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A sailor encounters paradise in paradise; a love story.
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#707253 added September 29, 2010 at 1:19pm
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Pearl-03 - Conclusion
* * * *

         It was just beginning to dawn on me what a life without Beth was going to be like, and it wasn’t looking good.

         The remaining weeks turned into months, and although the letters from Beth continued to arrive with anticipated regularity, I missed touching her, hearing her laughter, making love to her. I found myself thinking about her more often, wondering if she were dating again, or falling in love with someone else. On those days when I was feeling a bit down, I often found myself experiencing the unfamiliar pangs of jealousy, imagining someone else enjoying the same wonderful delights that I’d shared with her. Something was happening to me, I thought, and I wasn’t quite sure what.

         The completion of my enlistment now enabled me to financially finish my degree through the G.I. Bill. I’d already completed nearly two and a half years towards a bachelor’s degree by taking advantage of the BuMed tuition aid program. Things were coming together now, and I could hardly wait to let Beth know.

         For the first time since her return to the mainland, I called her up by phone. I’d had her number ever since she’d sent it to me in her first letter. Resisting the urge to use it right away, I didn’t want to appear too eager, and I’d almost forgotten about it. Apparently it was her roommate who answered the phone, because I was suddenly swamped with a barrage of questions about who I was, why did I want to talk to Beth, how long had I known her, and on and on. Phone calls to the mainland, U.S. from Hawaii were pretty expensive, and I began to lose patience.

         Suddenly, as I was just about to hang up the phone in frustration, I heard a squawk at the other end, followed by a couple of thumps. Then, a more familiar voice came on, “Jim! Is that you?” Beth shouted into the mouthpiece. “Hello, hello!”

         After I settled her down with my voice, I began to explain to her my options at the end of my enlistment. I could either reenlist, or take advantage of the G.I Bill and return to college in San Diego. It took some time for the shrieking to die down, but in the end, the consensus was that I’d join her in San Diego within the next two months. Before I hung up I heard her say something that brought a lump to my throat, but seem to sum up what I was feeling as well. “I think I’m falling in love with you, Jim.”

         As you might imagine, the last couple of months before my discharge and return to the mainland were the longest two months of my life. During that time however, I managed to finish the enrollment procedures with SDSU, and to give away or sell most of the household effects that I had remaining that were still worth something, but not worth moving. Soon, I was at Honolulu International Airport, with a one-way ticket to San Diego.

         The flight was uneventful, but very long, and eventually we landed in San Diego. Imagine my surprise and my delight at seeing both Beth and a very pregnant Barb at the airport to greet me. Rushing up to the arrival gate, Beth threw herself at me, strangling me in her hugs, kissing me all over my face! I returned her enthusiasm in kind whenever I could, but she was rested and I was tired from the long flight. They both dragged me and my baggage off to their station wagon, and on to Beth’s apartment.

         When we arrived, there was no evidence of her roommate, and when I asked her about that she laughed and said, “You gave me the perfect excuse to kick her ass out of here.”

         While she pointed out which room was going to be my room, she directed me to hers, urging me to take a shower and get some sleep. With jet-lag weighing heavily on my body and my mind, I barely had finished my shower when I passed out on her bed, leaving the women in the kitchen chatting away.

         When I finally awoke, the clock on the bed stand was showing 2:30 am and I could hear the faint snoring of Beth beside me. The feel of her naked leg, slung over my waist gave me an instant feeling of having come home. I only had one major obstacle to overcome before I could cement our relationship once more. Since seeing Barb at the airport, guilt had reared its ugly head, and I needed to rid myself of this feeling by taking my greatest risk ever, confessing the incident to Beth.

         Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t do guilt easily. I usually don’t do guilt at all. But this situation was literally too close to home. If I hooked up with Beth on a more permanent basis, I’d have this ‘thing’ hanging over my head. I was never even a mediocre liar. On the other hand, this whole confession thing could blow up in my face, and I’d lose something that I had truly desired forever.

         Me being wide awake, snuggled next to a very warm, naked, succulent female began to have its effect on me. I felt my very neglected cock beginning to impose itself onto this quiet scene. She had the same sounds, the same smells, the same effect on me that she had when she was with me overseas. Her persona had put an indelible imprint on me and the effect was predictable. If this were to be the last time I’d have with Beth, I wanted to make it a memorable one.

