Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/706134
Rated: 13+ · Book · Drama · #1708097
Evan is overcoming his past and building his future in a small town.
#706134 added September 15, 2010 at 11:01am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 3: The Setup
Chapter 3: The Set-up

         “I need to go to the post office. I actually do need some stamps.” As she was driving along, she realized that it really wasn’t any of her business what Andrew did with his life. If he wanted a wife, it was his responsibility to go out and get one. It was by no means her responsibility to provide him with one. But, being the charitable person she was, she decided that perhaps she could help him out. After all, he’d been dealt some pretty tough breaks in his life already. The problem now became who to get to talk to him. She’d hoped Evan would help her out, but he was unwilling. Maybe she could talk him into it. If not, his mother was always up for persuading her son. If she couldn’t get him to help her directly, she might have to call in some maternal reinforcements.

         When she arrived at the post office, Marge’s daughter was just coming out of the door. As they stood on the sidewalk chatting for a minute, she noticed that Marge’s daughter Penelope, Penny for short, was not wearing a wedding band. That was very good news.

         “So, how are things going?”

         “Fine, thanks.”

         “Got yourself a boyfriend yet?” Engrid smiled, a slight sparkle of mirth in her eyes.

         “No ma’am, not yet. If you’ve got any prospects, let me know.” She smiled. Then she froze when she saw Engrid’s expression shift. Penny realized instantly that she’d just walked right into a trap.

         “Now that you mention it, there’s this guy who is new in town. He’s looking at buying Rose’s old house next to mine. Like I said, he’s new to the area and thought maybe you’d be kind enough to show him around sometime.”

         “That would be nice. Do you have his number? I’ll give him a call and see if he’d want to do that.”

         “Well, um, I don’t have his number, no, sorry.”

         “Where is he staying?”

         “Well, I don’t exactly know that either. I was hoping you’re mom could help me out on that one.”

         “So how did you meet him?”

         “Well, he was touring Rose’s house. I went over and introduced myself.”

         “Oh, well if you find out a little more, let me know and I’ll give him a call.”

         “That’d be nice of you.” Engrid could kick herself for not knowing any more than she did. She went into the post office. Mrs. Montgomery had no idea. As far as she knew, he hadn’t received any mail yet and so she had no way of knowing. She had not been notified of any forwarding addresses registered in his name.

         “So you have no idea where I could find him?”

         “No. You could just wait until tomorrow and stop by the investment office place where you said he works.”

         “I guess I’ll have to. I don’t know what else to do.”

         She turned dejectedly toward the door and left. As she was driving home, she noticed something. There was a black Pathfinder parked outside the grocery store where Ashley worked. She had a hunch it was his when she saw it earlier. Maybe Andrew was already working his magic. She decided to take a peek. She needed some bread and cheese anyway. So she whipped into the parking lot and got out. She walked as nonchalantly as possible into the store. She kept her eyes peeled for Andrew. She was going to make sure that if contact was made between the two of them, then he would be the one initiating contact. She didn’t want to be accused of any social impropriety- like stalking.

         She pushed her cart slowly around the store looking for him. She hadn’t found him yet. Maybe she had mistaken the car outside. Then she spotted him in the produce section. Ah-ha, so he was already working his magic on Ashley the produce manager. He was squeezing fruit. A likely story, thought Engrid. I’ll bet he’d rather be squeezing something else. She couldn’t suppress a smile. Suddenly Ashley appeared. Engrid hid behind a display of peanut butter crackers and watched from between the flimsy plastic shelves. She was close enough that she could hear them talking.

         “May I help you?” Ashley asked pleasantly.

         “Actually, I’m fine thanks.” He replied.

         “Okay, well let me know if you need anything.”

         “Thanks,” he smiled as she walked away.

         “That’s it?” Engrid almost said out loud. “That was your chance, Andrew. She could have been yours forever. But you didn’t need help. Blast your hide.” She walked down the aisle. The boy was hopeless. If he was ever to wed, she would have to intervene and use drastic measures if necessary. That was it- Andrew and Penny were coming for dinner. All she had to do was figure out how to get in touch with Andrew without seeming like she was stalking him, which she sort of was, in a way.

         Her mind churned on the new situation as she drove home. It still wasn’t even lunch time yet, so she had plenty of time to figure it out.


