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Inspired by Stephanie Meyers Characters- a different turn in the life of Jacob Black |
When i was a little girl i made a good escapist. Whenever something bothered me, I used to shut myself out from everything. This was what gave birth to my aspiration in acting. It started with some kiddy plays and developed into a full fledged mature acting. Well! As matured as high school acting can be. It was within seconds that I united myself with the introvert, needy escapist Laura and earned the applause from my peers. After classes I was almost bouncing with enthusiasm over my feat. I was waiting outside for Jeanie who was “talking studies” with Kent the shy geek from our history class. I knew she loved the type but it wasn’t nice to keep people waiting when you invent ways to flirt with someone. I was toying with the idea of breaking up the romantic interlude, when it just loomed towards me. I could feel the eyes boring into the new arrival. I don’t blame them. His is kind of face that commanded admiration instantly. Forget Darcy! Forget Heathcliff! This guy wore melancholies like Prada. His brooding eyes melted heart and his proud almost arrogant face melted…well…everything that a girl is made of! Had it been some stranger I could have fallen in love. He was no such thing. The guy, who loomed up angrily on his Rabbit, was Jacob Black. I mentally cursed the fact that I was looking at him like some retarded jelly brained person. Without any introduction he trigegerd his booming voice at me, “Did you leave a packet with Billy ? some stupid clothes?” I had to rack my brains and clear my voice twice before answering, “Yes! Dad wanted to give you something since you came back. You know… a kind of welcome back gift and all” He stopped my explanation with the tilt of his finger. “Bianca, we are not destitute here. We don’t need hand –me –downs.” I was absolutely lost over here. I couldn’t make out what was wrong. And then it clicked. I donate to an orphanage every two months. It seems this month I goofed up and donated the shirt Dad meant to give Jake and left the package at his place. I almost felt like plunging into the nearest opening to the bowels of the earth. “I am so sorry Jake…” Again he stopped me, a habit that started to annoy me. “One more thing…if you can stop asking around me. I don’t need another mother hen. Your sister managed to brew up a hell lot of trouble, thanks to all her worrying. I don’t think I can handle another trouble-maker. Your dad asked me to drop you back home. I will be back in 10 minutes” With that he just stormed his bike away, leaving me dumb-founded. I had to literally shake me to reality. I could feel everybody’s gaze on me. Mortified I decided to take off immediately. I practically scared Julie and Ken in my hurry. “Sorry guys, I have to break this rendezvous. Julie, we can’t wait any longer. Did you give him your number? No? Well….” I took a pen and scribbled her number on a muddled Ken’s hand and practically flew away with her. I had no desire to meet my ex-best friend any longer. Julie lived with her aunt and cousin in a small house exactly 1 mile from the school. However in my gloomy state of mind, the road to her place seemed extremely long. While she chattered away to glory about her first crush, I was pensive. I lost my friendship with Jacob when I was 10 over a silly fight. I punched him and he returned the favor that broke my tooth. Our silence that summer never broke till date. Last year I saw him again and almost mustered up enough courage to speak to him before he disappeared leaving me strangely empty. Hurt. And Lonely. Today his total boorish behavior made me feel strangely empty. And betrayed. I partially acted out my bubbly self at Julie’s place. We chatted, listened to CD’s, gossiped and painted our nails. She with complete enthusiasm and I acting it out. All through the day I was trying to find a solution. It was certain that he didn’t feel an ounce of affection for me. To let him know about how I felt would be a suicide. His avoidance made me sick. His aversion will be agonizing. His mockery will kill me. By the time we went to bed, I was absolutely certain of something. To profess and be denied is not an option. A broken heart is painful. To add the burden of a broken spirit will be a fatal blow. The best option under the circumstance is to forget Jacob and search greener pastures. My last thought on the subject was a silent acceptance. This Sunday morning was absolutely glorious. My friend was still sleeping. I was in a fix. On one hand wasting a perfect morning didn’t make sense. But she looked so peaceful in her sleep. It would be heartless to wake her up. In the end I decided to give us each what we wanted. She got her right to sleep. And I decided to jog. I jogged for about one hour without any thoughts penetrating my brain. All I felt was the gush of the wind in my hair. The soft heat on my skin. The low ache that started gripping my muscles was very relaxing in a way. I stopped when the low hum developed into a full swing ache in my limbs. As I bent to catch my breathe I realized I was on a very familiar route. I frowned and then it stuck me. The Quilotte Reservation. Billy. Jacob. As if on cue, I saw a familiar figure approaching. I shielded my eyes with my hand to take a better look at the figure approaching