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Rated: 13+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1658878
The Shrew meets her match!!!! Thanks again to my anonymous membership upgrader!!!!
#691422 added March 26, 2010 at 1:54pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 6
Dexter had already arrived and settled in the office by the time Miriam entered; he was blissfully unaware of her small start in surprise at seeing him there.  Composing herself, she said a cool, “Good morning”.  He did not look up, obviously engrossed in something, but murmured a greeting politely.  She hung up her coat and headed for the percolator.
“I trust that you had a good night?” she asked as she poured.  He glanced up briefly.
“It was pleasant enough, thank you.  And yours?”  He shook his head as she offered him a cup.
“It was fine, thanks.”  Looking over his shoulder, she glanced at the document which had taken up his full attention.  She suddenly felt a flash of fury.  Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she said tightly:
“Where did you get that?”  He gave her a sideways glance.
“Mark was here earlier.  He gave me this to read, and left that,” he gestured to the table, “for you.”  He resumed reading, seemingly oblivious to her mood.  Miriam snatched at what Mark had left for her, an envelope.  Ripping it open, she roughly pulled out its contents- a letter- and begun to read.

Mary, I’ve taken the liberty of giving Dexter your last report to review. All I ask is that you give him a fair hearing. And don’t forget what I told you concerning his proper introduction to the staff. I know it’s a bitter pill to swallow, but you have to take one for the team. And we are a team, right?

Miriam crumpled the paper in her hands.  How could Mark do this to her?  As if yesterday wasn’t enough, she had to now face her staff, and introduce this man, who was now reading her report.  As if summoned, Dexter looked up at her frowning face.
“Everything okay?” he asked pleasantly.  Miriam tried very hard not to sneer in reply.  She simply nodded as she tossed the paper and envelope in the bin.  He resumed reading and she sipped her coffee slowly, trying to think of a way to introduce him to the staff without injuring her pride too much.  She suddenly sighed aloud.  His head shot up.
“Are you sure everything’s okay?” he asked again, sounding more concerned.
“Great,” she replied sardonically.  “If you’re not too busy, I’d like to show you something.”  Quizzically, he placed the document on the table and followed her out of the office.  Walking behind her, he was able to appreciate her figure.  Though she was not as curvaceous as Wanda, her shape was attractive nonetheless.  She was tall and lean in a way that reminded him of European runway models.  She also dressed quite attractively, he noted, which meant that she was aware of what flattered her shape.  He wasn’t so sure why she would be wearing stilettos anyway- she seemed to be quite tall without them.  They exited the corridor that lead to the offices and were headed to the general office area.  He then realized where she was headed- to the water cooler.  Stifling a laugh, he continued after her.

Miriam was aware of the small cough behind her as she walked.  ‘Let him laugh,’ she thought scornfully.  ‘They can all laugh, for all I care.’  As the cooler area loomed into view, she held her head high, gliding confidently towards it.  There was a small congregation already gathered around, and she could hear the murmurings and laughter.  As they approached closer, the talking died, but everyone stayed in place.  ‘It was like they were anticipating this,’ Miriam thought irritably.
She cleared her throat, “Is this everyone?”
“Pretty much, Ms. Jacobson,” a chubby blonde standing in front said, her attention apparently fixated on an object behind her.  Glancing back, she realized that it was Dexter.  Lips thinning in chagrin, she began in clipped tones.
“Staff, this is Mr. Barnabas.  As you are all probably aware,” she threw a look at an innocent faced Wanda, “we are seeking to enter the US market.  Mr. Barnabas will be assisting us in any adjustments needed to prepare for this.  As such, I expect full compliance.”  She paused, then asked reluctantly, “Any questions?”
“Yes, I have one,” a sandy haired male said.  Miriam recognized him barely; he tried to flirt with her at an office party, a most unfortunate error on his part.  “What exactly is his rank here?  I mean, is he your employee, like one of us?” 
Miriam froze as her brain registered what he had asked.  How would he know to ask such a question, unless…  She threw another look at Wanda, who stared right back at her. 
“Mr. Barnabas and I are working together, and as such,” she paused again, willing the words to exit her mouth, “he will be sharing the position of Assistant VP with me.  Are there any other questions?”
“I have one, for Mr. Barnabas,” the chubby blonde said.  “Are you really from America?”
“I sure am,” he drawled, moving to stand next to Miriam, “Pennsylvania, to be exact.”  The blonde giggled and Miriam rolled her eyes.  ‘How disgusting,’ she thought, as she watched the blonde give Dexter a flirtatious look and he responded in kind.  Eyes narrowing, she said, “Well if there aren’t any more questions, Mr. Barnabas and I will be heading back.”
“So soon?” Dexter asked.  “I haven’t gotten a chance,” he sent another smile to the blonde, who glowed in response, “to get to know the staff better.”  Miriam sent him a look of utter contempt.
“As you wish,” she said between clenched teeth.  She swung around to march away and collided with Sanford, the clumsy intern.  This infuriated her even more, since now she had an audience. 
“Get out of my way!!” she snarled at the profusely apologizing Sanford, who seemed to curve more at her outburst.  He skittered to one side as she marched towards her office.

