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Rated: 13+ · Book · Opinion · #1508897
Blogging/Journaling/Complaining on an entirely inconsistent basis.
#709451 added August 6, 2011 at 6:34pm
Restrictions: None
US Politics and Solutions to fix our Country!
The elections are coming up.  The really, really, really elections.  Most of us have been totally nauseated by all the belligerent, probably lying commercials we have  been forced to watch for 17 minutes of every 30 minute program.  Sorry if I sound belligerent, but I am.

I firmly believe that in order to criticize politicians, one must have paid their dues....voted and possibly have a plan for what ails our wonderful country.  I will vote and reading you will see the start of my plans.

I don't really care who you vote for but please keep the following CORRECT information in mind:

1.  There seems to be way too much money being used to finance these elections.  I figure (opinion) the more a politician spends to try and get elected, the more he/she has to hide.  And, (fact) the more special interests the elected official has to bow down to.

2.  Why are so many spending so much to earn a salary so lean......I know they vote themselves raises whenever they want.  They voted themselves raises during out little recession. Forget that the rest of the country in under the gun.  It was not a little recession to you and to me.  If you lost your home, it sure as Hell wasn't a recession but a Dang depression.

3.  Do you know the recession is over?  I have been told this by many politicians and their scalawag experts several times.  That alone would make me vote against the present ticket.

4.  It is my firm belief that every incumbent running for office needs to be voted out pronto.  I don't care who they are or what party they belong to.  I am an equal opportunity anti-incumbent politician CRUSADING to vote them the Hell out. WHY?  Simple arithmetic and common sense:  If they have been in office at any time for any length of time, they have CONTRIBUTED TO THE SORRY STATE OUR COUNTRY IS IN TODAY.  GET RID OF THEM.

5.  "But we don't know who the new guys are or what their affiliations are with" you say?  Bull Durham!  Who could do any worse than those that have been in power not just a couple of years, but 10 years, 20 years, 30 years.....blah, blah, blah.

1.  Vote out all incumbents for the next six years if they have already served a term.
2.  Pass legislation to outlaw any person, organization, non-profit from contributing a dime to elections.  Let those who would run, use their own money.  No hidden funds, etc allowed.
3.  Bring our military home and let them police our borders and airports and whatever to keep us safe.  I firmly believe that you cannot establish a democracy in a a country full of tribes and people who do not understand nor internalize that concept.  If they had wanted a Democratic government, they would have done it on their own. Why stick our noses in other people's business?
4.  Outlaw lobbyist in the USA......forever.  You would be shocked at the number of lobbyist per senator and representative in Washington, DC.  These people are there for themselves and their bosses.  They are not there for the middle class or lower classes of America.  If you think differently, you are too lazy to research our government in action.
5.  TOTALLY CUT OUT PORK BARREL FROM BILLS.  Have you noticed the number of pages in a bill?  How many pages does it take to say, "All people who use cell phones in a moving vehicle are to pay fines and lose their driver's licenses for three months?"  You may not agree with my bill.  It was a personal opinion of the size a bill might take.
6.  Round up every illegal immigrant in the USA and send them home.  I would like to help these immigrants out, but they need to overhaul their government and make things better in their own country.  For those jobs that we are to lazy to perform for ourselves, have the immigrants who come to our country follow a strict set of rules and laws.
7.  NO GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS FOR IMMIGRANTS.  I have seen enough poor American students in my 38 years of teaching that could use government assistance and have been rejected.
8.  IF YOU ARE ON WELFARE, you are doing the immigrant jobs in this country.  If you are legitimately too handicapped to work, fine.  But, I have noticed that many on welfare may have bad backs, but they can still procreate--if you get my drift.  Hope they are not getting government assisted Viagra.
9.  If you don't love this country and think it is worth working to fix, go live in Haiti or Africa or some other third world country. 
10.  Cut off all monies to foreign countries.  Bring that money Home!  I am not against helping out countries recover from Acts of Nature.  I support out Doctors without Borders.  But, please note these funds are raised not legislated.

I know there is no easy fix to what is going on in this country.  But not becoming outraged at the outrageous is absurd.  I know my plan is too pure and simple to work, but some of the items just make sense.  Remember Abe Lincolns famous, 'You may deceive all the people part of the time, and part of the people all the time, but not all the people all the time.'  It's time to step up and quit letting ourselves be deceived and quit being to lazy to do something about it.

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