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A novel about the competitive nature of a law firm
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#717287 added February 5, 2011 at 11:28pm
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The Lawyer's Sex Video
“Now take for instance, Deidre here. She’s out top producer in billable hours. I would like for each and every one of you to take a page out of her book” Tom Larson, senior partner at Larson, Hughes and McLennan scolded. The other eleven new associates glared at Deidre with uncontained hatred. She was making them look bad. She was the top producer because she didn’t have a life. She stayed at the office, morning, noon and night. Who wanted that?

Deidre for her part stood her ground. For sheer intimidation, she held the glaze of each of her co-workers until they were forced to lower theirs first. Only then did she turn her attention to the senior partner. He smiled, acknowledging her domination of the others. There was nothing like an Alpha female to keep first year law associates in line. At that, Deidre was the best of the best. She was also a damn good lawyer. She didn’t shy away from a challenge. She was not only assisting more senior trial attorneys in the firm, she was also carrying her own load in employment, contracts, and bankruptcy and toxic torts. One thing she had no affinity for was family law. She was too bristly for that. Their family law clients needed a lot of hand holding. It just wasn’t Deidre’s thing.

“Well, any questions?” he asked beaming at his protégés. They said nothing. They had just had there asses chewed, so now was not the time to be asking questions.

“Very Good” he continued beaming. He left leaving the associates feeling a little out of sorts.

“Why do you have to be so freaking competitive?” Laura Lee asked. She was blonde and beautiful and has been battling the dumb stereotype all her life. She resented Deidre because it was always her who praises and accolades are heaped upon not some backwater hick wearing a size twelve trapeze dress.

“You know. Laura Lee, contrary to what they may have taught you in bitch school, excuse me, I meant law school, a wagging tongue is not an indication of a sharp mind”

“Just you wait, Deidre, someone’s going to bring you down. I hope to God that I’m there to see it!”

“Dream on” Deidre snapped. She looked at the rest of her colleagues” you losers better get moving. We’ve got hours to bill” she watched as they all scramble out the door. Laura Lee was the last one out the door, glancing back to give her a disdain look. Just for fun, Deidre faked a motion to lunge at her. Laura Lee did a quick retreat. Deidre threw back her head and laughed. It was nice to be top.

Laura Lee sighed contently in her lover’s arm. Contrary to what other might say, she wasn’t sleeping her way to the top. She really loved Ralph McLennan. He was smart, sexy and sophisticated. Still, it was best to keep their relationship on the down low; Ralph was in the middle of a nasty divorce and custody battle. There would time enough after that blow over for their love to be made public.

“How did your little meeting go today?”

“The same as always.” She mimicked Tom “Deidre can walk on water, Deidre can part the Red Sea and you FOOLS can’t even reach your target billable hours!”

Ralph laughed. It was no secret that Deidre was the up and rising star at the firm. She would make partner in no time.

“Oh, Ralph, she just makes me so sick. Do something about her?” she wailed.

He stared down at her silently, drinking in her soft rounded shoulders, her feminine beauty and her long, beautiful legs. She was his dream woman and at fifty six, a miracle that she would find him attractive. But he was no fool. When you had a golden goose, the last time one should do is cut it open.

“What do you want me to do about it?” he asked not unkindly but there was also no warmth in his voice.

“I don’t know but you must do something” she demanded.

His hand roamed over her back caressing her curves, warming her, seducing her while letting her fell his desire and his need. When he knelt to kiss her, she shivered with desire. Grasping his hair, she pulled him close letting her tongue meet his. The kiss was long and forgiving, designed to make her forget about work.

“Let’s forget about the office. It’s just you and me” he told her as he entered her quickly.

She might be younger but he knew how to get her to focus on what’s really important in life.

For the second time that night, Laura Lee lay sated in his arms. She could stay here in his arms forever. She closed her eyes not wanting reality to enter her thoughts. But she had to face it and face it head on. He didn’t or couldn’t help her. He was her secret lover and that was about it. Men never gave up power willingly and they never went against their own. Striking out at Deidre would be the same as striking Larson, or the firm. He couldn’t do that. It was his livelihood and she suspected that neither he nor any other woman would be able to get his to put that in jeopardy. Well she had given it a try. Now for Plan B. In the morning she would call Albert. It was time to get this show on the road.