Amid the chuckles, Dexter watched her rapidly retreating figure.  He then noticed the over long figure of the embarrassed intern, who slinked away red cheeked.
“Poor guy,” he muttered sympathetically.
“Why?” asked a female voice beside him.  Looking to his left, he saw that it was Wanda.
“Didn’t you see how she just embarrassed him?”
“He likes it,” she replied drily.  “Helps him get off.”
“I’m not sure what you’re trying to say.”
“You like porno mags, right?  Well he likes getting embarrassed.  Tell you what, go check the bathroom.  I bet you’d see him in there.”
Dexter had no desire to interrupt any guy from having his ‘session’.  “Tell you what,” he echoed, “I’ll take your word for it.”  Wanda chuckled at his response.  The blonde who asked him a question came up.
“I’m Penelope Davis, but you can call me Penny, Mr. Barnabas,” she giggled as she spoke.
“Hello Penny,” he said amiably, reaching for her hand, which she quickly offered.  Dropping a light kiss onto it, he said, “You can call me Dexter.”  The blonde cradled her hand, smiling brightly as the other members of staff laughed and teased her.
“Well if you ever need someone to show you around…” her voice trailed suggestively.
“Thank you very much Penny, but someone already offered,” he replied, looking at Wanda with a naughty expression on his face.  This set off another round of laughter and good humoured ribbing at Wanda.  Penny was disappointed, but took it in stride, even throwing in some jabs of her own.

After a while, the crowd dissipated, leaving Wanda and Dexter together.  She suggested that they walk back towards the offices and he agreed.
“Why did you tell her that?” Wanda asked as they strolled slowly.
“Why did I tell who what?”
“Penny.  You told her you already have a tour guide.  I don’t remember offering those services.”
His eyebrows rose.  “But you are offering services?”
She laughed, “I guess I put my foot in my mouth, didn’t I?  We were supposed to be going for a drink.”
“Friday, right?” he agreed, “I hope that’s still on.”
“It is.”  They were entering the corridor which led to the offices.  “But you still haven’t answered my question.”
“She seemed clingy,” he said bluntly.  “I don’t want to give the wrong impression.”
“Of course not,” Wanda said drily. “That’s why you kissed her hand.”  He grimaced slightly at the recollection.
“I’ll admit, that was a bit thoughtless of me,” he acknowledged.  Wanda nodded.
“She’s a young thing, she’ll survive.  Just remember to be upfront with her from now on.”
“Duly noted.”  They approached the office door.  He turned to face her; her expression was slightly sardonic.
“Well, I’d best be off; don’t want the boss to be too mad with me now,” she said finally.
“How mad could she get?  Besides, I’m your boss too,” he replied.
“Okay boss,” she said, grinning cheekily.  Just then, the door opened.
“Ah Wanda, there you are!” exclaimed Miriam, shoving some papers into Wanda’s arms.  “I need you to review these documents, making any necessary adjustments.”
“Of course Ms. Jacobson,” Wanda replied uneasily, balking at the small stack of documents that were now in her possession.  “How soon do you need this for?”
“As soon as possible please.  I’d like this to be over and done with quickly.”  Miriam flashed Wanda a brilliant smile.
Wanda blinked, “I’ll get right on it ma’am.”  With a nod to Dexter, she was off.  Miriam watched her, a smug smile threatening to form on her face.  If she needs more work to do, I have lots more where that came from, she thought wickedly.  More work, less flirt.  She was suddenly conscious of Dexter gazing down at her.  She looked up at him innocently.
“Are you coming in then?” she asked, stepping backwards to allow him room.
© Copyright 2010 Celeste Gabriel (UN: patti at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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