Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/718291-Chapter-2
Rated: 13+ · Book · Fantasy · #1752853
Lyllian is forced to confront not only her prejudices, but also herself
#718291 added February 21, 2011 at 2:35pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 2
By the following evening she was famished enough to eat the food offered to her, nearly choking on it as she tried to swallow the foul stuff. The subsequent days went by in a haze, with nothing to do in her solitude she went in and out of sleep frequently. At first the shackle on her ankle pinched and bruised, but with time it began to rub the area raw and a painful stinging sensation replaced the dull ache.

Sometimes she became nauseous, but she wasn’t sure if it was from her mysterious illness returning or the atrocious and often rotting food they offered her. Numerous times Juslye pressed her for her name, and every time she remained silent on the subject. It didn’t overly concern him, and he eventually started calling her Maria. Lyllian lost track of the days, but she was able to discern from listening to her captures that they were travelling to Teldaeryn, a city in a country called Demarak.  Juslye was convinced he would get the best price for his plunder in a richer country, as well as the fact there were other, more profitable forms of earning a living in Teldaeryn.

What concerned Lyllian was that it was the capital city ruled by the David Des’kar. David, the elder son of the oldest vampyre known to exist, was well-known in Sanavin as “Prince of Darkness,” and to her family was considered one of their greatest enemies. She had been born into a religious family, who headed a prestigious guild known as the Shastrua. The mashari were warriors loyal to the Shastrua, and thus Sanavin, and were responsible for selflessly protecting Sanavin against the Katein plague such as vampyres, demons, dwarves, ogres, and any other threat not human save for their neighbors the sol elves and their peaceful nature. Yet of all the races of the world, vampyres, particularly the Des'kar family, were considered their worst enemies.

With a shudder she tried to bring happier images to mind. She thought back to all the times Hugh had come to visit her, and how they had played hide and go seek. How her father had wanted her to marry soon, and her mother patiently trying to teach her all that goes with being woman and a wife. She wondered what her brother was doing at this moment, her brother who had left to carry on the family legacy of becoming a mashari. She recalled the day Adriel had left. How proud her parents were as he brought honor to the family! She also remembered how she had felt a twinge of jealousy that day as she watched him ride away, as she could fill no other role in the family than to marry quickly and raise sons to also follow in her brother's footsteps.

How she yearned to see them all again, and now she was uncertain as to where fate would take her. All too soon they reached their destination, and as they opened the door her eyes stung from the sudden brightness despite the ugly day. Still manacled, they cleaned her up and made her look presentable, paying attention to as many details as possible and choosing a garment which would hide the marks of her imprisonment. Lyllian quickly realized she was the only living "plunder" they intended to sell.

Juslye put on his best clothes, and led her through the streets like a dog on a leash, proudly showing off his wares as they made their way to the slave quarter. Lyllian was in such a state of shock she barely noticed her surroundings. It was not long before a buyer was found, and after a short period of bartering money was exchanged for a girl they knew only as Maria by a customer who was well dressed and spoke in a foreign tongue.  “My dear, it has been a pleasure,” Juslye said as he unshackled and her and handed her off to her new owner.

The person she assumed was her new owner looked human enough. He was a man who obviously did not miss a meal; his blond hair was graying on the sides. Keeping a close eye on her, he led her to an open carriage and gestured for her to sit. Dreading what was to come next, she nervously played with her dress.

As they crested the hill Lyllian beheld a formidable looking stonewall, its surface rough and uninviting. She craned her head upwards but was unable to see what the ramparts withheld. They continued travelling parallel to the wall, the area clear of any foliage giving its defenders an unobstructed view. Impressive towers loomed overhead at various intervals, their presence intimidating. Coming around to what Lyllian assumed to be the front, they passed through a series of gates which allowed them to enter within the confines of the walls.

The keep awaited them within, its walls boasted unique and stunning carvings, making it stand out from its otherwise foreboding surroundings. The community was bustling about, with a flurry of activity going on inside. Slowly they made their way to the front of the keep, the carriage coming to a gentle stop in front of a large wooden door, and Lyllian was swiftly led within. Whoever her owner was, he was a wealthy man.

As she was led through the corridors, she noticed the floors were scrupulously clean, rats were absent from the halls, and even the servants seemed to be well-kept. She was stunned not only by the size of the keep, but also at how orderly and clean they maintained it. She was beginning to understand why Juslye had wanted to come to this city in the first place; Teldaeryn must have been a prosperous city indeed for nobles to boast such luxurious living quarters.

She was given fresh bread, cheese, and water; Lyllian swore she’d never had anything that tasted so delicious or satisfying after weeks of eating moldy bread and foul meat. She wiped her mouth in satisfaction as she savored the lingering taste of her meal on her pallet. The water all but washed the flavor from her mouth; the meager supplements enough to appease her hunger without completely satisfying it.

