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Rated: GC · Book · Erotica · #1720747
A man has plotted his course through life; what happens when fate takes the wheel?
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#709804 added October 31, 2010 at 1:14pm
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The Biker, The Troll, and The Magic Mountain - 01
The Biker, The Troll, and The Magic Mountain-01 – (1,713)

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         I don’t know why I agreed to be the blind escort to yet another of my brother Jeremy’s office trolls, other than the fact he was my brother, and he always had my back whenever I needed him. My name is Matt Phearson, 31, single, and aside from a pretty satisfying IT management job, I ride a Harley.

         My conditions for the escort job were the usual; the troll would have to dress down for me, as I wasn’t about to dress up for them. I’d be a gentleman, but if they didn’t want to be seen with someone who looked like a middle-aged biker—well—tough shit.

         I had plans for later on in the night, and I had no intention of baby-sitting the party troll until the very end of their little office party. There was a full moon tonight; the weather was cool and dry. My favorite overlook would be bathed in moonlight, glistening off the Mississippi River in the valley below and I had some serious meditating to do. This was MY time of the month, and little brother or not, I was going to enjoy it.

         That was the reason I rode my bike up to the party hall that night, and after removing my leathers and tying them to my bike, I entered without enthusiasm to confront my ordeal for the night. I’d come to expect being saddled with one of the company knuckle-draggers in these affairs, but since I had very little actual respect for the usual complement of company suck-ups and hangers-on that usually attended, I had no qualms about bolting rather early in the evening.

         Stepping into the hall, I received the usual glowering looks from the men assembled there, and the usual evaluating looks from their female companions. It seemed that scruffy looking biker guys are a natural curiosity for both men and women, but for different reasons.

         My brother, spotting me, hustled over with his wife and a rather stunning black haired woman. Tall, slim and wonderfully curvaceous, I noticed that all eyes were on her as she sauntered over to meet me. Legs, from her ankles all the way up to—heaven, I was sure. Lenore was her name, and her face was expressionless, but her beautiful ice-blue eyes mesmerized me. There had to be a story here, I knew, but for now, we fluttered through the introductions and proceeded into the party.

         She was dressed down to my standards, but she still managed to flatter the form-fitting jeans and long-sleeved white blouse that draped her figure, and the boots that she wore looked like she was really ready for anything. Uhmm… and her ass, well… My initial impression was—hot; and ice cold.

         Little to no conversation; I didn’t really mind that, but I was curious what the story was behind this vision. My one vain attempt at chit-chat ended up with her snappy response of, “I don’t put out, so don’t even try.” Nice, I thought. At least I wouldn’t have to worry about any after-party issues. I figured that there’d be no problem breaking loose from this dull soiree when it came time.

         Finally, when she took a break to the ladies room, I asked my brother what the hell he’d set me up with. He laughed, telling me that knowing my dislike of date setups, and the dislike of their office ice queen for socializing , he’d decided to kill two birds with one stone. Their new manager had insisted that his staff attend with a guest of one sort or another, and this seemed like a safe, neutral solution to both our problems.

         By then, she’d returned, and in a fit of pique about being used for a goalpost in their little game, I asked her to dance. Surprisingly, she complied and we whirled surprisingly smoothly out on to the dance floor. She was nearly as tall as I was, and as we went through our moves she put her face into my neck, and began to hold me a bit tighter than I’d have expected. It could have been my imagination, but at times, I sensed that she was actually trying to smell me.

         I couldn’t help but notice that no one attempted to cut in for a dance, which for me was fairly normal, but for a looker like Lenore, that seemed a bit unusual. I figured that she must have one hell of a reputation in my brother’s company. No one approached her for a dance in between dances either, which equally puzzled me. To me, she looked great, felt great, and smelled great, and aside from her shitty attitude, she’d of made one stunning decoration on the arm of any of the young men at the dance.