         In the dim glow from the nightlight, Beth’s soft, sensuous contours were calling me, even though she was asleep. I turned slightly, and began caressing her thigh, remembering the reactions that this precipitated when we were in Hawaii. Sure enough, she started moaning in her sleep, causing an instant reaction in my groin. Trying not to move too swiftly, I took some time to examine my prize, now that she was unaware of my attention.

         She was lovely. As much as I wanted to mount her on the spot, I wanted to remember her as she was now, sleeping next to me, a smile on her face. What was she dreaming about? I wondered. I reached out and carefully pulled a lock of her dark hair away from her face, but as I did so she slowly opened her eyes and looked up at me.

          “Hi’ya tiger,” she said. “All rested up?” As she said that, her hand made its way down my chest towards my groin. She softly scratched her fingers through my pubic hair, before grasping my cock at the base, assuring herself of my readiness for her. I suddenly noticed that I’d been holding my breath the entire time, and let out my own soft moan.

         It’d been so long, but I wanted to make this time again with her last. I leaned into her, bringing my right hand up to her face, my left behind her head. Dropping my face to hers, I gently nibbled on her lips while I brought my hand slowly down to her neck, then to her breast. As I began to tweak her stiffened nipple between my thumb and forefinger, I pressed my tongue into her mouth, again slowly, relishing the taste of her. She began to fight back, entangling her own tongue with mine, and beginning to stroke my cock with increasing speed, something I was trying to delay.

         Pulling myself back, I began to nibble and kiss my way down her throat to her breasts, forcing her to release my cock, which was about to make its own mind up about how long this was to last. Taking her nipple into my mouth, I lightly teased it with my teeth, causing her to begin thrashing around a bit, trying to hurry me along. Not satisfied with one, I then turned to the other one and gave it equal attention. Beth was breathing in gasps at the moment, so I was hoping that I might just be able to get her off before I began my own explosion.

         It was becoming more difficult to hold back her passion, but I was determined to stretch out her pleasure as far as possible and in turn keep my own under constraint. She was the magnificent instrument. I was but the poor musician, but I drew my pleasure from hers, so it was not necessarily a one-way street. She was certainly worth all my best efforts, and I began to work my way down her belly to her navel, where I spent just a bit of time tasting the center of her tummy. I tried to ignore the clawing of her hands into my shoulders and her grip on the sides of my head.

         My goal was at hand however, as I could smell the sweet musky scent of her overheated pussy. I verified her readiness by drawing my hand through her vaginal lips, which I found full of her aphrodisiac moisture. The blood was pounding in my temples, as well as into my cock, and I knew I couldn’t hold off much longer. Replacing my fingers with my mouth, I began the feast of her that I’d dreamt about these past few lonely months.

         It was brought to an abrupt end when she suddenly stiffened, tightening her thighs around my head and began shuddering in an intense climax. As I was holding on to my bucking partner, I took note that her climax had not come silently. She had let out a howl that was sure to wake the neighbors. A first for us, I thought.

         As soon as her twitching subsided, Beth grabbed me by the sides of my head and pulled me up and onto her. Her legs still spread wide, she reached down to my very happy cock and placed it at the entrance to her body. Simultaneously thrusting her hips upward, and jamming her heels into my ass cheeks, she literally impaled herself on my cock in one stroke. She immediately took control, and began a rhythm that virtually ensured that I would be joining her in sensual heaven very soon.

         Sure enough, I began to feel the tightening in my balls that signaled ejaculation. Holding off as long as I could, I was soon defeated by her heavy breathing into my ear, finally forcing me to spurt streams of neglected sperm deeply into her body. Feeling my climax, Beth wrapped herself around me in an iron embrace, not giving me any wiggle room until I collapsed in exhaustion. This had to be the most intense release I remembered in my life. Lying there on top of her, I slowly began to catch my breath, but I soon found out that Beth had other plans.

         After a brief few moments of basking in the glow of sexual relief, it occurred to me that Beth had not experienced her release this time, as I had. The reason for this reflection was the soft massaging of my cock by her cuntal muscles, again causing me to wonder how in the world she managed it. Despite the colossal orgasm that I’d just experienced moments ago, my cock slowly began to respond to her ministrations.

