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Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1724159
Arranged Love is based during the Civil War in Georgia.
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#711256 added November 13, 2010 at 10:34am
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Arranged Love Chapters 15-end
Chapter 15

Sly and Brittney were both outside a couple of days after the New Year had begun and they watched as they saw their neighbors’ slaves walking towards the north. She had often wondered how Cook and Jenkins were doing but had never asked Robert. Sly was nervous as they kept walking past the house and he never let Brittney out of his sight.

“I want to walk over to Papa’s grave, Sly.” Brittney looked over at him as he was sharpening his hunting knife. “They won’t come off that trail.”

“Be careful,” Sly glanced at her never really taking his eyes off of the trail.

“Thank you,” Brittney went in to get a warmer cape and to check up on Alex who had finally decided to take his nap. “He looks like an angel when he is asleep.” Brittney thought as she walked back out.

The gravesite was just around the side of the house and she saw no one hanging around as she walked over to it. Sly had built a bench so one could sit if they wished and she did just that. She was thinking of the past January when Papa had brought her all of Sly’s letters and made her very happy as she felt a pair of hands grabbing her from behind. She let out a piercing scream before a hand came up and covered her mouth. She started fighting as she felt the point of what she thought was a knife and felt her skirt slipping down.

Sly heard her and did not hesitate in jumping up out of the chair he was sitting in on the porch. He had never heard her scream like that and it was terrifying, not thinking about anything but her he jumped over the gates on the porch running as fast as he could to the side of the house.

He saw her fighting as hard as she could at the man that was holding her tight to him and he dove onto him as Brittney bit the assailant’s hand. “Run!” He yelled at her as soon as he saw that she was free.

She held up the skirt around her waist and ran as fast as she could back into the house. She grabbed the shotgun as she had not found Robert or Charles inside and went back onto the porch. Charles had been teaching her to shoot for a while and she had gotten quit good at it. Trying to calm herself down she started to take aim and as soon as Sly had moved out of her shot, she fired it. She saw the soldier fall down on Sly as he looked back up at her stunned.

He pushed the guy off of him and stood up; there was blood staining his shirt at the waist from where he had been sliced with a knife as he fought. There was no question that the guy was dead as he looked down at him.

Picking up the cape that had been ripped off of Brittney, Sly walked over to the porch and looked at his wife as the tears slid down her face as she stared at him. He walked up the steps, opening the gate this time, and took the shotgun away from her shaking hands. They walked back into the house as Elizabeth was holding a very agitated Alex.

Elizabeth looked at both them as shock swept her face. Brittney’s skirt was half way down and there was a little trace of blood where she had bitten the soldier’s hand. She put Alex down on the floor as soon as she saw that Sly was holding a hand at his waist and the blood was spreading over his shirt. The couple was both still in shock as they stood there.

Elizabeth went to take the shotgun from Sly and prop it back up on the wall having him take the shirt off so she could see how bad the cut was. She watched as Brittney absently walked into her room shutting the door.

Sly winced as Elizabeth poured some of Kirk’s whiskey on the cut; it was the only thing she had to use. Taking a cloth to wipe the blood away she was aware that he was going to need stitches. “Do you mind if I ask what just happened?” She asked as she him snap out of it.

“He attacked Brittney,” He said as he looked at the door that had shut behind his wife, he was still holding her cape. “The pig grabbed her while she was visiting Kirk’s grave. I heard her scream and I ran right into it.” Sly yelped as Elizabeth put pressure on his wound. “She fought him as best as she could, she finally broke loose as I attacked him and she bit his hand.” He took the cloth away from her and the pressure there by himself. “Please, check on her.”

Robert had heard the shot and had Charles run over to make sure everything was okay. What Charles saw made him think that it wasn’t. There was a dead soldier belonging to the General’s troop laying face down on the ground and he followed fresh blood dripping all the way into the house. He knocked on the door before opening it, seeing Sly as he walked in.

Sly had the towel where Elizabeth had placed it and he was losing a lot of blood. “Charles, I am happy to see you.” His face was starting to grow pale. “Could you see if Doctor Harrison might be available?”

Charles did not have to be told twice as he took off running back to Ashland House.

He ran as fast as could until he reached the house and saw Robert standing on the porch. “They have injuries, Doctor.” He said as he tried to catch his breath.

Robert grabbed his bag and headed right off the porch as he had seen the look on the young man’s face and they both walked quickly to cover the fifteen minute walk.

Sly had gotten up to lie down on the couch still holding the towel to his side. Elizabeth had still not come out the bedroom from checking on Brittney and it was worrying him. Any other time he would have fainted over the blood he saw.

