Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/711255-Arranged-Love-Chapters-9-14
Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1724159
Arranged Love is based during the Civil War in Georgia.
#711255 added November 13, 2010 at 10:04am
Restrictions: None
Arranged Love Chapters 9-14
Chapter 9

Brittney was holding Alex in the parlor as she watched Elizabeth bustling around the house; happier than she had ever seen her. She knew that Robert coming back into her life had played a big part in her companion’s happiness.

She turned her attention back to Alex, who had grown into a very happy baby. Brittney often found herself talking to him like an adult, having a hard time believing he was only two months old. His birth had cheered the entire household that was depressed over a war that had almost taken his father’s life.

The states were still besieged with battles; Virginia and South Carolina being the ones that were being hit the most. Brittney tried very hard to concentrate on just her family but sometimes that could be difficult. She laid the baby in the pram that they kept downstairs as her father came into the room.

They had just come back from another trip to Hinesville to stock back up on the provisions they needed and she could see the stress on her father’s face.

Kirk smiled as he saw his daughter, “Hello.” He kissed her cheek as he walked over to take a look at his grandson. “And how is Master Alex today?” He had bonded with Alex almost immediately after holding him the first time; putting aside the anxiety that he had felt about his delivery. He turned his attention back to Brittney who was smiling as she watched them. “It is a beautiful day.”

“That it is, Papa.” Brittney sat back down at the couch. “I take it you had a pleasant trip.”

“Pleasant enough,” Kirk answered her. “Provisions in the stores are starting to run low. Trains are having a hard time getting through.”

“Oh . . .” Brittney had not thought about the trains. “I’ll tell Cook to use her supplies sparingly.”

“Would you by any chance know where I can find Robert?” Kirk turned towards the door as he heard Sly come in.

“I think I saw him and Elizabeth walking in the garden.” Sly told him as he went to hug Brittney.

Kirk started walking towards the door after he smiled back down at Alex. “Thank you, Sly.”

Brittney looked up at Sly as he kissed her. “He is hiding something.”

“You feel that, too?” Sly asked her as he let her go. “I am glad that I am not the only one.” He walked over to the pram and lifted Alex up. “I have felt that the letters he wrote to me at Fort Pulaski that he was leaving something out.”

Brittney’s face drained of all color as she looked at him.

Sly watched her, “What?” He asked her as he sat down in a chair opposite of her; cuddling Alex in the crook of his arm.

“He had seen Dr. Epps a couple of times,” She started. “But he said it was nothing to worry about.”

Sly looked over at her wanting to ask some more questions but Alex chose that moment to wake up hungry. He stood up and handed the baby to his mother.

“Where are you going?” She asked as she started nursing Alex.

“I am going to find out what is going on with your father.” He told her as he headed towards the study; greeting Elizabeth as she entered the room.

Robert was listening to Kirk as Sly entered the room without knocking and Kirk looked at him annoyed. “Sly.”

“Kirk” He said back to him as he sat down uninvited. “I am assuming that Robert is here on official business and as a friend and family member I want to know what it is that you are hiding.”

“What makes you think I am hiding something?” Kirk asked him impatiently.

“Brittney says that you saw Dr. Epps a couple of times.” He continued as he watched Kirk’s face, “but you told them it was nothing to worry about. Those letters you wrote to me while I was away. .. They felt like you were not saying something.”

“You really want to know?’

“Yes, I do.” Sly responded to him. “Even Brittney feels that you are hiding something from her.”

“Fine,” Kirk resigned himself to telling them about the chest pains that he had been experiencing then and was having again. “That is why I asked Robert to see me.” He finished.

Robert looked over at Kirk, “I have been here for over two months, why didn’t you tell me about this sooner?”

Kirk looked down at his desk, “Because the pains have been mild up until today.” He answered sadly as looked back, watching Robert stand up.

“I am going to go get my bag. ” Robert told him. “Would you like me check you in here or in your bedroom?”

“I am comfortable here.” Kirk replied as he watched the concern growing on Sly’s face.

“I will be back in a minute then.” Robert turned towards the door, walking out the door as Kirk turned his attention to Sly.

“I do not wish to burden Brittney with this.” He looked at Sly very seriously.

“What am I suppose to tell her, Kirk? I do not think telling her you grew another tail would work.” Sly would tell her whatever Kirk wished.

“I wish you could. Honestly, I do not know what you should tell her.” He answered as Robert came back into the room carrying his bag. Sly stood up and left the study as Robert started his examination; trying to figure out what he would say to Brittney if she asked.

She had finished nursing Alex and was sitting down with Elizabeth talking as Sly reentered the room. She looked up with questions in her eyes as he walked over to the fireplace.

“Are you going to make me ask, Sly?” Brittney stood up and walked over to stand next to him.

“Kirk. . .” Sly looked into her eyes as she watched him. “He is not a spring chicken anymore. I don’t know any more than that.”

“You are lying.” Brittney accused him. “You were in there too long for that to be the only thing you can tell me.” She walked away from him not wanting to be angry. “I have a feeling that Papa just doesn’t want me to worry about him. Not knowing what is going on will only make me worry more!”

Elizabeth looked at the storm that was brewing in Brittney’s eyes and excused herself; taking Alex upstairs with her.

Brittney turned back towards her husband as she watched them leave. “Are you going to tell me or do I have to go find out for myself?”

Sly walked over to her and grabbed her arms. “Don’t”

“You are hurting me, Sly.” She turned, trying to wrestle out of his grip. “He is my father and the way I see it, I have every right to pick what I do or don’t worry about.”

Sly loosened the grip, looking sadly at her. “I’m sorry.” He paced the floor trying to calm himself down, hating the fact that she was so angry at him. “He doesn’t want me to tell you about what was said in that room.”

Brittney watched him for a minute and then stormed out of the room while he watched her. He had not seen her that angry since the day they got married.

She ran to stables and placed a saddle on Goldy knowing that she would probably calm down after a fast and furious ride over the fields. Brittney led Goldy out of the fence noticing that Sly was watching her. She mounted her palomino and took off as the tears started falling down her face.

Kirk watched from his window as he saw Brittney take off on the horse like that and walked out of the study to find Sly standing in the front door with his hands jammed in his pockets staring after her.

Sly turned towards him as he heard his footsteps. “You have to tell her, Kirk.” He walked sadly away from the door and started walking away from Kirk.

“She is going to break her neck; the way she is riding that horse.” Kirk stopped him as he walked past him. “Go and bring her back home. I will tell her everything.”

Sly looked at him and then took off to the stables running as he had never before. He knew where she was going; usually when they rode they went to their house.

Kirk watched as Sly took off on Thunder and then turned to see Robert watching him. “Kids,” He shook his head as he walked into the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee.

Brittney turned around as she heard Sly calling her, some of her anger had debated as she rode until she got to what used to be their house. She sat in her saddle just looking at the ruins; there was nothing left. Sly stopped as he reached her, happy to see her in piece. She pointed to their house while not saying anything and Sly looked, shock and anger spreading over his face. “Oh, my God,” It was all he could say. “There is nothing left.” He started to ride the rest of the way.

“Stop! There are blue uniforms there, Sly.” Brittney finally spoke as she was torn in-between being angry or scared. “They haven’t seen me.”

Sly looked over at her, looking very serious. “Walk the horse slowly until we get past the woods, then ride like you are angry with me until we get to Ashland House.” He could see that Brittney was nervous. “You are safe, Brittney. I will be beside you the whole way.”

“I love you, Sly.” Brittney nervously started to walk Goldy away from where they had stopped.

He looked back at her, “We’ll make it; Kitten and I love you, too.”

At his word they both raced back to the stables at Ashland House and ran into the house. They were both out of breath as Kirk watched them enter. After they had calmed down they told Kirk what had happened to their house.

“Never,” Kirk looked at his daughter showing all the anger he felt at her for putting herself in that situation. “And I do mean never go riding again by yourself. You could have been killed.” He was angry as both Robert and Sly tried to calm him down.

“I promise, Papa. I will never go riding again by myself and,” Brittney paused just as angry at him as he was at her. “You will promise to hide no more secrets.” Brittney turned on her heel as she heard Alex screaming from upstairs.

Kirk looked over at Sly as he heard him laughing, “Something funny, son?”

“No.” He could not stop himself. “I just have not seen this side of her in a long time. I kind of missed it.” He slapped Kirk on the back as he followed his wife upstairs, shaking his head.

Elizabeth was walking Alex all around the room trying to get him to calm down as Brittney entered into the bedroom. “I believe this baby is starving.” She said as she studied the look on Brittney’s face.

“And he should be.” Brittney calmed down as she took Alex and prepared to nurse him. “This has been a long day. I think that I will take a nap after this.”

Elizabeth nodded as she opened the door at the same time that Sly had put his hand on the knob. Sly was smiling as he saw her. “Afternoon, Elizabeth.”

“Sly.” She was happy that they were still not arguing, she left them and walked down stairs.

Brittney looked up as shut the door. “Quit a day, huh?” He looked at his son as he fed.

“You really hurt me, Sly.” Brittney told him calmly trying not to get upset again.

“And I am sorry, Brit.” He sat down next to her on the bed. “I tend to get frustrated when I can’t say what I want to, but he made me promise.”

“And you always keep your promises.” Brittney was annoyed with that, but it was the only fault that she could find with him.

He looked her in her eyes as he bent to kiss her. “I promise to always love you.”

“That sounds like a threat.” Brittney smiled at him.

“Kirk has promised to tell you everything after lunch.” Sly told her as he informed her of everything that was said after she took off on her horse. “You scared the daylights out of him.”

“Served him right,” Brittney said softly as she noticed Alex nodding back off. “I want to take a short nap before lunch.”

Sly took Alex and laid his sleeping son into the cradle as he tucked the blanket around him. He glanced back over at Brittney; noticing that she was already asleep. He stepped out into the hall, shutting the door softly before he headed back down stairs to visit with Kirk.

She slept right through lunch and Kirk came up to see her. He was going to go over to his company and wanted to talk with her before he left. She was waking up as he entered into her bedroom and listened to him patiently as he told her everything that he had told her husband earlier. The fact that he said he was going into Savannah slipped her mind, getting lost with all the other information he had giving her. After he left Brittney straightened out the skirt that she had fallen asleep in and looked at Alex still sleeping fitfully. Picking him up carefully so as not to wake him, she headed down stairs so she could grab a piece of toast to eat.

Sly was talking with Robert as she came down the stairs with Alex and they looked up as she entered into the parlor to put Alex in the pram. “Did you sleep well?” Sly asked her looking at her crumpled clothes.

“I did,” She answered him with a smile. “And papa came in talk to me just as you said he would.” She laughed a little. “I should have thought about riding Goldy like that before to get what I want. I am going to grab a bite to eat.” She left Alex with Sly as she went into the kitchen.

