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The newest family member, what is she, who is she, and will Esme approve? |
It was late, and raining when they finally arrived at Forks, so everything there looked cold, dark, and dreary, which just made Shan even more depressed. She was use to the cold, and clouds, but Denali was a lot more open and brighter. Even on cloudy days, the snow still made it look as if the sun was out. Shan was feeling a little claustrophobic, with all of the trees, she couldn’t even see the clouds let alone the sky. She was trying very hard not to let it show; she really didn’t want to upset Esme. She had been so sweet, and she was Carmen’s best friend. “Come on, it is not so bad, you will get use to the rain,” smiled Emmet “Does it rain here a lot?” Asked Shan looking up “what did you do with the sky?” “The rain is good, it lets us move around more,” laughed Emmet as they entered the house “you will be staying in Edward’s old room, it has a big bed; he got it for Bella before they married,” “Wow, this is really nice. I like the openness.” Smiled Shan “makes you forget the dreariness of outside” “The kitchen has food but if there is something that you want or need, just add it to the list on the frig.” Smiled Esme “Thanks, I will,” nodded Shan “So what do you want to do first?” Asked Emmet as he laid her things on the bed “MM unpack,” shrugged Shan “After that, it is your first night in Forks, what do you want to do?” Laughed Emmet leaning against the window “It is late,” sighed Shan putting her things away “The night is still young, and look the rain stopped!” Urged Emmet hopefully “It was a long trip, we could take a walk and stretch our legs” smiled Shan putting the last of her things away <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< “She is not happy about being here,” sighed Esme “Give her a few days to get use to it,” smiled Carlisle as he leans in and gives her a kiss “Do you think bringing her here was a good idea? Forks, is very different than Denali, she will have to be more careful here,” asked Esme "It will be fine, besides Emmet is not going to leave her side,” soothed Carlisle “he will keep an eye on her.” “I still worry about him getting so close,” sighed Esme “What is there to worry about?” Asked Carlisle sitting down at his desk “What if she gets upset and runs. You don’t think he will go with her do you?” Asked Esme “No, I don’t think he will go, but he will be very hurt,” replied Carlisle “I’m not sure which is worse,” sighed Esme “We don’t choose who we fall in love with, you know that,” replied Carlisle as he looks though his emails “we have told him how we felt that is all we can do,” “I know, he didn’t take that so well,” groaned Esme remembering how he ran off “I certainly don’t want to push him into running off with her, who knows if we would ever see either of them again,” “She is getting better about the running. Just give it some time.” Smiled Carlisle <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< “Beat you to the top!” Grins Emmet taking off running “Not even!” Laughs Shan running after him “Short cut!” Yells Emmet dashing into the dark “Cheater! I don’t know the area! Get back here,” scolds Shan “Grawr!” Yells Emmet jumping out of a bush behind her “You brat!” Twirls Shan pushing him back down the slope racing to the top laughing “Oh don’t be a baby! Hurry and get up here!” As Shan stood there looking down the dark slope she began hearing a low grumbling growling sound and the crushing of leaves behind her. “Oh very funny, like I’m really goanna fall for that.” Placing her hands upon her hips and turning around her breath caught, and her eyes widened. The red eyes glowed and the white teeth glistened in the moon light. The wolf began pacing back and forth still snarling. “Umm, well aren’t you the biggest wolf of the mountain.” <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< “Jake? Is something wrong?” Asked Bella hearing the sudden cluster of howls “I don’t know, let me go find out” replied Jacob exiting the door followed by Edward “Bella, Seth smells something weird and says it as a strange heart beat. I think it’s Shan, we’re goanna go check it out, be right back.” Says Edward at the doorway “Let's see, should I pretend to save her? Or tell her it’s Seth…saving her is good” laughs Emmet to himself tackling Seth to the ground. “Run! It’s a crazed wolf!” “Eh em…come Shan, I do believe these