me from the other side. I had two options. I can turn my back on him and jog back to Julie’s place like a clever girl. Or a coward. Or. I can be pleasant and easy. And say hi without the expectation that he would acknowledge my presence. I huffed and made my decision. I put on my best smile and looked at his direction. When he was almost at earshot distance I put on my best honey voice. “Hello Jacob! Lovely morning isn’t it?” He wasn’t particularly in a mood to talk weather. So he shot me another question, “Where did you disappear yesterday?” My smile turned into confusion which turned cloudy as I kept gazing into a pair of gorgeous beautiful black eyes. “What?” I croaked “Yesterday? In School? One minute I see you by the entrance and then you are gone.” “School?” You go girl! Not only you are ruining a perfect meeting with a delicious guy in sweatshirt and track-pant but also giving him enough piece of your stunted IQ! His face was dead pan but I could see he was struggling to keep his frustration. “Yes. School. Fork’s High. The place where a bunch of idiots are given enough knowledge to have an upturned nose at the lesser mortals “ O.K now I was ticked off. “Now wait a minute here! This is totally unnecessary. I am sure I can carry on with a decent conversation without any sarcasm. So please don’t bother. Now, I didn’t wait for you because I thought you would be busy …I was spending the night at Julie’s so took off my myself.. That’s it! You really don’t have ruffle my feathers for that.” He opened his mouth and then closed it. I could see the anger play on his face again. But he controlled it. His face became neutral and he ran his finger on his glossy hair. I could see the tiredness. The day’s old beard on his face gave it a greenish texture. I wondered how long was it since he had slept. He sat on a nearby boulder. And kept looking at some place which only he can see in his mind. I was wondering whether to leave or not when he gestured me to sit by him. I obliged. We sat there in silence the whole time. While he fought some inner demon I decided to take a good look at him. His jeans were torn at different places. The color was almost gone and replaced with soot oil and grease that reminded me of his passion for bikes. His shoes were equally run out. But despite all this Jacob Black was a treat to the eyes. Almost 6 foot 4 Inc, he was all muscle no fat. His shoulder spoke of strength. He had a kind of feral movement which said he could be dangerous if needed. But his eyes were a deep set of jet black that spoke of kindness and unadulterated passion. He seemed to have reached some decision. He stood up and looked pointedly at me. “You need a lift back home?” “No” “you plan to run back home” a hint of smile around his lips? “Nah! Staying over at a friend’s place today. Will go home in the evening.” “And who might be this friend?” “What is this? Twenty questions? Look! Is this your way of getting back at me ? Jacob I am not proud of the things I did back. But seriously,it doesn’t make sense to come avenging for it after so many years, does it?” It was his turn to be confused. Then realization drew. His features relaxed, then started getting bright, which culminated in a guffaw. And within seconds he was laughing like a mad man. “Happy to have amused you” I said in a very dead pan voice. First he avoids me. Then he shoots questions at me. Now he laughs like a hyena. Seriously! This guy needs some consultation. Rolling my eyes heavenwards, I got up and started walking back. He was laughing but tagged along. I took a peek at his face and it exploded my heart to see his face transformed like magic when he laughed. Tears rolled down his face and he wiped them with his palm. A very large palm. Almost double of mine. Instinctively I glimpsed at my own palm. Again we were silent on the way. But something changed in the air around us. It was lighter. Warmer. As if someone placed a very soft pashmina shawl around us. Comfortable. Cozy. I basked in the warmth careful however not to let him see too much. By the time I reached Jen’s house, it was almost 8:00 and life at Julie’s house was in full swing if the noises inside were any good. “Well here we are. Thank you for the company Jacob” I put my hand forward to shake his and did a double take when he pulled me towards him in a bear hug “Thank YOU, Little witch” I was taken aback at this sudden jesture. Touched to the bottom of my soul, I dared not open my mouth to say him anything, lest my voice betrayed my choked up emotions. The rest of the day was normal. Julie got some date with Ken. I was more than happy to let her go and leave me with my thoughts. The day’s events were complicated. Yesterday I made a resolution to keep away from him because I thought he didn’t like me. Today he spoke to me. Hugged me. Called me by the name that unlocked my heart for him a long long time ago. And still I have zero clue as to whether he likes me let alone love me. By the time I went to bed I was so emotionally drained that my eyes immediately became heavy. And then I dreamt. About a little girl walking by the sea shore with a tall lanky boy gathering sea shells. The dusk setting in and soon she will have to leave for home. He hugged her and said “Thank you for being my friend, Little Witch”. And girl, with her heart full of love replied” You are welcome, Wolfie” RISING MOON |