In the great hope that this will the last season for Heroes, I go into the recent episodes with a light heart and a strange sense of serenity. Aside from Kring alienating much of the fanbase (and NBC's decision to fire Greg Beeman), I hope it wraps up soon so I can focus more on FlashForward (which I recommend, by the way, and I will be commenting on it soon). That said, here are my latest thoughts on the show.
First, what is with the Mohinder hate? Second, people seem to stop caring about the show until Mohinder shows up. Third, Mohinder is alive but peeved. Granted, I'd be feeling the same way if I was locked up against my will, but Ando had a good point when he said Mohinder ought to be grateful that Hiro even came back for him. That reminds me. I'd really like to know what Damien did to Hiro that prompted him to run off from the carnival. Anyway, I'm not sure what to make of Mohinder right now, but I do hear he'll be integral to the action in future episodes.
The Hiro storyline is what's had my interest this season, and I'm glad to see it again. It was full of laughs in the most recent episode, and it was nice to see his friendship (and ONLY friendship, people!) with Ando come back to the fore. Speaking of Ando, he stole the show recently, and his red lightning has been quite, er, handy. Pun sort of intended? Anyway, fanboy soup is a great phrase (andI'll now have to periodically say fangirl soup because I can). And next week's episode looks very intriguing, especially since Adam Monroe will be returning. Hiro and Adam had subtext in Season 2 (at least in my opinion), so I'm itching to see how this plays out.
Sylar has been really all over the place this season, and I'm not sure what to make of it. Namely, he's being over sexualized, and it's making me a little sick to my stomach. I guess it stems from being so over discuss about Zach Quinto's sexuality. Seriously, I really don't care except that if he's knocking boots with certain male cast mates on any of his projects I may need to hover over the porcelain god for a while. Getting back on subject, I am intrigued that since he won the tug of war with Nathan he doesn't cut open heads (which I miss, oddly enough). He and Claire get more time together in next week's episode, and I can't decide whether to cringe or laugh like a loon.
Finally, Samuel is still working the morally gray line quite nicely, tempering his malevolence with true acts of beauty. Right now, I'm on the side of "Why can't Sylar slice YOUR head open?" and not feeling much in the way of sympathy for him. And it seems the carnival group is split over Samuel's leadership skills. I have a feeling the fecal matter's going to be hurtling into the rotating air foil very soon in this regard, and it'll be just like a train wreck. You don't want to look but can't stop staring.
Coming up next: FlashForward, DVD jibber jabber, and eventually a quasi-tag guide! Yay!