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Rated: 18+ · Book · Fanfiction · #1602865
The newest family member, what is she, who is she, and will Esme approve?
#680361 added December 18, 2009 at 10:12pm
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Who’s My Date
                                                                                              Who is My Date?

It was just after dawn when they arrived in anchorage the sun was still glowing red though the clouds. Alice had gotten everyone around early saying that there was just too much shopping to be done not to leave early. 

“It won’t take long, really I will catch up” urges Shan for what seemed like the hundredth time,

“Okay but don’t take too long” grins Carmen

“Are you sure that was a good idea?” asks Esme watching Shan disappear

“I’m just glad to see her excited about something, anything at this point,” sighed Carmen “but do me a favor, please don’t tell Eleazar that I let her go alone. He is so protective of her. He hardly lets her out of his sight.”

It didn’t take her long to find the “Parking Lot” on Denali St, they had left the truck on the top leave just as she had requested. In the sunniest spot, at lest it would have been the sunniest if it wasn’t for the cloudy day. The quad cab was canary yellow with bright red embellishments that went down the sides and an eagle on the hood. It sat taller than the average truck, equipped with chrome push guard, running boards, and roll bar.

“Who are you and what do you want,” asked Shan over her shoulder to two pale face men approaching.

“Where is Zedekiah?” came the Australian accent from the short man “this is his truck”

“Your mistaken, I own this truck” replied Shan retrieving the hidden key

“No, my friend here is right. This truck was for Zedekiah. Where is he?” insisted the average plain looking man, well if you can call any cold blood plain.

“I am not looking for any trouble, so if you would kindly excuse me I will be on me way” replies Shan opening the truck door.

“Can’t let you do that honey, this is Zed’s truck not yours” again came the Australian accent as he reached grabbing Shan’s arm.

Shan turned, bring her elbow up, hit him right in the nose, knocking him off his feet. Without missing a step, she glided into a roundhouse kick that landed in the gut of the taller man sending him flying across the parking lot right on top of Carmen’s car.

“Shan are you alright?” came Carmen’s song like voice as they all go out

“I be fine, these two are just a bit confused” sighed Shan looking at Alice

“Mat? Tony? What are the two of you doing here?” asks Kate

“You know them?” ask Shan in surprise

“Well it looks like they are getting their butts kicked” laughed Rose as the two men gathered themselves rubbing varies part.

“Told you she would be fine” grinned Tanya “Shan meet Mat and Tim.”

“She is with you?” asks Tim looking at Carmen “Please except our apologies, I will fix the car. We were waiting for Zed, we figured he was heading for the festival”

“That is okay, Smiled Carmen “Rose can you fix the dent before going home?”

“Sure it won’t take long” laughs Rose at the silhouette of Tim’s butt on the hood

“I am guessing you learned those moves from Zed” winked a smiling Mat

“Yes” blushed Shan

“Well I will have to congratulate him on his student. Where is he anyways, surly he would not let such a pretty lady out of his sight for long” Flirted Mat

“Zedekiah is dead, Shan lives with us” informed Tanya as Shan turned and climbed in her truck

“We hope you will come visit while you’re in Denali. I know Eleazar would love to catch up” interrupted Carmen with a smile as she placed her hand on Tanya's shoulder

“I’m riding with Shan” drools Rose “is all the custom work on the outside?”

“Um, no” laughs Shan

“Didn’t think so. So what than” urges Rose

“I had some things done under the hood as well” grins Shan as the truck roared to life

“Okay play with the truck later, shopping now!” impatiently bounces Alice

Both girls just looked at each other with disappointment, but complied.


“You’re not going to try that on, are you?” Alice asked in horror

“Yea, why?” Shan had picked out several over sized comfortable looking t-shirts and was heading to the dressing room

“Ugly!” spat Alice

“O this is not going to be good” mutters Tanya, she had remembered Kate’s and Shan’s fight over her choice of cloths, it had gotten really heated, and Carmen and Eleazar had to break them up.

“It’s what I be wearing” already the Irish slur growing in her tone

“You’re not dressed very flattering; you have such a cute figure under those baggy clothes. Here try this one, see it is cutie” smiles Alice trying to take the T-shirts and handing Shan a pink silk blouse

“No thank you, I do not do silk,” Shan was holding tight to the T’s shaking her head

“Okay than we can find something else, but something that at least fits. Those things are too big, you should accent your figure, not cover it” smiles Alice so sweetly

“I like things that are lose” growled Shan though gritted teeth, those puppy dog sweet eyes were not going to get to her “not tight, thank you very much” but Alice had already danced off looking for something else.

