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Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #1725395
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#711696 added November 18, 2010 at 1:59am
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The voices swirled around her, and Thymie felt her body heat up like she had been thrown into a fire. Loud clanging of metal against metal, heavy curses, alcoholic breath and eyes staring at her, never letting her from their sights. She wanted to run, to run away and hide, but someone took her hands, gently stroking them. A whisper that she struggled to hear, drowned out by the noise that surrounded them. The hands holding hers were rough but gentle, worker hands. She looked at them, bringing them to her lips and kissing them gently. A sound of surprise from the owner of the hands, the face she could not see, the only one she was not afraid of in this hellish place. A tall shadow covered them both, a man that threw the one holding her hands aside as though he were nothing more than a rag doll. He leaned into her face causing her to close her eyes in attempt to hide from him. He peered at her, prodding her both with rough, sharp fingers that felt like knives cutting into her, burning and branding her like a slave.

Covering her ears with her eyes squeezed closed, she screamed. Everything shattered like broken glass, the pieces crumbled around her. Left only in darkness, alone. Thymie saw a thin strip of red and a blade in her mind, before the sounds of fighting in the distance came closer, breaking through the fragile cover her hands made. Opening her eyes, she saw the figure of a man with his back to her, he seemed noble and strong, he was protecting something. Whatever he was protecting was valuable, precious and obviously sought after by whomever he was fighting. The man suddenly turned, his face shadowed as he began to run in her direction.
She felt cold and then she saw it. The blade from her mind earlier, attached to the hand of a woman, thrust into her. Thymie looked to the man running, he was running for her. His eyes filled with panic, regret, with fear. Her eyes connected with his, his gaze so deep, so powerful...

Thymie's eyes snapped open, she panted heavily while taking a moment to register that she was safe, lying in her bed in the Factory. There was no woman, no blade, no fighting men, she was okay. As her heart settled itself again, she rest the back of her hand on her forehead, staring at the roof trying to make sense of what happened. That dream again. She hadn't had it in years, not since she was a child, not since she was given up to the Factory by her parents. Her mind drifted to them, wondering how they were, whether they missed her at all or whether they'd used the money offered for her. Shaking her head she pushed up into a sitting position, she could hear the furnaces burning and only one worker outside, it was still early she concluded. She swung her legs to the side, throwing the rough sheet off her legs before putting her feet to the floor, the touch still cool beneath them causing her to shiver a little. The work table the Councillors had set up in her room was nearby, the latest core remained unfinished on one side as she noticed another two had been placed there since yesterday causing her to sigh and get up off her bed to walk over to them. Her tools were in their usual rolled up leather pouch which she began to unroll gently. Everything with creating the power cores was far too delicate at times, even the tools were fragile, but then they were also incredibly important. Without the power cores, they'd be unable to run the Machinallistas which were vital in their war against the Elir. With that in mind, she grabbed one of the leather ropes she used to tie her hair back, seated herself at her work bench and began to work on finishing the power core from yesterday before eventually starting on the next two.

There was a quiet knock on her door before it was opened softly, Thymie was completely absorbed in her work causing Kaine to grin and sneak over to her. He stood there silently behind her, watching her hands shape the core patterns in gold foil with delicate expertise that show she had done this many times before, and as he saw the two extra cores, many times yet to come. She was a veritable expert in crafting the cores, the highest regarded crafter in the Southern Elysile Factory and recognised even by the Elysians themselves as a master crafter. He never liked her working on them, they'd lost many women already to the fusion magics, and apparently another two had lost their minds overnight. He sighed causing Thymie to turn and look behind her shrieking as she noticed Kaine standing there.

"Kaine! Dammit don't sneak up on me like that! You could have given me a heart attack or something."

He laughed and sat on the edge of her bed. "I did knock, it's not my fault you didn't hear me."

"I could have been sleeping or something you know." She put her hand to her chest to calm her heart again, glaring at him.

"Oh don't act like it would be the first time I've watched you sleep. You seem to keep forgetting that you often fall asleep on my shoulder while we are meant to be working."

