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6.8.09 I will Blog |
How odd I just looked and saw that my anniversary has passed another mark. 38years. I still do not have a job and things have gone from tight to choking. If I don't get a job soon I may be sitting is a box under a freeway. no kidding. When you start thinking about what you can sell to get money you know it is bad. What does one do? parting with things that were a comfort or a part of your life at one time is not easy. I am a nester. Not a hoarder. But close. Moving from decorating 7 Christmas trees and so many windows with garland I can't begin to count to a small house is daunting. I have a crawl space full of tubs that are for Christmas alone. Not to mention the things I want to display but have no room. Pictures by famous artists that have been devalued by Ebay and Craigslist. What is this world coming to when immigrants (legal or not)get more attention than the American Citizen that pays taxes. Programs that were made to help the displaced worker until a job came through are now given to people who don't speak any English or have more babies than they can take care of. Yet I who have worked and paid for them to get this aid, can get no help or assistance. Ok I am done ranting. So much happened since the last time I wrote. Dec came and my dad is still alive and kicking. The doctor finally ordered an MRi and it showed the cancer was completely gone! There was a little scar tissue where it had been but that is all. The lord is good. He gained weight, is back to fishing and crabbing. Mother had her surgery and now she is back to ....well....sitting on the couch reading and bugging Dad. I can say the Lord is good, His mercy is everlasting! putting your trust in Him, no matter what the outcome is worth every bit of faith you can muster. |