She suddenly came to the realization that whoever purchased her was not her new owner as she was handed over to two robust women. The women attending to her were identical in looks with wiry, steel gray hair; not only did they appear alike, they were also dressed similar and wore their hair in the same fashion so Lyllian was unable to tell one from the other.

The women never addressed her and worked around her with such proficiency that Lyllian assumed this was routine for them. As the two women bustled about they chatted idly amongst themselves in a language Lyllian didn’t understand, so instead she contemplated to herself what was to become of her. Numerous possible outcomes entered her thoughts, some of which were more appealing than others.

After she was meticulously bathed and her hair neatly arranged, she was presented with a stunning lilac gown with gold trim and long sleeves. The garment was uncomfortable as the bust line came up unusually high, but not wanting to appear foolish she wore the dress without complaint. However, when it came to the matching lilac slippers they were much too cramped so she slipped on her familiar filthy leather shoes assuming they would be hidden under the fabric of her dress.

They stood back and looked at her, adjusting some small detail here and there, and then addressed her.  The one repeated it and Lyllian gave them a puzzled look, unable to comprehend the tongue in which they spoke, “I’m sorry, I don’t understand.”

One of the twins pointed at the shoes and with a thick accent replied, “Those are not ze choos ve give you.”

“I know.”

The other twin handed her the matching shoes, “Put zees on.”

“I can’t, they don’t fit.”

The twins glanced at each other, a few words passed between them before they addressed Lyllian again, “Come wit us.”

The three walked silently through a snake of corridors, ascending a long flight of stairs, and down another maze of passageways before approaching a foreboding wooden door, where two guards stood flanking either side of it. Stern faces greeted the trio, and she hardly recognized herself as she caught a brief glance of her reflection in the highly polished breastplate. Her ordinary, boring brown hair was transformed into a sophisticated style which made her appear older, and the lavender gown complimented her light skin tones.

The guard on the right, obviously the elder of the two, knocked, a muffled voice responded and he entered the room alone. Their voices were barely audible as words were exchanged, and then the door was opened and she was instructed to do something, but she didn’t understand.

One of the women responded, and then the guard addressed her in a tongue she understood, “You are to come in.”

Lyllian nodded and did as told, unsure of what she should do or say. The person she presumed to be her owner stood before her, bent over the desk as if refusing to sit. A cloak in deep tones of purple draped over his shoulders obscuring the expensive dark clothes he was wearing; his dark, nearly-shoulder length hair forming a curtain of mystery as to the features of his face. She thought it was jet black, but realized upon closer inspection it held a midnight blue hue which glimmered across its silk-like surface at certain angles. He did not look up to greet them, remaining instead hunched over the papers cluttered across his desk.

The room was lit pleasantly by numerous candles and a roaring fire. Heavy drapes obscured the windows, the floors were carpeted with thick, ornate rugs, and paintings in a style Lyllian had never seen before hung on the wall. At one end was an oversized bed, with beautiful embroidery sewn into the bedspread. Directly across from the bed was an inviting crimson red sofa in front of the fireplace, with a small side table next to it, and countless books adorned the shelves on the wall. She was not sure what she had expected, but this was not it.

“Lord Des’kar,” the soldier said respectfully, and after a brief pause he reverted back to the same unintelligible tongue.

Astonishment crossed her face as she began to break out into a cold sweat, her heart pumping rapidly in her chest; one of her country’s greatest enemies stood before her. She forgot to breathe for a moment as a knot of doom formed deep in her stomach and disparity threatened to overwhelm her. He groaned, took a deep breath but refused to turn away from his work, “Alright. Leave the terran here," he said in perfect common, though with an unusual accent, “Now leave us.”

“Yes my lord!” and with a salute the soldier excused himself from their presence.

The prince continued to be engrossed in his paper work for what seemed like eons before he finally straightened up and looked at anything besides the documents which had kept him so preoccupied. With all the courage she could muster she intended to glare at him, but was taken aback by his vibrant eyes; they were a blue she had never seen before, a piercing and unnatural blue. He glanced at her for only a brief second and then returned to the task at hand.

*                    *                    *

Although Loyen meant well sending the girl to him as a gift, he was annoyed at the notion; had he desired a toy to play with, he would have had one arranged to be brought up to him. Unfortunately his friend did not see it the same way, and after much begging and pleading he agreed to at least consider indulging in leisurely activities. His mind was not made up just yet, but if she was pleasing enough he might enjoy her for the night and discard her in the morning.