Robert walked over to him; taking the cloth away and looked at the slash where the blood was coming from.

Sly grimaced as he talked to him. “You should see the other guy.”

“I think I did.” Robert told him as he lit a candle to sterilize his needle. “Dead as a door knob.”

“Brittney did that.” Sly told him as he watched what Robert was doing.

“You can tell me the whole story after I sew you back together.” Robert turned towards Charles. “If there is any of that whiskey left, you should probably pour him a glass.”

“Yes, sir,” Charles was watching the doctor as he smiled thinking that he was the one that had taught Brittney to shoot that shotgun. He poured the glass and then handed it to Sly who tried to smile at him.

“There,” Robert said as he admired his handiwork. “I see you are still not living a dull life.”

“I would love to have that right now.” Sly confessed to him as he sat up. He told them both what had happened while he finished his whiskey.

Elizabeth walked out of the room then; shutting the door back behind. Brittney was still in shock and there was nothing she could do to bring it out of her. She was glad that Robert had fixed Sly’s side; she had been worried about that.

“How is she, Lizzy?” Sly looked at her, his entire concern being for his wife.

Elizabeth took up the blood stained shirt and looked back at him. “She is in shock and she cannot talk about it.” She threw the shirt away. “Whatever went on out there scared her to death.”

“She was almost raped and she killed the man,” Sly winced as he tried to stand back up, looking down at Alex who had falling asleep next to the couch where he had lain down. He smiled at him as Elizabeth picked him to go lay him a bed. “I will be so glad when they leave Ashland House!”

Robert followed Elizabeth as she took care of Alex and asked her for all the details about Brittney.

Elizabeth frowned. “How much should one person have to endure? Between her thinking that Sly had been killed, her house being burnt down, Sly chasing Kirk and then them both being caught, her miscarriage, her father dying, Goldy being shot, and now this; I am surprised she has not totally snapped.” Elizabeth started crying for Brittney.

Robert held her, “We will do whatever we can to help her snap out of this, Lizzy.” He looked down as he gently wiped the tears with his fingers. “She has been traumatized enough for two or three people; we need to give her time.”

Elizabeth could only pray that they could as they exited the room where Alex laid sleeping.

Sly stared at the closed bedroom wishing it would open and Brittney would walk out, but the way Elizabeth had talked he was knew that it would probably be a while before that happened. He walked around the house looking for something to do to take his mind off of what had happened to them and Robert watched him.

“I will go check on her in few minutes if she does not come out, Sly.” He told him worried that he would bust open his stitches. “Please, sit down.”

Sly looked back over at him as he sat down. “I let that happen to her.” He was blaming himself for letting her even go to the gravesite.

“Do not blame yourself.” Robert glanced back over at him.

“Why not? I watched them shoot our horses. They are in our house.” Sly was frustrated over all of it. “And now Brittney is in there with everything that has happened over the past year and she cannot snap out of it. I should have walked with her to the gravesite.” Sly looked down at the floor, “I promised Kirk that I would watch out for her and . . .”

“You have,” Brittney had walked out of the room then and heard everything that he said. She had been crying and her eyes were swollen.

Sly stood up and walked over to her, taking her in his arms. He saw her look at his side and grimace.

“I am sorry, Sly,” Brittney told him as she looked at the big cloth that covered him.

“What are you apologizing for?” Sly looked down into her eyes.

“For that,” She pointed at the cloth.

“You saved my life, Brittney.” Sly smiled at her in response.

“I,” Brittney paused as she started to cry again, “killed a man.”

“That tried to rape you!” Sly exclaimed as he held her tightly.

Brittney looked up at him tenderly before she looked at Robert. “I think that I am ready to get checked out now.” As she turned to go back into her bedroom, they both noticed that her back was bleeding.

Sly looked over at Robert with panic in his eyes. “Calm down, Sly.” He told him as he stood up. “It is probably just a cut.”

“How do you know?” Sly asked him.

“The blood has not spread.” He walked to Brittney’s room and shut the door.

Brittney let him examine her back and clean it up before she said anything. “I think that I might be. . .” She paused as she came eye to eye with him, “with child.”

“How long have you suspected that?” Robert looked over at her as he sat down in a chair.

“Christmas,” She answered him. “I was not sure until this morning.”

“I see.” He had her lay down on the bed and lifted her shirt back up, noticing the little bulge. He put a little pressure there feeling the hardness. After he finished examining her, he agreed with her. “I would say that you are.”

He smiled as he confirmed her suspicions, but frowned as she asked him another question. “After this morning, do you think that I might lose this one, too?”

“No, Brittney, I do not.” He looked over at her seriously. “I would love to see you eating a lot better than you have been, though. When are you going to tell Sly?”