         Meanwhile, Andrew was staying with a friend of his who lived in the Shady Acres Trailer Park. Engrid would never have stood for it had she known her new project was living in a trailer park out by the interstate. He arrived home. His friend was a friend he had met in college. His friend had dropped out after their first semester and moved back to Deerfield, but he and Andrew had kept in touch since then and now they were staying together temporarily. Andrew had offered to let Paul stay with him in his new house, but Paul refused. Like Andrew, Paul valued his space. Paul was a long haul truck driver and was currently driving a load in west Texas somewhere on his way to Arizona and wouldn’t be back until next week. So, Andrew had the whole underpinned camper to himself. He was ready to move into the house. He had put in a bid on Friday with Mr. Miller. He wasn’t guaranteed it, but Mr. Miller said that hopefully that would be complete soon, the financing would come through in good order and they would schedule a closing date next week sometime. Soon, Andrew would be moving into his new house. He hated leaving Paul in this old ramshackle, but Paul seemed happy with it. Being a trucker, he was rarely there for more than 48 hours at a time anyway.

         Andrew fixed himself a sandwich and plopped down in his old recliner. He opened the can of diet soda and picked up the remote control. He sat there and watched the local news at noon. Little did he know that Engrid was at home doing the same exact thing- sitting in her favorite chair eating a sandwich, drinking a diet soda, and watching the local news at noon. He didn’t really watch it, he just listened to the reporters and the anchors bounce back and forth and that was interspersed with the weather forecast. It was going to be sunny and highs in the mid-80’s. Not bad for May. His brain had totally checked out and he basically just stared at the moving objects on the screen. He was suddenly fascinated by the little inset boxes by the anchors’ heads.

         He was sure that he would get tired of the pace of life around here just like everybody else, but for the time being, he was quite content with the way things were going. He was going to have a nice big house all to himself for a while, and then he’d see about finding a significant someone to share it with. It was a perfect plan in his mind.

         After lunch was over and the soap operas had started, Andrew went to the furniture store to pick out some things. Harvey’s Furniture and El SeƱior Mattress were the two furniture stores in town. He decided to do some price comparisons and despite their ads, there really wasn’t much difference between them for comparable items. So, he picked out a dining room set, two bedroom sets, some office furniture, and a living room group. He had shuffled some money around and paid for the things without needing to finance anything. He had fifteen days to move into his new house and they would keep them in storage. After that, he would have to pay a per day fee.


         Engrid was still at home thinking about how best to arrange her little set up. She knew Penny was on board, but Andrew was still an open question. She decided to call information and get the telephone number of the alumni office at his alma mater. Sure enough, she hit pay dirt. She managed to get his cell phone number from the nice receptionist there. Whether or not that was against a rule or something she didn’t know nor cared. Her patience and persistence had finally paid off.

         She picked up the phone. She waited a few minutes listening to the dial tone. She kept hearing Evan in her ear telling her to stay out of it. She knew she couldn’t. There were two people who she believed would make each other happy and it was her sworn duty to help make that a reality. So, she stuck out her finger and dialed Andrew’s cell phone number. It rang. Andrew answered, “Andrew Garrison speaking.”

         “Hello, Andrew, this is Engrid Matthews, how are you?”

         “I’m fine, and you?”

         “I’m very well, thank you. I am having a few people over to my house tomorrow night for dinner and I thought you might like to join us.”

         “I don’t know about that.”

         “Sure, even if you don’t live next door, you’ll still live here in town and everybody can use some new acquaintances.”

         “I put in a bid on the house and Mr. Miller says I’ll probably get it.”

         “Excellent, all the more reason you should come over tomorrow. You’ll be meeting some of your new neighbors.”

         “Will I be the youngest person there by like forty years?”

         “No, of course not. Since I was hoping you would come, I made a point of inviting a younger crowd.”

         “Oh, okay. I guess I can make it.”

         “Wonderful, just come over to my house around six then.”

         “I’ll be there.”

         “Wonderful, I’ll see you then.”

         As she hung up, she noticed Evan outside the window. She went out onto the front porch and looked at him. After a few minutes, he realized that she was behind him and he turned.

         “I’m sorry,” he began, “About this morning.”

         “It’s okay,” she said, smiling. She came down the steps and over to him.

         “So, what have you been up to?” he asked.          

         “Nothing much, I’m just having a dinner party tomorrow and I wanted to invite you.”