Elizabeth watched as Brittney grabbed a piece of toast and poured her some coffee. “I heard you had quit a day.”

“One I do not wish to repeat.” Brittney looked over at her as she sat down at the table. “Our house is just over an hour from here and there were army men in blue uniforms there.”

“I haven’t heard this part.” Elizabeth looked shocked. “Want to clue me in?”

“I was angry at Sly, so I went for a ride.” She took a sip of coffee. “The house was burnt to the ground.”

They didn’t see you?” Elizabeth quizzed her.

“I was far enough away for them not to be able to spot me.” Brittney answered her. “That was when Sly caught up with me and we raced back here.” She finished the coffee and pushed the leftover toast aside. “Alex is with Sly and won’t need me for a while,” Brittney paused as she stood up. “I am going to the stables and brush Goldy down.”

Elizabeth watched as she left; noticing that Brittney was barely eating anything again. “I am going to have to talk to her about that.” She thought to herself as cleared the dishes from the table.

Brittney was brushing Goldy as she talked to her trying hard to think of everything that her father had told her after her nap. There was something that she was trying to remember from the conversation as she glanced over at the next stall where her father’s horse should have been. “Where is Papa’s horse?’ She asked out loud. The brush fell out of her hand as she stood frozen while she finally remembered. “Papa went to Savannah.”

Absently she picked the brush back up as the thought raced back through her mind. “Blasted!” She picked up her skirt and ran as fast as could from the stables and into the house.

“Sly!” She was yelling for him as she entered into the parlor.

He looked up from the game of cards he was playing with Robert, his hand stopping in mid air as he saw the expression on his wife’s face.

“What is it, Brit?” Sly asked as he watched her walking back and forth while muttering under her breath. She was clearly exasperated.

“Papa’s horse is gone.” Brittney stopped to look at him while there tears streaming down her face. “Savannah Shipping,” was all she could say.

“Calm down,” Sly stood up and led her to couch to sit down. Kneeling down in front of her, he asked her to tell him everything she knew.

Brittney told him everything. “I went out to the stables because I needed to think and I didn’t see his horse.”

Sly stood up and noticed that Elizabeth had walked into the parlor and was standing right beside Robert. Jamming his hands into his pocket, as he did whenever he was upset, he walked towards the window knowing that he was going to chase after Kirk. “I will be back shortly,” he said as he looked back over towards Brittney.

“I am going with you,” Robert said as he started walking towards Sly.

Sly wheeled around towards him. “No.” He paused as he stared at him, “One of us has to stay here. I know the quickest way and I am hoping that I can catch up with him before he gets too far.”

Brittney had stood up and walked over to stand at his side as he was addressing Robert.

Sly hugged her as he looked into her eyes. “I promise I will be back and I will have your father with me.” He kissed her as he saw there were still unshed tears in her eyes. “I always keep my promises; remember that.” He let go of her and walked out to the stables as she watched him.

After Sly had rode Thunder out of sight, Brittney sat heavily down in the chair next to Alex and just gazed at the baby. Robert and Elizabeth stared at each other not knowing what to do.

“I cannot take much more.” Brittney sighed as she put her head in hands.

Chapter 10

Fear for Kirk kept driving him as Sly rode his horse harder than any other horse. Harder than any horse should be ridden as he raced across the open meadows. The Shipping yard never seemed so far away. He was hopeful. He must reach him in time! Not only was Kirk his father-in-law, he was his best friend. He had to get him back home.

He urged the horse on, his mind on his friend. The Federalists spotted Sly at about the same time that he saw them. Turning their horses around, they were upon him in just a few gallops. They were on him before he could come up with a plan. “God, if you hear my prayer over all this noise, please protect my family. I am begging, Amen.”

Sly hit his horse on the flank with his riding crop. The startled animal started dashing through the meadow. Sly could not see what hit him, but he felt a deep burning sensation across his leg. He stayed in his saddle not knowing that he had been shot. He started to feel dizzy and he saw the blood on his leg as he tumbled of his horse. The sight of blood made him faint. He knew nothing more.

Sly heard someone groaning and he was cold. So cold! His bones ached and he was lying on something hard. He tried to turn over and he realized that the groaning was coming from him. He raised himself up gingerly on his elbow as his eyes found Kirk tied up to a chair.

Kirk was looking at him angrily. “What in the bloody blazes are you doing here!?” His eyes were blue, but shot the same daggers that Brittney used when she was mad. Their eyes were identical in that way. “Are you alright? You must be in a lot of pain injured and laying on that cold, hard floor.” He looked sympathetic now. “I would help you but I am kind of tied up here.”

He looked at Kirk. “Your eyes shoot the same daggers that Brittney’s does. Yes, I am in pain. Yes, I am cold and yes, I can see that you are perfectly tied up.” He tried shifting the leg to a different position so as to lessen the pressure on it or at least in a position that didn’t hurt him as much. “My question is what are you doing here? You knew that ‘Savannah Shipping’ would be an acquisition that they could not pass over... It’s a Confederate Munitions Factory. It’s just what they need to control any armament that we have.”

“This business is my life, Sly. It was my father’s before it was mine. I want it for Brittney and Alex. My father built this place with his own hands. As I look around I can still see him nailing every board and polishing every piece of wood until it shined. As I played at his feet, he built this company from nothing into something that was very successful. It thrived before our eyes. It grew.” He looked down at the wood. “I had to be here. I have lived most of my life, but you . . . you have my daughter and my very handsome grandson.” Anger was rising in him once again as he spat out the rest that was on his mind. “You should be with Brit and Alex right now, but,” He paused as he listened for outside noises. “You decided you needed to be a hero and try to force an old man from a place he doesn’t want to leave. You have your whole life in front of you. I am where I want to be.”

“You could have told me all of this before, instead of sneaking off by yourself.” Sly tried twisting so he could see him better. “Your daughter was crying. You know all of those emotions have not settled themselves back down yet. She wants you home.’ He managed to sit up with a bit of struggle. “She went out to brush Goldy and she did not see your horse. So, what do you say? Let’s both be heroes and go back to Brittney.” He was still uncomfortable.” I would be there now if I knew how to say no to those tears that run down her face.

Kirk smiled. He said as he was nodding his head. “I have never told her this, but she got that trait from her mother. Nobody can fight off those tears. They are lethal. Heck, maybe they could win the war.”

Sly was working hard on the cloth that bonded his wrists together.

Months had crawled by since Sly left searching for Brittney’s father. Searches were turning up nothing. Not a trace of her father or her beloved husband. They had vanished. Brittney was thinking it might be worse. They might have been caught and held prisoner by the Yankees. Sly could have got shot again. Brittney felt her eyes tear up. The feeling of dread was with her all the time and she paced the floor, worry etching lines in her tired, pale face. Elizabeth was standing at the door worrying and watching. But Brit had failed to see her.

“Brittany, do take a seat before you wear yourself out!” Elizabeth was anxious about Brittney. She could read all of her emotions like a book.

Brittney stopped pacing, long enough to give Lizzy a quick embrace. The tears that she had held in, trying to be brave, came out in a scalding swift storm. “Oh, Liz, what if they are never found? What will we do?”

“You talk foolishness with your ‘what if’s’. Do not let me hear you talk in such a way. Your papa is a strong man with a strong will and Mr. Sly is just as strong and has two very good reasons to try and get back as soon as possible.” Liz gently pushed a stray curl of hair behind Brit’s ear, looking into her eyes at the same time. “Be a good girl, now; dry your tears.”

Brit let go of Elizabeth and turned towards the staircase. “But Sly. . . “ Brittany said using her sleeve as a handkerchief “Sly might have gotten shot again! They could both be prisoners....” Her voice dwindled as her body started falling into a heap to the floor. Brittney felt herself slide into darkness.

“Jenkins!” Elizabeth was calling out while she was trying to keep Brittney from crashing her head on the floor.

“It’s s s so cold in here!” Sly stammered as he awoke, somebody had taken care of his leg. It was wrapped with clean bandages and they had untied his wrists. “Did they finally figure out, I wasn’t a threat?” He thought to himself. He looked around and noticed that Kirk was moving around also. Sly looked over at him. “How are you, Kirk?”

“I’m fine.” Kirk replied. He was studying some maps inside the warehouse. “How is the leg?”

Sly tried walking on it. “It feels okay. “ He glanced at what he friend had. “That looks like an underground tunnel.” He looked closer and then he paused as he heard somebody coming into the building. Kirk had already laid the map down. They were being brought breakfast and neither complained as it was what they both needed. After their breakfast host disappeared back out the door, Kirk looked over at Sly. “Going out the big doors, we would never escape. But I know that there is an underground tunnel for emergency uses. I just have to find it. You can help if you want to.”

“Okay, Kirk. Let’s look for some loose boards. They may have fake nail heads in them so just feel around with your feet. I have a feeling you have walked on them a million times and thought nothing about it.” ‘They could give us some heat,’ Sly was thinking as he rubbed his hands together trying to stay warm. “How long have been here anyway?”

“A couple of months at least,” Kirk answered as he started looking at the boards. His eyes were not as sharp as they used to be.

Elizabeth was keeping a very close vigil on Brittney since she fainted on the way to the stairway. Brittney was walking around like a zombie. The only time she was alive was when she was with Alex.

Alex was such a happy baby. He had his father’s eyes. Brittney had already noticed this. “You, my dear little boy, look a lot like your daddy.” She was enjoying the time with the baby this morning. He lighted the house up with his giggles and squeals, a ray of sunshine in a time of darkness.

Brittney had started feeding Alex when she heard a loud commotion coming from outside. She stopped feeding him and walked down the stairs a bit with Alex while she was looking for Elizabeth. Elizabeth was running up the stairs as Brit was walking down. Elizabeth pushed them back up and went into the nursery shutting the door behind her.

“Eliza . . .” Brittany closed her mouth with snap as she caught the look on her friend’s face. Fear clutched her heart. “What is happening? “

“Kitten, I need for you to try very hard not to get upset!” Elizabeth was still trying to catch her breath from trying to get to Brittney and Alex before the soldiers had seen them. “The Federalists have taken the house to use a hospital.”

“There are a lot of houses around that are bigger than this one. Do they even now that people live here?” Brittney was holding on a little too tight for Alex to be comfortable, so he started squirming. “How are we supposed to live with a bunch of soldiers around? What is going to happen to us?” Glancing up at Elizabeth she asked her where Robert was.

“They decided that they could use his services. Have you been alright since you fainted the other day?” Elizabeth looked her over twice and believed her to be really healthy looking.

“I probably just overdid it.” Brittney explained it very well. She knew there had only the one time that she and Sly had been together; it was the night before he left to search for her father. She looked at her friend’s face and grinned at her. “I am not sure of anything right now, Elizabeth.”

Elizabeth looked at her questionably. “I won’t bring it up again.”

