"Still defying fortune's spite; revive from ashes and rise." |
((The Music)) This little song was the one-hit wonder by a Neo-Soul singer named Res. She's a bold lyricist. The melody is one that would send you over the edge should you be sporting some extra mojo, if you catch my drift. I heard it once and fell in love. Its been nine years, but I hope she can come out with another album. ((The Life)) My writing has taken a major hit lately. The ideas are circling through my brain constantly, but the will to write them down simply isn't there. I keep thinking about writing. Thinking can only get you so far. There was a minor breakthrough this afternoon after my first class. I stepped out of my class, ordered a black cup of coffee and cookie, took a seat at the only vacant table outside the BGS building, plugged into my mp3 player, and started to write an addition that is long overdue. For the first time in months I felt like a true writer again. Also, like a true campfire doer again. I've gotten more than enough leeway when it comes to turn in my addition, yet life seems to throw in the curve ball to send me off course. Today, was different. I accomplished something with pen and paper non-academic related. It was nearly a miracle. Then, Karma decided to fuck with me. I say Karma because I'm not sure what else to call it. I was sitting there, minding my own business, when two loud ass girls come out of the building and sit down at the table. Didn't say anything, just sat. It's a free country, free table, whatever. However, they proceed to be as loud as all hell and make bird calls. I tried my best to ignore them. I'm invisible most of the damn time so I figured their utter lack of decorum and volume meant my invisibility shield was kicking in. Had to be as they proceed to push all of their things onto the top of the table, pushing my stuff back on me. Hmm... I stayed about ten minutes longer past my patience dictated I should just to prove a damn point to myself. I knew they wanted the table and me gone. But what can I say? I'm vindictive like that. I couldn't let them win. It was like freaking high school all over again. Truth of the matter is that I wanted to say something. I seethed inside. When you find your creativity again, you really don't want to be disturbed. They messed up my damn flow, the absolute stereotypes that everyone thinks they are behind their backs - the bubble brain bottle blond and her stupid tweeting friend/side-kick. I nearly became unglued. Dumb-ass stupidity drives me insane. What I wanted was to say the perfect witty comeback that only happens in books and good movies, get up gracefully, and walk the fuck away. I wanted their jaws to drop (in incomprehension or shock, doesn't matter) at my audacity to call them on their shit. I wanted to be Kathy Bates from "Fried Green Tomatoes", hormones and all. Ha! Instead I was polite and left. I'm a little bitter now. At least I got my creative grove back. In honor of losing the last grip of sanity and reacting exactly how you want in a moment of utter annoyance, I give you the scene of FGT that captured my heart. TAWANDA! |