“I will tell him now after I change my clothes.” Brittney was smiling as Robert left the room.

Sly was pacing again as Robert reentered but this time he was walking with Alex who had just woke up. Elizabeth was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee in her hands and looked up to see Robert smiling. He put a finger to his lips as she was about to ask him a question and that was when Brittney walked out of her bedroom. She was looking down so as Sly would not see her expression.

He looked up as Alex squealed from the excitement of seeing his mother. Brittney looked at both of them with a smile on her face and Sly was looking a little puzzled; thinking that she had really lost her sanity. “Brittney?” He asked as Alex went to her arms.

“I might have some good news, Sly.” Brittney looked up into his eyes watching the worry spread over his face in amusement. “I am going make Alex a big brother.”

It took a moment before he finally realized what she had said, “A baby?”

She nodded her head as Alex pulled on her ear. Brittney let herself smile at Sly as she watched the excitement spread over his face. Forgetting about the wound from earlier he grabbed her and twirled both Brittney and Alex in circles.

“Sly, I am going to get sick.” She cried out as she was getting dizzy. “You really shouldn’t do that.” Brittney looked as blood starting staining the cloth and fainted as he grabbed Alex.

Robert and Elizabeth went straight for her as they watched her fall down. Picking her up, Robert laid her down on the couch while Elizabeth went to fetch some smelling salts from his medical bag.

After she came back around Robert was laughing at her. “Did you faint after you shot a man?”

“No,” Brittney answered him as he was waiting for Elizabeth to take the cloth off of Sly so he could see the damage. “But he was not Sly.”

Brittney stood up and went to fix them something to eat as there was a knock on the door. All of them stared not knowing who was at the door. Charles was outside the entire time in the stables with Goldy and had come in with some good news.

Robert had opened the door for him as they were now keeping the door locked. “Goldy had her foal.” Brittney blinked in amazement; they had just found out that she was going to have a foal.

“May I see it?” She asked no one in particular.

Sly was opting for answering no as he watched Robert pick up one of the shotguns that were propped up against the wall. He looked over at Sly as he spoke, “I want to go and check her out and it would be alright with me if Brittney came to keep me company.” He watched as Sly nodded picking up Alex as he did.

Elizabeth had the table sat as they came in and she noticed the look of excitement on Brittney’s face as she told Sly all about the foal. He looked like Thunder except for the diamond of gold between his eyes.

They sat down to eat a peaceful supper forgetting all about the tragedy that almost happened that morning. Brittney was feeding Alex some mashed up apple when there was yet another knock on the door and she knew it was not Robert or Charles; they were sitting at the table.

Sly got up and walked to the bedroom because nobody was aware that he was there with them and then Robert went to the door holding the shotgun as he opened it. He put the shotgun down as he saw who was there. “Jenkins, what are doing down here?”

Sly came out of the bedroom when he had heard who it was and Jenkins smiled as he saw him. “I and the Mrs. have been giving our walking orders.” He started as he spotted Alex and grinned.

Sly motioned him as he was talking. “What do you mean your walking papers? You were already free.”

“The general cannot find our papers.” Jenkins explained to him. “I have been with Mr. Ashland. . .” He paused as he looked for him. “Since he was starting out.” Sly noticed the puzzlement on his face.

“Mr. Ashland passed away before Thanksgiving.” Sly told him as he saw the tears slide down Brittney’s face. “Where are they ‘walking you’ too?”

“The general just said to walk, sir, and I knew the ladies were down here.” Jenkins wanted to ask him if they could stay with them.

“You and Cook can walk down this way.” Brittney said to him as she continued to feed Alex. “There is another bedroom.”

“Thank you, mam.” Jenkins smiled as he turned to go to the door. “We will be here tomorrow morning.”

He shut the door behind him as he headed back to Ashland House.

Robert looked back at them as he remembered all the news he had taking in while he was in the house before their trouble started. He decided to share his news with them now.

“General Butler received his orders today to vacate your Ashland House within the next two weeks, so he has told all of your help; even though they are not slaves, that they had to move elsewhere.”

“That was crappy of him.” Sly said as he noticed that Brittney was starting to nod off at the table. “Brittney, maybe you should go to bed, before I have to carry you.”

Brittney yawned as she nodded, cleaning Alex’s face. “We will go to bed by ourselves. I do not intend on seeing any more blood today.” She picked Alex up and headed to the bedroom that was Alex’s and tucked him in before heading to her own.

Elizabeth watched her, shaking her head. “It has been a long day.”

“You can say that again,” Robert said as he got to help her clear the table. “Be careful of side when you go to bed tonight Sly.” He told Sly as he got up to go to bed himself.