Brittney looked annoyed. “Lizzy, now is that the time to concern ourselves about another baby.”

“Okay, okay. It was kind of scary when you went down like that.” Elizabeth sounded like a worried mother.

“There was just too much going on.” Brittney started thinking about her own stomach as it started to rumble. “How are we going to get anything to eat, up here, away from the kitchen?” Brittney put Alex in his cradle. She looked back up at Elizabeth with tears starting to stream down her cheeks. “I would like for my family to come back home. Where are they? Where is Sly and where is Papa? Liz, I cannot handle this anymore! How many men are down there?”

Liz took Brittney into her arms and rubbed her back. “Hush, now Kitten. Everything is going to be alright as long as we keep our faith.” Elizabeth said a silent prayer that it would. Tears had starting streaming down her own face as she rocked Brittney back and forth. She was trying to comfort both of them at the same time. They both needed to dry their faces up before they went downstairs to get food out of their own Kitchen.

Brittney spoke in tearful voice. “I am sorry, Thank you. I know I need to be strong for the family. I need to be here for you, too.”

Elizabeth looked at the strength that Brittney had managed to muster. “You have always been so brave, Brittney. But let’s not try not to be there for everyone. Your number one mission is taking care of the sweet baby that is asleep in the cradle.”

Brittany quickly got dressed after she checked on the baby in his cradle. She knew she would have to face the monstrous men in blue today. They had turned Brittney’s family’s home into a hospital for their soldiers. Her anger was overriding her fear of what had become of her beloved husband and her dear Papa. The adrenaline was working for her and she could be very strong when she had to be. She was not going to let them have the pleasure of letting them see her afraid of them. She absentmindedly pinched some color into her pale cheeks. She took a deep breath and then opened the door. She came face to face with Elizabeth and together they started down the stairs. They were going to meet the enemy with their heads held high!

“Well, here we go, Kitten.” Elizabeth said as she took Brit’s hand.

Brittney shuddered. “I feel like I am going to face Death! Do you remember what you tried to teach me when I was little? You said that I should always walk with my back straight and my chin up, especially if I was upset. I always thought that was funny.”

“Why, Brit. Whatever is wrong with you?” Elizabeth looked at her worried but amused, “I think that is probably time to practice what I preach!” Brittney chuckled with her companion as they both walked slowly down the stairs. They had their backs straight, their chins up and a smile on their face. That is how the General first saw the two ladies; they were proud and definitely not defeated.

As Brittany saw the General sitting in her father’s favorite chair, she instinctively drew back. Elizabeth squeezed her hand and urged Brittney forward once more while whispering encouragement to her.

“Good Afternoon, ladies, I am General Douglas Butler. “ He stood up and walked over to greet them. He was not an extremely handsome man even when he was being polite.

“General.” Elizabeth held out her hand graciously. “I wish I could say this was a pleasure, but we both know it is not. I am Elizabeth, companion and governess, and this is Brittney. She is the mistress of the house.” She withdrew her hand pointedly as she looked around for Robert.

“I wish I could meet you under different circumstances, Ladies.” His gaze never left Brittany’s face as he was talking to Elizabeth. He seemed entranced with her quiet beauty.

Brittney shivered as he continued to stare, not sure of what she was suppose to do. Elizabeth put pressure on her hand reassuring her that she was not alone.

Sly limped around the room that had turned into a temporary home for the two men. “I want out of here. I can’t stand it anymore!” He was like a caged animal. “Alex has probably grown by leaps and bounds and won’t recognize me. I cannot stand not seeing him or Brittney. Death would be welcome right now if they are never going to let us go.” In his mind’s eye he saw the happy tears in Brittney’s eyes as she held the newborn in her arms. How long ago was that? Alex had to be around six months old by now. Could they keep them here any longer than they have? What was the date...? What was the day? There was no way to get that information here. In his frustration, Sly hit the floor really hard with the stick he used a crutch. The board jumped up. It was loose. Both men looked at each other. But did nothing at that moment, for they were bringing one of the meals. Sly marked the board with a coin so they would know where it was at. The men were pretending to argue as the soldier came into the room with their scant meal. Sly had befriended one of the soldiers with the hopes of getting some information about their home and the war. He saw the same soldier was bringing their food this time.

“What’s going on, Charles?” Kirk asked the soldier.

“Bad news for you, I’m afraid, Mr. Ashland.” Charles spoke up. He was not tall man, but he was young and stood with confidence. He was really working for the south, but had snuck into a Federalist uniform. “General Butler has taken over the Ashland House. It has been turned into a hospital.” He put down their food trays. “It happened two days ago, I believe.”

Sly looked him, bewildered and shocked at the same time. “They did what?!”

“They took over Ashland House, sir.” Charles studied Sly for a minute, considering whether or not he needed to tell him that he heard the General had taking a liking to the woman named Brittney.

“What about my daughter?” Kirk was just as alarmed at Sly was over the latest development. Sly was pacing back and forth, fear etched in his already chiseled face.

“Both women are fine. The General has taken a fondness to the young lady.” Charles looked back over at Sly. “Sir, as long as the young lady keeps on his good side, nothing will happen to them or your little boy. The general has no choice but to be the perfect gentleman, sir. It will be frowned upon and punishable if he is not.”

Sly smiled as his pictured Brittney on their last together. “I am not going to worry about Brit. She won’t let anybody touch her if she doesn’t want them, too. You have not said much about the baby. He is alright, isn’t he?” He looked back towards his father-in-law. His face was turning gray as if he was having trouble breathing. I will have to check on him, Sly made a mental note.

“I have heard that the ladies are not bringing him down around the soldiers, sir, so I am assuming that he is doing fine.” He put down the food trays. “I am being sent there this afternoon. That is why I volunteered to bring you your dinners today.” He took out some paper and a pencil. “In case you would like to write the ladies something to let them know that you okay.” He handed it over to Sly. “I will come back later to get your trays and the note.”

Sly took what Charles offered him gladly. “A book would not be enough paper for what I want to say, but I haven’t the time or material.”

“Charles,” Kirk looked at the soldier with gratitude. “Thank you very much for the support you have given us. It is always good to hear the news, no matter how bad, from a friendly face.” He shook his hand. “God be with you and bless you richly.”

Sly turned his attention back to Kirk as Charles left them. “You are starting to worry me. Do you have something you need to say?” He stooped to pick up the coin that he used to mark the loose board. He sat down on the floor and looked back up at his old friend.

“The pains are not really that bad, they just catch me off guard.” Kirk turned to pick the map up that he hidden when they had heard the door open. “I do think that it is time to be learning about that tunnel though.” He was going to talk to Robert when everything was settled. “I am just sick of all of this war. We are being held prisoner in our own warehouse and we can’t get to our family or friends. “

Sly looked back up at him not convinced of the man’s answer, but very convinced about finding the way home. Even though Charles had tried to put worries of any of Yankees that were now housed with Brittney and Elizabeth, he had also noticed that Charles had not mentioned Robert. Sly knew the women would not have the strength to fight off attackers if they had too. He was very worried about Brittney because she might end up in trouble because she was apt to do things before she thought about the consequences and there was a chance that she might be expecting another baby. He turned his attention to the boards as the board he marked came easily up and he could see the tunnel. They both cheered. He had also discovered that three more boards were easily loosened. “Your father was a smart man.” The boards had knobs so they could easily slide the boards back into place after they went down.

Kirk smiled as he saw what Sly was talking about. “The man was a genius.” He was very impressed. They both heard the voices outside at the same time.

Sly took the map and threw it down into the tunnel as they both put the boards back. They gathered the blankets that they had been given and laid them down on the boards acting like they were about asleep when the doors opened. They both looked up at as their young friend came in.

Sly looked over at Kirk and then back up at the young man. “How old are you, Charles? I mean you are kind of young to be in the army.”

“I am fifteen, but I am here for other reasons.” The youngster looked down at both of them. “Right now I need your letter; they are waiting for me so we can leave.” He looked over at Sly who was taking the letter out of his pocket. “You can trust me, sir. I have seen what they are doing. They have done it my own family,” He let a tear slip down his face. “My name is Charles Anderson and I used to live just a little way from the Ashland House. I was relieved when they did not storm into your house as they did mine. They trampled most of your wheat but they have left everything standing. The hospital is not a bad thing; the ones there are pretty professional acting. But the troops that entered my house were a different story all together. My father was shot trying to defend my mother from them. After they finished with her, she died. They burned down our house. I witnessed what they did and I will live with that for the rest of my life.” The tears were streaming down now and Sly pressed his hands onto Charles’ shoulder. “I will always have that picture in mind.”

“How did you manage to work your way into this camp, sir? “ Kirk asked him as he watched the boy struggling with his emotions.

Charles smiled a half-hearted smile. “I am not really in the army, sir. I grabbed one of the uniforms from a soldier who did not need it anymore. I walked around for a couple of weeks before this infantry took me in and then I pretended to be deaf and dumb, sir. I have discovered you learn a lot more like that, because people talk openly.” Charles looked down at the floor they were sitting on. “My father talked about a tunnel that he helped build when he was younger. He worked odd jobs for your father while he was growing up. Really pleased he was with that.” Kirk and Sly lifted up one of the boards to show Charles that they working on that.

Sly looked at Charles and shook his hand after he handed him the letter. “You are smart young man. It would please us all greatly if you would stay with us after all this is said and done.”

“Yes, sir, maybe I will see you there.” He shook hands with both of them. “It is time to play deaf and dumb. I need your trays back.”

He took the trays and knocked on the doors to be let out. He left without looking back.

Sly looked over at Kirk. “We will leave directly after breakfast. We will need to ration what they give to us so we will have something to eat through our walk in your Dad’s tunnel.”

Kirk looked at him and smiled sheepishly. He then stood up and went to another board in the floor. “My dad wasn’t the only smart Ashland, Sly. “ He took out a square box. He took out dried meat and two skins meant for carrying water as Sly watched him. “I am pretty cunning myself.” He then went over to where a pipe stood out all by itself and assembled a wooden pump. It was dark outside, so they knew nobody else would come in. He then went about to pump some water out of a well he had hidden under the floors. He filled up the two skins.

Sly took all of this and put all their provisions under floor they were going sleep on. They smiled at each other knowing that they would soon see freedom.

Kirk looked over at Sly. “Make me a promise, son.”

“Anything for you, Kirk,” Sly looked worried about him again.

“Promise that if anything happens to me at all, you will always look after my daughter.” Kirk was tired, but he was ready to go home.

“I have always loved your daughter, Kirk, and,” Sly looked over at him. “You will make it home. I promise I will always look after what is yours. Let’s get some rest.”

