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by Bakka
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1612334
My NaNoWriMo project about a small newspaper.
#675851 added November 12, 2009 at 3:50am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 6
         “What the fuck do you mean 'you don't know when the problem will be fixed'? We've got a paper to run here, God dammit!” Candice was shrieking at whichever power company representative was unfotunate enough to be on the phone with her.

         It was 30 minutes and counting so far with no power. Jill sat at her desk, the only light coming from the windows. Harry and Peter sat close to one of the windows, thumbing through a gun magazine and looking at the offerings.

         Candice slammed the phone down in the cradle, giving one last expletive before turning her vengeance on the staff.

         “Well what are you all sitting around for? We've got a paper to put together!”

         “What about the power?” asked Harry.

         Candice was shuffling through the papers on her desk. “Fucking transformer blew at a relay station. Half the area is out. They said they don't know when the damn thing's going to be fixed,” she looked up, “Why are you all still just sitting here? I said get to work!”

         “There's nothing to do, Candie,” said Harry, edging toward her, as if he was expecting her to strike him at any moment. “We got no power.”

         “I've got power,” said Peter, who had come up behind Harry, unnoticed. “We have a generator that'll give us all the electricity we need.”

         “Great,” said Candice, rounding on her new target. “So all we have to do now is load up the newsroom and bring it over to your house. That's such a great plan.”

         “Not the whole office,” said Peter, unperturbed by her outburst. “Just the computers. If we bring the monitors too, I can set us up in the dining room and we'll get it done in no time.”

         Jill saw that Candice was trying very hard to come up with a problem with the plan. She had never like Peter very much and only tolerated him because of his position with the paper. After a moment, she sighed, her anger deflated.

         “I guess it's the only option we got. Alright, load 'em up.”

         Each staff member got their respective computers in their cars and, but just as they were about to pull out, Candice jumped out of her car and ran over the Harry's.

         “We got to get dad's computer. It's the only one with the masthead. Plus, he has some pictures on there, I think.”

         Harry nodded. “I'll wait for you.”

         She ran back inside and unhooked the almost-antiquated Dell. She set it down outside to lock the door and went to pick it up. As she straightened, her elbow banged against the building, causing her hand to slip.The computer made a sickening 'thunk' sound when it hit the sidewalk.

         Harry got out of his truck and ran over to Candice. Her hands were balled up like she wanted to hit something, and her face was contorted in agony.

         “God dammit!” she screamed. Harry grabbed hold of her, holding her tight.

         “It's ok, Candie-girl. It's not the end of the world.”

         “But how are we...”

         “Don't worry about it,” said Harry, giving her one final squeeze before bending down to get the computer. “We'll see how bad it is when we get there. Come on, I'll load this and your computer into my van and you can ride over with me.”

         Candice felt numb as she followed.

         “Thanks, Harry.”

         “Hey, what are friends for?”

         Jill and Peter were already set up in the dining room by the time Harry and Candice arrived.

         “What took so long?” asked Peter.

         “We had to get Jim's computer,” said Harry. “It got knocked around some, so I don't know if it's gonna work or not, but we'll see.”

         Harry began setting up his computer. “Well I'm glad for that generator, Peter. Were you a boyscout of something?”

         Peter gave a joyless chuckle. “No. What with all Clarice's equipment, we needed it in case the power shut down.”

         Harry stopped grinning. “Sorry, Peter. How is your wife?”

         Peter shrugged. “As good as can be expected, but still dying. She's in the hospital right now. Hey,” said Peter. “Maybe she and Jim could be roomates. Not that either one of them is a good conversationalist at the moment...”

         Peter stopped mid-sentence. The look Candice gave him could have melted iron. The computers were set up and everyone began working. Other than the sounds of typing and mouse clicks, the room was dead silent.

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