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Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1649620
A girl finds her best friend&brother are romantically involved but she has a secret too
#688637 added February 25, 2010 at 3:03pm
Restrictions: None
         By the next holiday, the tides had changed in the Edsell’s family. Barbara had threatened her children’s lives once again to be at Christmas dinner. The Edsells were trying to mend some of their past tribulations and they had family coming into town.

         Landon and Delilah’s parents were the type of people who ordered out I mean “catered” their Christmas dinner. Barbara could not cook Mac-n-Cheese without burning the house down. Carl could cook, somewhat, but now-a-days didn’t have any time. These facts made me wonder how Landon ever became such an extraordinary chef.

         We arrived at the ritzy house in time to see caters loading the truck up. Their job was to prepare the food, make it presentable, and leave it in the kitchen. The Edsell’s normal wait staff always got the major holidays off. This generous allowance was due to Delilah befriending Mary’s, the head maid, daughter Yesenia when she was a child, then begging her mother to let them have a regular Christmas day like their family.

         Delilah rang the doorbell; we all waited for someone to answer. You could faintly hear a muffled, “Barb, they’re here. Get down here!” A smiling Carl answered the door, “Merry Christmas.” 

         I could feel the group smile, somewhat forced somewhat genuine, then returned the greeting, “Merry Christmas.”

         Carl herded us in. Delilah and I went straight to the tree to drop the loads of packages in our arms. Landon traveled to the kitchen to put his dish among the catered.

         Once the formalities of putting things in their place were done, Barbara finally joined the congregation in the living room. She descended on a cloud with her debutante posture down the stairs. Her Christmas red dress flowed gallantly with her. If it were in any other color you would call it a sun dress. That’s one thing about Christmas in Florida, you can wear shorts and spaghetti straps, or jeans and a sweater and it’s still appropriate weather attire.

         “Hello all.” Barbara chirped.

         Both Delilah and Landon rose to hug, kiss and wish a merry Christmas to their mother.

         Carl pranced over to the bar, “Would anyone like a drink?” Before anyone could answer he added, “The special of this occasion is the Santatini.”

         I began to ask what was in it but Landon stopped me before it even came off of my lips.

         He whispered, “Don’t ask just drink. Trust me.”

         Apprehension then trust filled me. Of course I trusted him but what was in this drink that I shouldn’t know about?

         Some two or three Santatinis later, the rest of the family showed up. I had met various members here and there but they were never all together, even though their numbers were quite minuscule.

         Barbara’s mother, Rose, began the procession. She was and would always be a Southern Belle. She was brought up on pageants and manners, never working a day in her life, depending on a man for everything, until her husband died when Barbara was sixteen. This is how she brought up Barbara but the new generation rubbed off a little more than Rose would have liked. Barbara had worked before the kids and after then they left. Being an only child it helped her to make friends and developed relationships outside of the family. Rose disapproved for some time but had gotten over it.

         About 15 minutes later, Carl’s side of the family joined them. His mother would be considered the crazy one, not because she was but because she liked change. Rena embraced new religions, ideas, and …well anything. Her mantra in life was ‘Try Everything once!’ she had stuck by this since she had learned it from her husband when they met and kept it up years after his death. Carl and his brothers Nathan and Joel were used to her revelations and constant change. This can help explain how the youngest, Joel, used to be connected with hundreds of different women and never settled down until two years ago. He found Amy who got him to stay in one place long enough to see the dark side of constant changing. Together they had a daughter Katelyn, she had just turned one.

         Carl’s middle brother was Nathan. I had met him at one of Delilah’s birthday parties when we were growing up. Nathan was married to Lila who was the shortest person in the family. They had Cason, Jenna, and Wyatt. Cason was lucky enough to get the Edsell’s tall gene; it was Jenna they were worried about. Wyatt still had years before he hit puberty for them to know.

         Finally Rose’s brother, Noah, showed up with just himself. The kids had grown and moved away and the wife was separated from him. He was still his cheery old self as usual.

         Small talk commenced and further introductions were made. The little ones ran around the tree guessing presents and playing with the train set.…

         The antique table that had been passed down from the previous generations had all six leaves in its body. It was draped with Christmas colors, bouquets of poinsettias and holly, and the fine china with fancy gold leaves trimming the sides. It was a scene from an old movie when men were chivalrous and women would not think of sitting down unless accompanied. Each person claimed a seat while Delilah and I assisted Barbara in presenting the food to the party.

         “Delilah, she doesn’t have to help.” Barbara stated referring to me.

         “Mom its fine, she is practically family.” Delilah defended.

         “Its fine there is a lot of food here.” I said for myself, picking up a tray and following them to the dining room.

         On the next trip out I went first but stopped behind the door realizing no one was following.

         I overheard Barbara say, “I don’t want to encourage this. Abigail is a nice girl and a good friend but she is not going to be Landon’s wife.”

         I froze at the last word.

         “Mom what are you talking about? Landon and Abby are only dating. She has been like a second daughter to you for years! Where is this coming from?”

         “Delilah when you present someone to society like this it signifies you’re ready to keep this person in your life for a long time to come.”

         “How is he presenting her? She has met most of the family.”

         “Delilah Rose! Stop questioning and get that tray.”

         My brain finally began connecting to my feet again. I swiftly moved from the door to the dining room to sit down with Landon and forget the conversation… if that was possible.

         He greeted me with a kiss on the cheek.

         I smiled unconsciously staring back at all the prying eyes, that weren’t there a minute ago. Or were they? Weren’t Santatinis supposed to take this away?

         Delilah entered the door with a sour face and a tray, directly behind her was her mother with the ham. They both placed the trays on the table and sat down.

         Carl stood to carve the ham…


         … “Why are you being so quiet?” Landon asked me.