two would like a moment or two alone” smirks Edward “Aye, they do seem to be rather busy at the moment,” says Shan shaking her head and rolling her eyes “Ugh! Come on, you ruined all the fun!” huffed Emmet. “Come on Jake, let’s take Shan back to the house, and let these two have their alone time,” chuckles Edward “Oh come on Shan seriously! Come on you didn’t think” begins Emmet “Your brother is so weird! And what’s with the big wolf?” Ignores Shan “Oh that’s just Seth don’t worry about him” smiles Jake “You have very big pets” smiles Shan “Edward, what are you doing here? And why did you bring that dog” asked Rose as they entered the house “Shan, everything okay; that was a very quick walk? What did Emmet do now?” asked Esme shaking her head “Your son be so weird!” Says Shan than turns to Rose confused “dog?” “Jake and Seth are shifters” chuckles Edward “So you’re saying that wolf, that Emmet decided to get down with… was a dude… and that’s why they needed to be alone… that explains so much!” summarizes Shan “I’m not like that!” defends Emmet all serious “Oh my gosh! You imprinted on Emmet!” Exclaims Rose joining in on the joke “Who imprinted on Emmet?” Squeals Alice from the stairway as Jasper throws waves of lust towards Seth and Emmet. “No! No I didn’t! I swear I” starts Seth as Jaspers waves hits him causing him to smile up at Emmet “Jasper! I’m goanna get you!” Yells Emmet lunging at Jasper “That’s enough,” scolds Carlisle coming from his study “Seriously Shan! It’s not like that!” Exclaims Emmet turning towards Shan “Jaspers causing it” “Is it like this every night?” Asks Shan turning towards Esme “Really, I did teach my children manners. But they’ve seem to have forgotten them” replies Esme “Well seeing how you and Seth wish to be alone, I do believe I will go to bed,” replies Shan heading up the stairs “No, really it just a misunderstanding,” defends Seth “But Shan!” Begins Emmet starting to follow her “Let her be Emmet it has been a long day for her” interrupts Esme “good night Shandalynn, sleep well” <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< “Good morning Shan, did you find your breakfast okay?” Asked Esme as Shan came into the living room “Aye, mum, thank you.” Smiled Shan “Carlisle is there in his study,” pointed Esme “he wants to speak with you.” “Morning, Esme said you wanted to speak to me?” Asked Shan as she came to Carlisle’s door “Good morning,” smiled Carlisle “are you up for some test?” “I guess, but what kind of test are you going to run,” asked Shan nervously “We will start with blood work, and a full physical. I need some place to start with you,” he smiled “come on, I have a lab here in the house” “Good morning,” smiled Emmet “so what do you want to do today?” “Shopping,” bounced Alice with a smile “She is mine this morning, you all can have her later today,” smiled Carlisle “Can I help?” Asked Emmet with his most devilish grin “I can hand you the saw,” “Saw?” Asked Shan wrinkling her eyebrows “you been watching to many cheesy horror movies” “Yes, he has,” laughed Carlisle open the door to the Lab “I think I can handle things on my own thank you son,” “That’s not fair, you get to have all the fun,” winked Emmet “I could help with the electrical probes” “Why don’t you go have some more fun with Seth?” smirked Shan turned to follow Carlisle, shaking her head and rolling her eyes. But as she started to go through the door, she froze. Her face turned white, her heart leaped in her chest as if it were trying to escape, Shan was clean across the room before any of them realized. “Shandalynn, what is wrong,” asked Emmet rushing to her side. “What is wrong?” Asked Rose coming down stairs followed by Jasper “Emmet, what happened, what did you do,” asked Carlisle coming back into the living room “Shandalynn, look at me, tell me what is wrong,” ordered Emmet grabbing her by the arms “No! Let go!” Shouted Shan pulling out of his grip, and shoving him back “Emmet, what are you doing?” Shouted Esme rushing to Shan’s side “What is wrong Shan” “I didn’t do anything,” huffed Emmet throwing his hands up “I need air,” she whispered heading for the door “Dang it! Don’t you dare run again,” growled Emmet grabbing her again “It took forever to find you the last time,” “Let Go!” Shan panicked struggling to free herself “Let her go,” hissed Esme smacking him on the back of the head “Please, I just want to go outside, please,” pleaded Shan with her hand over her