Her cheeks touched pink and she frowned at him before turning back to her work. "That is not the point here."

"They have you working on another two cores? Thymie, they lost another two women to the fusion magics overnight."

She simply nodded, "I thought it was something like that."

"That means you could be lost to it too. That can't happen." His features darkened, he hated that she was always given the failures' work. It was as if they wanted her to lose her mind, maybe it would have been easier to get her to lay with another man at that rate.

"No, it won't happen. I know how to protect myself." She glanced at him over her shoulder, a playful smile on her lips. "And what is all of this concern? You'd better be careful lest someone hear you care and damage your reputation." Her voice had a sing-song sort of tone to it, teasing even.

Kaine grumbled then stood up heading back to the door. "Well... I just don't want you to get hurt. Reputation or not, you are still the only one in this place that I can stand." With that, he closed the door behind him and stepped out to the furnaces.

While they had been in the Southern Elysile Factory - or the S.E.F. for short as they had all come to call it - for as long as they could remember, it was true. Kaine got along with most of the other factory workers, but Thymie was the only one he could consider a friend. Someone that he enjoyed to spend time with, cause mischief with, and that was something they did often enough. They drove the councillors crazy at times with their antics, but the councillors knew it lightened everything up, after all who wants to sit and think about the war all day every day. He walked toward the furnaces, nodding and waving to the few workers that were already up and tending to them so when the rush came everything would be ready, he never really understood why people needed to sleep for so long, he was normally up at this time and it never bothered him. It gave him time to go speak with the guards, he had been training with them some days so if they ever came under attack he would be at least able to help protecting people. While he walked toward the guard station, he noticed Orion standing not far ahead of him, arms folded across his broad chest, a sickening grin on his face. If there was someone in the Factory he despised with his entire being, it was Orion, and Orion seemed to share the thought.

"I see you think you're one of the big boys eh? Going to try out for the guards are we? Face it kid, you got nothin." Kaine wanted to ignore him but it seemed today, Orion wouldn't give him the chance. "You got even less chance on Thymie than you do with the guards."

He stopped and turned to look at him. "The hell are you on about grease-ball? Go crawl back into your furnace."

Orion laughed. "You really haven't heard. This is gonna be even more fun than I thought it coulda been before." He howled with laughter, tears forming in his eyes. Kaine tried hard to suppress his urge to punch the man in the face to stop the laughter grating against his ears. "The councillors have me as one of their suitors for Thymie. And unlike you, I'm high on their list... You don't even get a look in."

"In what dream are you living now? You are the fattest damn thing in this place, you have no skill, no strength, nothing. You can't even see your toes, how do you plan on wooing Thymie to lay with you when she won't even lay with the best looking men in here." This had to be one of his worst attempts at a taunt yet.

"Oh? You think I'm fat? I hate to break it to you boy, but none of this is fat." He slapped his chest, and sure enough there wasn't even a ripple. "I got more strength, more stamina than you got muscle on those bones of yours. Scrawny little thing you are, I'm surprised they haven't fed you to the Elir already. Though you sure don't have enough to eat. At least if we get attacked, I can stand and protect Thymie. What can you do? Nothing. But don't worry boy, I'll be sure to take real good care of her." He walked off laughing.

Kaine realised his jaw was clenched as were his fists. He wanted nothing more than to pound Orion down into the dirt he belonged in, because he was right. How ridiculous did he and Thymie look when they were together? He was tall and as Orion put it, scrawny. He wasn't one of the most built men around, but he liked to think he had enough muscle on him to make him look decent enough. And he had to look pretty good as he'd completed the required duty of him as a man at least twice now, the women were quite happy to lay with him, though nothing had come of it and the two women had been sent to the barracks after their medic had given them a check and declared them infertile. His skin was pale, but there was some 'heat tan' as they called it. Working in the furnaces all day and much of the night tended to give you a form of tan. He was on the taller side of things, not the tallest in the Factory but taller than many. Thymie was shorter than he by a head and shoulders, her skin pale and devoid of the heat tan making her seem quite delicate, red hair that cascaded down her back, green eyes that could stare right into you, a touch of gold flecked in them to mark she possessed fusion magic. He was furious again, the councillors knew Thymie refused to lay with any man and he knew they had been trying to find a suitable partner for her. They'd considered soldiers to have a higher chance of a male child being capable in war, and female children gifted with her fusion magic abilities. Shaking his head and unclenching his jaw and fists, he moved again toward the guard station. The guards were awake early as always, they had rotated shifts though so there was at least five of them awake at any one time, today most of them seemed to be awake and moving about as he poked his head through the guard station.

