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Rated: 18+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #1713948
the backstory of the world that draco the dark lives in and how he came to be
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#707871 added October 6, 2010 at 8:18pm
Restrictions: None
Ch.2 Ones pain is another strength
Draco (The child) lived a terrible life after his mother died. His father was determined to be rid of him yet he respected his former wifes wishes to much to do this. Through the years Draco's demonic features began to come back. By age 7 he was turning a darkish color almost black (I mean the color black not the race black) His father so ashamed of him hid him in a cloak. Draco never took this off because of what his father told him. "This cloak was your mother's and I want you to wear it and never take it off." By age 8 Draco had begun to farm with his mother's old scyth while his father was off working trying to convert those who were "deluded" as his father said. One day his father came home drunk after succefully converting a whole town. His father came up to him got on his knee's and cried "Why, Why did she have to "hick" go and save you "hick" DEMON!" Draco still didn't understand why his father called him a demon when he didn't believe in the parents. "Why do you call me that father?" asked Draco. "I call you that because your a DEMON you are not of this world you are not human!" His father screamed at him. This was something the father would regret later on. Draco now having learned the truth had a bit of a mental break down where his personality split in to three other beings. These beings represent the feelings he had at that moment (guilt) [rage] {uncarring knowledge} After the mental breakdown Draco picked up his father and tossed him into the wall instantly knocking him out. Draco says "Oh my gosh what have I done!" (You should be ashamed of your self) [What no you should be proud] {Really don't care just know that it will cause problums later on}

After this little repercusion and Draco's father awoke Draco was severly punished forced to do all possible chours and having a sever beating. By age 9 Draco had a seed planted in him. A seed of vengance. Draco had been thinking on his fathers words that unfortunet night and had come to the conculsion. "He wanted me dead, my own father wants me dead!" Draco felt betrayed by this relisation. He began ploting every day from that day forth how to kill his own father. "It wasn't my faulght my mother died it was all HIS!" was what kept going on in Draco's mind. By age 10 which was the day Draco was old enough to get his own job or become an aprentance. Even though his father resented him he wanted his child to make good money so that he could leach off of him. Though still oblivious to the sething haterade Draco felt towrads him he sent his child to a blacksmith to become an aprentance. Draco spent the next three years froging a single blade to show his worth to his master. The blade was long slick in appearance. It glistend in the sun light as if it were made of chrom. The blade had wiered markings (the ancient language of the gods and goddess) that enchanted the blade with a dark aura. The blacksmith was astonished by the blade itself not to mention the dedication put forth on it. The blacksmith said to Draco "This blade is so beautiful that I can not take it from its forger no you must keep it." Draco now 13 thought to himself "This man was more of a father than his real one was."

Draco left on a quest to return to his home. He traveld through the towns of the Originals taking in the sights along the way. "Dear lord these people are evil, are there truely only a select few good people." he wispered under his cloak. Once he reached his home he desided to actually take the time to explore it since he never actually left the house since it was forbidden. He found that his home was just a small hamelt nothing more nothing less. "I thought this was a busseling city full of converts the way father alwaysed talked about it." Then that reminded him why he had come here. He had come to pay his fare wells to his soon to be dead father. "This is the time I will finally be rid of that slimy bastard!"

Draco went into the tool shed to find his mothers scyth. He finds it and walks into the house and began waiting for the moment he would stike. In his head a morale debate went one (No don't kill him hes your only family!) [Do it he tried to kill you and he's what got mom killed!] {I am going to have to agree with guilt on this one you kill him you will have nothing left} Draco wasn't listening though just waiting biding his time. At around sun set his fater retuned home to find his son there with his former wifes scyth. "Wha-what are you doing here son?" He said with an almost fearful voice after looking at Draco's glowing red eyes under his cloak. "Just remembering the good old days." Draco said as he moved his bluish-black hand with his red claws over the scyth practicly sharping it. "O-o-ok then well its..." "Oh I am not done yet dear father I wanted to show you something" Draco said interupting his fathers words. " Whats it you want to show me." his father said practily shaking with fear. "I wanted to show you mom." "what..." was all his father could get out before he let out a blood curdeling scream as his head was sliced of. Draco dropped the scyth. "What did I just do.... NOOOOOO!" Draco dropped down and began to cry for his now dead father. The neighbors heard the screams and came running over quickly when they oppend the door they saw Draco and his dead fathers decapetated head. "By the infinte!" one screamed. They quickly aprehended an emotinaly destroyed Draco. They took him to the "new" hamlet leader since Draco had killed the former one (His father)

What madness is this a child murdering his own father! shouted someone from the crowed. Draco still emotinaly destroyed said nothing just stared out into the nothingness that was this world. "Quiet, Quiet, I and the other elders believe that this man should be cast out of society and forever forced to live of the lands, since he is to young to be executed." They all cheered as they tossed him out of the village into the Blighted forests. "My family is dead, My home is taken, My reason is lost..... no I have a new reason, To gain my vengence upon these blasted humans for their hainess crimes against order!" As Draco traveled through the Blighted forest he came to a Draconian town of Draconis Verxis. This was home to the exiled Draconians and was Draco's refuge for the next ten years. (the exiled only existed in draconia because that was the only land were the taint had spread and were demons were born the only exception being Draco.)

Now we begin Draco's rise to power over this town and the beging of his revenge upon humanity!
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