Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/718296-Chapter-5
Rated: 13+ · Book · Fantasy · #1752853
Lyllian is forced to confront not only her prejudices, but also herself
#718296 added February 21, 2011 at 2:58pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 5
Although fatigue was beginning to set in, David continued working through the night completely engrossed in his endeavors, though he eventually set aside his obligations as the darkness began to recede. Glancing out the modest window in his new study he could see the horizon start to illuminate as the sky became painted like fire. Concluded with his written work after hours of tedious work, he was prepared to blissfully spend the morning hours getting caught up on some much needed rest.

Running a hand through his smooth, dark, hair he let out a sigh and proceeded downstairs to his bed. In the afternoon he would have business to tend to; reports would need to be heard and taken into account, disputes would have to be settled, finances would need to be resolved, among other things.

Ensuring the drapes were drawn tight, he slept peacefully through much of the morning and reluctantly rose from his bed early that afternoon. Having received mundane reports on news and intelligence, he next heard from his advisors. Arduously listening to them ramble on about various topics, they deliberated on a few of the more paramount issues which  before he attended to a few other matters which required his personal touch. All business concluded, he decided to retire to the library to employ his free time reading, one of his favorite leisurely activities; however, as he plucked a book from the shelf, he was reminded of the events from the previous evening.  Perhaps I was too harsh...
Taking a deep breath he replaced the book and proceeded to his room, instructing one of the guards to fetch the girl from the slave quarters. "Fetch the girl from the slave quarters?" the guard replied, evidently bewildered as he opened the door for his master.

"Do I really need to repeat my instructions? Retrieve her and bring her here immediately," the annoyance in his voice was unmistakably apparent.

"The same girl from last night, my lord?"

"What other girl would I be referring to? Now, go fetch her and see to it she is brought to me directly."

"Yes my lord," the guard said as he excused himself.

He sat on the sofa, gazing into the fire as he rehearsed silently the best way to mend any lingering tension from the previous evening. An ample amount of time passed, and yet a hush remained in the hallways. His patience was rewarded with the sound of footsteps coming down the hall. Finally.
As they approached he could hear two distinct pairs of footsteps, their gait nearly identical. As they drew closer he could hear that one of them was marginally winded, his heart rate slightly elevated; however, one of the others, he assumed the girl’s, was irregular and erratic and she was gasping for breath. Before they could knock he instructed them to come in, expecting to greet the terran's determination once again with a smile. Instead he was in for a shock; she was being carried by the younger guard, and she would have collapsed upon the elegant tapestry at her feet if her escort had not gingerly assisted her to the floor. Her glazed eyes, swollen and traced with red, failed to register her surroundings. When she attempted to speak her bluish lips parted but she lacked the energy to produce any sound. It was obvious that she drew upon the last of whatever deep inner recesses of strength that remained just to attain air for her lungs."What happened?" he gasped as he moved towards her.

He noted that dirt streaked her skin and clothes, her clothes having a strong odor of - was that what he thought it was? "Where did you fetch her from?"

"The penitentiary, my lord."

"What? Why in Annitear's name would you have sent her there?" quiet fury seethed through his restraint as he spoke.

"We uh-"

"No matter now you fool, I'll deal with you later. Go fetch a doctor, be swift and maybe I'll be merciful," he interjected as he picked her up and gently deposited her on the bed.

He watched her struggle to draw breath as she shivered violently. Sporadically she moaned in agony and distress, apparently ignorant of what was going on around her. By Shatri, what is happening to her?          

He felt partially responsible for her condition, blaming himself for not supplying the guards with more detailed instructions when he had dismissed her yesterday evening. Still, he felt discombobulated as to why they felt the need to lock her up in a place which was generally reserved for the worst of offenders.

Although her smell was revolting, he stayed at her side and attempted to make her more comfortable. She was delirious with fever, and he knew that it could be deadly if left untreated. Pulling his hand away, he muttered profanities under his breath as he opened the window to let in the cool night air. He called for a basin of icy water to be brought up which would served a dual purpose - to clean her off and cool her down. He gently applied the damp cloth to her face, neck, arms, and any other exposed skin as he spoke softly and reassuringly to her that everything would be all right.

He hadn’t realized her condition had been so frail; she initially had seemed for the most part healthy if not a little thin and pale. As he watched the poor girl continue to struggle for survival, he couldn't suppress the guilt that panged him- had he acted more rationally perhaps it could have been avoidable. He wasn't even sure himself why this particular terran made him feel so penitent.

His began to feel perturbed again as it seemed like he had been waiting eons for the doctor to arrive. When the physician did arrive, he hastily examined her and initially thought she was ill with disease. With further investigation, however, it was clear that the cause was indeterminable as her as her symptoms didn't match any affliction that he was familiar with. He prescribed some medication to help bring down the fever, and some herbs that would enable her to rest hoping it would aid in bringing about her recovery.

*                    *                    *

The girl drifted in and out of consciousness, though she never seemed fully cognizant of what was going on around her. The fevers often receded and then returned, though her eyes remained red and swollen and a faint touch of blue never seemed to leave her lips. The physician was called several times, and each time he tried a different remedy but nothing seemed to offer a permanent solution.

David consulted another doctor but all had the same diagnosis. They were unable to determine what the root cause was, and could only try various treatments in hope that they would cure the disorder but her condition only grew worse. One physician prescribed a medication that appeared to work and she seemed on the road to recovery; however, a few hours later she was more ill than ever.

He called the physician once again, and as he helplessly watched the struggling mortal before him he began to grow increasingly disturbed. Her heart beat weakly and unpredictably, slowing considerably at points when her breathing was so shallow he thought she had ceased to draw any breath at all. As he contemplated her deteriorating condition, he ascertained that these were her final moments of life. As the realization occurred to him, he felt a ball of dread form in his stomach. He had to make a decision - either he was going to have to intervene, or she was going to die, and soon, likely before the doctor would have time to arrive.

Abruptly he acted before he could change his mind, sitting next to her and acting expeditiously. Gently he cradled her head in his left arm, watching her eyes flutter but obviously not registering her surroundings. He lacerated his wrist with his teeth, staining the sheets with drops of blood as he brought it to her lips.

He urged some of his life essence to flow down her throat, and although an ample amount made it to its destination, a small amount spilled out of the corners of her mouth as she swallowed weakly. Feeling satisfied that she had ingested enough, he pulled his arm away and proceeded to apply pressure to his wound as he surveyed the adolescent for any sign of improvement. Minutes seemed like hours, but after several moments he breathed a sigh of relief as her heart beat became stable and more vigorous as she slipped into a deep sleep. When it was clear she would continue sleeping peacefully, David bandaged his own wound and cleansed the blood from her face. By the time the physician arrived she seemed well on the road to recovery.

David took a deep breath, unable to believe what he had just done. He had shared his blood, his sacred life essence which he had bestowed to few others before, with a girl whose name he didn't even know. Who is this terran who comes from the land of my enemies?

**Author's notes**
Thank you to my husband who largely helped me edit this chapter :)
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