“Yes, Doctor,” Sly rebutted as he opened the bedroom door.

Chapter 16

Brittney and Elizabeth were busy packing up the gate house as the week passed; knowing they were going to move back home shortly. It would be the first time they had seen the inside of the house since before Kirk and Sly came home.

Brittney was looking forward to it; but dreaded it at the same time. Her father would never be in the study again, drinking his whiskey or looking at the papers. Elizabeth knew what she was thinking, not blaming her, but trying to figure out a way to distract her away from her thoughts.

“When is the baby due?” Elizabeth asked her as they were packing up the stuff from Alex’s room.

“End of September, I think.” Brittney answered as she looked at the clothes that Alex had outgrown since they had been there. “He sure has grown a lot.” Brittney couldn’t believe it.

“He is almost nine months old, Brittney.” Elizabeth glanced over at her.

Sly had been outside with Goldy and her foal while they were packing and came back in looking excited. Alex was crawling towards the couch to try and stand up as they watched him and Sly stood there in astonishment. “He is going be walking before long.” He said out loud as he went to kiss Brittney.

“You’re sweaty, Sly,” Brittney wiped at her lips.

He laughed at her. “That is what happens when you do hard labor. Cleaning up after Star is getting to be a chore.” He had named the colt after the gold diamond between the eyes after he had seen him for the first time.

He grabbed some of the boxes they had packed and took them out to the stables where Robert had brought the wagon. He was excited about moving back Ashland House. He just hoped the hospital did not do too much damage.

Sly put his hand to his side as he felt a pull every time he picked something up, maybe it was time for Robert to take the stitches out. Brittney was watching him and made him sit down when he came back in. “Do you think that you may be overdoing it a bit?” She asked him.

“No,” he said as he pulled her into his lap. “Do you think that you might be overdoing it a bit?” Sly noticed that she was looking tired.

“I will go take my nap with Alex.” Brittney told him as she wrestled herself out of his grip.

“You take a nap?” Sly looked over her with amusement in his eyes.

Brittney saw the amusement and stood up shaking her head. “Let Robert look at your side.”

At that moment Charles came into the house with excitement on his face. “They are leaving tomorrow.” He grabbed some bread off the table as he made his announcement.

Elizabeth looked at him with a big smile on her face. “You are always the bearer of good news, aren’t you Charles?”

“I try to be, mam.” He took the bread out to the stables. He loved being with the horses.

“He is a good fellow,” Sly said as he watched him leave. “Wonder if he would like to be in charge of the horses after they leave.”

“Ask him, he has nowhere else to go” Robert had entered into the house right after Charles and hugged Elizabeth. “Now that they are leaving how about we set a date for our wedding?”

Cook was in the kitchen fixing supper as she had been happily for the last week and she smiled as she saw the look come over Elizabeth’s face. “Miss Elizabeth, are you getting married?”

“Yes, Cook, as long as the groom does not run away again.” Elizabeth looked back over at Robert as she said this.

Sly laughed at him. “You are never going to live that down.” He stopped as he felt the pull on his skin again. “Brittney said I had to get you to look at my side.”

“She did?” Robert glanced over at him.

“She also said I am not to lift another box until you clear me.” Sly grinned as he said the last bit.

“I bet she did.” Robert chuckled at him as Sly took his shirt off.

Robert nodded as he looked at it. “I believe that it time to remove the stitches.”

It was middle of February when they finished loading the wagon to move back into Ashland House. Sly watched Brittney carefully because she had told him about the dread mixed in the excitement of moving back in. She looked like she was handling it pretty well until she saw the mess that the general had left in her father’s study. That was when all the grief she had felt since Kirk passed away spilled out of her. While she was at the gate house, she had barely cried over him, instead she handed Sly the rifle to kill Kirk’s turkey. She sat down at the desk absently staring at the papers scattered on the desk. She wiped her tears away long enough to see that they were military papers that had been left behind and she started reading them. Not believing what was before her in black and white, she just stared at them. That is where Sly found her, looking absently out the window.

“What’s up, Brit?” He asked as he came into the room. She pointed to the papers and picked them up; glancing at them and then at her. “I wonder if he knows he left these.”

“Does it really matter?” Brittney asked as she stood, her back was starting to ache. “I need to lie down. Where is Alex?”

“He is with Elizabeth,” Sly answered as he kept reading. “Are you going to take him with you?”

“Only if you don’t want him out of sorts,” Brittney started walking away as Sly saw her holding her back.

“Are you alright?” Sly asked her.

“I am alright, just a little on the tired side.” She went and got Alex from Elizabeth and then went upstairs for their nap time.