"Well you all seem to be ready for action today. To what do we owe this miracle?"

They turned and grinned at him, "Hey we don't always sleep til dark. And besides we have a training session to get ready."

Kaine raised a brow. "Today? They usually don't run today."

One of them shrugged. "Councillors deemed it necessary today. Another Factory was attacked."

"Another one? That makes how many now, six?"

"Something like that yeah. They attack, eat the men and run off with the women. Who knows what sort of sick things they do to the poor things, breeding is what they all agree on though."

Kaine shuddered. "Elir breeding with our women. Even more reason we need to wipe them out."

"Couldn't agree with you more my man!"

"Ah, here you are Kaine." He spun around hearing his name to see one of the councillors standing there in his darkened robes, hood pulled down covering most of his face save for the mouth and jaw that looked like it were nothing more than a skull with a thin piece of skin stretched out over it. "We were looking for you."

Kaine's colour drained, even the guards gave him sympathetic glances. When a councillor was looking for you, it was never a good thing.


Thymie blinked a few times, realising she'd fallen asleep on her work bench. One of the cores was finished and the remaining gold foil was stuck to her cheek. She brushed it off and yawned a bit, her stomach growling at her in annoyance at having been ignored so far. Food sounded like a brilliant idea and she decided it was time to head to the kitchen after she handed in the finished power core. Placing the tools back into their pouch, she rolled it up and tied it closed again, picking the core up gently and moving out of her room, her destination was the Machinallista rooms. The furnaces were blazing and the heat made a bead of sweat trickle down her neck and back as she moved through them, people moving out of her way while she carried the core.

"Thymie! Just in time, we were needing one of these babies." It was Orion. He waved her over and she moved as quick as she dare. "Perfect timing don't you think?"

She nodded with a smile as she placed the core into the core engine, snapping it into place. Orion moved in and began his work around it, within moments, there was a click followed by a low hum. "It works. Good."

"Why wouldn't it work? It was made by the best crafter in S.E.F. after all." Orion grinned at her as he swung out of the Machinallista.

"You flatter me, but thank you. I'm just glad it works." Her stomach growled again and Orion chuckled. "Sorry about that, I was just going to head off to have some lunch."

"Oh, mind if I join you? We have to wait for the next lot of steel plates to be finished before we can start the next one and I don't think I'd mind eating with such a pretty lady."

She blushed and waved it away shy at his words. "Of course, why not? Eating with someone is always better than eating alone."

"Then let's move on out." He held out his hand for her, acting like the perfect gentleman in such a place. She giggled and took his hand letting him lead her away to the kitchen. As they walked, a few glances were shot their way, subtlely of course. It seemed Thymie was the only one unaware of the councillors plans to have Orion suited to her, a few of the workers muttered between themselves about the absurdity of such a pairing before a simple sideways glance from Orion quietened them instantly. They knew better than to get on his bad side.

"Thymie! Orion! Pleasure to see you two here, what can I getchas?" The cook, Jim leaned out to them on the steel table with a grin.

"As long as it tastes good and doesn't come from the sea, I don't mind what it is." Thymie was quick to answer, receiving a smile from the two men. Jim looked to Orion who simply nodded.

"Okay well I'll bring you out some non-sea, good tasting food. Sound good to you two?"

"Sounds good to me." Orion piped up and this time Thymie nodded. Jim pulled back into the kitchen while the two went to sit at another table. "I never really get how you girls work on those cores."