Matthew watched dispassionately as the group discussed the fate of a random female at their law firm. It turns out that she was a snitch and they wanted to teach her a lesson. His roommates, Harold, Albert, along with friends, Phillip, Laura Lee and Alana sat around the apartment laughing and drinking beer. Matthew and Albert had been friends since junior high; Phillip was a fellow Alpha fraternity brother. Together with the women, Albert and his troupe formed some kind of first year associate survival network at the firm. It was a cozy group that hung out not because of similar interests but simply because they got along well together, at least most of the time. It was a Friday night in April and as usual his house was the social hub for the group.

He really didn’t mind. They were after all lawyers, a little wet behind the ears but lawyers nonetheless. He was the odd man out but it didn’t bother him. The mortgage was affordable. The house situated just off Highland Road in Baton Rouge was spacious and comfortable. It had three bedrooms with a master suite downstairs and two bedrooms on the second floor. As the owner, he scored the large bedroom downstairs. He had advertised in the advocate for roommates and had been impressed with Albert and another third year law student answered his ad. After graduating, they decided to stay. After all, you couldn’t beat the rent. Of course he didn’t know at the time, that two would morph into a quintet. He shrugged. It could be worse.

Boy, that meeting was rough this morning’ whined Phillip. He was in his early twenties, small, wiry with skin the color of smooth rich chocolate. He considered himself quite the catch. In fact, he reminded Matthew of a small kitten that woman seemed to think needed mothering. He was always whining about something and tonight was no exception.

“Yeah, she was in rare form this morning. I think she delights in showing everyone up.” Vincent remarked. He was of medium height, around five seven with brown hair and brown eyes. He was truly handsome in a predictable way. Somehow he always managed to look elegant. He was also vain; never wasting an opportunity to check himself out each time he passed a mirror or any shiny object. He was one tough customer and people who took him lightly were always surprised and not in a good way.

“That bitch is just plain mean” chimed in Albert. Matthew for the first time since they’ve been talking looked up from the book he had been reading. Albert’s unaccustomed profanity meant that he was really agitated. This woman must really be bad news if he got that kind of reaction out of Albert.

“What did she do to you?” he asked intrigued even though he almost never interfered in their conversations.

“She gave him a hat so that he could cover his brain. She told him she needed him to focus” Alana started rolling on the floor in a fit of laughter. Since she was a tall, muscular woman her actions forced the others to give her room while she expressed her mirth. Luke didn’t see the humor until Alana held up a peanut shell. At that point, the whole room erupted in laughter except of course, Albert.

“I for one don’t think she’s funny. She’s just plain rude. She a tattle tale, a kiss up and a snob”

He looked at Matthew. “This woman thinks she’s something special and I can’t for the life of me explain why she thinks so.” She come about nigh high” Albert puts his hand up to about his waist.

“Man, she’s taller than that” Paul tried to correct him.

Ignoring, Paul, Albert continued. “Anyway, she likes a little Chihuahua. Always snapping and biting. She has these light brown eyes, really creepy since one of them seems to be bigger than the other. She has this long hair that she braids down to her butt and she had these little tiny, tiny feet which makes no sound so you don’t know when she is behind you spying or not”

“She’s fine is all I can say” Paul added.

“She looks like she’s pregnant”

“I knew her in law school before she started wearing those tent dresses. I know what’s under there and you guy don’t. So don’t look at me like that”

What they didn’t know and Matthew would soon find out is that besides hiding a woman’s shape, a trapeze dress may actually cause the appearance of an additional, unwanted shape. Wearing a trapeze dress makes a woman look pregnant. This is fine for those who really are pregnant, but hardly desirable for a woman who isn’t expecting.

“Why don’t you girls just take her into the bathroom and teach her a lesson. Put her head in the toilet or something” Matthew addressed Laura Lee and Alana.

“They’re afraid of her and besides she’ll wipe the floor with them” Albert scornfully eyed his female co-workers daring them to contradict him.

“We need to humiliate her. Get her off her pedestal. What better way than for her to get stuck on a guy and be totally dissed on online to the whole world”

“Whoa! It’s not “we”. I don’t have anything against this girl. I’m just a working stiff, remember? The one you guys laugh at because I have a 9 to 5 job”

“We weren’t talking about you” Laura Lee sniffed. “She’s a real dog but she would never go out with a UPS guy. She is after all our top producing lawyer”

Matthew shook his head. What was with some of these professional people? They wanted her humiliated but only by in a certain way. Even their hatred couldn’t make them forget their rigid class distinctions. He was sorry he’d joined the conversation. He reopened his book with a decisive snap. He turned around in the chair so that his back was to them.