“Shan, I have found that it is easier to go along with Alice than to fight her, besides she does have good taste” bumps Tanya as she goes to the dressing room laughing

“I’m not a Barbie doll” mutters Shan “I am perfectly capable of dressing me self”

“No you’re to squish to be one.” Comments Alice dancing over and hands an arm full of clothes to Shan “Here we will start with these”

“I AM NOT SQUISHY!” her eyes widening “You have half the store there. Really Alice this is sweet, but I don’t want help with my clothes”

“Good luck,” Huffs Kate to Alice “I tried helping her once, you’re better off just leaving her stubborn ass in those god awful T-shirts”

“I dress comfortably thank you very much” defends Shan scowling at Kate “we have different taste in clothes nothing wrong with that”

“Yea, I think nice, and pretty. Where as you think bag lady” hissed Kate

“Kate! That is enough!” scolds Carmen

“Urge, Carmen, after I get a few things I get to go home right?”  Pleads Shan looking at the arm full of clothes

“We all go home together” smiled a very amused Carmen “Alice likes to help everyone with their clothes, it is kind of her thing”

“Come on hurry up we still have other places to go” urges Alice pushing Shan towards the dressing rooms, “O and I get to see them on too”

“Must you always touch me?” asks Shan indignantly “seresiouly I like my t’s”

“You mine as well give in, Alice never stops” winks Tanya

“Fine I will try a few, but only a few” sighs Shan closing the door feeling outnumbered and defeated.

Try the purple blouse and the black skirt, o let me get some heels” bounces off Alice

“Heels O no! I do not do Heels,” yells Shan “Shut up Tanya it’s not funny” who was laugh hysterically in the next both. “Don’t make me kick your ass” growls Shan

“I want to see the outfit” teases Carmen form the other room “makes sure you come out here”

“O not you too! You all are so mean. You really should give new family members an Alice warning” groans Shan

“Just go with it Shan, it really does make the day go smoother. Besides be grateful that she is not in there dressing you” replies Bella

“She wouldn’t dare!” exclaims Shan in horror

“Trust me she will” answers Bella

“Is there no way to avoid this?” moans Shan quickly pulling on the black pleated skirt and royal purple embroidered blouse

“Not that I have found,’ replies Bella

“Look at these cutie black heels that I found, they’re perfect” bounce Alice with excitement

“Six inch heels, you’re joking right? What about me yells skirt and heels?” asks Shan looking at the shoes “seriously I am jeans and t’s” as she slides the heels on

“Telling you go with the Alice flow” laughs Tanya looking Shan up and down “besides you look really pretty”

“Gorgeous” smiles Carmen “that would be perfect for the dance”

“I don’t want to go to the dance Carmen,” says Shan quietly, as she looks at herself in the mirror “Wow okay Alice does have good taste. I would have never chosen this; it is kind of comfortable even.”

“Why not?” asks Carmen pulling Shan’s hair out of her usual ponytail and letting in hang “you really should wear your hair down, it is so pretty and long”

“Don’t like to be touched, and that is kind of part of dancing” She was looking down now as she answered

“Is that the only reason?” Carmen could see that there was more to the story, but Shan only shrugged her shoulders as Alice started bouncing impatiently behind them “She really does mean well” smiles Carmen giving a little side hug to Shan

“If I agree to this outfit, than can I pick the rest of me things in peace?” bargains Shan with a sigh

“Not, with your since of fashion” hissed Alice shaking her head

“Then no to the shoes, purple blouse, and black skirt.” resounded Shan looking thought the pile of cloths “in fact no to all of these. Next? ”

“NO! That is not fair; there are lots of nice things there. And that outfit is perfect for the dance!” squeaked Alice “even Carmen thinks so”

“Next!” smiled Shan arms crossed in defiance, knowing she had just figured out the best way of dealing with Alice

“At lest it is going better than the Kate incident” smirks Tanya shaking her head “Shan and her were yelling so loud that it is a wonder the people in Denali didn’t hear. Carmen stopped it from coming to blows. Shan’s face was so red, and Kate was spitting mad,” 

“I’m rooting for Shan” whispers Bella with a smirk

“Then won’t Alice go back to dressing you” laughs Tanya

“Don’t back down Alice” urges Bella in desperation

“Very funny” laughs Shan “I thought you were the one she played Barbie with any ways?”