mouth and nose “Shandalynn, please tell me what is wrong,” growled Emmet torn between stopping her and obeying Esme “Give her some air,” ordered Esme again as she followed Shan out “I’m sorry,” whispered Shan trying to compose herself “The smell” she muttered “Smell?” Asked Esme gently rubbing her back “Is it burning your nose?” Asked Carlisle as he watched her “Aye, it burns me nose and eyes,” she whispered “It...” “It is the disinfectant that we use,” interrupted Carlisle “I am sorry Shan, I should have realized that it would be difficult for you” “Cleaner?” Asked Shan “Yes, I should have known better, especially after our first meeting, I am sorry,” apologized Carlisle “let me see what I can do about setting up a few of the test somewhere else,” “I be terrified of a cleaner,” she hissed in anger, she did not like that something could over whelm her like that. That a smell could cause her such fear “It is the memories that it brings,” smiled Esme Shan squared her shoulders, turned and went back into the house.”I will not let a smell defeat me, this ends now” She walked up to the doorway of the lab. Again she turned white, her heart raced, but this time she stood her ground. “You don’t have to do this,” said Carlisle gently “I will bring some of my things into the living room” “And the next time that I smell this cleaner, and I panic, will I be here, or will I be elsewhere,” she spoke so softly only a cold blood could here. “Where be this cleaner?” Carlisle smiled as he placed the jug on the counter, “Carmen is right, you are a lot like Eleazar.” “Face your fear, never let it rule you.” whispered Shan remembering one of Eleazar’s favorite quotes “That be the cleaner,” “Yes, try to associate the smell with the jug, not the room,” replied Carlisle Shan was still white as she leaned in to smell the jug, fear tried to over whelm her, she wanted to run, but she only took a step back. Taking a deep breath, she turned and began to look around the room. Her heart raced, memories flooded her thoughts, she fought to stay in control “This is not Ramsey’s Lab, there is no danger here,” she told herself. “Is that a damsel in distress’s heart that I hear in here? Where’s the crazed bear? ” Teased a very devilish Emmet in hopes of distracting her “Shut up” hissed Shan through gritted teeth. But does manage to give a slight smile, “why don’t you go find your wolf friend?” “It’s not like that, really,” says Emmet very seriously “You could have fooled me, the way you two were rolling around last night,” grins Shan more relaxed “Go away Emmet, we have work to do, u can have her later” dismissed Carlisle with a smile <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Carmen had cleaned the house spotless, redecorated the entire house, and even painted Shan’s room. It was now a bright blue like the sky, instead white. She had done everything possible to keep busy. The silence was unbearable. Eleazar had kept busy in town helping clean things up after the festival. Leaving the house at dawn and not coming home until well after dark. Even the girls were keeping themselves busy. “Carmen, what did you do with my paper,” growled Eleazar “On the table by your chair,” hissed Carmen in return “Oche! Why did you have to move the whole house around, I liked it the way it was” He growled again “Well I think it looks nice,” defended Carmen “Has anyone seen my red boots,” asked Kate from her room “I put them in your closet,” replied Carmen “See the girls can’t even find a thing,” smirked Eleazar “I left their rooms alone,” huffed Carmen getting up and leaving the room “You girls are not going out again tonight, are you?” asked Carmen sitting down on Kate’s bed “We are meeting up with Matt and Tim,” answered Tanya coming into the room “Where is my wet stones?” barked Eleazar “Dang, he is getting grumpier and grumpier,” whispered Tanya “Under the sink,” spat Carmen “They are not there I looked. You just had to rearrange the house didn’t you?” grumbled Eleazar as he riffles thought cupboards “Is he going to be this way the whole time she is gone?” moaned Kate “Carmen, I can’t find them,” growled Eleazar slamming the cupboard “That is it, I can’t take any more,” snapped Carmen stomping into the bathroom, opening up the cupboard, and throwing his wet stones at him “Here right where they have been kept for centuries. Stop taking your aggravations out on me,” “I’m sorry, Carmen,” began Eleazar trying to hug her