Chapter 11

“Blasted! There is another one in the house today. One more of deal with, Brittney was so sick of the strangers that had taken over her father’s house. Thoughts were entering her brain out of the blue. She couldn’t think straight as she paced back and forth in her bedroom. There was no freedom to go anywhere. You took one step out of the door and you ran into a uniformed soldier. She did not know how many were actually in the house and it was driving her mad. This hateful war dragged on and on, seeming to want last for infinity! She could not even remember why the country was in war within itself anymore. The dark thoughts were brought on with the arrival of Charles. Who was he anyway? She thought he was too young to be mixed up with any of the armies. He told her that he came to aid the nurses and doctor, the stream of wounded and the dead never ended. Brittany felt sorrow for anyone who suffered and the situation was getting worse and worse. She snapped out of thoughts as she heard Alex stirring.

Charles could never get a minute alone to talk to Mrs. Rushmore because everyone needed something. He had gotten the letter from Sly that he had written and was waiting for a free minute to hand it over to Brittney. Finally, he had a minute. Now if she would only listen to him so he can explain everything, he could give her some hope. She seemed so timid and fragile to him. The war was making her bitter.

Brittney was in the kitchen when Charles finally got the minute he needed. She seemed startled as he approached her. “Now what?” She thought to herself. The anger was building in her face as he got nearer.

He tried to get her off to herself looking over his shoulder to make sure no one was watching him. “I have something for you and it should please you. I need you not to give me away.” He put the piece of paper down on a tray trying to make sure nobody else saw him. “I saw your husband and your father.” Charles whispered softly. “They are doing fine. Your father has aged since they got him, but Mr. Rushmore is looking after him. I have told them all that I heard was happening here.” He glanced over his shoulder. “Maybe we can talk somewhere later on tonight. Perhaps I will bring you and your companion supper, so you will not have to come down. There is always hope.” He turned to walk away a little. “I hope that this will bring you some comfort, Mrs. Rushmore.”

“Brittney, please, and bless you.” She whispered as she stuck the paper into her apron. She walked up the stairs to her room and slowly shut the door. Elizabeth was holding Alex in her arms as she sat down and took the piece of paper out of her pocket. Elizabeth watched her.

Brittney glanced over at her. “It seems there is spy in our mist and that is just some of the good news.”

She smiled as she looked down and saw her husband’s writing.

My dearest Kitten,

This note is being brought to you by a very nice gentleman. He is southern born, His name is Charles and he used to live about a mile from Ashton House. Trust him, he is a true friend and has looked after us. I think we have a found a way out and hope to see you soon. I am sorry that I am not there while you have an army camping out downstairs. Please try not to let yourself get cornered by any of them.

I love you, Brittney and cannot wait until I see you again. I am worried about your father though, he is a little weaker than you remember him, but he is ready to get home to you, too. It is the visions of you and Alex that keep us both going. I hope to hold you both soon,

Your Loving Husband,


Brittney read the letter and cried. All of tears and the anguish now crept out in an uncontrollable sob. Elizabeth put Alex in the cradle and went over to hold her, as it all came out. Elizabeth took the note and read it also. It put a smile on her face.

“There is always hope.” Elizabeth told her.

“Funny that is what Charles said when he slipped me the note.” Brittney was finally able to break from her flood. “’There is always hope’, maybe you know this Charles.” At that moment Alex woke up and he was hungry. Brittney went and grabbed him. “Your daddy is alive!” She put him to her breast and let him eat. She kept telling herself that Sly was alive, her father was alive. She felt better than she had that morning. “And to think I was hateful to the messenger boy.” She chuckled.

Elizabeth just smiled.

Brittney glanced over at her friend. “This Charles is going to bring us our dinner, so we won’t need to go down. He wants to talk to both of us.” She looked at her baby.

Elizabeth beamed from ear to ear, saying over and over. “Thank you, God. Thank you, sweet Jesus.”

All of a sudden Brittney started feeling sharp pain all up and down her sides. It bent her over, it showed in her face. Elizabeth shot up and took the baby from her. “Oh, now what?!”

After she put the baby back in his cradle, she went and grabbed Brittney. Her forehead was so hot! It was almost on fire. “Brittney, come on, babe. You have to tell me what is going on.” Brittney just shook her head. She didn’t know what it was. It just hit her. She was happy one minute and then felt nothing but pain. She was panicking. “Elizabeth, help. . .” Then everything went black.

Elizabeth laid Brittney back down on the bed, noticing the blood that was soaking her skirt. She stripped off the heavy clothes and was shocked at just how little Brittney had gotten. She found one of Brittney’s night gowns and slipped it over her, while feeling the heat that radiating off of her. She laid her hand down on her forehead and was immediately on alert. She grabbed a cloth and went to the water basin to dip it in cold water. She had just laid the cloth on her Brittany’s face when the knock came on the door. “What?” Elizabeth said loudly at the door.

She cracked the door. “May I help you?”

“It’s Charles, mam. I brought you some dinner.” Elizabeth opened the door wide when he said his name, relief feeling her face.

“Come in. Mr. Rushmore said we can trust you and right now I need all the help I can get.” Elizabeth walked back over to where Brittney was laying. “She was very happy one minute, then in pain the next. I don’t know what is going on. Could you go and find Dr. Harrison for me?”

“Yes, mam.” Charles took off back out the door and ran down the steps.

Charles entered the room with Robert right behind him looking straight towards Brittney.

Robert listened as Elizabeth explained what had happened and then walked over to Brittney. “Mr. Rushmore is sure crazy about you, Brittney. It wouldn’t do you any good not be in good health when he returns.” He talked to her as Elizabeth moved over to let him take a closer look. He picked up the cloth that Elizabeth had laid down on Brittney and then felt her forehead. He did not like how hot that felt. “How long has the cloth been on her?” He asked as he put two fingers on Brittney’s wrist.

“I had just laid it down when you knocked on door. “ Elizabeth answered him.

He laid the wrist back down. “Well, she has a really bad fever, but she has a very strong pulse. I know that she is nursing the Alex and I have never approved of her eating habits.” He was making a mental list in his head as he talked. “Did you say there was a possible miscarriage?” Robert looked at her wanting to make sure that he had heard her right.

“She wasn’t sure if she was pregnant, but that is what it looked like to me.” She handed the cloth that she used to clean Brittney up with and watched as Robert nodded in agreement “I think that she had just started to suspect it, and I have talked to her about her eating habits.” She answered him and then felt that she needed to explain. “Brittney doesn’t like sharing her kitchen, Robert. She will grab some bread or whatever is handy and then disappear.”

“Well, we need to get her to eat a little better for herself and Alex. I am not sure what is causing the fever, though.” He got up and headed towards the door. “I am going to fetch a couple of things and then I will be right back.” He stared at Elizabeth and smiled. “There is never a dull moment around here is there, Elizabeth?” He asked as he opened the door, peered out, and left.

Elizabeth watched as he left. She caught herself thinking about the relationship that blossomed between the two of them in the last six months. She shook those thoughts out of her head as she took another cloth and put it in the wash basin. She laid it back down on Brittney’s forehead when Robert knocked on the door again. Elizabeth told him to come in as she was washing Brittney.

Brittney was dreaming as she was starting to break away from the dark. Sly was there beckoning her to come with him or she thought. They were going for a walk. Brittney reached for him but was still trying to figure out where they were. The walls, the ceiling, and the floor were all wooden. She saw her dad. He was fighting for air. He was an ashen color. She felt something cool and started talking. “Papa, are you alright?” She kept trying to move her head from one side to the other trying to find him.” It was cold where ever she was. “Papa, where are you? Momma?” She managed to move her vision to see Sly again. “Help, papa.” She heard someone talking. She tried to open her eyes. Who was talking? She wanted to see. “Cold. . .” She was trying to find some place warm. She managed to open one eye. Then the other followed. “Where . . . ?” She was looking stunned as she moved herself a little. Elizabeth was watching Brittany as she dreamed. Brittney’s fever had finally broken and she was out of danger. It had been almost twenty hours since she had blacked out. “Lizzy. . . I thought I saw Papa.” She was still week.

Elizabeth took one of her hands. “You have scared me to death. Don’t do that anymore.”

“Do what, Liz?” Brittney lifted her arm up, bringing ice with it. “Why am I in a tub of ice?” Alex! She had to get out of the tub. She wasn’t hearing Alex. “Where’s the baby?” Elizabeth went to the door and beckoned for Charles to come over to her.

“Charles, please, go and get Doctor Harrison. Tell him that I need his help. Brittney is awake.”

Charles peeked into the door and saw the movement. “Yes, mam!” Charles was off like the wind.

“Brittney, what do you remember before you blacked out?” Elizabeth looked into the main bedroom to check on Alex, who was sleeping peacefully.

“A letter from Sly. I was telling you about Sly’s letter and his friend Charles. I was feeding Alex and then these sharp pains took over my whole body.” Brittney was shivering while she was talking.

“You were having a miscarriage and then your body tried to shut down. You were not eating enough.” Elizabeth looked over at her. “It was enough to feed Alex, but your own body was starving. You are rail thin.” She took a cup of juice that she had squeezed before Brittney woke and stuck it up to her mouth. “We have been feeding you juice for almost twenty hours. Your body is thanking you.”

“Elizabeth, I was having a dream.” She stopped as Elizabeth smiled at somebody standing in door. “Did you say a miscarriage?”

“Yes, Brittney” Elizabeth saw the shock in Brittney’s face

“Afternoon, Robert, I believe that Brittney is ready to come out of her ice bath.” Elizabeth smiled at him.

Robert looked over at Brittney. “You had us worried, young lady,” He had Charles get on the other side of tub. Together, the two men got Brittney out of the tub and had wrapped her up. “Nice of you to let us all enjoy your company. You said you were having a dream. What was it about?” He wanted to keep her talking as her body adjusted to the regular temperature of the room.

“I dreamed I was somewhere. It was a cube, everything was made of wood.” She was shivering with every ounce of her body. “I saw Sly. He looked back, but I don’t think he saw me. So I looked back and I saw Papa.” She looked sadly at Elizabeth. “Papa was gray; it was like he couldn’t breathe. But he saw me, and he smiled. He was trying to tell me something but then I starting freezing. I had to come back to Alex.” Brittney was sad. “Papa is not doing well.” She looked at the other young fellow. “How are you, Charles?”

“Fine, mam. I saw your Papa and Mr. Rushmore before we came up here.” He was excited. “You just described the tunnel they are using to escape in!”

“I did?” Brittney was shocked at what Charles had told her. “I think that I am ready for some dry clothes, Elizabeth.”

“Sure, Kitten.” Elizabeth helped her walk towards the bedroom.

Robert motioned for Charles to come with him. “Welcome back.”

They had both left the room, so Brittney could get some clothes on herself. “Thank you, Elizabeth. I don’t think I would’ve made it if you hadn’t been here.” She grabbed up her sleeping son and he nudged into his favorite place.

“Don’t thank me. Thank God and then thank Robert.” Elizabeth couldn’t help but hug her. “You have looked like death, dear. Welcome back to life.” She was saddened as saw Brittney look down at her abdomen.