“Look, hey, we’re sorry about that, man we’ll give you the play by play. It’ll be fun”

“No, thank you. I hate to break the news to you but I’m not interested in what you snobs do for entertainment”

“We didn’t mean any harm. Plus you’re a trust fund baby. You could buy and sell us three times over. The only reason why you’re working at that damn job is to piss off your old man off.”

It was true. Matthew’s family owned Goldstein & Son, LLC, a large residential and commercial construction company. Matthew had a degree in marketing plus was an Officer in the United States Air Force Reserves. Only Albert knew that. He glared at him. He was content with his life as an ordinary Joe. There was no need for anyone to know anything else. Sooner or later, he would have to take the rein of his father’s company. Until that time came, he wanted to experience life on his own terms.

Laura Lee’s eyes narrowed “a trust fund, eh?”

“He’s just joking” Matthew told her hurriedly. “He’s my best friend and he wants you guys to stop looking down your nose at me. Quite frankly, I don’t give a damn”

“Spoken like a true peasant” blue blood Laura Lee shot back “you and Deidre have a lot in common.” She turned to Albert “maybe we should let him have a crack at seducing her”

“No, it’s never work. It’s has to be Vincent. I see her looking at his sometimes. He’s suave and will do what’s needed to get the job done. Matthew had no motivation”

“Is everything set up?” Alana asked.

“Not yet” replied Albert as the entire group stared at Matthew.

Even with his back turned, he could feel their eyes boring into his back.

“What?” he asked turning around.

“We need your bedroom. We want to set up the video equipment in there. It’s a motion Activated Mini-Security Recorder is compatible that will record up to 10 Hours on to a Secure Digital Memory Card. It’s an older model but it will do. I can hide it anywhere in the room”

“Whoa, man. I don’t think so. My room is my sanctuary. When I’m in the mood, I go to a hotel. No one’s going to use my room for sex. If I don’t do it, you can’t do it. Remember our rule. Why can’t you set it up in your room?”

The rule was no women allowed overnight. It was their home and if one of them get that involved with a female, he was welcomed to go set up house with her.

“Because it supposed to be spontaneous and she’s a big girl. Vincent would never be able to pick her up and carry her up the stairs. He can manage the few steps to the bedroom”

“She’s not big” Alana told them “she’s fat. Short and fat”

“Okay, what do we have to do to get you to buy in?” Albert asked.

“Maybe you can get down on your knees and be his bitch for a month” Paul said jokingly but then quickly backing away as both Vincent and Matthew glared at him.

“Keep your homosexual fantasies to yourself. They are not wanted or appreciated here”

Matthew voice was ice cold and Paul closed his eyes, shrinking into the background.

“What are you planning on doing with the video?”

“Blackmail her with it and if she won’t leave the firm willingly, we’ll post it on you-tube”

“Wouldn’t that hurt Vincent’s reputation at the firm too?”

They all looked glum. No one had thought of that.

“She doesn’t have to know you’re a UPS man.” Laura Lee said thoughtfully “after all you are a handsome devil”

Albert got in on the act “Look, man all you have to do is spend maybe a few minutes online with her and then just reel her in. Her face book page is real sad. She doesn’t have any friends except for some other losers like her. She doesn’t have a picture up because she’s so damn ugly. We’ll put your pretty face up, with a fake profile and she’s be putty in your hands”

“Why would she agree to my friend request” Matthew asked.

“We’ll take care of that. She’d answer my boss, Mr. McLennan’s request. Then from there, we hook you up as his friend. Once she sees his name, she’ll rush to be friends”

“What do I get out of this?”

“Free pizza” Albert offered

“You got to come better than that”

“Free pizza and kitchen duty for a month”

“Money?” Alana asked

Albert scoffed “he doesn’t want money. He’s wants the action and the adventure. He also wants to humiliate a snobby lawyer”

“That would be Laura Lee; I believe “Paul corrected them. Laura Lee childishly stuck out her tongue.

“Free beer and soft drinks for a week” Vincent finally offered.

What about for a month?”

“Man, that’s going to really hurt”

“I don’t really care. You want this done. Not me” Luke three his long legs across the chair letting them dangle. He noticed Alana admiring his muscular legs.

“So what do you say, Matthew? Do we have a deal/ free pizza, free beer and no kitchen duty for a month”

“Okay, but I reserve the right to back out of this thing”

“Okay and by the way, the pizza is limited to once a week’ Albert told him.

Matthew shook his head. He really didn’t expect any of it to last a week. He would log on ask to friend this girl and she would probably say no. he wouldn’t say anything until the week or two so he could grab his prizes. Then he would back out of the deal. These ambitious money grabbing lawyers were nuts and anyway he was bored.