“Yea it is really nice of you to take that positions” laughs Bella

“Okay for every outfit I choose you get to choose a bag lady over sized ugly T-shirt” snapped Alice

“I will agree to three outfits, the rest I choose” sighed Shan muttering “it’s really going to be a long day”

“Three! But…” began Alice with the saddest puppy dog eyes she could muster

“Alice, perhaps it is best to start slow. Shan is still getting to know everyone” interjects Esme in a sweet but firm tone

“Three than” sighs Alice looking from Esme back to Shan

It was a long day, going from one store to the next. Trying on what seemed like everything in every store. Shan did have to admit it was kind of fun with everyone, even the fighting over outfits with Alice, she was so fussy. At least the three outfits she chose were not so bad. She even picked out one to match a pair of boot that Shan had bought.

“You look tired?” commented Rose with a mischievous note in her voice as everyone was loading up in the two vehicles “perhaps I should drive”

“Um not that tired” laughed Shan climbing into the driver seat

“No really you look totally swamped” devilishly smiley Rose “I should drive, we would hate for you to wreck your new truck on the first day”

“Never, how fast do you think Carmen drives, any ways?” asks Shan matching Rose’s grin

“Slow” laughs Tanya “that is why I am driving” With that the engine roared, tires squealed and Carmen’s car was gone.

“Crap hurry up” yells Rose diving into the passenger seat

“Hold on” laughs Shan, engine roared, tires squealed and Alice was heard yelling “no fair!!!” From Carmen’s’ car                                        


The sun had sat hours before; the night was lit by the bright moon and cooled by the breeze rolling off the snow-capped mountains. It was filled with the songs of owls, wolves, crickets, and frogs. Defiantly a beautiful night for a game of baseball.

Crack!!!!  The ball went flying “go ahead Edward you will never catch it” heckles Emmet as he heads around the bases. He was running for third base and he found himself dodging a bright yellow four by four truck. When Edward jumped from the running board tackling him, ball in hand.

“Out!”  Yells Carlisle laughing “nice play Edward”

“No fair that is cheating” protest Emmet scrambling to his feet trying to grab Edward

“All is fair in the cold blooded war of baseball,” laughs Jasper hysterically

“Where did they come from?” complains Emmet “they almost hit me”

“I am guessing anchorage” laughs Edward “since Shan was driving”

“Shandalynn!” comments Emmet with surprise “she was driving?” looking toward the truck he watched her, she was dressed in black jeans, t-shirt, and boots, the wind was lightly blowing her long hair, caring her sweet scent across the drive.

“Dude, seriously man!” hisses Edward discussed

“Do … I … Want … To… Know” slowly asks Eleazar looking at Emmet, daggers blazing in his eyes

“Umm … Sorry” stammers Emmet while making sure a safe distant stayed between them and almost getting ran over for the second time by Tanya

“Move it! This is a drive way! Crap I cannot believe she won it is a truck!” grumbles Tanya getting out of the car. “Tweaked it a bit huh”

“Why is everyone trying to kill me? What did I do” wines Emmet

“Maybe they heard you” groans Edward walking up to the house

“Seriously do I need to know?” asks Eleazar looking at Edward

“Need to know what?” ask Shan walking up behind him

“Trust me if Edward is complaining you don’t want to know” laughs Rose “or well maybe you do” bumping her with her elbow and winking

“Okay” slowly speaks Shan razing her eyebrows

“Never mind, you look tired did you have fun? Perhaps it would be best if you turned in for the night” growled Eleazar.

“Wait, Emmet is thinking things that I might or might not want to know, and I am sent to my room. That is messed up” laughs Shan rubbing her arms to warm them “do I want to know or should I just punch him?” she asks looking at Rose

“Umm you probley want to know, but the punching is good too” encouraged Rose laughing

“I find two by fours work the best” chimes in Esme with a wink “helps to remind him of the manors I have taught him” frowning at Emmet

“Okay…what exactly was he thinking…” stammers Shan “Is it really that bad?”

