Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/680222-Chapter-Two-Visitor
by Kitt
Rated: 13+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1627737
This is a story about finding ones self, hope and true love in the least likely of places.
#680222 added December 17, 2009 at 4:04pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter Two: Visitor

         The sound of her name interrupted her dreams.


         This time it brought her out of her dream and into consciousness.

         “Wha . . mmmm.” She mumbled as she shifted on the swing. She felt a hand on her shoulder that gently shook her further from her sleeping state. ”Mark? What?” She muttered as she tried to open her eyes and the bright sun blinded her in greeting. Coming fully awake and holding a hand in front of her eyes to block the suns rays she squinted up to see who was there. All she could see was a dark figure outlined by the sun.

         The figure moved to the side and she could finally see who it was. ‘OH NO!’ She tried to cover her shock but apparently did a poor job at it.

         “Well don’t get all excited now.” Peter said obviously not pleased with the welcome. “What the hell are you doing sleeping out here? And at this time of day? And who the hell is Mark?” He scolded her like a child. Reminding her of one of the many things she had disliked about Peter Miller.

         “Damn it Peter. It’s my house and I didn’t mean to fall asleep. I was watching the sun rise.” Why she bothered to argue the point with him she didn’t know and it made her mad at herself that she felt she had to. She didn’t have to answer to him. She was a grown woman damn it! “Besides that, what the hell are you doing here?”

         “If you would answer my phone calls, E-mails, messages or anything for that matter I wouldn’t have had to come all the way out here to the middle of no where!”, he sounded angry. It had been almost a year. Why was he so mad. In the first months sure but now?

         “Like I said before Peter, I am a grown woman and I don’t have to do anything I don’t want and I should be allowed my privacy if I want it!” She hated being rude to anyone but Peter was pushing her temper just like he always had.

         Suddenly he was there in her face, grabbing her arms and shaking her painfully. She was instantly afraid and hated herself for it.

         “Jessie, you don’t get it. You will always be mine.” His voice dangerously close to breaking, though whether from anger or another emotion she couldn’t tell. “You can’t just never call or talk to me again. You can’t just expect that to be it. I go to your house and you didn’t even tell me you were moving! I had to track you down all the way out here. What the hell is wrong with you?” He shook her with every sentence.

         “I  don’t belong to anyone Peter. Least of all you!” She meant for it to come out angry and forceful but it sounded more like a whisper to her ears.

         “What the hell does that mean!” He growled.

         “I think it means she wants you to let her go and leave  her alone mister.” The voice came from behind Peter, and although Jessica couldn’t see the man who had spoken she recognized that voice from this morning. Only then it had been shy and warm with no hint of the anger or carefully controlled tone it held now.

         Peter let one of Jessica’s arms go but held a tight grip on the other as he swung around to see who had interrupted them. “And who the hell are you?” He sneered at the man at the bottom of the steps. “This is none of your business stranger. I suggest you keep on walking.”

         Mark almost laughed at the silly cruel man. He was obviously from the city in his new mustang and expensive outfit that he would probably consider casual wear, but to most people would be considered stuffy. The man also had no idea how to intimidate people without being so corny that he sounded like a bad TV show. He carefully took in every detail of the man gripping Jessica so viciously.

         The man was of average height 5’9” or 5’10” with straight gelled hair in what was no doubt a very expensive cut. Lanky body that looked a bit too thin. He had dark brown eyes that were slightly too close together but did not detract from the look of the mans face. Mark knew he was probably considered a fairly handsome man although right now his face was twisted with cruelty and anger making him seem ugly and faintly comical. If the situation had not been so serious Mark would have laughed at him. As it was it took every ounce of self control Mark had to not jump right up there and do physical damage to the man.

         “Now I don’t think I can do that until you leave the lady alone or she tells me to leave.” Mark said this as calmly as if they were talking about the weather. He casually leaned on the railing leading up the stairs to the porch. Though no one was fooled. His eyes and body screamed tension and barely contained violence. His fists were clenched tightly the knuckles white from the pressure.

         “Mark!” Jessica couldn’t seem to make a connection between the shy man from early this morning and the tense angry figure that now stood at the foot of her steps and looked as if he wanted nothing more than to tear Peter’s head off.

         “Jessica, do you want this man here?” Mark looked at Jessica with more questions in his eyes.

