Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills. |
YOU: Kelly Petersen (Highwind,WDC) put on FB: "I've learned that people will forget what you said, they will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel" Maya Angelou Argh... so is that why the folks I lived with, played with and worked with for years won't call me or write... I must've really pissed them off... on the other hand a whole group of Ontarians I first met 30 years ago have searched me out on FB. People are worse to figure out than a one-color jigsaw puzzle. Noelani Kurtz (NoE,WDC) put on FB: I have three alarm clocks. The first beeps and has a snooze button. The second walks, talks and calls me mommy. The final one is orange, sheds and shits in a box. The all tend to go off at the same time, which makes for a very interesting morning. So I continued: I dreamed this was my life, the mere mundane aspect of it all appealing. But aliens in their own land don't have it so easy. The sheer boredom of being invisible overwhelms. The stress of being found out.. Like yesterday when the ski-slope mysteriously came down in an avalanche... Ah... to be more creative. I guess I may be able to continue with the thought somehow. I loved the picture Noe wove with her words. Dustin Mennie (MT) put comments on FB about Halmstad, Sweden's plans to recycle the heat wasted at the crematorium. The worst comment (or best...) was "why waste the meat". The idea of a cremoven at home though was great. Guess you could bake the funeral limpa (nice sweet Swedish rye) while grandma's being toasted... Halmstad is just north of where AL (WDC) lives. ME: I suspect that the above inspirations will work their way into my writing. They many times do... Me? Personally? Nothing good the last couple days. Went to Writer's group (where Hobie, Nona and Kate were supportive). Ate Swedish pancakes (no... they didn't have Swedes in them...) Got out. The weather has been miserable. Should've taken a vacation. I've really been bummed out. Peace, Kåre Enga Too-Many-Blogs Recent entries in my other blogs: 2010-04-07 "Short walk to and from the California Street Bridge" in "Nurture your Nature" 2010-04-07 "Low temps but memory seems to be a tad better." in "Hoarfrosts from Hell" [GC] 2010-04-02 "Letter to Gary on the first day of Fools" (photos) in "Nurture your Nature" 2010-03-31 "Counting coins" (photo) in "L'aura del Campo" Montana: 38° and chilly in Missoula at 8:00 p.m. 18,610 |