He overheard the guard instruct her to enter, and then a woman responded explaining that she did not speak Demarian but she did understand common. A foreigner and a slave...he mulled silently without enthusiasm. Although some foreign women could be exotic and exciting, countless of them were also prudish and more trouble than they were worth. Although he could charm and seduce even the most conservative of women, he wasn't feeling up to it at the moment.

She was brought in and he took no notice of her as he dismissed the guard, preferring instead to return to his toils spread out across the desk. He heard her heart begin to race as she stood where she was - he knew too well how mortals responded to fear. As he scribbled something down he inhaled her scent and noticed something that surprised him. Wondering if she was even human he stole a brief glance at her, She seems human enough.

He returned to his documents but found himself unable to continue, she was different somehow and it had him intrigued. He heard her begin to breathe again; the floor creaking as she anxiously shifted her weight. He finally straightened up and abandoned his work altogether, curious about the mortal before him. Turning around he found her in the middle of the room, exactly where the guard had left her. Still standing, he leaned back against the desk and folded his arms and studied her for several long moments. At first she boldly glared back at him, but his unwavering gaze made her uncomfortable and eventually she looked away. She absently fiddled with her dress unsure what to do. At least she is smart enough to be afraid.

Although she was a little pale, she seemed healthy; her chestnut brown hair elaborately done up, making her likely appear more mature than she actually was. Although she wasn't stunningly gorgeous, she was pretty enough. Taking a second look at her he realized that if she was human, she likely was still a girl growing into a woman. He continued to exam her as she maintained her position; meanwhile she tried to appear preoccupied while occasionally glancing back at him to see if he was still analyzing her.

He did not break his gaze away and continued scrutinizing her for some length of time; nothing in her demeanor suggested she was anything else but a terran female. He remained inhumanly still as he studied his prey, contemplating who and what she was. He could just take her, drink deeply from her and as he did peruse her thoughts and memories; however, that seemed too simple. Besides, if the memories were buried deeply he may kill her in the process of discovering the answer, and he wasn't sure whether or not at this point he wanted to do that. His face was neutral as he asked in common, "Where are you from?"

Her only response was to scowl at him, trying her best to show him she was not afraid
Moments of silence stretched on, "What is your name?"

He watched her clench her fists as another wave of fear shook her body. Once again she did not respond, so he asked the final question, hoping she would slip up in some way revealing part of the mystery, "What are you?"

She seemed surprised and confused by the question, perhaps she was taken aback that he had sensed something odd about her, or perhaps she was not even aware of it herself. She continued glaring at him in such a way it was nearly comical. He took another deep breath, inhaling her scent. He could smell the human in her well enough, the sweet aroma of her blood was strong; however, he could faintly smell something acrid and sour as well which he couldn’t identify. He finally concluded that whatever she was, she was predominately human.  "Hhm, curious."

He would take his time unraveling the mystery at hand, but first he had work that needed tending to. He unfolded his arms and then returned to his papers, leaving the girl to do as she pleased the rest of the evening.

*                    *                    *

Although he left her alone, the night seemed to stretch on for an eternity. She was determined to remain where she was; however, after several hours her feet began to ache. He never once acknowledged her again, and as the night drifted onward her feet began to ache to the point that she had to give them rest. She hugged her knees to her chest and studied him as he leaned over his desk for quite some time before he finally sat in the chair afforded to him, though he still refused to resign from his papers.

She pondered what could be so important that it captivated his attention so. Soon enough her thoughts drifted towards home and she distinctly felt an aching in her heart. She thought back to the last time she had seen Hugh, poor Hugh who had seemed fraught with worry as he visited her sick in her bed as she lay there wondering if she was going to die. Then she thought back to the last time she had seen her parents, and she remembered them telling her they would be with her soon as she kissed them good-bye. How she wished now she had savored those last precious moments she had spent with the closest people in her life. Lord Des'kar suddenly stopped what he was doing and lifted his head up but did not turn to look at her, "Why are you crying?" he said with feigned concern.

Lyllian suddenly became aware of the fact her cheeks were wet and her nose was running. Hastily, she wiped her face with her sleeve trying to get rid of the evidence. He turned his head and glanced at her, knowing full well he was not going to receive a response. She remained on the floor, hugging her knees and staring into the fire completely ignoring him as best as she could. Taking a deep breath, he resumed his work.

She wasn't sure how much more time had passed, but it seemed like eons and eons. The need for sleep was becoming more and more pressing, and as the night continued to dwindle she found it harder and harder to remain conscious. She decided to lie down on the plush rug beneath her and rest for just a moment to regain her strength for whatever lay ahead.

**Author's Notes**
A little lengthier than the original chapter 2 I had written as I tried to incorporate some of the missing information from the original chapter’s 1-5 into chapter 2, trying to give the reader a bit of history about her family background and life back home which I felt was important in order to understand where the main character’s thoughts and feelings.
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