         “Will Andrew be there?”

         “What’s with you and Andrew? I don’t understand.”

         “Nothing. I’ve never met the guy. It’s just that I don’t want to get involved in one of your weird schemes.”

         “But if it works, then imagine the joy and happiness I will have helped along.”

         “And if it doesn’t, he may never speak to you again.”

         “Well, then he’ll just not have to speak to me again. So be it. It’s not my problem.” She was getting huffy again, so he just went back to weeding the flowers. The business at the shop was really slow, so their assistants were running the show.

         “Okay.” He said, not really looking up.

         “Okay what?”

         “If that’s the way you feel then I’m done arguing.”

         “Are you coming tomorrow night?”


         “Why not? It’ll be fun. He’ll be your neighbor too you know.”

         “I know. And I’ll meet him on my own terms.”

         “Fine. Whatever.” She turned and walked back toward the house. Boys could be so frustrating sometimes.

         Well, she had to get a menu planned and the groceries purchased for dinner tomorrow. She called Myrtle on the phone and she agreed to come. She called Penelope and worked out the details. Penny was a little concerned about meeting a potential boyfriend in the first place, but also meeting someone like that in front of a whole bunch of other people. After some convincing, she agreed to be there. Engrid decided to have pot roast, yeast rolls, and other sides for dinner. She got them purchased and brought back home. Evan was gone by the time she got back from the store. She was still a little put out with him over his resistance at getting involved with arranging a total stranger’s love life.

         Then a strange thought occurred to her. Who would invite her to the wedding? Most invitations said the parents’ names and then those people cordially invite you to the wedding of their son and daughter and then give the bride and groom’s names. That’s wouldn’t be a problem for Penny, but she would have to ask Andrew for his parent’s information. What if they were dead? What if they’d given him all that money in their will? She’d never really thought of that before. The thought sent a chill down her spine. If one of the people who is getting married is an orphan, who does the inviting? She pondered this vexing conundrum as she was putting away the groceries.

         Later that night, she was still pondering that as she sat at her vanity and brushed her hair and arranged her curlers for in the morning. Eventually she got ready for bed and fell fast asleep.


         Tonight was going to be interesting. That was the first thought that popped into Engrid’s head as the morning light lay across her face as it streamed in the window. Tonight is the night that I set Andrew on a path of happiness. Engrid thought, “I hope that he likes Penny, she’s such sweet girl. Evan will see that I was right all along.” She got up, got dressed and went downstairs.

         As she was cleaning there was a knock at the back door. It was Evan.

         “Hi, Evan, come in.”

         “Hi Engrid, how are you?”

         “I’ll be much better when Penny and Andrew get together.”

         He just shook his head and said nothing about the issue. He knew that she had no business trying to set up to total strangers. Engrid had only met Andrew once and she didn’t know Penny that well either, other than just from being around.

         “What brings you by?”

         “Just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

         “Well, I’m not dead if that’s what you were hoping for.”

         “I didn’t figure you would be. So, you don’t need anything, Engrid?”

         “No. I’m just cooking for supper tonight. The invitation is still open to you.”

         “Thanks but I’m fine. I’m going out tonight. But I guess Ma’ll be here.”

         “She said she would. I don’t want it to be just me and them. I want someone to talk to when those two hit it off and retire to the living room to talk.”


         “Well, I guess it’s good you’re not coming. I wouldn’t want your attitude to dampen everybody’s spirits.”

         He just arched his eyebrows. “I don’t have an attitude.”

         “Yeeeees you do. But we love you anyway. You’re just crotchety ahead of your time, that’s all.”

         “Well, I’ll see you later.”

         “Who are you going out with tonight- if you don’t mind my asking?”

         “Michael Davis.”

         “Who’s that? Oh, he was that odd kid who helped you rake leaves on Thursday.”

         “He’s Goth, Engrid.”

         “He’s strange is what he is.”

         “He’s just that way. But he’s nice, so I like him. A few friends are going out to the movies tonight in Columbia and he and I are going too.”

         “That’s quite a drive.”

         “Just an hour or so. Beats staying in town.”

         “Well, see you tomorrow, then.”