Hey” Alana almost shouted “what about me. Don’t I get to contribute?”

“Alana, you’re our resident moocher, what do you have that Matthew wants”

“He can have me and all that goes with it” she ran he fingers along her long muscular body.

“Earth to Alana” Laura Lee almost shouted “No matter how hot his is, he’s still the UPS guy, duh!”

“That’s your hang up not mine” Alana told them looking directly at Matthew. But if Matthew heard her, he gave no indication. “Okay, you guys design my page but I need to look at it first and no fake profile. I get to stay the UPS guy” Alana eyes threw daggers at Laura Lee. So he had heard and Laura Lee’s stupid outburst had made him angry. She couldn’t tell him that she didn’t share Laura Lee’s world view without humiliating herself. But Matthew had turned on the television and had started clicking the remote pointedly ignoring them. The five had been dismissed.


Deidre turned on her computer and logged on to her email. She scanned the entries on her yahoo account, most of it junk mail except for one which was a friend request from one of the partners. Since she didn’t have a lot of online friends yet, she was puzzled about the request. She logged into the face book account and added him as a friend. He was one of the senior partners so she guessed it couldn’t hurt. Contrary to what the other associates might think, she wasn’t a spy. She’d never divulged anything about her colleagues. Even when they’d been out all night and came in Monday wasted, she still kept her counsel. She wasn’t competing with them, she was competing with herself. But the stakes were high. This September, the firm would only keep half of the first year associates. It was till early March, but she could see the frantic jostling for position. She didn’t play those games. She would continue to do her work and bring excellence to everything she did. Still she was puzzled by this request. She hoped she’d done the right thing and being pals on face book wasn’t violating some unwritten code. Exhausted she crawled into her bed and was soon fast asleep.

After she got home the next night, she checked her email again. She had another friend request. “Matthew Goldstein wants to be friends on Face book”. Who in the hell is Matthew Goldstein? Signing on, she meant to say no to this request. She’s heard about his type of thing. She knew it was impossible, but he had sent a picture and his gaze seemed to sweep over her. It alarmed that she couldn't tear her eyes away from the man’s picture. She wasn’t into white men but he was breathtakingly gorgeous. His straight, black hair was cut short. He wore snug-fitting blue jeans and a grey T-shirt that showed off his heavily muscled torso and arms. He held a black leather jacket over his shoulder while he carried a black motorcycle helmet in his other hand. He was sitting lazily on the big bike, while he seemed to be issuing an invitation. Good grief! I must have been studying Louisiana obscure Blue Sky laws too long or this guy was really that gorgeous.

She rubbed her eyes. Yeap, he was gorgeous alright. His profile said that he was a friend of Ralph McLennan. Was he his lover? But if so, why befriend her? There had to be a catch. Good looking guys just don’t ask to be friends with her just out of the blue. Not straight one anyway? Maybe he wanted free legal advice. She thought of a million reasons why she should add him as a friend. His basic info stated that he was a United Postal Service employee. He was a graduate of a high school in Texas, so no college degree and he enjoyed reading, her favorite pastime. She had seen enough. She added his as a friend.


Some people have no common sense thought Matthew as he looked at the screen that told him this mysterious Deidre had added him as a friend. Now, he would have to destroy her, maybe, for no other reason that she had accepted his overture when she should have declined. Her message was simple “Do I know you?”

He decided to improvise. “No, but I know you. I’ve seen you around and I want to be friends”

Her reply was quick “Really?”

He smiled. This was going to be so easy.

Really” he sent back to her. She must really think that she’s some sort of goddess that a man would just see her and then pant to be with her. Dumb broad. Most females were airheads. He knew he was a handsome guy. The photo that he had uploaded was more than sexy-it was sizzling. Her reply shocked him. “Are your parents siblings?”

He stared at the screen not believing what he was reading. What was wrong with this woman? Without thinking he hastily typed “Why are you such an asshole?”

“I knew it! The inbreeding is certainly obvious in your family.”

I knew it! The inbreeding is certainly obvious in your family.”

“You know what. Just forget I ever emailed you. I don’t think this is going to work out”



He logged off. What a waste of time. He heard their raucous voices before he saw them.

Why did they have to be so loud? He heard the back kitchen entrance door slam loudly. A minute later, the quintets were peering at him expectantly like little children. “Well, did she accept your friend request?”