         It took a few minutes, but relentlessly, her massage along the length of my cock teased it into attention once more. Accepting my fate, I began a slow, deep stroke into her body, and back out. I paused only to realign my cockhead to rub along her clitoris to give her the most contact possible from my thrusts. The increased angle of my strokes, and the fact that I’d just exploded into her body just a few minutes ago was the assurance I needed to make this a long, loving and pleasurable fuck. As I slowly moved in and out of her, watching her flushed face moving back and forth on the pillow, I thought I saw a shadow pass the bedroom door out of the corner of my eye. Looking that way, I saw nothing out of the ordinary, nor did I hear anything.

         Finally, I could take no more, and Beth’s increased tempo signaled that she was coming very close to climax as well. Leaning down over her chest, I reached out with my right hand and took her left nipple between my thumb and forefinger and placed her right between my teeth. Just when I judged that her breathing had reached the peak of crescendo, I nipped and tweaked her nipples at the same time, driving her into a shuddering climax. I hung on as she thrashed about, but I finally went over the edge as well, emptying whatever remained in my balls into her womb. When we finally came down off our sexual high, we just lay there, wrapped in each other’s arms. After a few minutes, I began to hear the slow easy breathing that informed me that Beth had finally fallen back to sleep.

         Disentangling myself carefully, making sure that I didn’t wake Beth, I decided to wander into the kitchen and make a quick snack. After all, I was now wide awake, not having had a chance to shake off the effects of jet-lag yet. Pulling on my boxers, I started for the kitchen but stopped short when I saw a light already on and heard some shuffling sounds coming down the hall from it. Approaching it cautiously, I peeked around the corner of the doorway, and discovered to my surprise, Barb in a loose-fitting nightgown, sitting at the kitchen table.

          “C’mon in, Jim,” She said. “I can fix you a sandwich or something if you’re hungry.”

         I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised, but I was. My impulsive tryst with her back in Hawaii was the key problem facing me in my relationship with Beth, I thought. But I now saw an opportunity to enlist some help in how to approach Beth to try to explain it to her before she found out about it on her own. The only catch was, would Barb be willing to incriminate herself to save my relationship with Beth?

         Without waiting for an answer, Barb got up and began putting together a rather delicious looking Dagwood sandwich. It must come from being married, I thought, female intuition or something. I noted that she still looked wonderful, even carrying a belly full of infant. Even pregnancy agreed with these women, I thought. Feeling a little self-conscious in just my boxers, and a little damp around the fly, I settled myself opposite of where she was sitting when I came in. Barb quickly finished up and returned to the table where she deposited a monstrous sandwich in front of me, accompanied with a large mug of hot herbal tea and sat down opposite me.

         Thanking her, and taking a deep blistering gulp of the tea, I took in a deep breath and said to her, “Barb, we need to talk…” She just sat there for a minute or so, but it seemed like a lot longer.

         Then, raising her face to look straight into my eyes, she said, “Yeah, Jimmy, we do…” The tone of her voice began to raise goose bumps on my arms, and I thought that this was about to become a doomed mission. Another pause, and finally she said, “Ya’know, you two fuck like a couple of bunnies. Loud bunnies.” I looked at her and she was smiling. “She’s lucky to have you, Jim. Really lucky,” She said. “And you’re damn lucky to have her,” she continued. “I need to tell you something, and I want you to keep quiet until I finish.” Her tone made me understand that I was now the audience, not the orator.

         She began her story as I began to work my way into the Dagwood sandwich. “My sister and I have always been close, Jim, very close. I would do anything for her, anything. She has been happier during her relationship with you than I’ve ever seen her with anyone else, and there weren’t that many before you, just in case you thought that she’d been slutting around,” she continued. I never thought that might have been the case, but any response to that statement didn’t seem the tactful thing to say at this time.

         Letting out a big sigh, she continued, “She only went along with it because of me, and thinking that she’d probably never see you again. It was only your letters to her that finally convinced her that she might be with you again.” Fearing the worst, I sat back in my chair, not really knowing where all this was going. I saw tears beginning to form in her eyes, finally trickling down her cheeks. ‘Went along with what,’ I thought. Should I be outraged, upset, pissed off? This was not going well, I thought, and I was finally faced with the possibility of a life without Beth. If what she’d done didn’t break us up, then what I’d done surely would.