         “Bye.” With that, he turned and walked out the back door and disappeared down the steps and across the lawn. Engrid was concerned about him. He seemed upset about something. Evan was a very private person and hated prying people. How he stood Engrid all these years is still a mystery. She was dying to know what was bothering him so badly. She somehow couldn’t help but think Andrew had something to do with it, but she had no way to prove it - after all, they’d never met. But that didn’t change the fact that Evan was having a tiff with someone. Maybe there was a girl and Engrid just didn’t know about it. That really did make her skin crawl. Evan had a girlfriend and Engrid was out of the loop- unthinkable. His mother would have spilled the beans to Engrid even if no one else would. Oh well, tonight would be the perfect opportunity to find out what or whom was eating Evan.

         She alternated working in the kitchen with cleaning the hardwood floor in the foyer, living room, and shampooing the rug in the dining room, and dusting the tables and chairs. Soon, all was ready and the first guest rang the doorbell. It was Penny.

         “Good evening, Penny!” Engrid smiled widely clasping Penny’s hand in her own and leading her into the living room. “How have you been?”

         “I’m fine,” Penny replied. She still had a list of reservations about what Engrid was up to; but, she was here now and it was a bit too late to back out without being horribly offensive to Engrid.

         “Good, good,” I hate to leave you, but I have to finish cooking.”

         “Sorry for being early.”

         “Oh, not a problem at all.”

         Engrid rushed back around the corner and disappeared into the kitchen. Just as she got her mind back on track in the kitchen, the doorbell rang again. She was on her way to the door when she heard voices. Oh, the timing was uncanny. It was Andrew and Penny had answered the door. Perfect! Engrid turned around and went back to the kitchen. It was time for the magic of love to begin and no longer needed her interference. Hopefully, his performance would be better than with Ashley the produce manager yesterday.


         “Hi, I’m Andrew.”          

         “I’m Penny, you must be the new neighbor Mrs. Matthews was telling me about.”

         “Guilty.” He smiled. She smiled.

         “Please, come in, Mrs. Matthews is still cooking.”

         “Ah,” he said walking towards the living room. When you came in to Engrid’s house, it opened into a long hallway that ran the length of the house. The living room was through a large opening to the left, the dining room across the hall on the right, and the kitchen was adjacent, just beyond the dining room. They went into the living room and sat down. Penny sat on the sofa. Andrew sat in a facing chair. She’d hoped he’d opt for the sofa. Penny didn’t know that Andrew had no earthly idea he was on a blind date. He crossed his ankles and adjusted his black sweater. She repositioned herself a bit on the couch and readjusted her pink cardigan and white turtle neck.

         “So, Penny, is it?”

         “Yes. Yes it is. My name is Penny. It’s short for Penelope.”

         “And what do you do, Penny?”

         “I work in the lending department at the bank.”

         “Ah, I see.” He sat quietly, it was her turn.

         “What do you do?”

         “I’m an investment advisor.”

         “Okay. That’s nice- must be better than working in a bank.”

         “No. There’re both good jobs.”

         “Yes. I have a good job, that’s good.”

         “Indeed it is.” Andrew smiled. Why was Penny acting so nervous? Was she afraid of him? He didn’t think of himself as scary. They sat in silence for a moment or two. Penny decided that Andrew thought she was dumb and boring and thus hated her. Andrew decided that Penny was scared of him for some reason that he couldn’t fathom. She seemed nice, but apparently wasn’t accustomed to meeting strangers. In a few minutes, the doorbell rang again. Penny jumped up and ran from the room. He heard muffled voices in the hallway and then Myrtle entered the room. Andrew stood and greeted her.

         “Good afternoon, Mrs….”

         “Grayson. Myrtle Grayson.”

         “Mrs. Grayson. It’s nice to see you again.”

         “You two know each other?” Penny asked.

         “Yes, she runs the dry cleaning store and I was in there earlier this afternoon.”

         “That’s right,” Myrtle confirmed. Myrtle was perfectly at ease, while Penny still seemed to be on the verge of a coronary infarction.

         Andrew returned to his chair. Penny sat on the couch while Mrs. Grayson sat in the matching chair to the one Andrew was sitting in. She leaned over the end table that separated them, “So, Andrew are you settling in?”

         “Yes, I am. I’m going to the realtor’s office on Monday to finalize some paperwork, and I should be able to move in within a week or two.”

         “That’s wonderful,” Myrtle smiled, “It’s so nice to see younger people wanting to settle in a small town. It just warms my heart.”

         “I’m glad,” Andrew smiled. Penny sat silently on the sofa.