         I shook my head and said, “Nothing.”

         Delilah noticed my mood, “You heard her didn’t you?”

         I sat there staring at my sweet potatoes.

         “Oh god what did she say now?” Landon inquired to Delilah knowing who the she was.

         “That I’m not good enough to be your wife.” I stated plainly with no emotion, even though I felt the tears welling up.

         He had the identical reaction as me, frozen.

         “I told her to stop that, you guys are only dating and marriage is far away.”

         I stood, “I need air, excuse me.”

         My movements connected Landon’s brain and body once again, he followed.

         I went to the sun room, the closest portal to the outside. As I stepped outside I could feel the weight evaporating off of me. The sun washed over me cleansing any malcontents I held. I was then enveloped by arms that I loved.

         “I’m sorry.” He whispered in my ear that sounded like the wind.

         “It’s not your fault.” I turned to face him, still encased by those muscular arms. “Ha, why is it every time we are around family they talk about marriage and the future? This is Thanksgiving déjà vu all over again.”

         He smiled, “Hey you brought that one on yourself.”

         I laughed, “True.”

         A breeze blew past us with a cold bite letting us know that it was still winter. I rested my head on his shoulder not wanting to move from his embrace. We stood in silence for awhile.

         “If,” he exhaled, “and when we do decide to get married there is nothing she can do to stop us.”

         I smiled, feeling my eyes tearing again, “That’s a long time from now. We both need to finish college and we haven’t even been dating that long and...”

         “Four months.” Landon interrupted.


         “We’ve been dating for four months, in about two weeks it will be five months.”

         I kissed him. “I love you.”

         He kissed me, “We should probably get back, if you are okay to?”

         “Yeah I guess we should.”

         Only half the embrace fell as he led me back to the dining room. The rest of the room barely noticed our entrance back. But Landon decided to change that by stopping under the mistletoe. The kiss was highly inappropriate for others to be watching but just what I needed to get back to enjoying my Christmas…

         Presents were the next event. The family members waddled from the dining room into the living room to see what stores they would have to visit in the future to return the gifts. I stood in the back this time observing the hierarchy and differences between Carl and Barbara’s sides of the family. As per tradition, the Edsell’s passed out the gifts to all of their guests. The youngest always opened first, having the least amount of patience. Sweaters, golf clubs, chocolate covered cherries, jewelry, and bath lotions were among the treasures unwrapped. In the frenzy of decorated paper flying everywhere the spirit of Christmas was apparent, even if they didn’t get what they wanted.

         After his duties were accomplished Landon traveled the maze of available room to get to me. In his hand was a medium sized box wrapped in sparkly silver paper. He handed it to me. “Merry Christmas.”

         I smiled and read the card ‘To: Abigail From: Carl, Barbara, Landon & Delilah’. I looked up into his eyes confused.

         “Just open it.”

         I followed his command. Inside lay another box this one was square shaped and black velvet. I lifted the case to reveal a charm. The charm was a red present with a silver bow. I could tell it was very expensive and Carl and Barbara had no clue what they had bought.

         “It’s for your bracelet.” Landon stated.

         My Christmas bracelet was my own little tradition. Every year I would buy a Christmas charm to remind me of that year. This charm would be by far the nicest out of the others. I knew Delilah or Landon picked it out but it was so gorgeous and shiny.

         “Oh, it’s beautiful and perfect. Thank you.”

         “Would you like me to put it on?”

         I shook my head and said “Please.” I lifted my left arm with the bracelet around it.

         Landon attached it to the next open slot.

         “Thank you.” I hugged him then made my rounds hugging and thanking, Delilah, Carl, and finally Barbara. “Now I want you to open my present.” I begged Barbara and Carl sitting next to her. I grabbed the package from the pile at their feet, placing it in front of them.

         They both looked pleasantly surprised and became opening. A reminiscent look generated from both faces as they looked at the framed picture. It was a snapshot of the Edsells very long ago, standing on some beach. Delilah was encased in water wings and inner-tubes standing in two inches of water, behind her were Carl and Barbara kissing like in the old movies. She was bent over relying on him to keep her up. Landon was caught about to push his little sister into the water.

         “It was the summer we went to The Keys. Delilah was so scared of the water. Landon pushed her in; she would not stop crying for anything...” Barbara explained.

         “…Until he let her push him in.” Carl interrupted and finished.

         “Where on Earth did you find this?” Barbara questioned amazed.

         “Landon was cleaning out his room and found a box of old photos. I saw that one and fell in love with it. So I took it and got it copied.”

         “Oh, I love it. Thank you Abigail.” Barbara smiled hugging me as she stood up. Then she showed off her picture to the rest of the family.

         “Merry Christmas.” I smiled to her.

         Her smile grew wider, “Merry Christmas!”


         “So who picked out the charm?” I asked Landon on the ride over to my parent’s house later that night. We had dropped Delilah off at the apartment. She wanted to see B.J. and give him his present. “I know your mother had no idea about my bracelet, let alone that she bought it for me.” I smirked at him.

         “Yes I picked it out…with Delilah I might add.”

         “Well thank you again, I love it.” I commented.

         “That’s not my Christmas present to you. You know that right? We decided on a limit of $27.02.”

         “It isn’t?”

         He shook his head, “Nope.”

         “So when do I get it?”



         The visit with my parents included the four of us with Alex attached to his new video game and Alyssa passed out from chocolate overload. Each side shared their days events, mine leaving out the w- word incident. We exchange gifts then ate Mom’s old fashion apple pie with cool whip. In all pleasantries Mom forgot to inform us, until we were leaving, that Andrea would be here for New Year’s Eve.

         Instead of going to his apartment we went to mine. Under the tree were the gifts promised to each other. It was our own little Merry Christmas.

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