They had everything moved back into the house and all was finally quiet as they settled down in the parlor in front of the fire. Brittney was sitting next to Sly with her head laid back on his shoulder as she watched Alex. He was sitting there contently playing with the horse and wagon that Sly had carved him for Christmas as she dozed off. Robert and Elizabeth stared at her as she started snoring and Alex mimicked her; causing them all to laugh. Alex put his toy down and crawled over to couch, pulling himself up by his mother planting a wet kiss on her cheek. Brittney woke up and smiled at him as he said something that sounded like momma and made a snoring sound. Sly laughed at him as Brittney twisted so she could pick him up.

“Did you have a good nap?” Sly asked her as he was still grinning.

“You two are ganging up on me.” Brittney pretended to pout as she looked over at Robert and Elizabeth who were whispering to one another. Robert had moved his stuff to the gate house and was going to start setting his practice up.

Brittney asked them if they had set the date for the wedding yet as she watched them.

Elizabeth looked back over towards her, “After you have the baby.”

“Why, after?” Brittney asked.

“I want you to be my matron of honor.” Elizabeth informed her. “And I want Sly to give me away.”

Brittney bent her head backwards so she could Sly’s reaction. “It will be my honor to give you away, Elizabeth.” Sly told her and Brittney added that she would love to be the matron of honor.

“So does mean the end of September or the beginning of August?” Brittney asked

“That all depends on you.” Robert told her as he stood to go back to the gate house. “Where is Charles? It is time to go.” He bent down to kiss Elizabeth good night before he took off in search of Charles.

He found him in the kitchen eating some of Cook’s cookies. “Do you never stop eating, boy?” Robert asked him after he said it was time they get home.

Brittney stood outside on the porch as she sniffed the fragrances of the wildflowers that were in full bloom, spring was in the air. She smiled as she watched Alex toddling beside the railings on the porch; curiosity helped him to learn to walk early.

It was time to think about planting a garden again this year, and the thought of fresh vegetables made her mouth water. This year she could introduce Alex to tomatoes and maybe later on corn. She noticed the green leaves on the fruit trees; this would be a better year. She prayed that it would be quieter than the past two years. Brittney watched as Goldy’s colt was running around in the fence, he was going to grow up into one pretty horse.

Looking down at Alex, she grabbed one of his hands and led him inside the house. She was whistling and Alex thought that was funny. Sly looked over at her as she entered with her son. The baby was starting to show as the end of March was coming and Robert was keeping a regular check on her knowing that Brittney was scared that she might lose this baby as she had the last one.

Elizabeth was keeping her eye on her too to make sure that she was eating the way Robert needed her to.

“Is it lunchtime yet? Alex says we are hungry.” Brittney stated as they started walking into the kitchen. She laughed as Alex started rubbing his stomach.

Sly had stood up and walked behind them as they entered the kitchen. Brittney had sat down as Cook put a plate in front of her. “Do I really eat all of this?” She asked as she put Alex in the chair beside her.

“Usually your son helps you.” Sly grinned at her.

“You better be hungry then, Alex, because Cook has put more food than I handle by myself”

Alex laughed at her as he was still rubbing his stomach.

Brittney had picked up a spoon to feed him a bit of potatoes when she stopped; smiling as she remembered the first time Alex had kicked her. “Okay, big boy, eat your taters.”

Sly had looked at her when she had paused feeding Alex with a question in his eyes. “Brittney?” He asked

“The baby kicked, Sly.” She said absently as she continued to feed Alex in between taking bites herself.

Sly smiled as he saw Elizabeth, Robert, and Charles came into the kitchen.

They sat around the table laughing and cutting up as the meal progressed. Not worrying about the war at that point was a good thing; even though they knew that it was still going strong and falling into the union’s favor. The battles were being fought on sea and land as the Union was still trying to force the south into submission.

Soon March turned into April and they were busy planting the vegetables that Brittney so loved to grow. They stayed busy and this time Brittney was careful not to overwork herself. Sly had put up a fence so Alex could go outside and they would not have to worry about where he was. He was walking well enough now not to need anything to help him and he had figured out how to run when he did not want to be washed.

Most of major battles were being fought in other states and Georgia was relatively quiet except for in Savannah where the union was still holding on to Savannah Shipping. That was not far from the Fort where Sly had been stationed almost a year ago when he had gotten injured.

Brittney could not believe that the time had passed by so quickly and they were sitting down with a small birthday cake for Alex. He was one year old today, and it had been a very busy year. They all sang Happy Birthday to him as he very joyfully picked up his whole piece and tried to stick it into his mouth. Brittney laughed at the mess he had just made as Sly just watched him.