but received a punch to the gut instead. “I really miss her,” “Well so do I,” she snapped in a tone that said if she could cry she would be “Girls, we are going to Forks if you’re coming get packed.” Called Eleazar <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< “Are u done yet? It’s like two a clock in the afternoon,” urged Emmet popping his head in for the umpteenth time “Urge go ahead Shan, thank you for the tests” huffed Carlisle “Lunch is ready” smiles Emmet “Lunch?” Asks Shan suspiciously “Yep, I fixed it myself,” answered Emmet “It’s not still bleeding is it?” Asked Shan as she sat down at the table “Course not!” Exclaimed Emmet, “I made a sandwich, except… I had to improvise since we didn’t have bread” “Improvise” repeats Shan raising her eyebrows “Oh don’t worry, see, it looks good!” Replies Emmet setting the plate down in front of her on which sat a green looking blob, that smelled horrid “Umm, what is it?” Stammered Shan “Well, I used turnip greens for bread, a nice slab of peanut butter, followed by tomatoes and finally sardines” proudly replied Emmet “Umm, that be a very… interesting combination,” replied Shan slowly still staring at the blob “Go on! Try it!” Encouraged Emmet “Don’t suppose you have any of that bear juice around” ask Shan looking at him “What, I didn’t make it right?” Asked Emmet with a note of hurt in his voice “This was really sweet of you, but… how can I put this? How about I make you a blood cocktail, we’re going to start with skunk, mixed with a little possum, and finish it with just a touch of snake. Doesn’t that sound good?” sweetly smiles Shan “Gross! Exclaims Emmet throwing the sandwich in the trash “We could go get you something in town if you like,” “Ooh! Pizza sounds great! No anchovies” laughs Shan “Shopping!” Is all Shan heard as she saw Alice come bouncing down the stairs followed by Jasper “Shopping? No, no, pizza” replies Shan shaking her head “She has serious shopping issues,” “Oh but there’s a whole bunch of shops on the way” bounced Alice with excitement, “We can get you something to remember Forks by” “She needs to eat, Alice.” Smiles Bella trying to help “Okay, pizza, then shopping!” Squeaked Alice “Okay, pizza, and two hours of shopping” sighs Shan “I wanted to get Carmen something any ways,” “Then I need a game plan” contemplates Alice “Where’s the keys?” Grins Emmet “Oh your seriously not goanna let HIM drive are you? What about me?” Hissed Rose “Sorry Rose! I called it!” Exclaims Emmet grabbing the keys dashing into the driver’s seat. “No grinding the gears Emmet,” scolds Shan “Yea, yea, hey what are all these knobs for?” Grins Emmet “That one be for me wipers, Emmet” replies Shan as he pulls out of the drive way “Give me at least three hours! I can’t do it in two,” squeaks Alice “Fine Alice but no more than three. Emmet stop it! Those are my flashers,” exclaims Shan “just leave me knobs alone and drive,” “At the red light turn left Emmet, I know a really good pizza place,” laughed Bella “Emmet stop it!” Yells Rose grabbing her ears “Oops! Found the stereo, hey what kind of music do you listen too Shan?” Asks Emmet “Country, now stop touching all me knobs” growls Shan slapping his hands as the truck swerves “Hey what’s this lever do?” Asks Emmet pulling on it “No! Not the lever Emmet” screams Shan as the truck’s right side begins to lift. “Oh great sirens, push it back and pull over.” “Oh that fuzz! I can out run him! I know a short cut,” exclaims Emmet speeding up and taking a quick turn down a side road “No Emmet don’t!” Exclaims Alice as they smacked into the back of a broken down semi “Me truck!” Exclaims Shan jumping out see her beautiful hood all crunched up and steam pouring out of the engine. “Emmet!” “Oops” mutters Emmet as Shan turns to him with the most serious look on her red face, gritting her teeth. “Esme has two other sons, she’ll never miss you. I am going to kill you” “I should of guessed it was you Emmet,” says Charlie examining the accident “I called a tow truck” “I could’ve out ran you if that stupid semi hadn’t been there” mumbles Emmet “Please, is there anything I could possibly say to get you to arrest the buffoon,” Hisses Shan still staring at her once beautiful truck “Ah come on Shan! I didn’t mean to, how was I supposed to know the stupid truck was there” defended Emmet “Well you know Charlie; you could always arrest him for evasion” hisses Alice “this doesn’t count on my three hours” “Ah