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This story is about a boy who has a hard life but an even harder after life. |
Dead Man’s Tale "He breathed hardly." as he slowed to a stop around a corner. He glanced back to see if they were still behind him. No. He had lost them. For the time at hand. He was scared almost frightened. For a moment he forgot who he was. He realized his name Johnny no longer existed. He was now a dead man. He said that over and over in his head until he caught himself saying it out loud. He was scared almost to the break of tears and it took a lot to make Johnny cry. He ran another block and another. He hopped a fence and made it all but the landing he stumbled that’s all they needed. Within matter of seconds he was running as fast as he could. They started to gain on him. Oh he was scared the switch blade moved in his pocket as he ran. It called to him as if it were trying to say "take me out open me use me pierce them." At the moment that sounded good but there were just too many he could hold his own against one or two but four was asking for it. As he ran he didn't notice the black mustang it drove by as two bigger buff RSB or rich snob bastards hopped out. But as I said he didn't notice until it was too late. He ran straight into the middle one who happened to be the bulkiest. He hit the ground out cold. He woke with a head banging head ache. He got up and put his hand to his head. He felt blood dry but still blood none the less. He started to panic. He felt his back pocket his blade was still there. Thank god he still had his blade. He sat down he didn’t know where he was. He stood abruptly and started to feel around for an exit. He found it he opened the door and saw the big bulky RSB that had knocked him out. But the guy was paying no attention. Johnny flipped out his switch blade and slit the RSB's throat with not a moment to spare. He saw a big door that said exit he sprinted to it. Only to fall short about a foot because another sosha had came out and laid him flat. He knew that if he didn’t get this RSB off he would surely die. He squirmed and tried to break free but the RSB was too heavy he was planted good on Johnny. Just then he recalled his blade still in his hand. He was surprised the RSB hadn't already noticed it. He took one more breath and quickly cut along the RSB's triceps. The blood flowed out almost as if it were a river. The RSB dropped to the ground almost at the very second cut. He stood up and ran through the door. The light over whelmed him he kept running as the light dimmed he could see trees and houses. He ran straight. He jumped a fence with no hesitation. He landed and looked back as a noise that he remembered all too well came alive. He looked back and sure enough there it was a black mustang. He ran farther and faster. He knew he couldn't out run a car. But god dang it he could try. He started to zig zag and finally he was trapped between a house and the mustang. He backed up looking for a way out. He was scared. His eyes moved rapidly over every aspect of escaping. There was no way. He was going to die there. Three RSB's hopped out of the mustang. They started to walk towards him. When they got to him one slugged him in the chest and when he hit the ground they started to beat him. They beat him half to death his eyes were swollen his cut on his head now had fresh blood pouring out of it. He didn’t know how much more he could take. He didn't see the fourth RSB hop out nor did he see what he was caring. A desert eagle was in his hand. As Johnny stared helplessly the RSB fired one bullet then another then another until the whole clip was in Johnny. Yet he wasn't dead he was slivering away into death its cold hands welcoming him. But then he felt a wet liquid touch his body it was a rank smell. A RSB lit a match and dropped it on Johnny. He burst into flames the lighter fluid that was poured on him burned his flesh was burning almost melting his flesh. He welcomed death he almost needed death it was his one escape. He awoke sweating yet he wasn't hot he was cold, but with a burning sensation all around him. He looked around and saw nothing.... at first. Then his eyes adjusted and he saw what he thought was a dead body in a tangled strained mess. He tried to stand but couldn't. He was floating. He got light headed and thought “Were the hell am I?" As he soon found that he answered his own question. Yes he was in hell. But why? He thought back and it struck him like a snake striking its prey. He killed but it was for self defense.... wasn't it? He managed to hit something solid and got his feet planted firmly on the ground. He started to walk until he saw something move. He froze it was the bulky RSB he had killed. He went pale in the face as his blood drained as if all his blood left his body and was on the floor around him. He stood there until the RSB moved away into the darkness. He started to walk faster. He didn't know where he was going but the walk felt endless. He stopped at a ledge and peered over. He saw a faint red light and he heard maniacal laughter. He started to step back and ran into something big. He turned and when he saw the RSB he went pale and almost fainted. The RSB just shoved him right over the edge without a care in hell. Johnny fell for what felt like eternity. He landed with a hard thud and a shuddering chill through his bones. He stood up and saw that it wasn't like what he thought the floor was obsidian. The pillars everything it was like a palace no it was a palace. He walked further until he couldn't walk any more. He fell only to be picked up by the RSB who seemed to appear and disappear a whole lot. He was trudged forward as the temperature increased. He saw that there was blood on the floor but it was fresh. He started to flip out into one of his psycho frenzies. He kicked and hit as hard as he could the RSB seemed not to notice. He finally gave up. The RSB stopped abruptly and tossed Johnny to the floor. Johnny got to his knees and noticed he was bleeding witch surprised him seeing as how he was dead and all. He looked up from his knees and saw a man in blood not as if it was his like the blood was clothing it formed a royal cloth over him. Johnny looked in fear as the man spoke. The man said to Johnny that for what he has done he is now under Lucifer’s rein. As Satan raised his hand obsidian spikes shot up from the ground and pierced Johnny. He screamed bloody murder as he was raised with the spike. Then the next thing he knew the pain quit and he was on his knees. Satan said that Johnny will serve this pain for eternity. Johnny pained in his mind suddenly eternity seemed so long. It was he went through that punishment through eternity. If you are every quite you might hear Johnny scream in agony from his pain and suffering. He burst into a blistering cry as the obsidian spike struck through his melting flesh. Then it stopped he fell to his knees. He thought how long.... how long have I been here? He pained at the thought of the obsidian spikes striking him again. He had to escape but this was impossible he was dead. After all he was in hell. He stood only to be smashed down by the tremendous strength of Satan. He stood once more and rolled to his side. Just missing Satan’s grasp. He bolted and jumped straight up and was running before he hit the ground. He sprinted on as far as his legs could take him and then some. Then he saw it a burning wall that had one big crack running from the bottom all the way to the top or so he thought. He could feel no burn no heat. He gripped the crack and pulled himself up. Then when he thought he was safe a huge black creature ran down the wall the burned red eyes felt no did pierce through him. He felt as though his insides were burning and smoldering as he climbed closer to the beast he saw one flaw the gap in the creature’s side he lunged and grabbed the gap. He pulled down and reached up and yanked out the beast burning black coarse heart and tossed it aside. He pulled himself on when he hit the top black chard ceiling. He pulled out his switchblade and jabbed at the ceiling until a hole just big enough for him to slip out of appeared. He started to climb out smelling the air. He felt a burning grasp on his leg he looked down and saw Satan pulling him back down. He kicked and fluttered his foot at Satan let go with the cursed words of this is not over as he climbed out the hole closed up. He laid there he had done it he had died fought and won his life back. Now he was among the living he breathed a sigh of relief. |