Robert and Charles came back to the room then and they had plates of food. Brittney took one look at the food and then back at the duo that helped save her life. “Are you going to feed an army. .? “ She broke off and looked at Charles. “Charles, please tell me some more about the tunnels.” Brittney took an apple as she waited for him to start talking.

“When my father was way younger, he had taken on odd jobs for your grandfather. One of the jobs was an underground tunnel. He said it took forever but Mr. Ashland paid well and he had fun. The tunnel was built to go from the warehouse to your gatehouse. It took over two years to finish it, Momma thought that your grandfather was crazy. She could not complain though, it kept food on the table.” He was smiling. “My papa loved to talk about what he did Mr. Ashland.”

“Are there any soldiers in the gate house, Robert?” Brittney glanced over at him, expecting an answer.

“No, mam,” Robert glanced over at Elizabeth. “Kirk offered it to me before he left so I could set up a medical practice.”

Brittney was thinking something; Elizabeth could see her mind working overtime. “Robert, do you think the general would mind if Elizabeth and I moved into the Gate house?”

“Should I ask, Brittney?” Robert was catching on to the idea.

Brittney looked over at him and laughed. “I thought you would never suggest it. Thank you.” She gave him a peck on the cheek as she got up. “My heroes.”

Brittney was feeling a whole lot better as they left. “We should start packing.” She was still feeling week, but she had found enough energy to try salvage her sanity. Brittney felt a need to stay so she would not think about the miscarriage.

Elizabeth couldn’t help but smile. An hour ago the girl was dying.

Sly hurriedly lowered Kirk into the dark tunnel, following behind him. They had enough provisions to get them through most of their trip, but they were going to have be careful with their light. Fuel was low. He slid the last board in place and glanced over at Kirk. He set the lantern on the musky smelling ground and took out the old worn map. In the dim light of the lamp, he studied all of the tunnels and where they would lead. The tunnel just big enough for them to stand in. Sly figured that the trip should take no longer than a couple of days more or less. He studied until he would not need to look at the map again. This would make their trip safer and faster. He folded the map and shoved it in his pocket. With a prayer on his lips and fear his heart, he gave the small light to Kirk and they started their long journey home.

“God please grant us speed and help us get home safely.” Sly took the lead.

“Amen.” Kirk whispered as he dosed the light for a little while. Every once in a while there was a small hint of light or of fresh air. Kirk was thinking of Brittany again. The marriage to Sly turned out to be made in Heaven. It was funny how his daughter didn’t even want to marry Sly. Things sure had turned around for the two of them. “Amen” This time he said it more to himself than he did to anyone in particular. He was trying very hard to ignore the constant nagging pain in his chest. He was willing himself to keep moving forward.

“We have been here long enough, let’s go home, Kirk.” Sly said jubilantly, leading the way.

After an hour of walking, Kirk was surprised at how very tired he was. “Where does this tunnel end, Sly?” Kirk asked.

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you, pops.” Sly laughed. He felt lighthearted just knowing he would be with his family soon.

“Try me and see ol’ boy.” Kirk joked at him back. He wanted to rest for a minute. He was weak and hungry and his chest was hurting.

Sly turned and looked at his father-in-law whom he had come to love and respect so much. The pinched tired look on Kirk’s face scared Sly and suddenly he started wondering if this little adventure was too much of a risk. “Let’s rest here, sir.” He took one of the skins that held the water up to Kirk’s lips. Then he took out some of the dried meat and handed him some. “I am going to scout up ahead in the tunnel. Rest for a while. I will be back in few minutes.” He took a little taste of the meat and a swallow of water. ‘By the way, the tunnel will take us to your property.”

“You’re kidding me right?” Kirk was thinking about how far sighted his father had been when he built the tunnel. A deeper respect kindled for the father that he had not fully understood when he was younger.

“Nope, now go rest. I will be back soon.” Kirk closed his eyes for a minute. He saw Brittney in a dream and she was urging him to go through the tunnel with her. He must have dozed off, but to him it seemed real. Sly was standing over him, nudging his shoulders. Sly had let him sleep for almost two hours before he woke him.

“Are you alright?”

Kirk adjusted his eyes so he could make out Sly. “I must have dozed off. I could have sworn Brittney was in here. She was urging me to come on home.”

“Really?” Sly grinned. “You wouldn’t want to let her down then, would you? By the way, where on your property do you think we will end up at? “

He saw Kirk getting up out of the corner of his eyes. “You have the map, you tell me.”

Sly was getting anxious to get home so Kirk could rest and probably see Robert. “The map says it should take us to the gate house. I do not remember seeing that, where is it?” He turned back towards his father-in-law. “We still have about two days of walking ahead of us, so we need to pace ourselves. Robert and Charles are watching out over the family. They are in good hands. “

“I cannot see a thing, Kirk. Why is the light so low?”

“Have to conserve the light fuel, Kirk. Just keep hold of my shirt.” Sly was hoping this trip didn’t drain the life out Kirk. “You did not answer my question. Where is the gate house?”

“I would say it was about a half a mile south of Ashland House.” Kirk took hold of Sly’s shirt and they were on their way once more.

“Why is it called the gate house?” Sly was curious.

“My father had to put gates up on the railings because I was very adventuresome as a toddler.” Kirk smiled as he remembered.

Robert had asked the General if it would bother him if the women could move to the gatehouse. “The gate house? And where would that be?” He was in Kirk’s office, looking over some of his stuff. It was all pretty interesting. The General looked over at Robert. “Did you know this guy does not own slaves? He set them all free then turned around and hired them with real wages. Gave them houses to go along with that.” He poured some more of Kirk’s whiskey. “I like this guy, too bad he is not here. He has a lovely daughter, too. What is her name?”

“Her name is Brittney, sir.” Robert answered him. “And, I do believe that she is married.”

“That would explain the baby, I keep hearing.” The General turned around. “Yes, they may move to the gate house, but I will tell her myself. Please, invite her down here.”

Robert did as he was bid. But he was going to talk to Brittney first. He hadn’t liked the look in the General’s eyes when he asked to see Brittney. He walked up the staircase to her door and knocked. Elizabeth opened the door and let him in. Brittney had heard the knock and came into the room.

“Back so soon, Robert.” She was putting some of the baby’s gowns into a box that would be taken to the gate house.

“He wants to tell you in person, Brittney.” Robert filled them in on the General’s conversation with him as Elizabeth looked at Brittney and Brittney looked back at her.

“Why does he want to tell me in person?” Brittney looked at Robert for an answer.

“I have my suspicions. I have seen that look before.” Robert did not want Brittney to go down to see the General alone. “He has been in your dad’s whiskey. The whole supply down there is about gone.” Robert looked inside the box they were packing. In it, he slipped a pistol; covering it up really well. “Stuff some diapers in that box. It isn’t full enough". He looked back at Brittney, “He’s drunk and he wants a woman. Do I trust him. . . No. Would I let you go without a chaperone. . . No, again. We need to figure this out.”

“It’s very simple really, Robert. He’s drunk so he has poor reflexes. I’m stubborn-ask my husband.” Brittney smiled. “If I don’t want to be touched, I won’t be. Plus there is secret room in there that my Grandfather put there, so you can spy on whoever is in the room. That is where you will be hiding. You know, just in case I can’t fight him off.” Brittney grabbed the baby out of his cradle. “And my littlest hero will hold his charm off until the right minute and scream for his supper.”

Robert looked at her in wonderment. “Secret tunnels, secret rooms. Did your Grandfather know about this war when he was building his up house and business?

“My grandfather was eccentric,” Brittney laughed at his expression. “But I think he has saved our lives.” She looked over at Elizabeth as she was going to finish packing while they went down stairs to deal with the General. Brittney put on a cape over her dress and went to get Alex from the bed where she had laid him. Alex was six months old, robust and healthy. His happiness would light up the darkest room. She looked over at Robert. She was going to show him how to get in and out of the secret room. “Let’s go, Robert.”

They walked down the hall until she came to what looked like a coat closet. She handed him a candle. “Light it after go behind the coats. There you will see the stair case that goes down into the office. You will wind up in the closet behind Papa’s desk. Put the candle out before you get close to door. Actually, the minute you see the bottom step would be the best place the blow the candle out.” She put a light kiss on his cheek. “Good luck, Robert. I am praying that I won’t need you though.”

“I am praying the same thing, Brittney.” Robert went into the closet after looking around and making sure nobody saw him. “God, be with us both.”

Brittney was talking to Alex on the way down to her father’s study. The baby was cooing and looking around at everything. He was never allowed down here after the house was taken over.

Brittney knocked on the door. She had made sure that she had allowed enough time for Robert to get to the closet behind the desk. It was not long before the General had come to the door. He had a glass of whiskey in his hand. “Papa’s got another stash somewhere; still he would be upset to know that other men were drinking his good stuff.” She thought to herself as she was greeting General Butler. “General, Doctor Harrison said that you wanted to talk to me. Is this a good time?”

The general looked over appreciating her beauty. She had sat Alex down as before she turned to look at him. “I think it is time to show him the rest of the house. He has been upstairs since day you came.”

The General was not expecting her to bring the baby with her. “Doctor Harrison said that you wanted to move to the Gate House. Why is that? “

“It will be quieter there, sir. It won’t smell of death and illness.” Brittney looked at him then. “How much longer to you think you will actually be using my home, anyway?”

“As long as we need to,” He came closer to her. “It will cost you to move to the gate house.” He put a hand on her arm. He bent his face closer to hers. Brittney backed up to the wall as he traced the outline of her body.

“And what it will it cost me, sir?!” She tried to wiggle away from him. “You smell like you have drunk the entire stash of my father’s whiskey. The only thing that will infuriate him more is that you actually laid a hand on me!” She glanced over to the closet seeing that Robert had lightly opened it and was standing at the desk.

He would have pointed a gun at the General, but he was going to try talking him out of touching Brittney. The General was so drunk that he had not realized that they had any other company besides the baby.

Robert stepped over and grabbed Brittney away from the wall away from the General’s reach. “Sir, you are drunk and this is not the proper treatment of a lady.”

“How did you get in here, Doctor Harrison? I locked that door.”

“Maybe, sir, but you forgot to make sure that I left after I escorted Brittney and the baby down here.” He told a little fib, but he might be lucky enough for the General to be drunk enough to believe him.

“Probably,” The general agreed with him. He looked back over at Brittney. “I am sorry, mam. I am out of my mind. Your father has the best whiskey, it almost makes up for the fact that I myself do not want to be here.” Robert helped the General over to the desk. “I am a General that doesn’t want to hurt people, so they put me in charge of a hospital.” He took a closer look at the baby that was about to stir. “All I want is to go back and see my family. I have two boys and a girl, myself.”

