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Welcome to The Library. Randomness happens, Studyees. |
Good early whatever time it is to you, Studyees, and what is UP?? Here's the quick down-low: I have just completed an attempt at ordering our Christmas cards online through The Wall's website. All prepared to have them sent to my store, so I could personally print them tomorrow afternoon...and then I hit "The Wall". For some reason, most stores are "unavailable" for "this type of service". Which is bullshit, because I know damn well there's probably 6-8 digital orders waiting in the cue first thing tomorrow. And practically all of my greeting card orders in the photo lab have come in through the internet, which screws me and my crew because we get $1 per 20 greeting card orders (that aren't discounted and are done in-store). So as a trusted employee of the company, I can't access the features of their on-line site that have been making my own life hell the last two weeks. Another fine example of America eating its bread-winners...but that's another topic for another time. Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-F@*k that. Anyway, I'mma get this situated and get this right so that I have our first holiday card of us and the kids, and maybe even get it out before Christmas. Which will be quite the chore, considering I'm doing about 35 hours at The Wall this week, and another 32 at the soon-to-be-erstwhile Borders Express. Yeah, it's beast. But the money will be nice, since we're getting the kids X-box 360 and I'll finagle a way to get Rock Band out of it. Or Guitar Hero. Or something!! Those kids don't get anything unless I get something else out of it, dammit!! Not for the way they screw me over and make me late for work by not getting up in the morning...I can do my own damage to my rep by being late for work a week straight by not wanting to get out of bed and be ok with it, but not if it's on someone else's head. And especially if I'm up and ready to go. So basically, the point I'm trying to make, is I'm gonna send you all holiday cards. I did it last year and it was great and fun and whatnot, and I'd like to do it again. These will be nice, professionally printed jobs and better than last year. So what I'm asking of you, fine Studyees, is to re-email me your addresses, and I shall offer mine in return (out of security, please do not leave them in The Drop-Off below, unless you're usually casually frisky with your personal info). Inreturn, you should receive one 4x8 holiday greeting from the major cast of players in my life, personally addressed to you! How does that sound? Fantastic! Even better, is this holiday greeting I'm imposing upon you all, and if you're not Facebooking me on a daily basis you missed this also...so enjoy... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EyV0YwUujw That's all I've got tonight Stoggers. Oh...we didn't get the house either. Cramped quarters for what looks like the long haul til the spring. Peace out y'all, nap this week in my honor, send those requests, and GOODNIGHT NOW!! |