, would you join me for breakfast?” he was much more amiable than he had been in their previous engagements.

"You weren't lying,” she stated flatly, ignoring his request. 

"Lying? No."

"And neither was he."     

"He? You mean the book keeper?"


"As far as I know he's always been an honest man.”

"Then be honest with me now. Was that an isolated incident, or have others suffered such a fate because of my people?"

He took a deep breath, regretting that the honest answer would not be an easy one, "I know of numerous other such cases. It is unfortunate."

"I understand, and I believe both of you, which makes me feel ashamed at what my people have done. Naldell and his wife, they were not immoral; I found no evil in our brief meeting. Even if there was, they should not have been made to suffer."

"Do not be too harsh on your compatriots; an individual always believes they are choosing the good, that they are doing the right thing at all times. Otherwise they would not act in the manner in which they do. They suffer from ignorance. That is their great sin."


“Your fellow countrymen,” he kindly clarified.

"I suppose so, Lord Des'kar," taking a deep breath she continued as she lifted her chin to face him, "I have thought long and hard about everything.  I feel perhaps I owe you an apology," she noticed as she finished her sentence that his eyes were an even more intense shade of unnatural blue and his skin, although still pale, had more color to it than the previous day.

He nodded his head to acknowledge her apology, "Of course you would have reacted the way you did, you have known nothing else."

"I also want to thank you. Despite my actions you have been rather kind, especially to someone whom you might have considered an enemy."

"You are welcome. Perhaps we can start over and become friends. I know you have your prejudices, but I challenge you to look around the world and judge for yourself. You may discover, or perhaps you have already observed, an antithetical world from what you have been indoctrinated with."

“Anti-theatric?” she said as she tried to enunciate the word in the same manner and accent as he did.

“Antithetic, “he corrected, “It means contrasting.”

“Oh,” her stomach gave a growl reminding her of her bodily needs.

“Now how about breakfast?” he asked cordially.

She silently nodded her head in agreement.

*            *            *

He held her chair for her and resumed his seat at the head of the breakfast table as Lyllian said a voiceless prayer to Solmyst and Fevla before enjoying the morning meal.  There was a feast laid out before them; biscuits, muffins, bacon, eggs, fruit, nuts, and a plate of several flat, bread-like objects covered in a thick, viscous brown fluid. David set one on her plate which she proceeded to stare at as she decided on whether or not to eat it. Noting her apprehension, he amiably enlightened her as to the nature of the mystery food, “It’s called a pancake, and the brown liquid is syrup. Try it; it is sweet so I think you will like it.”
Lyllian took a small nibble and carefully examined the taste; it was sweet but as she scrutinized the texture she wasn’t sure if she liked it or not. She had another mouthful and after considerable consideration she decided they were absolutely delicious. She greedily inhaled her helping and reached for another. David couldn’t help but chuckle as she reached for another pancake, “I am sorry…” she said turning red as she put it back.

“No no no, by all means take it. I am just pleased to see you like pancakes."

“Do you like pancakes?”

“Yes,” he said simply with a smile as he began piecing on his own plate.

Lyllian watched the refined way he enjoyed his meal and mentally noted that his every move was graceful and controlled. He closed his eyes and groaned in pleasure as he masticated his first bite, “You really do like pancakes,” she observed.

He opened his eyes as he swallowed. “Simplisticly divine," he said with a warm smile, "I like indulging in simple pleasures.”

She sampled a few other items on the table before relishing another serving of pancakes.  As they concluded their meal, Lyllian felt perhaps now was as good a time as any to broach a most important topic, "Lord Des'kar, what are you going to do with me?"

“ That in insightful question,” he intentionally held her in suspense before he continued, “Since you will be remaining here we will need to find a tutor to teach you demarian."


"Yes. Of course, we might as well have them tutor you in other subjects as well, if you have an interest in learning."

"I, well. Um, I'm confused. How long am I staying here? I do not understand."

"I have bestowed something to you I consider extremely precious. That aside you are rather unusual given your present state of being, if you understand my meaning. I would not feel comfortable handing you over to anyone else given your current situation and circumstances; I prefer you remain here," he said charismatically.

"I see. You mean not only because I'm," she struggled to get the words out, "not fully human, but also because you gave me your..." she trailed off too embarassed to finish the sentence.

"You understand correctly. So you might as well make the most of your time here. You will learn demarian, but are you interested in learning other subjects?"

"I never imagined I'd have such an opprotunity before me," she confessed, "I would be quite honored, thank you." 

"Well it is settled then. I will make the arragements."

Author's Notes:
I'll admit, I'm pretty proud of this chapter. Although it was short I put a lot of time and effort into editing it. I feel my writing is drastically improving the further I get into the story, and I will say a dictionary is my best friend. lol
I read somewhere that stated "Its all in the re-write." I think I understand that now, editing really is where the magic happens. The inital draft is like a black and white sketch, and then the re-write and then editing is adding color to the painting.
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