Brittney looked over at the General, still shaking a little bit from the way he had groped her. “That makes you human, sir. Now may I move what little family I have left into the Gate House?”

“Yes, mam, and you can have some of my men help you. Doctor Harrison and his little friend, Charles, will probably love to help.” He looked at her nervously. “Anything you need, all you have to do is ask. You have my promise that I will not act like that again. I wouldn’t have an inkling of way to tell my wife why I kissed another woman. It had to be the whiskey.” The general glanced at both of them. “Where does your father keep his helps’ papers?”

“Sir?” Brittney stared back at him. “They have their papers. They were all declared free over thirty years ago.” She noticed the papers scattered over her father’s desk as she spoke. “Did you not find what you were looking for when you took his papers out?”

“President Lincoln issued a proclamation in September stating that if you, I’m sorry.” He corrected himself. “The confederacy did not join back with the union by the first of January that your slaves will be set free.” The General told her snidely.

“That is nice, sir.” Brittney took Alex back into her arms, “but as you have seen for yourself, there are no slaves here.” Walking towards the door as Robert unlocked them, she turned back to him. “I hope you have enough decency about yourself to put Papa’s papers back in his desk. Good day, sir.”

Robert smiled at her as they left, watching her shake from the all the excitement that she just went through.

“I cannot believe he touched me.” Brittney said as she started walking up the stairs.

“I told you he was drunk.” Robert told her as he followed her.

“Poor Papa,” Brittney almost smiled. “He will have a fit when he gets back home. There was only one bottle left.”

With legs feeling like cement and each step getting harder and harder to take, he knew they were getting closer. Sly glanced behind at Kirk. “We’re almost there! Are you alright?” Sly had made sure to have him rest every hour.

Kirk was so tired but he was not going to admit it, they had walked all the day and most of the night. “I’m fine,” he answered. Stabs of sharp pain kept coming and going in his chest. He was so exhausted, he could hardly move. He wanted to see Brittney so bad he would crawl if he had too. He had to tell her that he loved her. He was concentrating on how much she looked like Elaine, his sweet wife. Unknown to him, a tear was slowly coursing its way down his cheek. So deep in his thought and pain, he did not realize Sly had stopped.

“Time for a rest, where were you? I called you four times.”

“Oh,” Kirk looked embarrassed as he slowly sat down. “Have I ever told you about Elaine?”

“Brittney’s mother? No, I don’t think that you really talked about her.” Sly looked over at Kirk as he turned the lantern a little higher. “Was that who were thinking about just now?”

“Yes,” Kirk said proudly. “She was the kindest, prettiest, and the hardest working woman I had ever met. I would absolutely fly into a rage if another man even so much as looked at her wrong.” Another pain slammed into his chest. It reflected his eyes. “My kitten looks just like her. I am getting ready to see Elaine,” Kirk paused, feeling winded. “Soon.”

“Stop talking like an old man, Kirk. When we get home, you are going to see Robert. Are you coming to see your daughter? I do not think it will be but another hour or two.” Sly was getting more worried about his father-in-law.

“Just an hour or two? What are we waiting on?” Kirk got slowly onto his feet. “That much closer to a good glass of whiskey. Take the pain right away.”

Sly started walking but a much slower pace than before. He had no intention of making Kirk walk any faster than he needed it too.

Chapter 12

Elizabeth and Brittney scurried around, hastily moving things from the main house to the gate house. Robert was watching little Alex as the ladies rushed around doing the job at hand. They only took their clothes, Alex’s crib and life’s little essential. Brittney had even managed to sneak a bottle of whiskey for her father. By the time they had finished they were both exhausted.

After everything was moved into the gatehouse, Brittney sat down heavily in the rocking chair. “Why do I feel like I am forgetting something very important?”

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, startling them both. Elizabeth hurried to open it and found Robert holding a very indignant, screaming Alex. Both women looked at each other. “I think we found that something important you forgot.” Elizabeth smiled as she looked at Alex.

Brittney realized with a shock that she had forgotten all about her son in the rush of everything else. Seeing the look on his face, she burst into laughter. “You wouldn’t let us forget about you, would you?”

“We’re here, Kirk!” Sly spotted the ladder going up into the gatehouse about twenty feet ahead of them.

Kirk gasped, not just because he was happy, but because the chest pains were so much more severe now.

Sly looked over at him as he heard the gasps. “We will rest before we climb the ladder. I won’t have you looking like that when we see Brittney.” He saw a wooden crate and went to it. After seeing there was nothing in it, he turned it over to make a seat for Kirk. “Sit down.”

Kirk didn’t have the energy to fight his son-in-law, so he did as he was asked. “I’m fine, Sly. Just a little winded. It’s too bad that papa didn’t think to make this big enough for horses. We would have been here days ago.” He sighed. “Too much exercise for a man my age.” He took the last skin that he had filled with water and drunk some. “Not whiskey, but it sure does the trick for now.” Taking a deep breath, he muttered. “Let’s go. That ladder isn’t going to walk over to us and I am ready to go home.”

“Touché,” Sly laughed at him, as he headed towards the ladder.

“Wait a minute!” Kirk stopped dead in his tracks.

“What?” Sly was starting to get impatient.

“What if there are visitors in the gatehouse? Have we thought about that?”

“There isn’t any.” Sly stopped as he turned around to look at Kirk. “Charles said all of them were in the main house. Remember?” Sly turned back around towards the ladder, “You coming, old man?”

“You bet, boy. There’s no place like home.” Kirk was right beside Sly now. “Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me, yet. “ He reached the ladder and looked back down at Kirk. “I am going to open the boards, and then you will be the first one up.”

He was already pushing one up, when he felt them being lifted up from above them. He heard Robert’s voice coming down to him. Sly smiled up at him. “Want some company up there?” He yelled. He was pleasantly surprised by the voice that greeted him.

Brittney had run over to the boards when she saw what Robert was doing. “Sly?!” She felt a tear slide down. “We have been waiting for you, sir. Did you bring Papa?!”

Sly and Kirk both whooped in glee. They had made the journey back home and were being greeted by their family.

Kirk answered her then. “I am right here, Kitten.” He was the first up the ladder and into the gatehouse. When he stood up, he hugged Brittney very tightly.

“I have a surprise for you, Papa.” Brittney turned around and grabbed a glass. “I thought you might like this!” She let tears of joy slide down her face as she looked over at the boards and her husband’s face sought hers out. She smiled at him with all the love that she had.

He pushed himself all the way out of the floor. After he got his footing, he hugged her tightly, brushing his lips to hers. After he got some control back, he wiped the tears off her face. “I love you.” Sly smiled as he looked over the whole group before looking back down at her. “I always keep my promises.” Sly looked over at Robert. “I knew I made the right decision when I would not let you ride with me. Thank you for watching over the family.”

“I tried, Sly.” Robert was looking at Kirk worriedly. “Charles is the one who knew where the tunnel was heading. Brittney took over from there.” Robert shook their hands as he greeted both men. “You look more at home here, sir.”

“Where is Charles?” Sly sat down as he took Brittney on his lap.

“Charles is helping Lizzy bring down some supplies so we can eat.” Robert replied with a tone of softness there that Sly look over at him.

Chapter 13

After both the men had a bath, they all relaxed. The gate house was not small. Kirk had lived in it with his parents before the main house had been built. It had five bedrooms and the family rooms were of a descent size, too.

They stayed up late; talking of everything that happened in the months that they had been separated. They never talked about how they had almost lost Brittney, though. If it had not been for Robert, they probably would have. Robert, Elizabeth, and Brittney had all agreed that they should put that part off until a later date. Brittney never brought up the miscarriage after it happened and did not plan to now. This was a time of celebration.

They all said their goodnights to each other and went their separate ways. Sly was rocking Alex to sleep as he watched Brittney. He watched the expressions on her face as she let her hair loose and was brushing it out.

She smiled to herself as she watched the father and son. Brittney stood up, walking towards her husband to take the sleeping baby to his crib. Sly stood up as he followed her. She put Alex down and covered him with his blanket. After brushing his forehead with a kiss, she stepped back. Sly held her as she had walked right back into him. She turned around in his arms.

Sly bent his head down and kissed her, at first slowly, but intensifying as his hunger to taste her escalated. His lips parted hers, tasting and devouring. He heard moans coming from her throat. He picked her up and carried her to their bed. His hands explored her tight body. Slowly he took off her nightgown, his eyes taking in all of her beauty. He kissed every inch, tasting her skin as he felt her running her hands through his hair.

Her body was aching for him, wishing for him to take her. He brought his mouth back up towards hers. “God, I have missed you.”

Brittney couldn’t talk because Sly’s hand had found where to send her in soaring in pleasure. She ached for him, but he was taking his time pleasuring and pleasing her. He watched the emotions playing over her face and then he could not control his hunger for her any more. He entered her as her body met his. They were both soaring in pleasure. They shuddered at the same time. Brittney smiled at him. “I love you.” Sly moved off of her, so he was lying down beside her. He took his hands and cupped her face. “I love you, too, Brit.”

They snuggled close together and went to sleep.

Brittney woke up with a smile on her face, as she looked over at her sleeping husband. She carefully slid out from the covers and tiptoed over to check on Alex.

The baby was sleeping peacefully, but she knew that he would wake up in little bit wanting to be fed.

Brittney walked quietly out of the room and into the kitchen. Elizabeth was already there and two cups of coffee were ready. “Bless you, Lizzy. I need that.” She picked up a cup from the table. “It feels so good to have everyone home”

“You can say that again.” Elizabeth smiled. “Are you going to sit down, Kitten?”

“I think I will check on Papa, first. He looked a little out of sorts last night.” Brittney put her cup back down on the table.

Brittney knocked softly on her father’s door, opening it slowly. “Papa?” She asked softly.

“Hello.” Kirk was sitting up in the bed. “I smelled coffee and was fixing to join you.” He looked over at his daughter. “I love you, Brittney. Ever since you entered my life you have been my shining star.” He got off the bed and hugged her tightly. “No matter what happens, you need to always remember that. Can you promise your old man that?”

“Yes, Papa, I can.” Brittney looked over at him worriedly. “Will you see Robert now?”

He grinned. “Now, I am going to have a cup of coffee.” He walked over to the door. “Will you join me?” He offered her his arm as they left his room.

“It feels so good to have you home.” Brittney took his arm and walked with him to the table.

“You know I had a dream when I was in the tunnel.” Kirk looked at both Elizabeth and Brittney as he sat down at the table. Elizabeth poured him a cup and then sat back down.

“What kind of dream, Papa?” Brittney knew that Kirk rarely talked about dreams and was more than a little curious. She turned as she heard Sly come out of the bedroom.

Kirk took the pot of coffee and poured Sly a cup of coffee. “I was having trouble breathing. The pains in my chest were really getting to me.” He stopped as he heard Brittney gasp. “Sly had put a blanket down on the floor and told me get some rest. I saw you, as clear as you are right now. You were waving your hand, trying to get me to move so we could come home. You were walking right behind your husband. Then you disappeared.”

