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Rated: 13+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1658878
The Shrew meets her match!!!! Thanks again to my anonymous membership upgrader!!!!
#691425 added March 27, 2010 at 10:18am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 8
‘Thank God it’s Friday,’ thought Dexter as he made his way back towards the hotel.  He couldn’t wait to get out of the office and away from Miriam Jacobson.  It was as though she produced naturally occurring people repellant; he was amazed that Mark tolerated her for so long.  Since their last clash, they had an uneasy truce.  He had the use of the desk, telephone and computer in the mornings, which were refreshingly Miriam free, since she purposely came late.  By the time she entered the office, he would be already finished using her table, and besides the perfunctory greetings – which was cool, by the way- they barely interacted.  Most times he would exit the office soon after her entry.
But that was not the main reason why he was so happy that it was Friday.  He was looking forward to the ‘date’ that he was having with Wanda later.  They were going to a bar, and then, if things went well, who knows?  Somehow managing to control his excitement – think teenage boy- he entered the hotel and made his way to the elevators and his room.  Once inside, he pulled his suitcase open and rummaged through its contents, searching for something casual, yet not too casual.  Oh the joys of picking out an outfit for the first date!  Somehow he managed to pull something that sort of pulled off the look; well, at least to him.  It was a dark green turtle neck top with black jeans and a similar coloured blazer.  Adding a pair of black sneakers to finish, he grabbed his towel and went to take a shower.
Fifteen minutes later, he emerged from the bathroom.  Pushing back his wet hair, he reached for his toiletries.  ‘This stupid thing had better work,’ he thought as he sprayed a generous amount of aerosol deodorant all over his body.  With the hefty price that he paid for it, it had better do exactly as the ads said it would.  In other words, he’d better have women crawling all over, begging to get a piece of him. ‘Well, at least one in particular,’ he thought with a grin.  He decided against shaving; he only had a light shadow.  Besides, wasn’t it fashionable to have a little man hair?  Satisfied that he was appropriately groomed, he pulled on his outfit.  ‘Not bad,’ he thought as he checked out himself in the mirror, adjusting his semi dry hair as he did so.  Now all he needed to do was to concentrate on being as chivalrous and charming as he could.  Wait!  He fumbled for his wallet; one could not be chivalrous without an appropriate amount of money.  Checking his contents, he nodded; he was all set.  Now, what would be an appropriate time to leave?  He checked his watch, sighing at the time, which was only a quarter past six.  If he went now, he’d probably have to wait for an hour or so, which would really irritate him.  Plus he would look too eager, which was the wrong emotion to convey to a girl on the first date.  You definitely don’t want to give her the power too early.  ‘Oh well,’ he thought, turning towards his laptop, which, fortunately for him was up and running, ‘at least I can kill some time here.’
He clicked on the browser and leafed through his bookmarks.  The dating site that he visited a few days ago popped into view.  ‘I wonder who’s online?’ he thought absently as he logged onto it.  A message window popped up almost immediately.

boss_lady: fancy seeing you here on a Friday night! 

Dexter was amused.

FarFromHome:(: hello to you too miss boss_lady. Is that your way of saying you’re happy to see me?
boss_lady: lol, silly. I’ve just been a bit bored trolling on this site.
FarFromHome:(: well maybe you should go out then.  it is after all, Friday night.
boss_lady: nah, I don’t go out much.
FarFromHome:(: u must have friends that u hang out with.
boss_lady: not really. I’m a bit of a workaholic. 

‘How sad,’ thought Dexter sympathetically, then had a sudden idea.

FarFromHome:(: how about this, if next Friday we both have nothing to do, maybe we could go out.
boss_lady: uhh…I don’t know…
FarFromHome:(: come on, what have we both got to lose? I’m new, you’re bored. we can both                                           entertain each other and I promise I’m not a weirdo/serial killer/ rapist.

boss_lady hesitated to respond, so Dexter continued to wheedle.

FarFromHome:(: it’ll be anywhere you want, and if u see me and don’t like how I look, u can leave, no                                  questions asked. how’s that?
boss_lady: ok I guess? I never did this whole ‘meeting a stranger online’ thing before.
FarFromHome:(: it’s okay, I understand your concerns. lets plan this later okay, I have an engagement.
boss_lady: so u are going out? tsk tsk.
FarFromHome:(: lol, its not like that. just getting a drink with one of my colleagues. gotta run, don't want to be late.
boss_lady: okay. see u online sometime, bye.