“No, I was just thinking that you being so sweet and small, you would never try to run me over” shrugs Emmet

“Sweet and little, boy that kind of thinking will get you into trouble fast” laughs Tanya

“That most certainly is NOT what you were thinking!” snaps Edward

“I.e. what was he thinking then?” asked Shan turning towards Edward

“Sorry but you’ll have to ask him that” shrugs Edward knowing that the anger was growing in Eleazar

“So Alice did u have fun shopping today” asks Jasper sliding an arm around her tiny little waist, squeezing gently, sending calming emotions toward Eleazar.

“We found the perfect outfit for Shan to wear to the dance” bounces Alice

“Now all we have to do is get her around for her date!” winks Kate

“What date? You promised not to set me up!” flares a red faced Shan

“Aren’t you going with Jeab?” teases Tanya

“You're going with that creep Jeab!” blurts out Emmet

“Jeab who?” hisses Eleazar smothering all the calm that Jasper had sent his way

“Well do you have a problem with that Emmet?” sweetly smiles Kate

“Yea I got a problem with that that guys a creep” snaps Emmet

“Creep!” repeats Eleazar looking from Emmet to Kate

“Umm…excuse me” starts Shan

“I haven’t heard anyone else ask her to dance” interrupts Tanya “have you Kate?”

“Who is Jeab?” demanded Eleazar

“O she meant him when, her and Emmet went to town. Didn’t Shan tell you?” answered Kate as sweetly and innocently as she could “well I think maybe Mat would not mind”

“Meant is that what you call it” muttered Emmet still fuming “who is Mat?”

“Oh is he cute? How tall is he? The heals won’t make her too tall will they?” bounces Alice “because they will with Mat’

“Emmet what happened at the fair? I told you to take care of her” hisses Eleazar

“I did. He insulted her, and then asked her to save him a dance. I told him to stay away from her” growls Emmet “who is Mat?”

“Why, were you planning on asking our daughter to the dance Emmet?” grins Carmen knowing he was taken with her “Mat is a friend of ours, we ran into them today”

“He most certainly is! Someone has to watch over her” huffs Eleazar “you seen Mat?”

“Ugh” groans Shan as she throws her hands up in the air and stomps in the house “Let’s not ask Shan, let’s just tell her. As if I don’t even have a mind of me own. Urge!”

“Wait Shan, we haven’t figured out if you can dance or not” teases Kate

Shan never looked back she only lifted up one hand over her head, which had only one finger showing. Causing a roar of laughter

“Okay okay I think we’ve picked on Shan enough for one day.” Intervenes Esme very sweetly but in a tone that they all knew meant “enough!”

“O very nice Shandalynn” scolds Carmen “I have told you about that jester” Carmen was following her into the house “ Yes Eleazar Mat and Tim, they are going to stop by”

“Sorry, Carmen” apologized Shan “I just be so tired of everyone making plans for me all the time” She was getting herself a small snack

“I know, but they were only teasing. Now tell me why you don’t want to go to the dance” smiles Carmen as Esme joined them

“Don’t really want to talk about it” mutters Shan playing with her sandwich

“Perhaps it would help if I left you too alone for awhile” smiled Esme starting to leave

“No, it is okay if you stay” smiled Shan “it’s just I don’t feel like being a novelty, that’s all”

“I am afraid I don’t understand, Novelty” asks Carmen

“You know, the o she is so warm, and she smells differently, and o let’s not forget the heart beat. I feel like a novelty around cold bloods, present company excluded of course” sighed Shan “Even Jeab said that there is suppose to be a long line on my dance card. Carmen can’t you talk Eleazar into letting me stay home?

“I know that there is a lot of fuse over you when a cold blood first meets you, but it passes, and think of all the fun you would miss. You’re comfortable with Emmet now, and he seems to be planning on staying close to you at the dance.” Smiles Carmen

“I don’t need a babysitter I can take care of me self. Besides I am sure he wants to hook up with someone, I would feel like a third wheel. Please, I don’t wish to go” pleads Shan

“Emmet has no plans to “hook up” as you put it” smiles Esme “but he does seem to think that he is going with you. Perhaps the two of you should talk about it.”

“I know you would not think it, but Emmet is quite light on his feet, all the girls just love dancing with him” smiles Carmen “I think the two of you will have lots of fun if you just give it a chance”

“So I have to go” she was looking at Carmen in defeat

“At least one night, if it does not go well I will speak to Eleazar” Carmen had gotten up and gave one of her side hugs that Shan was starting to get use to “Alice is right you are squishy” teases Carmen with a wink that caused everyone to laugh.

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