Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/708639-Pearl-2b
Rated: XGC · Book · Erotica · #1711856
A sailor encounters paradise in paradise; a love story.
#708639 added October 17, 2010 at 2:14am
Restrictions: None
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         Although the absence had been only a week and a half or so, the reunion was ‘girlie’ emotional, both of the sisters laughing, crying, embracing and trying to talk at the same time. Bob and I played our parts appropriately; shaking hands, slapping backs, and shaking our heads over the antics of the women. Soon we were on our way back to the project, Bob and me in the front in silence, Barb and Beth in the back, just chatting away.

         Once we arrived at the projects, I assisted the group with the luggage, and just generally tried to appear all around helpful. Once the dust had settled, I felt like it was time to take my leave, and allow the family to catch up on news. Announcing my departure to my own apartment, Barb suddenly rushed up to me, embraced me, and thanked me for taking such good care of her sister. Turning her head to kiss me on the cheek, I had the bad (?) timing to turn to tell her it was no problem, and her kiss landed right on my lips.

         A look of surprise flashed across her face, but recovering quickly she finished the kiss in true style, running her tongue across my lips before backing away, winking at me. I finished what I’d meant to say, telling her that her sister had gotten me back to 100%, and had been most excellent company as well while they were away. If she only knew how excellent. Perhaps reading something in my comments, Barb looked a little askance at me for just a moment, before a smile broke across her face and she returned to the unpacking taking place behind her.

         Returning to my apartment, I immediately felt the emptiness that Beth’s absence had already created in my life. Opening a cold beer and turning on the TV, I became resolved to retreat into my old bachelor ways once more. The problem was, I couldn’t concentrate on anything right now; not the beer, not the TV, not the thought of what I was going to do from now on.

         Finally, after several hours of pouting, and feeling sorry for myself, I turned the TV off and got ready to go to bed. As I was about to turn off the living room light, I heard a knock at the door. Since it was late, I cautiously checked to see who was outside, and was surprised to discover that it was Beth, in a nightgown.

         When I opened the door, she leapt into my arms, showering my face with kisses. Pulling her into my living room, I turned to her with questions all over my face. Catching her breath, she blurted out that after a rather long conversation regarding the events of the past week, Barb thought that we needed to be together before her departure back to school on Thursday. Kicking the door shut with her foot, she turned to me and began pushing me back into the bedroom.

         Once she’d pushed me through the bedroom door, she said, “Hang onto your socks, sailor-boy! This is going to be a pretty bumpy ride!” A bumpy ride it was, but it was one that I wouldn’t have missed for the world. This woman was insatiable. Not that I had any reason to complain, mind you… It was just that she kept blaming me for her increased sexual drive. From my viewpoint, I was just along for the ‘bumpy-ride.’

         As usual, morning came much too quickly, but Beth had promised Barb that she’d return today to help her continue unpacking what they’d brought back from the mainland visit. I was again left to myself, but I was encouraged by the probability that I’d see Beth before the day was through.

         Sure enough, around 3:00 pm Beth stopped by long enough to invite me to dinner at Barb and Bob’s apartment that evening at 7:00 pm. Barb’s cooking skills were legendary amongst the friends that they had over to the apartment from time to time, but I’d never had an opportunity to be invited to one of her ‘events’ before now. So, I had a double delight; I could spend a bit more time with Beth, and…I could finally have an opportunity to taste some of Barb’s wonderful home cooking.

         The evening went exceptionally well, and the food tasted exquisite. Bob was his usual blustery self, pounding down beer after beer until Barb finally had to apologize to us and put him to bed. Returning to the table, Barb began reminiscing about the early days of growing up with Beth, causing Beth to start kicking her under the table. Laughing, Barb continued with the stories until all three of us were laughing hysterically. Truly, this was the most fun I’d had with my neighbors (or neighbor) since I’d moved next to them.

         Not surprisingly, Beth accompanied me back to my apartment for her final night in Hawaii. Also not surprisingly, I was eternally grateful that she did. Her flight left in the morning around 11:45 am, so we couldn’t mess around too much, but it was a treat just to lay next to each other, touching and kissing. To say that I was growing a bit fond of her would have been a grand understatement, and I wanted to be a part of her life as long as possible.

         As usual, morning came much too quickly. As a matter of fact, Barb had to wake us up by pounding on my door to make sure that Beth would make it to the airport on time. But, we all made it in fine style, and all that remained was the emotional good-byes. And emotional they were… After her sister and brother-in-law had declared their goodbyes, it was finally our turn. After having resolved to be stoic about the whole exercise, we both broke our rules and ended up hiding our tears by our long, long embrace at the tarmac.

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         I finally got back to work at the medical clinic, and after a short ‘honeymoon’ period as the local hero, things got back to normal. The usual illnesses, injuries, and wild rides in the ambulance at night. Before long, the routine had sucked up nearly 5 weeks of time since I bade farewell to Beth at the airport. Bob and Barb were soon to be transferred to Camp Pendleton, just outside of San Diego, and within shouting distance of where Beth was finishing her nursing degree.