Dexter logged off, shut down his laptop, then set off for his destination.
Wanda entered the Jawwa Steakhouse and Bar at precisely half seven.  ‘I hope I didn’t make him wait too long,’ she thought anxiously as she adjusted the skirt of her cotton print dress and propped up her hair.  Fixing a pleasant look on her face, she ignored the appreciative looks of some of the patrons as she made her way to the bar.  She quickly spotted him; he was a little over dressed compared to most of the regulars.  ‘Not that I care,’ she thought smugly as she made her way across to him, ‘I like my men a little dressed up.’  She touched his shoulder; he looked up and smiled.
“Wow, you look amazing!” he said loudly over the din of the bar, getting up to hug and kiss her as he did so.  She echoed his comments, running her eyes over his outfit approvingly.
“Want a drink?”
“Sure,” she said, nodding.  He motioned to the bartender, who promptly filled their orders: a beer for him and a Guinness for her.
“Somehow, you didn’t strike me as the ‘beer drinking’ type,” he said as she sipped her drink.  She chuckled.
“Do they have a particular look?” she asked, raising an eyebrow, then laughingly waved him off as he was about to respond.  “Don’t answer that.  Rhetorical question.”  They were silent for a while; he drinking his beer while she glanced around.
“I’m surprised that I’m such in a good mood after today,” she said suddenly.
“Maybe I have something to do with it?” he teased.
“I definitely think so.  The promise of this date was just enough to keep me sane after your colleague dumped a mini tower of paperwork for me to do.”  She shook her head in disgust.
“Yeah, well I sort of talked to her about that,” he said.  Wanda looked up quickly.
“What did you tell her?” she asked, eyebrows arched.
“I told her that she wasn’t fooling anyone and instead of playing silly games, she should concentrate on getting my workstation ready.”
“Good for you,” she said, nodding appreciatively.  “Put her in her place.” 
“I only seemed to make a bad situation worse unfortunately,” he replied, taking another swig of his beer.  “Now we hardly communicate.  Not that I mind too much,” he added quickly.
“Welcome to our world.  If she wasn’t as brilliant as she was, she’d be treated with the respect we’d give to a spoilt twelve year old.”
“She’s horribly out of touch with the staff,” he mused thoughtfully.
“The understatement of the year, or at least, a close runner up,” Wanda declared, lifting up her glass which was three-quarters full.  “Now where did this all go?”
“Is that code for another drink please?”
“You’re a quick learner.”  Chuckling, Dexter ordered another beer and Guinness.
“So,” he began, “are we only going to be drinking, or did you have other plans?”  Wanda drained her first glass.
“Oh of course we’re going to do other things,” she replied, pulling the full glass towards her, “starting with getting a table and ordering dinner.”  Winking mischievously at him, she slid off her chair and promptly disappeared briefly into the crowd, reappearing with a hostess.
“Follow me sir, ma’am,” she said with a smile.  They grabbed their drinks and followed her up a small flight of stairs.  They were seated in a corner near the balcony, where they could still see all what was happening downstairs, but without the excess noise.  The hostess gave them their menus, pointed out the drinks menu and left.
“Hmm,” said Dexter, scanning the menu, “what are you having?”
“I’m kind of partial to the Bangers and Mash, though I haven’t had the Steak and Guinness Pie in ages,” Wanda replied.
“Sounds like a lot of meat.”
“Are you a vegetarian?”
“No.  It’s just,” Dexter paused, trying to find the right way to express himself, “most females I go out with tend to not eat that much meat.  Not that I have a problem,” he added quickly and laughingly at Wanda’s baleful stare.  “It’s refreshing to see a fellow diner share a healthy appetite for meat as I do.”
“Try to remember that you’ve crossed the Atlantic Mr. Barnabas,” Wanda replied in a mock- stern tone, “this is not American women you’re dealing with.”
“Yes ma’am,” he grinned.
“You might want to change your approach.”
“Duly noted.  Now do you have any meal suggestions for the poor American?”
“How about you order the Steak and Guinness and I have the Bangers and Mash.  That way, we can share our food.”
Dexter laughed.  “This arrangement benefits you more than it does me.”
“If I remember correctly, this date was to make up for calling me the ‘office gossip’.  Am I correct?”  She smirked; he sighed theatrically.
“You’re right, as usual,” he conceded with a melodramatic flourish.  They were both laughing as a waitress approached their table.  They placed their orders with another round of drinks.
“So, how long have you been working in Knightons?” asked Dexter conversationally.
“I started about four years ago, around the same time as the VP formerly known as Miriam also began her career,” replied Wanda, finishing up her Guinness.
“How was she then?”
“If I remember correctly, she was antisocial and driven; pretty much the same as she is now.  The only difference is she developed an attitude to go with it.”
“Hmm,” Dexter mused.  By then, the waitress had returned with their drinks: Wanda’s an apple flavoured vodka and another beer for Dexter.  Promising that their food will be brought to them shortly, the waitress left.
“So, tell me something about you,” said Wanda, taking a sip of her drink.
“Well, I’m American, from Pennsylvania to be exact.  I’m thirty one years old, single and have a passion for crunching numbers,” he said.
“Nice summary,” Wanda chuckled.  “I guess it’s my turn?”  Their food finally arrived, and they dug in hungrily.
“How is it?” Wanda inquired.  Dexter nodded enthusiastically; his mouth was full.  She smiled.
“Make sure to save some for me.  Let’s see, where was I?” she nibbled on a slice of sausage, “ah yes, the mini bio.”  Dexter chuckled.  “Well I’m English, from London to be exact.  I’m 28 years old and am a widow with two kids.”
Dexter looked up, surprised.  Wanda grinned.
“Let me guess; ‘you don’t look like a widow or a mom!’”
“That pretty much sums my reaction,” he said soberly.
“Well it gets even better. I live with my mother in law.  Actually, she lives with me, but I think you get my drift.”  Wanda speared another piece of sausage and forked it into her mouth.
“How did he die?  How long ago, if you don’t mind me asking?” said Dexter.
“No I don’t mind,” Wanda replied.  “Two years ago, he was deployed to either Iraq or Afghanistan.  He died there.”
“I’m so sorry,” Dexter said sympathetically.
“I’m fine.  Made my peace with it a while ago, though,” she paused, “it does get lonely sometimes.”
“I can’t imagine,” he said, reaching out to squeeze her hand.  She smiled appreciatively.
“Enough with the sad stories!” she exclaimed.  “I came here to have a good time.”  Reaching forward, she snagged a forkful of steak and puff pastry and placed it onto her plate, to the amusement of Dexter.
“Mmm, you’re right, it’s really good,” she sighed as she chewed a bite of the steak.  Pushing her plate nearer to his, she invited him to try some of her meal.