Thymie tilted her head curiously, "What do you mean? It's our job, the same as making the Machinallistas is your job."

"I mean the fusion magic thing. How does that even work?"

"Oh, that is actually quite simple. Everybody has a connection to the earth, after all we apparently come from it. The only difference is that women are the only ones who can access this connection. Nobody really knows why, but I think it may have something to do with women being the birthers. We carry life, and the earth creates life, so maybe that is what makes it so we can access this link. It can be done anywhere, but I always find the magic is at its strongest when we have a connection with it, like standing on dirt because we have a physical and spiritual connection that way. Make sense?"

Orion cringed a bit. "Sort of, I think. So women and the earth are kind of the same so that makes you able to use this magic?"

Thymie beamed and clapped, Orion started at the sudden noise then flushed realising he had just made a fool of himself in front of her. "Yes! At least that is my theory."

He sat there, contemplating her words for a moment while she looked back to the kitchen to see if Jim was finished with their food yet before turning back with a huff. Patience was clearly not her virtue. "So, what does it feel like when you do this? Does it affect your mind or something? Is that why we keep losing women to it?"

She sat there, a frown playing on her feature before she bit her lips. She was trying to figure a way to word it before taking a breath. "I don't know why we keep losing women to it. Some of the women have said that it feels to them, that they have something in their mind, it feels like it stretches their mind, trying to tear it from them. It sounds terrifying, and I think a lot of women have had to stop because of this feeling, perhaps it is the reason some women are lost, they have this mind tearing and it is eventually torn." She shook her head in a quiet mourn for those that had been lost recently.

"You feel something different?"

She nodded. "Yes. I have thankfully, never felt this mind tearing. When I touch it, it feels warm and comforting, like the touch you expect from a mother, a lover. It embraces you, fills you with its blessing and when you let it flow, it feels... Beautiful. But you can never touch it too long, it should never be simply a taking, it is a give and take."

"Here we go my pretties, Jim's special non-sea, good tasting pasta!" Two bowls were placed on the table before them, Thymie looked up to Jim and smiled.

"Thank you."

"Any time my dear. Now you two enjoy."

Even though the pasta was not the most attractive to look at, made of the basic ingredients of flour, water, egg and salt, Thymie was into her pasta instantly, her growling stomach had resumed its assault making Orion chuckle again before eating his pasta too. Jim watched the couple eating and folded his arms as some of the younger cooks joined him. "Did you hear? The councillors are trying to partner them."

"Really? I always thought Kaine and Thymie were a couple. You see them everywhere together after all."

"They do look good together though, you have to admit."

"Still... Kaine and Thymie are cute together."

Jim frowned at the two chatterboxes behind him. "Would you be quiet and get to work." The two cooks grumbled but did as they were told and continued to chat between themselves while preparing for more workers coming in. His gaze moved to the two again and he sighed, he quite liked Thymie but then most people did, she made most people happy just with her presence. They stood and Thymie waved to him, he waved back then returned to his duties before the kitchen was overflowing with the workers from the Furnaces.

"Well I should probably get back to doing the cores. I still have another two to finish yet."

"Orion!" They turned to look at another of the workers running over to them. "We just got another load of plates."

Orion nodded and turned to Thymie smiling, "As it turns out I'm needed back at work too. I'll see you soon."

She nodded and they went their separate ways. Before heading back to her room, she decided to check to see if Kaine was working in the furnaces. She didn't like the furnaces to be honest, the heat was oppressive and the sweat that ran down her back irritated her. How they worked in this constantly she never knew, but it was their job, and they didn't understand how women worked on cores, so it was the same on both sides. Kaine was nowhere in sight, Thymie frowned heading in further to find him. "Have you seen Kaine?" She asked one of the nearby workers who shook his head. How odd, he was always here so it was off that someone should have seen him. With a huff, she turned back heading to her room, pleased to be out of the oppressive heat of the furnaces but not happy that Kaine was not where he usually was. Pushing her door open, she saw Kaine standing there with his back to her. "Kaine! I went to the furnaces but you weren't there! I was worried." Something wasn't right. He stiffened upon hearing her words. "Kaine?"