come on Charlie! You wouldn’t do that to me, who else would you watch the game with tomorrow night?” Pleads Emmet as Charlie approaches with handcuffs. “No, I would hate to tell Esme I arrested you. But you were doing some swerving there. Care to explain?” Asks Charlie “I only crossed the line once, well… maybe twice, sorry Charlie. I’ll be more careful next time” apologizes Emmet. “I was just trying to check out all the cool stuff on Shan’s truck” “Well, next time do so before leaving,” scolded Charlie “O no! There will be no NEXT time, to it,” hissed Shan “I’m really sorry Shan. I was just trying to help you have a little fun. Tanya said that you love a good race,” said Emmet walking up to her “I love a good off road challenge, not a quick it’s the cops, floor it,” yelled Shan slamming her fists into his chest “But, it’s only Charlie,” shrugged Emmet smiling his most devilish smile he could muster “Urge that not be the point” hissed Shan so mad that her Irish slur made it almost impossible to understand her. “Okay girls, get in the cruiser, I’ll give you a lift home.” Says Charlie trying to calm the situation, “you boys can ride in the tow truck” “What happened is everyone alright?”Asked Esme who had been planting flowers with Neisse “Neisse, have you been helping?” asked Charlie scooping her up into his arms “Do you see what your stupid, buffoon; son did to me truck” hissed Shan, her temper still getting the best of her “would you miss him terribly if he… disappeared?” “Don’t worry Shan, I can fix it” assures Rose “Emmet what? How did you manage to do this?” Scolds Esme looking at the crunched hood “I’ll see you guys tomorrow, I’ve got to get back to work” says Charlie as a vehicle pulls into the driveway “Bye Dad,” smiled Bella taking Neisse “see you tomorrow” “Oh hey Ted go ahead and take the groceries on up to the kitchen” smiles Esme “Yes ma’am, sure thing” says Ted “wow, what happened?” “We had a little accident,” commented Emmet “LITTLE, LITTLE, Is that what it is Emmet,” hissed Shan with clenched fist her Irish temper now at full blaze “Okay, Shan why don’t you help Ted with the groceries,” soothes Esme “Emmet get the truck in side so Rose can look at it, and your paying for the repairs,” “Hey, are you new in town? I don’t believe we’ve met before” smiles Ted “Yea, I’m in town for a few days,” replies Shan looking though the bags still very annoyed “Little,” she mutters “Umm, well, maybe I could show you around sometime,” offers Ted “since your truck is, um not running at the moment,” “O, that be very nice of you, but I’m not sure what they have planned for me yet,” stammers Shan caught off guard “Cool, I’ll give you a call sometime then?” smiles Ted as he starts to leave “oh I almost forgot, I’m Ted, and you are?” “Her names Shan and you should defiantly call her” smiles Bella “Great, I sure will” replies Ted “Oh great, now he’ll defiantly call” mumbles Shan “and here I thought you were on me side,” “Who’s going to call?” Asks Emmet cautiously hoping to get back on Shan’s good side “Why her cute new boy friend of course” smiles Bella leaving the room “Boy friend? What boy friend?” Exclaims Emmet “you don’t mean Ted, do you” “He offered to show me around seeing how I don’t be having a ride,” hisses Shan taking a bit out of an apple “Emmet!” Yells Eleazar “Eleazar? What are you doing here?” Asks Emmet coming outside “I told you to keep Shan safe! I come and find her truck like that!” Exclaims Eleazar pointing to Shan’s truck “I don’t call that safe!” “Eleazar?” Asks Shan “Oh Shan! You’re ok!” Yells Kate hugging Shan tight “what did you do to your truck?” “Me? What did I do? No, no, you mean what did the buffoon do. Hisses Shan pointing to Emmet “He be driving.” “Emmet! You were driving!” hissed Eleazar starting toward him “Ok, ok, everybody calm down” sooths Carmen grabbing Eleazar, before anyone could really get hurt “look Eleazar, Shandalynn is fine I’m sure it was just an accident” “Accident!” huffed Eleazar “how about I accidently, knock his head off,” “Ah, come on Eleazar, I was just trying to show her a good time,” began Emmet “wait, that didn’t sound right.” “I should’ve known better then to leave her with you!” Exclaims Tanya smacking the back of Emmet’s head causing him to see spots. “She’s right you are a buffoon,” “Come on Shan, tell me everything, I have missed our talks,” laughs Carmen sweetly leading her inside “I’m really glad you’re here,” whispered Shan |