Elizabeth came with a wash cloth and he squealed as she got closer to him. He kept turning his face away from her as Brittney watched in amusement. “Alex, let Elizabeth show us how handsome you are.” Brittney told him as she held his face still for her.

“He is just like you were, Kitten.” Elizabeth told her as she had wiped the last crumb off his face. “Head strong and very independent.”

Brittney got up from the experiencing that back pain again. She just could never get comfortable sitting down for any amount of time with this baby.

“Girl,” Elizabeth said.

“What are you talking about?” Brittney looked at her like she was crazy.

“It is going to be a girl.” Elizabeth looked at her seriously.

“Is that a fact?” Brittney turned towards Elizabeth as the pain subsided.

“Girls cause back pain.” Elizabeth told her as she finished with Alex, wiping all of the cake off his trousers.

Sly was amused as he watched the two of them talking. He would love to have a daughter. Brittney turned and saw his amused expression and turned to go upstairs. “Come on, Alex, it is nap time.”

“Big boy, now,” Alex told his mother as he stood watching her. “No nap.”

Brittney grabbed his hand. “Big boys do take naps.”

They had seen another anniversary come and go. June and July passed as quickly as the rest of that year had, again most of the battle being won by the union as the war progressed. Brittney did not see it ever ending as she waddled through the garden picking tomatoes for their supper. She looked up as clouds passed over the sky. They were fixing to get drenched. She walked as fast as she could to the house as she felt the first rain drop and walked a little faster as saw balls of hail coming down. That was not good. She watched as Goldy and Star ran into the stable, as Alex started screaming because of the loud noise of thunder. She prayed that this storm would pass quickly as she went to Alex and cuddled with him in the parlor trying sooth both him and herself. She was almost too big for Alex to even sit on her lap, but he loved to lay his head down on her lap and to feel the baby kick her. “My baby.”

“Your baby, Alex?”

Alex looked up at her smiling, “Momma’s baby.” He pointed to himself and then at her stomach. “My baby.”

By the end of August, Brittney was finding increasingly uncomfortable to sit at all and Robert put her in the bed for the rest of that month.

Sly was puzzled as the beginning of September rolled around and he could not find Brittney when he went upstairs to bring her a food tray, she was not in the bed. He looked for her everywhere after he had set the tray down on the bed. He passed Alex’s room and peeked in as he finally heard voices in the nursery. He walked down the hall as he heard Elizabeth talking to her as Brittney was standing there folding diapers. Elizabeth had just walked out of the room with a knowing look as she passed Sly. Sly put a hand on her sleeve and asked her what was going on. “Tonight, Sly, if my feelings are right, she is going to have that baby.”

“Are you sure?” Sly asked as they heard Brittney call for Elizabeth. Sly and Elizabeth walked in at the same time as Brittney was doubled over and a pool of water was under her.

Elizabeth looked over at Sly. “I am sure. Now run and get Robert, he is at the gate house.” Elizabeth was telling him as she started to guide Brittney back to bed.

He ran as fast as he could regretting that he did not take the time to get a horse as he finally made to porch, stumbling over the gate. “Blasted!” He said out loud as Robert came out of the house.

“Sly.” Robert was laughing at him as he helped him up. “What do you need, sir?”

“I need. . .” Sly stopped so he could catch his breath. “Brittney needs you.” Sly grabbed by the hands and started running.

“Stop,” Robert told him, laughing at how clumsy Sly could be when it came to Brittney. “I need my bag.”

“Oh,” Sly tried to calm down. “I am sorry.”

Elizabeth was talking soothingly to her as Robert walked through the door. Brittney saw him as another contraction shot through her body. Elizabeth was finally able to help her into her bed. She waited as she heard Brittney gasp as yet another pain tore through her.

After the last of the pain subsided, Brittney gave Elizabeth a smile and said, “This kid is in a hurry all of a sudden. She’s not fooling around.”

Elizabeth heard footsteps’ running up the stairs as Brittney was having another pain. “Thank God, you are here.” Liz said was talking to Robert as Sly came running into the room.

Sly stood absolutely still. He looked over at Brittney who was drenched with sweat and Robert was checking her out. “The baby?”

Elizabeth looked over at him like he had lost it. “Sly, you should not be in here. . .”

“I know, Elizabeth.” Sly looked over at her sheepishly. “I just want to tell Brittney that I love her and then I will go to spend some time with Alex”

Brittney screamed as another contraction came after Sly had whispered into her ear and left.

“Let’s get busy here.” Robert cleaned himself up and looked around at the things that Elizabeth had been taking up there during the day. “Somebody has already been busy. “ He said as checked Brittney out. “This won’t take long at all.”