         Watching Barb trying to compose herself, I hadn’t noticed that Beth had woken up and was now standing in the kitchen doorway. Looking at her sister, she said, “I thought we’d agreed to do this together.” Startled, Barb began sobbing even harder, bringing her hands to her face. Looking at Beth, I saw she was now dressed in the t-shirt that I’d discarded after my shower the night before, and little else. I felt that old, familiar stirring in my groin once again. My cock certainly had little patience with drama, I noted.

         Crossing the kitchen and sitting next to Barb, Beth put her arms around her and hugged her, trying to soothe her as you would a child. Now I was left to myself on my side of the table, feeling like a shit, and I hadn’t had an opportunity to either find out what this was all about, or to reveal my own little transgression. I just wanted this whole scene to be over, so if I had to, I could pack my stuff and get on my way.

         Finally, the ladies composed themselves enough to continue. Beth began with, “If you decide to leave after we’ve revealed what we’ve done, I understand. But, I hope, from the bottom of my heart that you’ll forgive us and stay.” Seeing that I wasn’t about to say anything, and that she had my full attention, she continued. “My sister and her husband have been married for nearly 4 yrs.” She said. “During all that time they’ve tried to have children, but without any luck. Bob continually accused Barb of being sterile, or barren, or somehow less than a ‘real’ woman.”

         Looking at Barb’s very large and pregnant belly, I tried to lighten the somber air in the kitchen at the moment by saying, “Enough times at bat, and any player can get a hit. Looks like Bob hit one ‘out of the park’ this time.” I regretted the remark as soon as I finished. Barb began sobbing even louder than before, and Beth shot me a dirty look. I threw my hands in the air, indicating that I’d keep my mouth shut from this point on.

         Beth continued, “Since I was in nursing school at the time, I suggested that they go to the doctor for fertility testing, so that they could find out what the problem might be. As soon as I did, Bob went into a rage, accusing us of trying to pin the blame onto him. His bloody macho bullshit just wouldn’t allow for the possibility that the problem might reside with him, and he refused to have himself checked, and further, forbade her to get checked. Eventually, I talked her into getting checked off base, and the results came back strongly positive. Her doctor even joked that if she washed her underwear with her husband’s, she should get pregnant.”

         While she paused for a moment, I noticed both of them watching my face carefully, apparently for some kind of reaction. But me, big, dumb and clueless, sat there with a blank look on my face. Seeing no reaction, Beth continued, “Then I was invited to Hawaii to house sit for my sister and her husband, and enjoy the islands while they visited their families in the states. And then… I met you. You gave me the best two weeks of my life, and since I was going to return to school and probably never see you again, I began to hatch a plan to help my sister.”

         Just about then Barb choked out, “It was my fault, not hers.”

         Shushing her sister, she went on, “While we were together, I checked out several things to make sure it would work. The same hair color, eye color, same general build, accounting of course, for Bob’s obsession with working out. Your dog tag information assured me that you both had the same blood type, so there would be little chance of anyone discovering the possibility that anything was wrong.

         I had her wear my perfume, wait a few weeks after I was gone, and then, at a time she was in peak fertility I told her to mimic the activities that had resulted in our first, uhm, compatibility match. She even told me that you’d tried to stop her.” The silence after she’d finished that statement was deafening. I had been pretty thick during this entire revelation, but now I could definitely see where this was leading.

         As the realization sank in, and the hairs on the back of my arms began to rise, I tried to do some quick mental calculations of the months that had passed since Barb and I had had our little tryst. Naturally, I was handicapped by the fact that I’d never inquired how far along she presently was. Finally, seeing a reaction from me, Beth confirmed what I’d finally managed to figure out, but she added this, “Since there’s no real way to easily determine whose baby this is, there’s a better chance that it’s Bob’s than it is yours. Remember your earlier observation, ‘the more times at bat…’”

         I was speechless. As I was trying to get my mind around all this, all I could come up with is a recollection of an old gangster movie I once saw, where the warden breaks into the execution chamber and cries out, “The governor has just called, and granted the pardon.” Mistaking my shock for revulsion, Beth and Barb began speaking together, trying to plead with me to forgive them, to stay, to try to allow them to ‘work things out.’ I just couldn’t let this drama go on, so I got up, walked over to Beth, pulled her up out of her seat, and began pulling her back to the bedroom. As I reached the doorway, I turned to Barb and said, “Barb, you were one of the best I’ve ever had. Thanks.” Then, turning to Beth I said, “But you, my dear, were the very best!”