“Oh,” Brittney looked bewildered. “I had that same dream. I saw the tunnel and I saw Sly. He didn’t see me though. I saw how gray you looked. It scared me.” She saw Sly look over at her with a funny look on his face. “That is when Charles told us about the tunnel and that is when I had Robert ask the General if we could move to our gate house.”

Sly sipped his coffee. “How come you did not say any of this last night?”

Brittney only smiled at him. “Last night was for celebrating.” She still did not want to tell him the rest of story. “We need to ask Robert when he comes if he will take a look at Papa.” She got up as she heard Alex wake up.

Kirk looked over at his daughter. “Remember what I told you, Brittney. No matter what happens; always remember that I love you.”

“Yes, Papa,” Brittney left the room and shut the door behind her. For some reason she felt like crying.

Sly looked over at Kirk after Brittney had left the room. “You know something we don’t Kirk?”

The expression on Kirk’s face was sad. “My time has come. My chest has been nothing put a pain the last couple of months, I’m old and I am tired.” He picked back up his coffee cup. “I have been dreaming a lot of Elaine, lately.” Putting the cup down, he asked one question. “How do you prepare your child for something when you know what is going to happen?”

Sly got up and went over to him. “We will be there for her, Kirk.” He put his hand on Kirk’s shoulder. “As we will be here, for you,” sadness had filled the room as Sly spoke for everyone in the room. It was heavy with knowing.

Elizabeth wiped away the tears that had slipped from her eyes. She stood up and walked out the front door, saying nothing.

She stood there looking, the vast openness of the grounds shining with the new light of the sun. Everything was so fresh. She wanted to cry so she would feel better, knowing what Kirk had just told them. But she also knew that there was probably no hope at finding anything to help Brittney’s father. She wiped at her eyes as she heard horses galloping up to her. It was Robert and he had brought Charles with him.

“What’s up, Lizzy.” Robert asked as he jumped off the horse to hug her. He studied her face. “Are those tears of happiness or grief?”

“Both.” Lizzy was happy to see him. “Kirk just made the announcement that he is dying to everybody . . . except Brittney.” She hugged him. “Would you mind looking in on him? Hello, Charles, how are you doing today?”

“Fine, mam,” Charles had tied both the horses onto the pole. “I will go with Doctor Harrison to see Mr. Ashland. I met him at the warehouse. I told you that though.” She watched sadly as they both went in to see Kirk.

Robert and Charles went into Kirk’s bedroom and shut the door. “How are you today, sir?” Robert asked he drew up closer to the bed. He could see that Kirk was having trouble breathing.

“Right now I am very cold.” Kirk was layered with blankets. “Thank you for looking after my child while you were here. I felt a lot better knowing you were both here with them. The baby has grown.”

“That he has sir.” Robert was listening to his chest. It sounded very week. “Elizabeth told me you had a dream down in the tunnel. The same dream that Brittney had.”

“Spooked me when she said she had the same dream.” Kirk looked at both of them. “So, what is it you are not telling me? People on their deathbeds have the same dream. Brittney is very much alive and looks really healthy.”

Robert and Charles looked at each other. “They did not tell you about this last night?”

“No, so why don’t you start.” Kirk looked at both of them. “I’m waiting.”

They did not hear Sly open the door. “Yes, do tell us.” He shut the door soundly.

Robert looked from one to the other. “Maybe we should all sit down.” Robert moved a chair over for Sly. “The day Charles came up here he met Brittney down in the kitchen. She grabbed a bit of food and was in a hurry to get back upstairs. He managed at the last minute to whisper to her that you were both well and then laid the note on the table. Her whole face lit up when he gave her news about the both of you. She ran up the stairs. Didn’t seem sick at all.” Robert paused as he looked over at Kirk. “She had shared the news with Lizzy and was feeding Alex when it happened. Lizzy said that after she had fed the baby, he was sleeping on her. Brittney had got up to put the baby in his crib. Lizzy said she could see the pain whipping through Brittney’s body. She grabbed the baby before Brittney could drop him and then laid Brittney on the bed. She had lost a lot of blood and her forehead was on fire. She had just laid a compress of cold water on her forehead when Charles had knocked on the door.” Sly moved his chair closer over to Kirk. “For twenty hours we did not know if she was going to pull through. We couldn’t get the fever to break. We settled her into an ice bath. For twenty hours we prayed. We took care of her and we took care of the baby.” Robert paused at that. “By the way, that little fellow is not crazy about cow’s milk.” Robert looked over at Charles who was listening carefully. “We kept her in a fresh ice bath, trying to break that fever. Her body was trying to shut down. Very poor diet. Everything she ate she fed to Alex, not leaving much for herself.”

Sly stood up and started to pace the floor. “Why are we just now hearing about this?”

“Sir, Brittney did not want either of you to know of this. If it weren’t for Mr. Ashland, we probably would not be speaking of it now. It was her wish.” Robert went on with his story. “There was always somebody by her side. Elizabeth was there when she started moving around. She heard her talking to her papa. She was urging you to come home, Kirk. You must have said something to her, because at that moment her fever broke and she was freezing.” Robert stopped there. “Sir,” he looked over at Kirk. “You saved your daughter’s life.”

Sly and Kirk were both crying as he finished up the story. Charles looked over at Robert as he continued with the story. “The dream scared her, so we had her talk about it. When she mentioned the tunnel and how it looked, I jumped up and down.” Charles smiled. “It was the tunnel you showed me the night before I left.”

Kirk had tears in his eyes. “We saved each other. I just wanted to get home so I could tell her that I loved her.” He was having trouble breathing. “I think it is time for her to come to me.”

Sly watched Robert and Charles get up. “I have one more question.”

Robert stopped in his tracks as he glanced back over at Sly. “She had a miscarriage, Sly.” He watched as Sly put his hands over his face as he stood to walk out with them.

Kirk watched as Sly, Robert, and Charles left his room. He thought about almost loosing Brittney before they had got back and he was very thankful to the men that watched over his daughter in his absence.

Sly turned to look at the other men after they had shut Kirk’s bedroom door. “No more secrets, guys.”

Elizabeth looked up as they came out at the same time. She looked at Harrison with a question in her eyes.

“Where is Brittney?” Sly asked Elizabeth.

“I think she took Alex outside for a bit. She won’t stay outside long with him.” Elizabeth was fixing breakfast for the group. “Why are we so serious? What happened?”

Sly had already opened the door to go outside. He didn’t hear Elizabeth asking the questions to Harrison. He was only thinking about what he had to tell Brittney. He stopped as he watched her playing with Alex. They were so sweet to watch. He would ask about what he had just heard later. Right now he had to brace her for what was about to happen.

He went and picked up Alex. “I’m going to take him in to Elizabeth and then we have to have a talk.” He didn’t like the expression that came over her face. She did not know what was going on.

He knocked on the door and Elizabeth came answered taking Alex from Sly. Brittney saw Sly say something to her and then the door was closed.

Sly walked back over to Brittney and looked her straight in the face. “You know your father is not in the best of health. . .” He paused. He saw that Brittney had already had tears on her cheek. He wiped them away.

“That is why I came out here. “ She looked down at color of her dress, idly messing with the lace trim. “I saw him in my dream, Sly, he was dying then. He came back for me. At least, he did in my dream. I also saw momma.” Brittney paused staring towards the house. “She looked exactly like the portrait hanging above the fireplace.”

Sly held onto her. “I came out here to brace you for what you already know is coming. He is asking for you now.” He put a finger under her chin to bring her face into full view. “You need to be brave for him because he is most certainly being brave for you.” Sly kissed her on the forehead. “You cannot put this off. Your father is in great pain.”

“I know, Sly. “ She let all of her tears out. The blue green eyes looked like a waterfall cascading down her face. “I do not know how I am going to handle it.”

“Just tell him that you love him and that it is okay for him to go and be with your mother.” Sly kissed the salty tears on her face. “That is what he is waiting on. He is waiting for you to let him go.” He held her until her sobs had stopped shaking her body. “Are you ready?”

Brittney broke off his embrace and looked towards the door. “I guess I am. “

They walked back holding hands, Sly trying to wishing for her have enough strength to get her through this. He knew without her telling him, that this had a very rough week probably the worst of the last couple of months.

Kirk looked up as his daughter walked through the door. She turned to shut it and caught a glimpse of Sly and the rest of her friends. She shut the door and then turned towards her father. She walked over to his bed and sat down. Brittney brought one of his hands up to her face and kissed it.

Kirk looked up at her as she did this. “You look just like your mother, you know that. She was the prettiest thing I ever sat eyes on before you came.”

“She still is, papa.” Brittney told him the one thing that she had left out of dream when she had told her friends about it. The only one she had told was Sly. “She was standing behind you when I saw you in the tunnel. She smiled at me.”

“That dream you had saved both of our lives, Kitten. “ Kirk looked up at her strangely as he tried to catch his breath. “Your mother held you one time before she passed away and she told you that she would always love you. I am going to tell you that now, because it is time for me to spend time with Elaine.” He was already going away; Brittney could see it in his eyes.

“Papa, I will always love you, too.” She bent down to kiss his face. “Go and be with mom. Sly will look after me now.”

Kirk smiled as he took his last breath. His spirit was heading to heaven and to Elaine. Brittney felt his hand go limp as she held it. She just stared as she put his hand down on his chest. She didn’t know how much time had passed, before she laid her head down on his chest and cried. Sly and Elizabeth heard her through the bedroom door and they too knew that Kirk had passed away. Sly slowly opened the bedroom door and went over to Brittney.

She stood up and held unto him. “He’s gone. . .”

“I’m sorry, baby” Sly didn’t know what to say or how to console her. But he was happy that they had both been able to say good bye.

Chapter 14

They buried him beside the gatehouse and had a little service for him. Brittney envisioned him as the father of your childhood and she saw images of her father and mother together, now and forever. She smiled because it was a very pretty image.

The turkey that her father had been raising for this coming Thanksgiving walked past them as they headed back into the house. Brittney handed Sly the shotgun sadly so he could shoot the turkey for them to feast on. All their help was scattered around and they were using Cook at the make shift hospital at Ashland House, so it would just be them. They invited Robert and Charles to share their bounty and no one sat at the head of the table.

Brittney was very quiet all through the holiday as she watched Alex playing with the mashed potatoes; smiling as she saw the mess the baby had all over his face. “Get it your mouth, goose.” She told him as she put a small spoonful in his mouth. At seven months old he was already trying to feed himself; getting as much on him as in him. Brittney barely touched or tasted anything and Sly was watching this, concerned that she was slipping back to her old eating habits but he knew that she was mourning her father.