         “I know him, I can handle this Mark. Really.” But the surreal feeling of the situation left her feeling totally off balance.

         Peter looked between the two of them. “Are you sleeping with him now? Is that it. You left me to come here to this small town scum!” He shook her again with the hand that was still gripping her left arm fiercely. Jessica tried to wrench her arm away from his grasp but he just held tighter. “Damn it Jessica I thought you had better taste than this.”

         “I do have good taste Peter, I left you didn’t I?” She stared coolly at him. With that she was finally able to pull her arm free as his grip loosened in surprise at her words. There were angry red welts on both arms where he had held her but the left one was already turning a deeper shade. She knew it would leave a nasty bruise. She had been so surprised and then angry and afraid that she hadn’t noticed just how hard he had been gripping her.

         Peter turned back to Jessica and moved to grab her again but before he knew what happened Mark had him on his face on the wooden floorboards with his right arm pulled painfully up behind him.

         “Miss Carrel. I will just escort this Gentleman off the property.” Mark said quietly. “That is if you don’t mind.” He looked up at her face.

         All she could do was shake her head.

         “Jessie.” Peter whined. “Jessie, you know you didn’t mean it. You don’t really want to be out here with HIM!”

         “Peter.” Jessica sighed deeply. “I am not out here with anyone. I am where I want to be. And I want to be alone. Just respect that. We are through. I told you that the night I left your place nine months ago. I didn’t leave you for anyone, I just left you.” With that said she stepped back and leaned against her front door as if drawing strength from it. She looked away from him and refused to look back at the man she had once thought she might marry.

         “Time to go Peter.” Mark pulled Peter expertly to his feet with his arm still painfully twisted behind his back and escorted him back to the car parked in the drive way.

         Peter jerked away from Mark’s grasp as soon as the grip on his wrist was released.  “This isn’t the end of it stranger. You will pay for interfering!” He hissed at Mark who stood calmly by waiting for him to drive away.

         “Actually the name is Mark Taylor. In case you want to relive this little experience. I live right down the road, Stranger.” Mark chuckled just loud enough for Peter to hear it.

         With that Peter started the car and roared out of the drive sending up dust and dirt in a cloud that engulfed Mark. Mark just stood in the drive watching the red mustang as it rounded the bend and disappeared down the road. When the car was out of sight he turned and slowly started back toward the porch. Only when he reached the wooden steps did he look up.

         Jessica had seen something pass between the two men and had been worried that it would come to blows. She couldn’t hear the words spoken but she knew Peter and was worried that this wasn’t the last either of them would hear from him. Peter wasn’t one to let a grudge go.

         “Thanks Mr. Taylor. I...” She had no idea what to say so she ended up just staring at him in embarrassment.

         “Mr. Taylor now?” Mark smiled up at her as he climbed the stairs. “I thought we were on a first name basis.”

         “Oh right, then what was with all that Miss Carrel stuff?” She teased right back. The mood lightening.

         “Ok. Then it’s Mark and Jessica.” He said with finality, as he grinned at her through a stray wisp of his hair blown by the wind.

         She flushed at his roguish grin and felt again that warmth in her belly as her heart beat picked up speed. What is happening here? I haven’t felt like this in a long time. I don’t even know this man. Besides, I can’t lead him on. It wouldn’t be fair we would both end up being embarrassed and regret the situation. No I can’t let that happen.

         These thoughts turned her shy smile into a look that must have been something worrisome. She hadn’t been paying attention to her expression as she was too lost in her own thoughts. The next thing she knew he was right there before her gently touching her shoulder.

         “Jessica? What’s wrong? Are you ok? Your pale as a ghost. Did he hurt you?” He looked down at her arms and saw the bruises and the deeper one on her left arm. He cursed himself for his stupidity and Peters‘ cruelty. “Jessica, lets get some ice on this right away.”

         His words penetrated but not until after she realized he was touching her shoulder and the scars beneath. She reacted before she could think. She jerked away and fell into the door behind her. Only Mark reaching out to her, kept her from falling. “Jessica, what is it?”

         She looked into his worried eyes and felt all the shame from the past nine months come rushing back. The tears welled in her eyes and she couldn’t will them away even though she tried.