“She did”

“I knew it” Paul said excitingly “that picture you posted was smoking!” Everyone turned to look at him. “Well, you know, for a dude and all”

“Don’t worry about it. I get it all the time. I’m just too handsome for my own good” he smiled to let them know he did not take himself seriously.

“So did you sweet talk her?’

“Would that be before or after she accused me of being a product of incest?” he asked.

“So that’s it then. We’ll just go on to plan C. she didn’t take the bait. Maybe we can flatten her tires” Paul told the group.

“How many plans do you guys have? “ Matthew asked

“Eh, just three” Paul admitted

“Well, don’t go to Plan C quite yet. This is a matter of pride. “

“Don’t worry about it, man. She’s built a wall up so high; it’s going to be hard to breach.”

They looked at Matthew. “Sorry, it was a brilliant plan but we’ll still buy you the beer and pizza”

“Oh, ye of little faith. Don’t worry about the pizza and beer. This one is on me. I will get Miss High and Mighty to fall madly in love with me” he flexed his finger “without ever leaving my chair”

“You sure man?”

“Yeah. I just have to find something she’s passionate about and then whamo! Give me a few weeks and if I haven’t done a masterful job on her, I’ll buy you guys pizza and beer”

“How are you going to get a woman to fall in love with him” Laura Lee challenged. He noticed she left Ups man out this time.

“Blue collar, white collar, I’m still a man” he said as he looked at her with his incredibly long lashes. He then looked at Paul “In order for this to work, I need to see her. Make it happen” he snapped.

“Well, aren’t we the queen bee all of a sudden” Paul shot back “I’ll see what I can do”

“Not good enough. Just get it done”

Strangely enough, Paul reacted to the command in the man’s voice and nodded his head.


The next night, he couldn’t wait to log onto see if she had in fact wipe his off the face of the earth by deleting or “unfriend” him. She hadn’t in fact she sent him a picture. It was a picture of a lioness. Cute he thought.

He had been at the downtown to the court house to sneak a peak at the lioness. She was at there for a hearing. She was fierce and competitive in her requesting that the Judge grant her Motion for Summary Judgment. She was wearing a blue silk dress with blue alligator shoes. Her body was slim, but with nice curvy hips and breasts that were big and beautiful. Her hair was long and wavy and braided slowly snaking down her back like a thick mane. He was instantly intrigued. He felt the front of his pants getting awfully tight. No woman had ever gotten such a reaction form him. He prayed to God that Paul hadn’t noticed.

Matthew’s eyes followed the petite woman whose back was to him as she stood at the lectern. He couldn't help noticing her curvy body, or how her hair fell to the small of her back. Paul was right on with the body. She was definitely fine. It wasn't until she had turned around and her scent had carried across the room in his direction that he felt as if someone had sucker punched him in the gut. His cock once again had gone instantly rock-hard. He had to get away from him fast. He motioned to Paul that he was leaving. The man turned slightly toward him but didn’t move. He hurried out of the building and found himself outside facing St Louis Street. Damn! He had come out of the wrong door and had to walk to the back of the building to retrieve his bike in the parking garage. Something was wrong, horribly wrong with his body. He needed to get home. He needed to think. That was over two hours ago and he felt that he was back to normal. So now he was at the computer staring at a picture of a lioness. Okay, here goes he thought.

“Did you get my present?” he typed

“Yes, Alana gave it to me today. It’s the new John Grisham book. I’ve been meaning to buy it. One day. Thanks!”

“You’re welcome. It’s just my way of apologizing for calling you a name. Still think I’m an inbred clout just because I find you incredibly sexy?”

“I’m thinking you have some type of medical condition. Did the doctor give you the name for it?” He ignored her jab. She had built up so many walls and he was determined to tear each and one of them down.

“Did anyone tell you that you have beautiful eyes? Maybe I can take you out someday” they were beautiful. Just like a lioness they were a light brown, amber almost. The resulting effect against her toffee colored skin made her seem exquisite and exotic.

“I don’t date men” she wrote.

“We have something in common. I don’t either” he typed.

“I don’t think you are funny” came the reply “I meant I have no time for anything right now. I don’t get home until eleven and I work seven days a week”

“Take off this Sunday”


“Why not?”

“You’re a strange guy but I like you. Don’t make me say something I’ll regret”

Dream of me tonight” he sent this last missive on impulse. He knew that at least his dreams tonight would be plagued with her soulful amber eyes.

“I will” she typed. He was stunned.


“Sure. I always dream of monsters and things that go bump in the night”

“Not exactly what I was hoping for but it will have to do. Good night!” He signed off before she could hit the reply button.


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