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Rated: GC · Book · Erotica · #1720747
A man has plotted his course through life; what happens when fate takes the wheel?
#709842 added December 15, 2010 at 5:17pm
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The Biker, The Troll, and The Magic Mountain - 04
The Biker, The Troll, The Magic Mountain-04 – (2,470)

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         It’s said that we are all captives of our past, and unless we find a way to break the chains of some memories, things will always be the same. My sister had always insisted that my bachelorhood was a result of our parent’s problems when we were much younger, and I could see her logic in that, but I was determined to plot my own course, regardless.

         Our father had discovered that our mother had been involved in a scandalous three year affair with one of the attorneys in the law office in which she worked as a secretary. I had just started high school, and had a front-row seat to the devastation this revelation dealt to our nearly idyllic family life in those days. Eileen and Jeremy were affected as well, but to a lesser extent than me, as high school students, while not the most sophisticated crowd in the world, had enough knowledge of real-world happenings to understand what that made my mother, and my father.

         To give our father some credit, he offered to reconcile for the sake of the family if she were willing to give up her lover. She, in turn gave him a counter-offer: if he were willing to allow her to keep her lover, she’d stay with our family and continue to get involved in our lives growing up. The implication there of course, was that their married relationship would cease once Jeremy left home. He declined; in more ways than one as it turned out.

         He had tried his best to keep our family on an even keel during our school years, but he was not the man he once was. We had the unenviable experience of watching our father slowly fade from the confident businessman he once was, into a gray shadow of himself, only the memory of his 17 year relationship with his wife, and the mother of his children to give him solace, and pain.

* * * *

         I slowly took Lenore’s finger from my waistband, and stepped back a bit. My heart was pounding against my ribs so hard she had to have heard it, and I had the makings of a wonderful erection building in my pants, but I was determined not to be the other man in another woman’s relationship. If she had been completely unattached, we would have been moving to the wild dance of love on my blanket already.

         She didn’t seem too surprised at my reaction to her somewhat aggressive behavior, and instead, simply asked me if she could have another cup of the Merlot. As I poured another cup for each of us, she went to the blanket I had spread on the ground, and gracefully sat, crossing her legs. It was getting really tough for me to keep my emotions in check, as each time I saw her in a different pose, it only increased my desire to take her, hard!

         As I passed her the glass of wine, I sat next to her, gazing out over the moonlit landscape. She sighed, and leaned her head on my shoulder. This was definitely pushing me out of my league, I thought, as I put my arm around her shoulders. Reflex I thought, but inside, I was absolutely vibrating, and aside from her beauty and composure, there wasn’t a whole lot more to account for it. Right! If you believed that, I could sell you some rainbows for harvesting pots of gold.

         Taking in a deep breath, she began, “A few years ago, while I was in the university, I had a roommate who had just arrived from a small town in the Midwest. She was a real sweetheart, too innocent, too naïve for the big city. I made it my goal to see that she remained that way, at least until she decided to enter into relationships that made sense.”

         I was about to interrupt, but she quickly put a finger on my lips, and said, “Please, let me tell you this story; if you have questions later, I’ll answer them for you.” What the hell, I thought, I had the time but not many answers. I gestured for her to continue, and refilled our cups with wine.

         Taking a sip from hers, Lenore continued, “For two solid school years, she filled me with stories of one of the most wonderful men who ever lived, at least in her mind. I tried to ignore her, blow her tales off as the imaginings of a young impressionable girl, but it started to etch its way into my brain, much like water dripping on a rock over time. I had to find out if this was reality or myth. I’d fallen completely in love with her fabrication by the end of the second year, and I began to hate her for possessing this man; I was the lady left out.”

         She stopped for a moment and took another sip from her cup. It was quite apparent that she had no idea of the effect she was having on me; her touch, her voice, her very scent was clawing its way into my head, and my groin. This was getting much tougher for me, I realized. Her story though, was beginning to capture my imagination, and I was anxious for her to get on with it.

         In no hurry, she simply placed her hand on my thigh, absent-mindedly squeezing and caressing me, increasing the heat of our moment, whether intentionally or not. I was being drawn into her world, her words, and her own personal magic, and I was beginning to hope for a much different outcome for our visit together than what I knew was fated to play out. Too bad, I thought, another time, another circumstance and we might have grown into something much more.

         Lenore had been quiet for a bit, so I interjected. “You really love this guy?” I watched as her face broke out into a big smile. Fuck! I was beginning to love that smile! Not only that, I was beginning to feel a little jealousy creeping into my soul.

         “You bet your sweet ass I do,” she responded, “and the sad thing is, he may never know how much.” As she finished this comment, she gave an extra squeeze on my knee, and I had to squirm a bit to escape the reaction I had to her grip.

         I was beginning to feel that if anything happened tonight, it would be more of a mercy fuck than anything else. However, she didn’t seem inclined to take advantage of her situation at the moment, and slipped back into silence. Against my better judgment, I pressed her once more.

         “You know, you really need to be with your lover tonight, not with me,” I said. She remained pressed against me, and showed no inclination to move away. As a matter of fact, she began to move her hand higher on my thigh as she caressed my leg. Against what my body was trying to tell me, I stopped her hand with mine, capturing it firmly against my thigh. This could turn ugly, I thought, but I gave it one more attempt.