         Myrtle and Andrew chatted for a while longer while Penny sat on the edge of the sofa as if she was trying to think of an excuse to run from the room.

         “I’m going to go see if Engrid needs some help,” Penny said and stood up.

         “Oh don’t be silly,” Myrtle said, standing up, “You two get acquainted and I’ll go check on Engrid to make sure she hasn’t flushed herself down the garbage disposal.”

         Penny sat down as if she’d just lost a stay of execution.

         “Are you okay?” Andrew asked, “You seem nervous about something?”

         He flashed her a nice smile to encourage her to relax a bit. She smiled back. Penny thought to herself, “He’s so nice and I hadn’t expected to actually like him.” Andrew sat, waiting for a response.

         “I’m fine, I guess. You just make me a little nervous- that’s all.”


         “I hadn’t expected to actually like you.”

         “What do you mean?”

         She froze. She realized Andrew had no idea that Engrid had set him up.


         “Something’s going on here.”

She just looked panicked. The words came slowly at first, and then sped to a flow. “Um, Engrid told me that she had someone she wanted to me meet- as in a potential boyfriend. I didn’t want to but she talked me into it.”

         Andrew just sat there for a few minutes. Then a devious smile crept across his face. “So, you like me?”

         “Yes. I guess. Do you like me?”

         “You’re very nice. I’m not attracted to you, but I can see how others would be.”

         She looked baffled, that was the strangest answer to that question that she could imagine. “Why not?”

         “Can you keep a secret?”

         “Sure.” She said, her brow furrowed, curious to see what revelation was about to be unveiled.

         He leaned forward and whispered, “I’m gay. I’m not attracted to you because I’m not attracted to women.”

         “Engrid doesn’t know?”

         “Of course not. And I don’t plan on telling her. I just didn’t want you to get your hopes up about me because it’s not going to happen. Sorry. But I was telling the truth when I said that I could see how other guys would be attracted to you. You are very pretty. You will keep this just between us, won’t you?”

         “Yes. You can trust me,” Penny said. She was suddenly full of a cross between pity, amusement and relief.


         Penny smiled. She was suddenly much more at ease around Andrew.

“Andrew we should play a trick on Engrid.”

         “What do you mean?”

         “We could mess with her and pretend like we’ve just fallen madly in love right here in her living room.”

         “That’s mean! No.”

         “Why not?” Penny said mischievously, “She set you up. She deserves it.”

         Andrew pondered this option for a moment. It would be fun to mess with Engrid. After all, if she was going to live next door to him, she would have to learn not to mess with him. Andrew was a bit passive aggressive at times. He cut his eyes at her and then at the entrance to the hallway.

         “C’mon, it’ll be fun.”

         “I don’t want to make her angry.”

         “We won’t tell her. C’mon do it.”

         “I don’t know. It just seems wrong. She only wants to help me.”

         Penny looked so crestfallen that Andrew was unwilling to go along with her scheme to get back at Engrid. He thought about it a few more seconds. “Okay, Penny. Let’s do it.” They stood up and walked across the hall to the dining room where Engrid was setting out the food.

         “Engrid, how are you tonight?”

         “I’m doing just fine. Are you two getting along alright?”

         “Yeah, we’re getting along just fine,” Penny swooned.

         Engrid paused with the bowl of creamed corn in her hand. She looked over at Penny unsure of what she just heard. She sat the bowl down quickly as the heat cut through the hot pad.

         “Well, I’m glad,” She beamed.

         “Yeah, Engrid, I’m glad I chose to move in next to you. I think this is going to be great,” Andrew said, with his eyes twinkling and sparkling. He looked over at Penny, his eyes still aglow.

         “I’ll be right back, you two have a seat.”

         Penny and Andrew sat next to each other at the table and Penny put her hand on Andrew’s leg and looked at him with a glinting smile. Engrid dashed as quickly as she could without be overly obvious toward the swinging door that separated the kitchen from the dining room. She pushed through it.

         “Myrtle! Myrtle! You won’t believe what just happened.” She kept her voice low but insistent.

          Andrew and Penny kept up their act while Engrid was gone in case she was able to spy on them. She could and she was.

         “What happened?” Myrtle asked, stirring a pot of green beans on the stove.

         “They’re in love!” She cried out in a whisper- clapping her hands together.