Sly was playing with Alex in his new playroom but his mind was in the room with Brittney. He heard a small, indignant cry and knew that the he had another baby to share his love with. He looked over at Alex. “Well, Alex, your new brother or sister sure has some loud lungs!”

“Lud lungs.” Alex laughed at his father as they ran toward the bedroom. Sly burst into the room with questions on his lips.

Elizabeth stopped him. “You have a beautiful little girl. As for the second question, they are both doing fine. By the way, have you picked out a name yet?” She managed to answer all his questions and fire another question at him while he was still trying to move his mouth.

Sly smiled as he told her the name that they had picked out for their daughter. “Her name is Luticia Marie Rushmore.”

“Congratulations, sir.”

“Thank you, Elizabeth.”

Sly roughed up little Alex’s hair as they entered the room to see Brittney and the baby girl. He was in very happy spirits as he held the little girl in his arms and Alex peeked over at her over his arms. “My baby,” Alex laughed

Sly walked downstairs after he put Alex to bed to get a glass of milk as he spotted Charles sitting by himself in the kitchen.

“Charles,” Sly greeted him as he watched him eating some bread. “What’s going on?”

“I heard you when went to get Robert and thought I would stick around until Brittney had the baby.” Charles told him with his mouth still full.

Sly took out two glasses and poured some milk, handing him a glass as he sat down across from him. “We just had a little girl.” Sly told him as drank a little of the milk.

“I had a sister.” Tears were in his eyes as he finally laid the bread now. “She was only four years old when she died.”

“What happened to her?” Sly knew the best thing for Charles would be was for him to talk about her.

“Kathryn had some kind of disease that the doctors could not heal.” Charles swallowed some milk to keep from crying. “I was six years old when I found her in her bed. I kept begging Momma to make her breath, but all Momma did was cry.” Charles had not understood death then and it had not any easier to understand when his parents had been killed. “Papa said I did not talk for a year after that.”

“Death is hard to understand at any age.” Sly told him, he too had a sister but she never made it to her first birthday and Sly was born after that. “Brittney never knew her mother, did you know that?”

“No, sir, I did not.” Charles picked his bread back up. “Thank you for listening, I feel a lot better now.”

“Anytime you need to talk Charles, we’ll be here.” He cleared the dishes and rinsed them out so Cook would not get to upset, glancing out the window as he did. The moon was very bright tonight; smiling to himself. “You want to spend the night here? It’s kind of late.”

Sly led him to one of the guest rooms and after settling him in, went back upstairs to Brittney who was asleep with Ticia lying next to her. Smiling he picked the sleeping newborn up and laid her in the same cradle that they had used for her brother.

Elizabeth walked into the kitchen with a smile on her face as they came in to look for Charles. “What is Charles’ last name, Robert?”

“Anderson, why?” Robert answered her.

“I have been trying to figure out where I have seen him.” Elizabeth looked at Robert in astonishment. “I have not seen him, but he does have his mother’s features.”

“Okay, you have my attention.” Robert looked back over towards her.

“My sister,” Elizabeth paused. “My older sister married an Anderson and after what happened over my wedding, we lost contact.”

“So, that makes Charles your nephew.” Robert smiled as he realized that Charles was not as alone as the boy thought. “Would like for him to move in with us we are married.”

“That would be great.” Elizabeth frowned as she remembered what Charles had told them had happened to his parents. “I wish I could have seen her again.”

They walked outside to sit in the garden as Elizabeth was thinking about her sister.

Chapter 17

The house was settled down for the night and all was quiet as Robert and Elizabeth sat together in the garden. The night sky held beautiful shimmering stars and a brilliant full moon. Peace surrounded them like a blanket and they were ready to start talking about their wedding plans.

Robert cleared his thought. “How about two weeks from today?”

Elizabeth just stared at him. “Is two weeks going to be enough time?”

“The way I figure, two weeks will give Brittney enough time to heal” He looked over at her. “She had a very easy birth this time and there is no one here holding a shot gun to my face this time”

He got down on his knees and looked up at her. “Elizabeth, will you marry me?”

“Yes, Robert, I will marry you two weeks from today.” Elizabeth looked at him as he stood up wondering if he had lost his mind. Lifting her up off the bench, he kissed her. “But just so you know, if you runaway again, I will be the one holding the shotgun.” Elizabeth smiled at him smugly.

He laughed as he held her. “That’s only fair.”

“Through the power invested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride.” As Robert kissed his new bride, there was not a dry eye in the whole house. Everyone was happy for the couple. Robert smiled down at Elizabeth. “You think your dad was still pointing that shotgun at me.”

