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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#712416 added November 27, 2010 at 8:51am
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Origins of the Universe

Origins of the Universe

I have received such an outpouring of interest as a consequence of this blog that I am moved to explain more since there is so much ignorance about regarding our true origins.. I am finding that what is self evident to me is not generally known to most of my readers causing me to pause and explain things a bit. Actually there is much to explain and I'll not run out of blog material any time soon. Still I suspect my readers will eventually become bored with the cosmic message as they did with the treaist on Good and Problem Solving....Then I'll have to find a new subject with a broader interest. Feel free to tell me when you have heard enough.

Once upon a time, the universe collapsed inward upon itself until all the matter therein became compressed into an infinitiely small space that became so dense that atoms squeezed tightly about together that the heat meter pegged off the scale and there was a big bang.

At that instant the universe exploded outward into the huge and empty expanse it had once occupied and the consequences of this can still be seen today. In this cataclysmic expansion of matter the universe was once more filled with elements in the form of solids, liquids and gasses and as they traveled outward began to cool and settle into the forms we are familiar with.

Into each galaxy stars were born as particles were sucked into gigantic black holes and spat out the back side with incredible velocities..Once these particles reached the speed of light squared they ignited into thermonuclear furnaces. Whereupon they decelerated like a huge cosmic break had been applied and globs of molten, gasous and solid matter was cast off into chunks that began to orbit about them.

On these planets these forms of matter began to cool and into their present shapes, however the nuclear engine continued to burn hot and those in proximity cooled slower that those which were further away.

In a narrow band of temperature somewhere between too hot and too cold That Which Had Once Been (TWHOB) prior to the big bang, screwed open the portal to the dimension in which she had retired and sniffed about…The harshness of the surroundings were harsh indeed and he slammed the hatch closed, glad to be still in existence and made preparations to explore the new surroundings, beyond….It did this not by venturing out in body but by sending out devices that would report back on the external conditions. These devices were what we call today, "life forms" that were complex by our standards but within the technology of TWHOB that assembled and them loose to gather information.

These life forms accomplished their purpose sending back a pleathora of data so great it would have filled several telephone books. When the TWHOB had all the picture they cared to see they turned off the server and went back to lives. Outside these life forms, instead of drying up and blowing away took hold and began to thrive and evolve despite the fact that they had fullfilled their intended purpose. So if one today wonders at the purpose of life be advised that we are long past serving our intended purpose and remain but the residue of what we were originally created to accomplish.

When the conditions outside became such that they were less threatening to the TWHOB they peeked out and took another look...this new world outside their dimensiion was unlike anything they had ever imagined and they were still singularly ill suited to the new conditions imposed by the Universe. They withdrew back into their dimension and have not ventured forth since leaving the residue to evolve into the llife we know it today. This was an unintended outcome to which our creators showed a sublime ambivalence….Life was not intended to survive its intended purpose yet it somehow managed and not only that, evolved and flourished. The energy (sun) that animated these containment vessels (life) came to exist despite the harsh conditions (Counterforce’s) that were arrayed in opposition. As a life form came into existence it was eroded from with and buffeted from without however it cheated death reproducing itself before reaching the end of its service life. When TWHOB took a look outside again, a millenia later you can imagine her surprise to see an abundance of life thriving, reproducing and wandering aimlessly about with no idea as to its origins and original purpose.

Note: The Outdoor wood stove burned out last night and it is getting cold. I must replenish the fuel and go and gather more or my wife will become angry and call me a pontificating slacker. More tomorrow.

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