         Beth was sending me notes nearly every week about her school classes, friends, and the absolute ‘shit-head’ roommate that she’d allowed to share the cost of her apartment near the University. Apparently, her roommate was a bit of a slut, and every now and then Beth had to toss her roommate and her latest ‘stud-muffin’ out of the place because her ‘partner of the moment’ would figure that she (Beth) was part of the bargain, and begin pestering her.

         A couple of weeks before their transfer back to the mainland, on a very humid, hot evening, Barb dropped in to see me. She looked as though she’d just jumped out of the shower; her hair was damp, plastered on her head in disarray, and the sun dress that she had on was wet as well, hanging on her body most provocatively. Although she had a bra on, it was damp as well, and the air conditioning in my apartment was causing a most alarming effect on her nipples, which were now aimed at me like miniature gun barrels.

         Swearing a bit, she apologized to me for her intrusion on my evening, but she explained that something had gone wrong with her air conditioning and her apartment had become insufferably hot and humid. Bob was on duty that night, so he could be of no help, so she was wondering if I would be kind enough to check it out. I had nothing better to do that evening so of course, I said yes.

         Since she was drenched in sweat, she asked if she could use my shower to freshen up a bit while I was checking her air conditioning out, and when I agreed she returned to her apartment to pick up a change of clothing while I got some work clothes on and a few tools. We passed each other on the landing, and I heard her thanking me as I stepped through her doorway.

         It was soon apparent what the problem was, a common one with these old window units. The exhaust grill was completely frozen over, so the simplest solution was to turn it off, and let the ice thaw out. Then it could be cleaned out with the reverse blow of a vacuum cleaner. In the meantime, I rigged up one of her room fans to blow air against the grill to hasten the thaw. I’d check it out later this evening to finish the work so that she could get some comfortable sleep.

         Returning to my apartment, I was reminded that I too, was drenched in sweat after my work in Barb’s apartment, so I cautiously checked to see if Barb had finished freshening up. Spotting her in her bathrobe in the hallway between my bathroom and bedroom, shaking her hair with a towel, I quickly explained the problem to her, telling her that it would take a little time for the ‘fix’ to take place. Inviting her to stay for a while and watch some TV, I told her that she could grab some beer from the fridge while I took my own shower.

         Ahhh… The shower sure felt great after sweltering in an un-cooled space. Thinking back briefly to the vision of Barb at the door, with her clothing stuck to her body, nipples poking out of her chest at me began to cause a familiar reaction in my groin once more. Her very close resemblance to her sister, and the fact that I’d not been laid for a few weeks was beginning to have a somewhat ‘warming’ effect on my libido.

         Turning off the shower, I looked for a towel to dry off with, but discovered that Barb had apparently used the last one, and had been drying her hair with it. Since my change in clothing was across the hall on my bed, I had no choice but to open the bathroom door a crack, and shout out to Barb to find me a towel in the hall closet so I could dry off. I heard her rummaging through the closet, and soon, to my surprise, she opened the bathroom door completely, and walked right in.

         Standing there in front of her, naked, with a semi-erection still pulsating from my earlier thoughts of her, I was rooted to the spot. Although she had a towel in her left hand, she didn’t offer it to me to dry myself; instead she offered me the open beer that she held in her right hand. Numbly, I reflexively took the offered beer, and watched helplessly as she began to dry my damp body herself. By the time she’d reached my crotch, my cock was aimed right between her eyes, and she’d dropped to her knees in front of me.

         Glancing down at her, I quickly noted that her bathrobe had flared open at the top, and there was no evidence of a bra, her beautiful tits in full view. Her nipples were still rigid, and the resemblance to Beth’s physique was eerie. Looking up at me, she said, “I don’t believe I’ve properly thanked you for your help, both for taking care of my little sister while I was gone, and taking care of my little problem next door.” With that, she bent over and flicked her tongue across the head of my cock, removing a large drop of pre-cum that had quickly accumulated there.

         Finally getting my shit together, I began to explain to her that it wasn’t necessary, and we probably shouldn’t be doing this, but she said, “Sorry, two to one… You’re outnumbered.” pointing down to my very erect cock, twitching in front of her face.

         I guess she could sense that I was very close to an internal explosion, because in a virtual replay of her sister’s first shower encounter with me, she grabbed my now painfully erect cock, and led me back into my bedroom. Once there, she loosened the sash on her bathrobe, and allowed it to drop to the floor. Still at a loss for words, I gazed upon a fully mature, naked vision of loveliness. As I’d surmised before, aside from her hips being a bit fuller than Beth’s, she could have been a carbon-copy of her beautiful sister. She even used the same soft perfume.

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H - *Anchor*
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