It was well after midnight when they both entered Wanda’s apartment complex.  Laughing and shushing each other, they entered the elevator.
“Which floor?” Dexter asked.
“Third,” replied Wanda, who was pulling out the pins that kept her hair up.  It dropped to her shoulders, framing her face.  Dexter punched the button and the elevator doors closed.
“You sure know how to wear a guy out,” he remarked, eliciting a loud guffaw from Wanda.
“Sorry,” she apologized, noting his startled expression.  “It’s just that I never thought I’d hear that comment from a guy.”
“And you still won’t,” he replied, “especially concerning certain activities…”  His voice trailed suggestively.  The elevator doors opened and they exited, walking down the corridor.
“Well, this is my stop.  I’d invite you in, but my mother-in-law is probably still awake,” Wanda said regretfully.
“It’s okay.  I had a great time anyway,” Dexter replied, smiling down at her.
“I’m glad,” she smiled back.  She came closer and hugged him, “Good night.”  But instead of hugging her back, he cupped her face with his hands.  Her eyes widened.
“What are you doing…?”  She was interrupted by his lips touching hers.  As she didn’t protest, Dexter deepened the kiss.  It soon turned into a full make out session, complete with moans, groans and ass grabbing.  Dexter, clutching her firm, ample butt, hoisted her against the door of her apartment, causing it to rattle slightly.
“Shh!” she admonished lightly, running her hands through his thick mane.  They resumed their oral session for a while longer.  Eventually, Wanda broke it off.  Reluctantly untangling her feet from Dexter’s waist, she slid down.  They both were still panting.
“I haven’t done that since A ‘levels,” she said, still sounding out of breath.
“It’s been a long time for me too,” he confessed also.  She brushed the hair out of her face and looked up at him smiling.
“Thank you.  You’ve made me feel like a woman again; desired and wanted.”  She held up a hand to stop him from responding.  “But let us at least be honest.  We both know that this is going nowhere, and I cannot risk that for the sake of my children.”  She stared into his eyes, her expression serious.  “So this must end here, I’m afraid.”
Dexter nodded wordlessly.  Despite his reluctance, he knew that what she was saying was right.  Hugging gently, they both said their goodbyes, and after watching her enter her apartment, Dexter made his way to the elevators.
© Copyright 2010 Celeste Gabriel (UN: patti at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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