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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/702498-Spiritual-Contemplations
Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #1649240
Gratitude breaks the spell of Writers Block
#702498 added July 28, 2010 at 9:39am
Restrictions: None
Spiritual Contemplations
Word count: 615

Midnight Meditations

In the midnight hour when silence slips into the world and worries creep into the mind intone God’s Most Great Name. Say a prayer of gratitude for all that love has given and commune with God at midnight when darkness spreads its wings across the firmament.

In the midnight hour when sleepless eyes refuse to close and weary thoughts stumble through your mind commune with God. Supplicate the Creator and he will open your inner eyes to faith’s tranquility. Vain imaginings will dissipate and idle fancy’s darts will miss their mark.

Dawn Prayers

Chant God’s Most Great Name at dawn, when the world rubs the sleep from its eyes. Open the prayer book of your soul and whisper a prayer at first light before your day begins. Then rise, find a scripture book and read God’s sacred verses.

Begin the day with prayer. Start the day communing with God. Supplicate the Eternal Beloved at the break of day. A good day begins with prayer. A good day begins with peace. A good day begins with God’s love in mind and tranquility in the heart.

Remover of Difficulties

God is the remover of difficulties. The all Glorious Beloved gives peace to the confident soul. Only the Eternal Creator can remove worry form the mind and give the spirit certitude.

There is no problem too difficult for God to solve. There is no test beyond the power of spiritual certitude. In time of trouble, when your world begins to crumble then turn to the Glory of God and place all confidence in the Beloved Lord.

Spiritual Medication

Through out the ages God has remained steadfast in his love for humanity. God has sent his messengers to instruct humanity. Each age and era has its specific problems and spiritual diseases to which the All Glorious Physician has revealed the cure.

The present age is no different from the eras of history. Today’s spiritual diseases require a spiritual cure. The cure for today comes through a messenger just as the cures for yesterday’s spiritual ills.

Faith and Works

According to on of the Holy Scriptures faith without works is dead. Faith and works walk hand-in-hand through the world of matter. One is impossible without the other because without faith, there are no works of love and prayers fall silent.

Faith means that giving up are not options in the daily struggle for survival, the spirit move forward toward eternal life. Work and pray, pray and work, in each job place all confidence and hope in God. Success comes to those who believe and work despite the roadblocks or detours.

All Prayers Receive Answers

All our prayers receive answers. God hears all our pleas. The Divine Essence knows all our woes. All prayers receive answers, sometimes the answer is no, sometimes the answer is wait, sometimes the answer is yes, and sometimes the answer is do it yourself.

All our prayers receive answers. We have to open both spiritual and physical eyes to see some of the answers. Look and never doubt that all prayers receive answers. God love his creation and wishes the best for his children.

Tests and Difficulties

The unplowed field does not grow crops. In an unplowed field, only weeds spring up. To produce a pumper crop the farmer must plow the field. Before a garden grows, the gardener must work the soil and remove the weeds. Before a cherry tree blooms, the farmer must prune the tree and remove dead or unproductive limbs.

Tests and difficulties plow the soul. Tests and difficulties remove the weeds of doubt. Test and difficulties trim the spirit’s dead limbs. Test and difficulties remove the soul’s unproductive fears.

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