         “Lenore, I will NOT be the ‘other man’ in any woman’s relationship with her mate, ever! You’ve been telling me of your great love for your man over the past several minutes, but I’m getting a feeling that you’re trying to pull me between you and your lover right now. It’s not going to work. I don’t share.” She pulled her hand away, and chuckled.

         “She told me it wouldn’t work; I just had to try.” She whispered, almost to herself.

         Puzzled, I was about to say something, but she continued, aloud for my benefit. “At the end of my graduate work, I was about to make preparations to embark on my voyage into the business unknown, but I had to confront my roomie once more. I told her that I’d fallen in love with her man, and that if I ever met him, I wouldn’t hesitate to take him from her. It was her own fault, I told her. She’d seduced me with her stories of him over those two years, and now I had become obsessed with finding and claiming him for my own.”

         Once again, she fell silent, studying my face with her beautiful, piercing eyes. She sipped from her cup, slowly, allowing for the tension in the air to mount. Her grip on my thigh had returned, and she gently caressed my leg, just above my knee. Oddly enough, I felt a comfort in her touch, and I suspected that she was casting some sort of spell on me, simply because I wanted to hear more of her story.

         “You know what she did then, Matt?” she asked. I had no bloody idea, and shook my head in the negative. “She laughed at me! The little bitch simply laughed at me.” Looking at her face, I saw no anger, but instead a wide grin, her mouth turning up at the corners. Unconsciously, I wondered what it’d be like to kiss that lovely mouth.

         “Before I left school to return to the job market, she gave me a name, and a location on a card, and told me that if I could tame this man, she’d be more than willing to give him up to me,” she continued. “And then she said a couple of odd things before I left to catch my ride. She smiled at me, and told me that her man was a natural for me, and not to be afraid of the wolf.”

         Her words were simply spinning around loosely in my brain right now, but something was happening here, something oddly familiar. I just couldn’t wrap my head around it at the moment. She was still watching me, very carefully, and smiling that captivating smile.

         To break the spell, I asked her, “Just where is your man tonight? Isn’t he going to miss you? I should take you back home now.” Again, she put her finger to my lips to silence me, but returned her hand to my thigh, this time much closer to my already agitated cock. “My story? Do you mind?” She raised her eyebrow at me. I just shrugged my shoulders—what the hell?

         “Ok,” I countered, “I assume you finally tracked him down?” She looked at me for a few moments, then up at the moonlit sky, and took in a deep breath. Even that simple act of hers made my pulse quicken, and I began to really believe that she was very likely a witch of some kind. Truth be told, I wanted this night to go on a bit longer.

         “Yes, I did,” she said softly, “and I’m more in love with him now than I was when my goofy roommate began to brainwash me with him. Tell me Matt, what do you think I should do about him?”

         Her question caught me a bit off guard, and all I could think of to tell her was my own general philosophy regarding all relationships. “If you really love him, with all your heart, never betray his trust, ever!” I knew this response was knee-jerk from my father’s experience when I was growing up.

         As I was saying this, I was feeling myself stepping back from her, and the effects that she was having on me. “Most importantly Lenore, BE with him, don’t let him out of your sight if you can! It’s not just a trust issue; partners in love need to touch each other on a regular basis, just to keep their emotional energy at peak performance.”

         I had been weakening to her considerable charms all night, and this last bit of advice was designed to prevent me from doing something I’d probably regret for the rest of my life. Breaking our magical bond this evening would likely ensure that I’d remain the city loner for a whole lot longer, but I wouldn’t have to have the breakup of a couple in love on my conscience.

         “I agree, Matthew Phearson, with your philosophical outlook, but I want a more permanent relationship with him than I think he’s prepared to provide me at the moment. What do you think I should do in that case?” She was looking at me now through her long lashes, as though evaluating my answers on a “pass/fail” scale.

         During her questioning, her hand had made its way up my thigh to my very anxious package. I could feel her fingernails gently scratching my balls through my jeans, occasionally grazing my now very erect cock. It seems that her conversation was in some conflict with her actions at the moment, and I was slipping into a fight or flight sort of emotional double-bind.

         In self-defense, I told her, “If you think you know your man well enough, you should probably squeeze him into a commitment of some kind as quickly as possible, to eliminate any lingering doubts about your relationship. If he balks, you’ll at least know where you stand.”

         “Kinda heavy handed, don’t you think?” she replied. I had to smile at that comment. She was screwing with me, I was sure. “Look Lenore, I’m sure that you’ve bumped into a mirror once or twice while growing up, so I don’t have to tell you you’re a knockout! You’ve probably had more love-sick puppies sniffing your butt than the law would allow under ordinary circumstances. So if this beau of yours isn’t damaged in some serious way, there should be no argument from him to take your relationship to a higher level.”

         I topped off our cups with the last of the merlot, and we made a small toast to the beauty of solid relationships, but I was still a little concerned about her attention to my equipment, simply because she’d not relented a single bit in pushing my hormone level up several more notches. The soft scent of her breath against the side of my face as she related her story to me was absolutely intoxicating, and I could only wonder if she knew the affect she was having on me just then. This whole situation was getting even more surreal.

         “So,” she asked, “you figure that the sooner the better?”

         Thinking to get this situation back under control, and get our asses back on the road back to town, I replied, “Damn right, the sooner the better.”

         Things began to become much more complicated all of a sudden, and I knew that this was going to be a night that I’d remember for the rest of my life.

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H - *Anchor*
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