"Don't come closer." His voice was a growl which made Thymie pause in her approach. "You are such a stupid girl. I fail to understand how after all this time you thought we were friends and couldn't see that I only wanted to get you to lay with me. Stupid girl."

She bit her lip, tears springing to her eyes. This was not Kaine, he was never like this. "Don't be silly... I know you don't mean that." Her voice was not as strong as she wanted it to sound and it annoyed her, her weakness was showing through.

He snorted. "That's just what you think. You know nothing about me. You've seen it yourself, I'm male, of course I want to get to lay with you. You have just been one of the more stubborn wenches." Be strong Thymie... The tears fell from Thymie's eyes and she turned, slamming the door behind her. Kaine glared ahead of him. "Happy now?"

The councillor allowed the illusion to drop, showing himself, a grin spread across his thin lips, skeletal in its appearance. "You have done quite well. Now that has been dealt with, we need you to get back into the furnaces, your skill is needed."

Kaine wanted nothing more than to reach out and rip that sick look off the councillors face. That they had him hurt Thymie, that stung him deeper than the beating. The bruises, the cuts, they would heal in time, some would probably scar but the knowledge of what he had just done, that would never heal. "Of course..." He turned and walked from her room back to the furnaces. The glances that were cast his way were filled with sympathy, they could see the visible wounds easily, and they could guess from having seen Thymie run by only moments prior, that things ran deeper than simply the physical.

Thymie's tears filled her vision and she rubbed her eyes furiously. How could he do that to her, he used her. There was a blurred figure before her that she noticed just before running into it. She was about to mutter some sort of apology and continue around them when she felt arms wrap around her. "Woah girl, what happened?" Orion.

Thymie blinked furiously trying to avoid more tears falling and buried her face into his chest relieved that it was someone she knew and could at least talk to. "Kaine..." She hiccuped, her mouth was thick and even saying his name made her throat constrict, wanting to cry more.

"What did he do." It was more a statement than a question but he didn't allow her time to respond before resuming talking. "Do you want me to go punch him for you?"

She made a sort of strangled laugh between choking sobs and gripped his shirt tighter shaking her head. She was beginning to snot and she knew it, hating that she couldn't prevent it, and worse that she was doing it in front of someone. He stroked her hair gently, calming her sobs slowly. "He... He lied to me. He said he wanted nothing more than to... To lay with me." She looked at him pleading with her eyes. "Is that really all I'm worth? Just something to... To sleep with?"

Orion shook his head still stroking her hair and pulled her closer. "No, of course not. I'm sure there's heaps of great things about you. I'd like to know'em if you'd let me. I wanna call you a great friend." He saw in the distance between the heat haze a councillor standing there. He nodded to them before they turned and walked away. Things were going the way they had wanted them. Thymie eventually quietened and he saw that she had cried herself to sleep in his arms. Picking her up, he carried her gently back to her room, noting few workers shift their eyes from the fires before them, he could feel the resentment toward him as he passed them, a cold grin touched his lips. This was better than he had hoped, not only did he not have to deal with Kaine again, Thymie had come to him on her own and in a weakened state, she had been almost easier to mold than the plates they received for the Machinallistas. Pushing the door to her room open, he noted it was a great deal colder than in the furnaces, no wonder she hated it out there. He'd hate to be stuck in this sort of cold at all times, though the furnaces were always too hot for his pleasure, but he'd make sure to come heat the room up for her soon. He lay her sleeping form on her bed, watching as she instinctively turned onto one side, still sleeping, finally leaving her room and heading back out. He felt a set of eyes hard on his back, turning he saw Kaine glaring at him. Not a word was spoken between them, he could see the wounds the councillors had given him, no doubt he had refused to cooperate, if he had simply agreed those wounds would never have been necessary, but then it was Kaine and he was as obedient as a rabid dog. Orion chuckled to himself and turned back, lifting his hand in a sort of wave that also proved of the two, he was the victor. Thymie was his.
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