         “Oh Engrid, for heaven’s sake, they just met.”

         “I know. Haven’t you ever heard of love at first sight? Evan was soooo wrong about this one.”          

         “What did Evan say?”

         “That it was none of my business and I should leave them both alone.”

         “Good boy,” His mother nodded her approval of her son, “I see you didn’t listen.”

         “No, of course not. But now look.” She was peering through the space in the door. Myrtle walked up behind her and looked through the crack, higher up the edge of the door. Sure enough, there Andrew and Penny were ogling each other.

         “Well, I’ll be…” Myrtle said, walking back over to the stove.

         “See, and that crotchety old son of yours said I should leave well enough alone. See the joy I’ve brought those two. They’ll be so happy together. Penny would make an excellent wife, mom, and neighbor.”

         “Uh-huh.” Myrtle replied. She and her son were both notorious for sarcastic ‘uh-huh’s.’

         Engrid continued to spy on them through the space at the edge of the door. She was admiring the fruits of her labor and the work of her hands. She was so impressed with herself she could hardly stand it. Myrtle was a little less enthralled. Engrid’s youngest son was over forty years old. Myrtle was currently the mother of a 27 year old and knew that they could be up to almost anything. She figured they were playing Engrid for the fool, but she wasn’t about to rain on her parade. Instead of cluing Engrid in on what Andrew and Penny were probably up to, she just decided to let events unfold as they will. Dinner was ready; it was about quarter past six. Myrtle and Engrid carried the rest of the food out to the table where Andrew and Penny, the postmistress’ daughter, were waiting.

         “Ohhh… that looks so yummy!” Penny gushed. Engrid looked at her strangely. Penny never gushed. Oh well, being in love will change a lot things for Penny. Penny decided that she was overplaying her hand just a bit and decided to back off. She kept her hand on Andrew’s leg while Engrid served the plates.

         “So,” Myrtle began, “You two are enjoying the company?”

         “Yes.” Andrew said, smiling.

         “Well that’s nice. It’s always nice to see two people getting along.” She tried to sound convinced, but she wasn’t sure how good an impression it was. Now that she’d seen them up close, she was sure they were faking, but she wasn’t about to call their bluff. It would be far more entertaining to see what ends up happening. They kept stealing glances and little half smiles. Engrid kept her eye on them. She was pretty sure they were in love, but they just seemed too in love for so soon after having met. Especially considering what Myrtle had told her about the lack of conversation between them when she left to come to the kitchen to help.

         All the plates were piled high with food and after a prayer of blessing offered by Engrid, they all began to eat.

         “So, Penny, why do you like Andrew so much?” Engrid asked. She was fishing.

         “He’s so sweet and good looking; I just can’t keep my hands off him.”

         Andrew blushed- a lot.

         “I see. Andrew, why do you like Penny so much?”

         “She’s smart and funny. Thank you for introducing us. How could I ever thank you?”          

         She eyed them suspiciously. You don’t raise six children and not learn something about trickery. The question was, why would they do this? Why would they pretend to be in love when they really weren’t? Love is serious business.

         “It was my pleasure to introduce you. Myrtle, could you pass me the salt?”

         “Yes, of course…here you go. Andrew, when are you planning host a housewarming party for all of us?

         “I hope to move in the week after next and I’ll definitely have to host a party shortly after I get settled in.”

         “Good!” Engrid said, “I have the perfect gift.”

         “Really?” Myrtle asked, “What is it?”

         “A rat. A big stinky one.”

         Penny looked confused. Andrew looked mortified. Myrtle looked amused.

         “Huh?” Penny said.

         “I’m not dumb. You’re trying to play me for the fool. I don’t know why, but you are. You are one mean rat. You’re a super rat. That’s not very neighborly.” She scolded.

         Andrew was a bit dumbfounded.

         “I guess I’m not a very good actor, eh?” Andrew laughed.

         Engrid was less than amused. She was still mystified as to why.

         “Why would you do that?” She asked.

         “You set me up. You told Penny that I was a prospective boyfriend. You could have clued me in that I was meeting a prospective girlfriend.”

         “Well, I’m sorry, I didn’t think you’d come if I told you that.”

         “You’re right, I wouldn’t have. You tricked me Engrid That’s not very neighborly.”

         “Well, I’m sorry. I just want what’s best for you.”

         “What’s best for me is to be told the truth up front.”