         Oh god. Mark thought. Something is really wrong here. What did he do to her. Is he the reason she is afraid of everyone? Damn him! Pure blind fury raced through his system almost distracting him from the scared woman before him. Seeing her panicked face he reigned in his powerful emotions and he opened the door and gently herded Jessica to the couch in the living room. He rushed to the kitchen barely taking notice of the simple warm décor and furnishings. He rummaged in the freezer looking for ice and found, to his relief, ice packs. He grabbed one of them, and a clean kitchen towel and headed back to Jessica. Wrapping the ice pack in the towel as he went back into the living room, he glanced around and took in the homey, warm atmosphere of Jessica’s country kitchen.

         He slid down on the couch next to Jessica and gently took her arm pressing the cool wrapped ice pack to the deepening bruise on her upper left arm.

         “Tell me if it hurts too much ok.” 

         Jessica couldn’t tell if he had whispered or if her mind was too far away to hear him well. She felt him begin to push the sleeve of the T-shirt up slightly to better access the bruise. She jerked and put her hand on his to stop him before his gentle fingers found the scars only inches above his fingers. The tears that had been threatening finally spilled over and a sob escaped her lips. Even this simple thing she couldn’t have because of what she was now. Her heart broke with this simple realization.

         “Jessica! What is wrong. Please tell me. Did I hurt you?” Mark couldn’t hide his worry and didn’t try. She was completely confusing him. She seemed to hate being touched. Almost as if it hurt her. Well that’s not true. Even when that jerk Peter was really hurting her she hadn’t reacted this way. What the hell happened to this woman?

         “I - I’m sorry. I c-can’t…Please don’t.” She didn’t know what to say to this man. She knew he must think she was crazy and she didn’t blame him at all. She just wished she could make him understand. She couldn’t stand that look of confusion and the need to help on his face and in his eyes.

         “Do you want to talk about it?” He asked gently. He had stopped touching her. He simply held the ice pack to the bruise as softly as he could. He looked beneath the pack and saw that the bruise was getting worse. He grimaced at the thought of anyone hurting a woman like this. That man had no reason, or right to grab her like that. God he hated men like that and, to his surprise, this one in particular. He felt like crushing the whining bully under his boot for what he had done to Jessica. As he thought of what he had probably done to her in the past for her to be so fearful now the rage boiled up in him again and again he pushed it down. Mark knew he couldn’t allow Jessica to see his fury and frustration.

         Jessica hung her head and shook it. More tears slid past her cheeks to fall on her hands. She took a deep steadying breath. “I am sorry you have to see this.”

         She stood and walked to the fireplace taking herself as far as she could get from his warm fingers and worried eyes. She refused to look at him. “Please go. You shouldn’t have to deal with this. Thank you for your help earlier. I - I appreciate it.” She had wrapped her arms around her waist as if to hold everything she was feeling inside. Like she was trying to comfort herself when she wouldn’t let anyone else do it.

         “Let me help you Jessica. I don’t understand all that is going on but I want to help.” He said this so sincerely that Jessica began to cry again quietly to herself and Mark could see her shoulders shaking with the sobs she held inside. She just shook her head and dropped it further as if in defeat.

         “I am sorry Jessica. I am sorry for what he did and the kind of man he is. I wish I could have helped you more. I-” He sighed. “Look if you need anything let me know.” He pulled out a crumpled receipt from his pocket and scribbled something on it with a pen from the table. “This is my cell number. Please call if you need anything and if I did anything to upset you I am sorry.” She shook her head. He left the scrap of paper on the table.

         “You didn’t do anything wrong Mark. Thank you for your kindness, but please don’t worry about me.” Still she refused to face him. He could hear the warble in her voice and knew she was trying valiantly to contain her tears and that she was waiting for him to leave so she could cry openly. Mark knew there was nothing more he could do and he hated the feeling of uselessness that overcame him.

         “Just call me if you need anything.” He said quietly as he strode to the door. He pulled it open and halted with his hand still on the handle. “Not everyone is going to hurt you Jessica.” He whispered and then pulled the door closed softly behind him.

         She heard more in his words than he said. She turned and sat on the fireplace  and wrapped Sasha up in her arms and buried her face in the soft fur as she cried quietly for everything she had lost and everything that would never be.
© Copyright 2009 Kitt (UN: kittana21 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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