He thought about what Robert had told Kirk and wanted very much to ask her about it. Maybe after the holiday was over he thought to himself as he heard shooting coming from the Ashland House. Him and Robert both jumped up and ran towards the front door as Brittney looked over at Elizabeth with terror in her eyes. Alex cried as the loud noises got louder and Brittney picked him up.

“Sly?” Brittney watched as he grabbed the shotgun.

“I am just going to have a look see, Brit.” Sly motioned for Robert to come with him as he left Charles with Brittney and Elizabeth. “It is probably nothing.”

They inched up as far as they could without being spotted as Sly saw that they were making a game of shooting at Goldy. “No, no, no.” Sly was hoping they would miss as he saw the palomino go down. “I don’t know how much more Brittney can take, do you think that we should tell her about her horse?”

Robert could not believe the cruelty was just showed to the horse. “I really don’t know.” Robert looked over at him as they were both lying down on the ground. “She knows when you are lying.” They watched as Sly’s work horse was the next one out of the stables.

“I cannot watch this.” He rolled over on his back as he heard them shooting their rifles again. “Let’s go, Robert.”

They walked back to the gate house, both sick to their stomachs from watching the horses’ onslaught. Sly had to stop as he lost all of his dinner and Robert stayed with him. “There is nothing we can do, Sly.”

“I had already lost Thunder.” Sly told him. “Goldy was Brit’s horse, if she needed to think or blow off anger Goldy was there for her.” He was not ready to go in to face her yet. “I do not know how to tell her.”

Robert was sympathetic. “You are just going to be honest with her. That sounds brutal, but there is no way around it.”

“It was just a game with them!” Sly was angry and he walked around a bit trying to cool off before he went in. “Your horse is in the stable, too.”

“My horse was already lying down on the ground when they shot Brittney’s” Robert informed him.

“Well,” Sly starting walking towards the door. “I guess I had best get it over with.”

He opened the door and saw that Brittney was clearing the table off from the leftover feast.

She looked up as he had walked up to her. “We have to talk.” Brittney had noticed that his hands were in his pockets and that was never a good sign.

She sat down at the table. “I can take whatever you say, Sly. Nothing surprises me anymore.”

“They shot Goldy, my work horse, and Robert’s horse.” He spit all of it out at once and saw the shock of it hit her.

“What did the horses do to them?!” Brittney looked over at him with anger forming in her eyes.

“It is a game to them, Brit” Sly continued as he tried to comfort his wife.

“I would think that shooting at their kinsmen would be sport enough for them.” She got up and walked around. “I thought I could take anything.” She was suddenly feeling very sick on her stomach as she thought of her beautiful horse being shot down for sport. “I am going to go lay down. Will you watch Alex?”

“Anything you want, Brit.” He had tried to kiss her but she backed up fighting the anger that was welling up inside her. Sly watched as she shut the door to their bedroom.

Elizabeth and Robert had been watching while he talked to her. Elizabeth looked over at Sly, “She will not be able to take much more.”

Sly looked at both of them then. “Tell me about what happened when Kirk and I were gone.”

“I knew this was coming.” Elizabeth then told the story of everything Brittney had been through when they missing. “She was never sure if she was with child, though I think that she was starting to suspect it.”

Sly cried for her and the lost baby as Elizabeth had finished telling him the story “What can I do for her, Lizzy?”

“What you doing now, Sly.” Elizabeth told him. “Your support right now is going to be her anchor. You and that monster of a son of yours,” Elizabeth watched as Alex was rolling all over the floor. She scooped him up and wiped the dirt off his shirt as he giggled.

Sly smiled at him as Elizabeth handed Alex to his father. “If you were a girl, you would be just like your mother.” Sly sobered as he thought of her again, looking up at Elizabeth. “She is not eating again.”

“You noticed that too.” Elizabeth looked over at Robert who nodded his head. “Some of that might be grief, Sly. Let us give her a week and see how she is doing then.” Elizabeth paused as an idea hit her. “The Christmas tree.”

“What?” Sly asked her.

“Last year when you were stationed at the fort, Kirk and Jenkins found the biggest Christmas I have ever seen.” Elizabeth told him. “Christmas will cheer her up while she is putting. . .” She stopped frowning.

“What?” Sly was urging her to finish.

“Her mother’s ornament collection,” Elizabeth sighed in disappointment. “We did not think to pack them.”

Robert looked over at her and grinned. “I could probably find them if you tell me where they are at.”

“They are in the nursery in the closet.” Elizabeth had forgotten that Robert worked and lived over at the main house.

“Count on me.” Robert took his jacket and hat, walking towards the door. “If you think Christmas ornaments will work, then Christmas ornaments you will have.”

Elizabeth smiled as she watched him leave.

Robert walked the half a mile towards the house stopping as heard one of the horses whinny; he stopped to check on where the sound had come from and saw Goldy flutter her eyes. He kneeled down beside her and noticed that Brittney’s horse just had a flesh wound that he could easily clean. Charles had seen him and walked over to where Robert was beside the horse.

“Is she alright?” He asked as stopped at the horse and his friend.

“I believe so.” Robert answered as he looked around him making sure there were no more soldiers around to notice what he was about to do. “Take her to gate house and when I come back I will clean her up real good.” He looked at the other two lying down close to her. “The other two are gone.”

He noticed that Charles had taken slices of apples out of his pocket as he talked to him and smiled. Robert watched as Charles got the palomino on her feet and tempted her to walk with him. He smiled as he finished his trip to the house.

Robert checked on the casualties that were in the house, noticing that some had passed away. He could not figure out why the general’s men had not taking them out to bury them; what he did notice was that the men were out of control. He frowned as he walked upstairs to the nursery where the ornament crates were kept.

As he was pulling the crates out, he noticed that there was a wrapped parcel addressed to Sly with them. He took and placed that in his pocket before lifting the crates up so he could leave.

Smiling he walked down the stairs remembering to grab his bag on the way out. The General stopped him as he was leaving wanting to know what was in the box. “They belong to the ladies, sir. They forgot to take them with them.” He answered as he opened the doors to walk back out.

“How are the ladies doing?” The general asked as he frowned looking at the dead bodies still in the house.

“They are doing fine, sir” Robert looked at him before asking him a question of his own. “Do you always allow your men to shoot down innocent animals?”

General Douglas looked puzzled. “What animals?”

“The horses that were in the stable, sir,” Robert looked at him angrily. “My horse was shot dead.”

“I will replace your horse and any others they may have been shot. I was not aware of this; I just got back from town.” The general told him.

“Thank you.” Robert stood on the porch. “I will be able to save one, but there was another that was shot to death too.”

The general shook his head as he saw the two horses lying on the ground. “If I knew who was responsible, they would be punished.”

Robert walked off the porch as he said this, wishing that the General would take more control of the men that were around him. “Good day, sir.”

Sly was sitting on the porch as Charles came up towards the horse leading Goldy. “I’ll be.” He thought to himself as he saw the horse up and walking; the way the horse went down he thought for sure she was dead. He stood up and grabbed some rope from the house as Charles was feeding her the last of the apple.

“This is good news.” Sly said as the young man came up and stood in front of the house.

“Dr. Harrison says it is just a flesh wound.” Charles looked up at him. “He should be here in few minutes.

Sly smiled as he petted the horse after walking down the steps. “This is going make Brittney very happy.” He tied the rope around her as he talked.

There was an old building beside the house that he was sure used to be a stable, he would check it out before they put the horse there. He turned towards the house before he went so he could tell Brittney the news and noticed that Robert was walking up towards the house smiling.

“She talked to me as I passed to go up to the house.” Robert told him. “I figured that Brittney could use some good news with everything that has been happening around here.”

“Thank you, Robert. This should at least get her out of the bed.” Sly told him. “There is an old stable out back that I want to check on.” It was starting to get a little chilly. “First I am going to tell Brittney.”

“I’ll check it out for you.” Robert gave Sly the crates he was carrying and then remembered the package in his pocket. After handing that to Sly he walked out to the little building that his friend had mentioned. He stopped to check on the flesh wound to the horse and had Charles wash her up while he took a look.

The building was in very good condition to have been left for so long, it would do for now to keep the weather away from the horse. He walked back out and motioned for Charles to bring the horse in.

After settling Goldy into a stall, he put some ointment on the wound and covered it so she did not lick it off. “You are going to be all right, girl.” They were going to have to find something for her to eat, since there was barely any grass around them.

He was whistling as he came in to find Sly and Charles bundling up. “Where are you going?” He noticed that Brittney was out of the bed and sitting with Elizabeth.

“We need a tree to hang those ornaments on.” Charles told him as he followed Sly out of the room.

“That sounds good.” He looked toward Brittney. “Your horse is fine. She just had a flesh wound.” He paused as he smiled. “She is also going to be a mother.”

“Really?” Brittney looked shock. “I wonder which. . .”

“Thunder,” Robert told her. “I had seen them a couple of times when they were out in the fields.”

Sly looked back at him from the doorway. “A little piece of a much missed horse,” He looked at Charles who had grabbed the ax. “Ready?”

“Sure thing,” Charles said as he headed for the doors.

Brittney looked over at Elizabeth as she opened the crates that Sly had put down on the table. “Life is so strange.”

“Never boring, that is for sure.” Elizabeth watched her as she took one of the ornaments out.

Brittney saw something moving out of the corner of her eye and stood still as she smiled. “Alex, you’re crawling!” She picked him and kissed him on the cheek as the baby giggled.

Elizabeth turned as Brittney was kissing him. “Here comes the fun part. I am too old to chase babies around.”

Brittney smiled as she tousled the black curls on top of her son’s head. She noticed the wrapped package on the table that was beside the crate and laughed to herself; it was Sly’s Christmas present from last year.

Christmas was small that year and Brittney had missed her father terribly, she knew that the holidays would take some time to get used to without him. Alex was the one that had grabbed most of the attention, keeping him away from the tree and her mother’s fragile ornaments had been a chore and kept all of them busy. Robert and Charles came over for the Christmas dinner and this time there were no shots fired. Robert had told them that the General had finally taken back the control of his men.

Robert looked at Elizabeth after dinner and then knelt down on his knees as he looked up at her. “Elizabeth Tucker, will you do me honor of being my wife.”

Elizabeth looked down at him with tears in her eyes as she nodded. She could not find her voice to answer him.

Brittney looked over at Sly with a big smile on her face as they had watched this happening in front of their eyes and Sly smiled back. That moment had made Christmas special this year for all of them.

Richard placed the ring that had once been hers over twenty years ago on her finger and then stood up to kiss her.

Elizabeth turned towards Sly after she found her voice, “Hide the shotguns.”

Sly had not heard this part of the story and Robert had to tell it all over again. Sly’s laughter echoed all over the house and was joined by others laughing with him.

The days after Christmas were pretty uneventful as they continued into another new year and they were all relieved.

© Copyright 2010 D. A. Price (UN: gbodeb34 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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