         It’d be my luck to have been set up with a vampire or something, if there was such a thing, but I knew my brother better than that. The fact that she’d been sniffing into my neck probably meant she had some kind of terribly contagious disease, and that everyone was trying to maintain their distance out of fear. Thanks, Bro!

         Although she seemed to be largely into herself, she was an excellent dancer, and was undaunted by anything the band could perform. Although I was pretty well versed in most popular steps, I had to beg off on some of the really recent moves. Whenever that happened, she seemed content to join me at the refreshment tables, or pick up a drink with me to refresh ourselves if desired. Even then, there were no offers from the assembled gentlemen to take up my slack. She was polite for the most part, but very distant.

         Finally, I thought it was time to make my break, so I began to make my excuses to Lenore, but she suddenly interrupted with, “Matt, does this party suck as much for you as it does for me?” Startled, I actually told her the truth, disregarding my usual caution about revealing my real thoughts about ‘official’ company party-times, especially to strangers.

          “Desperate companies, arranging party favors to entertain desperate employees, all trying to pretend to be thrilled at an opportunity to suck up for free food and booze. Not really my bag, but frankly, I have better things to do this evening,” I muttered, more to myself than to her.

         Taking hold of my arm, she looked at me and asked, “Since it seems like you’re leaving anyway, could I impose on you to give me a ride home?” Surprised, I informed her that I’d arrived on a Harley, and I was headed for the hills when I left the party. Why she was suddenly showing interest in me at this moment a puzzle, but if she was simply looking for a ride home, it probably indicated that however she’d arrived, she didn’t want to return the same way. Another fuckin’ prima donna. Not my problem, I decided, and tried to shake her off.

         The fact that I’d brought a bike to the party didn’t seem to deter her in the least however, and she continued to press me to get her away from this party. She seemed to have thawed a bit towards me, but I figured that this was calculated simply to get her way. Women!

         Starting to waver a bit at last, I warned her that I was going to one of my favorite remote spots tonight, a very remote site, and I wouldn’t be coming back this way for some time. This was the moment I expected her to back off, but she simply put her hands on her hips, and sized me up, slowly and deliberately.

         It was getting late, and I really had no time for this crap I thought. Turning away from her I left the hall and went to retrieve my bike. As I reached the bike, I heard her speak up once again behind me. “Is this a private party that you’re off to, or can I tag along?”

         I turned and this time, in the light of the rising moon, she had transformed into something almost surreal. A soft breeze was blowing through the parking lot, and it’s effect on her hair was almost hypnotic, strands of her ebony locks slowly swirling about her head and face, reminding me of the Medusa of mythology. Momentarily, I thought that myth had become real, because I felt that I’d been turned to stone, then she smiled, for the first time all night.

         When I saw her smile, I suddenly felt released from my brief paralysis, and a sense that the “Ice Queen” had begun to thaw; perhaps even the “gnarly biker” as well washed over me.

         What the hell, I thought. If she could keep her mouth shut and stay out of my way, which certainly seemed probable given her behavior all night, it wouldn’t really matter if she took the ride or not. I’d certainly make sure that she remembered this ride though. No one gets a ride without paying the ticket price. I hope she had up to date life insurance!

         While I was still making up my mind, I noted that she was not exactly dressed for an outside excursion, and offered her the use of my leather jacket. It was well worn, but she accepted my offer, and when I passed it to her, she immediately brought it to her face and inhaled deeply a couple of times. I was beginning to suspect a relationship between her sniffing and what she was sniffing.

         In my saddlebag, I had a skid-lid, left over from my sister’s days of riding with big brother, and I had no idea why I still had it on board. My sister Eileen had moved away a few years ago after graduating from college, but I’d hung on to it for those rare times she returned to visit. Memories of our trips washed over me as I pulled the half-helmet out of the pack, and I even thought that I might resent loaning it to Lenore, but for some reason I didn’t. Curiously, it fit Lenore perfectly.

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H - *Anchor*
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