         As we walked down the hallway to our bedroom I heard Barb say, “And you, handsome, were the very best as well!”

         The tension when we reached the bedroom could barely be cut with a saber. But as if to prove her gratitude for me not taking offense to her trickery in trying to get her sister impregnated, she turned into a tigress, throwing me onto the bed, ripping off my boxers, and mounting me like this was going to be our last fuck on earth. I was perfectly willing to let her take charge now, as I knew she’d take me to places that I really, really wanted to go.

* * * *

         Pieces came together after that. I found out that Barb spent Bob’s duty nights with Beth because she hated the thought of spending nights alone, especially while pregnant. I had no objections, since I learned more about them and their family while they traded ‘barbs’ on duty nights than I would’ve any other way. Those evenings were precious, as Beth and Barb were at their best and worst, recalling hilarious events from their ‘formative’ years. But finally, the ‘special event’ came about.

         Just a few days before Beth was to attend graduation ceremonies, we received a call from Bob that Barb had been taken to the hospital to deliver the baby. Beth threw some things together, and we were soon on our way to the Naval Hospital at Camp Pendleton. Bob had met us at the gate once we arrived and escorted us to the hospital’s delivery room. About an hour later, Barb delivered an 8 lb, 8 oz baby boy. Once we were all allowed to view the baby, I was on pins and needles not knowing what to expect.

          ‘The moment of truth,’ I thought. Looking at the baby, I don’t know what I expected, but as I peered at the little rascal, I only saw—a baby. Bob’s parents were in attendance, and of course they saw the ‘spitting image’ of their son in his. A fuzzy crown of brown hair, blue eyes, and attitude. He seemed pissed to be here, which would have been the only attribute I could claim as my own. But thankfully, there was nothing that pointed explicitly to me. Relieved, I left the immediate family to their miraculous new addition and wandered back to the waiting room.

         Things settled back down after that, and Beth went on to her graduation ceremony. She’d gotten a job at Grossmont Hospital, not too far from where we were staying, and I continued to attend the university, settling into the old collegiate routine. Classes, assignments, study and sleep. Punctuated by some pretty creative, steamy sexual acrobatics whenever our respective schedules coincided. It soon became inescapable, we were destined to be together, as boredom with each other seemed impossible.

         We made our wedding plans to coincide with my own graduation several months hence, and of course this gave Beth and Barb yet more stuff to plot and scheme about. I left the details to them naturally, because I couldn’t, wouldn’t, fathom the mysteries of the wedding ceremony. Call it a ‘guy’ thing, but I was satisfied with the way things were going.

         One evening, as I was sharing my communal evening with Beth, I noticed that she seemed a bit distracted, even though I’d been nibbling on her nipples, something that usually got her right to the spot for the activities to come. I’d also been softly stroking her vaginal lips, stoking her up for my anticipated feast, but her distance tonight began to bug me a bit. Finally, I said, “What is it? Is something wrong?”

         She mumbled a bit, but I kept at her, teasing her distraction out of her. Finally, she turned to me and said, “I don’t think I could tolerate any kind of infidelity from my husband.”

         Taken a bit by surprise I responded, “Of course not dear. I hope you don’t think that I’m going to be screwing around on you, do you?”

         Looking up at me, she smiled, and said, “Of course not. I was just thinking…” Now that she had my curiosity piqued, I had to find out what it was that was bothering her. I knew I wouldn’t get anywhere with her until the question had been answered. Still looking into my eyes, she told me that Barb had mentioned to her that she wanted another baby, hopefully a girl this time.

         Ok, I was a little bit confused right now, but I thought that the right answer would be, “Bad timing, eh?”

         Once I said that, Beth shot me one of those ‘you idiot’ looks, smiled, and said, “You’re not my husband yet Jim, so actually, it’s really all about the timing.”

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H - *Anchor*
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