Instead of answering that question, she kissed him.

Later, after everyone retired to the parlor, Sly raised his glass for a toast while looking over at Brittney, who was holding Ticia. He looked at Alex, his mischievous first born, and thought about the time when they had almost lost Brittney while Kirk and he were being held prisoners. He thought of Kirk, who had giving so much in his life. He saw Elizabeth, whom he had come to love and respect as much as his wife did. And of course, there was Robert and Charles who had played a very big part in life.

“This toast,” Sly held up his glass. “This toast is for all the blessings that God has bestowed upon us. Brittney, Alex, Ticia, Elizabeth, Charles; who we just found out is Elizabeth’s nephew, and finally, Robert. This is also in remembrance of Kirk; the man who will always live here in our hearts and in our minds.” He looked over at his wife, who he saw was crying softly. “We all miss you, Kirk. God bless each and every one of us.” He lifted his glass again as he made his way over to Brittney.

“I think Papa was right,” Brittney whispered to him

“Right about what Brittney?” He asked as she looked tenderly up at him

She smiled as Ticia squirmed in her arms. “About ordering me to marry you.”

“I never knew that he ordered you to marry me.” He sat down next to her hugging her to him. “I thought you said that you were not one for following directions.”

“I had to follow his, Sly. He was my father.” She smiled as her lips wanted to laugh.

He brought his mouth to hers for a kiss, as he lifted his glass back up to her, “To peace and love, always and forever. Amen.” He whispered in her ear as he looked at all the friends they had in their home that night. “I promise I will always love you, Mrs. Rushmore.


In April of 1865 a treaty was signed in Appomattox officially ending, if not physically, the war and President Lincoln had been assassinated. The war however lasted with little battles here and there until President Johnson was captured in Irwinsville on May 10 and the confederacy was dissolved.

Relief had swept through Ashland House as Sly read the latest articles out loud as they sat around the table. It had been a long and bitter war turning families against each other as it had progressed and Brittney felt a sadness knowing her father had not lived to see the end of it.

Cook was baking a cake for Alex’s fourth birthday as Brittney walked out to the porch, sitting down gingerly in the old rocking chair to watch as Alex and Ticia played. She heard Sly as he whistling walking towards her.

“How are you feeling?” Sly asked as he bent down to kiss her.

“Like I swallowed a whole watermelon,” she answered him back as she listened to the children squeal.

He laughed at her answer as he sat down next to her as their friends walked up.

Robert glanced at her as he walked up with Elizabeth and Charles for the birthday party. He had his doctor’s bag with him; he wanted to listen for a heartbeat today. “Well, come on Brittney; let’s listen to see if you are to have a melon or a baby.”

Brittney stood up and followed Robert into the house as Elizabeth walked in after them.

Brittney laid down on the couch as Elizabeth lifted Brittney’s shirt up above her bulging belly.

Robert placed the stethoscope listening rather amused as he stared at Brittney. “Well, well.” He smiled as he put the stethoscope back in his bag. “Sounds like two melons.”

Elizabeth looked down at her friend as she saw the shock of what Robert had just said sunk in.

Sly walked into the house with Alex and Ticia holding onto his legs as Brittney looked at him not at all amused.

Robert just watched them as Sly looked at Brittney as she said that he was never going to touch her again.

“And why is that?” He asked her as he grabbed his daughter, picking her up.

Brittney was still in shock as she sat up.

Robert stood up then and went over to Alex, slapping Sly on the back as he passed by him. “You just ran out of bedrooms, ol’ boy.”

“What does that mean?” Sly looked at Brittney as she pushed herself up off the couch.

“It means, Sly,” She spoke as she walked towards him. “That we are going to have twins.” It was her turn to watch the surprise wash over him as she added. “That’s it, mister; four is my limit.”

Robert picked Alex up and walked towards the kitchen table where Cook had just sat the cake down in the center.

Sly joined them as he still carried Ticia, walking beside his wife. He sat Ticia down in the chair next to her brother and then slid a chair out for Brittney.

It was a time to celebrate more than just Alex’s birthday, but to celebrate the serenity of the peace that enveloped their country. Sly smiled at Brittney after Alex blew out all four of his candles. “Boys,” He told her as watched the amusement in her eyes.

“Is that a fact?” Brittney asked

“Yep,” Sly said with his mouth still full of cake. “And we will name them Richard and Robert, after the two men that saw that I got back home to you alive.” He turned to Robert who was very touched as he heard what Sly said.

Robert lifted up his glass of milk in a toast as everybody smiled. “To the end and the beginning, we have all been blessed by God.”

© Copyright 2010 D. A. Price (UN: gbodeb34 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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