         “Fine then, the truth- I think you could benefit from having a significant other and since you were new in town, I thought I could help.”

         “Don’t help me, please. It’s my life.”

         “I know it is your life and I’m sorry. Now your potatoes are getting cold.” She picked up her fork and resumed eating. Well that was a dismal failure, but Engrid was not to be deterred. There was still Ashley the produce manager. Maybe Evan would come down off his high horse next week and come up with some other suggestions.

         “How did you get Penny to go along with this idiotic scheme anyway?”

         “It was her idea,” Andrew replied.

         “Well, I’m disappointed in the both of you.” She frowned as she attacked her bowl of stewed tomatoes and black eyed peas. “I expected better out of you.”

         Andrew didn’t reply. He was slightly ashamed because he knew that Engrid only wanted to help and that this was pretty much a slap in the face.

         “I’m sorry, Engrid. I know you only wanted to help. It’s just that when I found out that this was all a ruse, I got upset and this whole charade Penny and I were doing just seemed like a harmless way to get you back.”

         She didn’t look up; she just started stabbing her boiled potato with a fork

         “It still wasn’t very nice.” She finally said, once she’d eviscerated the potato.

         “I know. Will you forgive me?”

         “Since we will be neighbors, I suppose so.” She was still upset with Andrew, but at least she wasn’t willing to let him derail her plans to get him a woman.


         The rest of the dinner passed quietly and everyone departed. Andrew drove back to Paul’s trailer and went inside. There was a message on the answering machine from Paul saying that he would be back from San Diego on Thursday and that he was westbound out of Phoenix. Andrew envisioned how desolate an area western Arizona was. He’d never lived there, but he did live in San Diego for about eight months when he was 15. He pictured Paul out there on the open road with nothing but the bed in the back of his sleeper to look forward to. Paul had nothing to look at but the road ahead and other cars full of people on their merry way to who knows where.

         Andrew, on the other hand, was back in South Carolina playing dirty pool with a little old lady who only meant the best. Andrew had a cozy bed and a TV set to look forward to. He had a lifetime of playing dirty pool with Engrid. He doubted this would be the last stunt like that she tried to pull. He was moving into a spacious house on a wide maple tree lined avenue. It was all he’d ever dreamed of- a home. Now, if he could just find a suitable person to share it with. That was not going to be easy.

         Andrew sat down in his recliner and put his feet up. He was looking forward to a quiet night at home. He put his head back and closed his eyes. In his mind, he had memorized every detail of his new home. He remembered the layout, the colors, the patterns, even the smells and textures. He envisioned in his mind what he would change and what he would leave just the way it was. He pictured all the new furniture waiting for him at the store. He pictured where it would all go and how he would arrange it. Oh, it was going to be fabulous. Even though it was still early, Andrew dozed off.


         Engrid was a bit miffed at Andrew. He had no business doing that to her. She seemed to have conveniently forgotten that the whole plot was Penny’s idea.

         “What makes him think he can get away with it?” She asked aloud.

         Myrtle was putting the leftovers in empty margarine tubs and labeling them with a magic marker and masking tape. “Because he can?”

         “What does that mean? How can he get away with that?”

         “What are you going to do to him?”


         “Then I’d say he pretty much got away with it, wouldn’t you?” Myrtle thought it was hysterical. She’d had a hard time keeping a straight face when she first figured out what was going on.

         “It’s just wrong.”

         “Oh get over it. I mean they’re just having a little fun. It’s not like you didn’t set yourself up as much as you set Andrew up.”

         She didn’t reply. “Still.”

         “I’m tired of talking about it. Let’s talk about something else.”

         “Okay then, what’s up with Evan?”

         “What do you mean?”

         “He’s been a real grouch lately.”

         “He just does that. He’s moody, you know that.”

         “So there’s nothing wrong, he’s just moody. That’s it? It seems like there’s more to it. But, then, it’s Evan and there’s always more to the story with Evan. But you’re sure this time there nothing more than moodiness?”

         “That’s about the extent of it, yeah. Why?”

         “No reason, it’s just that he didn’t want to talk about it.”

         “Well, if Evan won’t tell you, even if I knew anything I wouldn’t tell. I wouldn’t betray my own son’s confidence.”

         “Humph.” Engrid was dissatisfied.

© Copyright 2010 Allen Buice (UN: allenga102 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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