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Announcements pertaining to Writing.Com! |
If you've got a web site or off site blog, we've got a couple widgets for you to try out. [Widgets are little bits of web code that you can add to your web page to automatically add bits of functionality...] http://www.writing.com/main/widgets In this initial release, you'll find two widgets: Our Writing Prompt widget that allows you to embed a random writing prompt on your pages. It draws and links back to our prompt page -- http://www.Writing.Com/main/writing_prompt ... It also embeds your referring user information, so you get credit for anyone who clicks through and decides to signup on Writing.Com! The 2nd is a Recommended Reading widget that automatically includes items from your "Recommended Reading" section. It randomly displays 1 to 4 items, depending on the size of the widget. The widgets are very customizable by changing a few settings in the web code, but you can also use any of the preset examples we provide. As always, we're interested in your feedback and suggestions on the new feature. What other widgets would you like the ability to use? Best wishes, ~~SM |