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Rated: 13+ · Book · Mythology · #1615035
Apollo and Adryan have to fight time, feelings& those who want to destroy everything
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#674642 added November 3, 2009 at 11:10pm
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Chapter 1 A Father's Orders
  As Apollo made his way across the western hemisphere, the titan Atlas fell to his knees unable to continue standing under the weight of his burden.
  “He’s getting stronger father,” a tall man with short, jet black hair, wearing a red jumpsuit said. The man had strong, angular features and wears an eye patch over his right eye. Also, he walked with a slight limp on his left leg.
  “Silence Mario!!” said the booming voice of the titan. “We need to fool one of those traitorous Olympians into this position,” after a short pause.
  “Why not just drop Ouranos, then your plan would go more smoothly.”
  “Because, you moronic godling, we can’t free him until we regain Kronos.” Panting and fighting for words, he continued, “We cannot allow Ouranos the freedom to touch the earth until we are ready to completely annihilate Olympus. Kronos will be able to keep him frozen in time, allowing us to prepare.”
  Atlas was starting to lose his footing. Ouranos’ domain teetered in his hands.
  “And how do we know-even if we restore Kronos to full power- he will help.”
  “Because, boy, Kronos loathes his children as much as I do. However, to restore him, we will need the sources of power that his three sons hold. This may prove slightly difficult.”
  “How exactly, Father, are we going to get those?”
  Atlas glared at his son with eyes full of ancient hatred. Then he said in a barely controlled voice.
  “YOU will bring them to me. But for now, bring me that wench Hecate. We need to capture an Olympian.”
  “Yes father.” He didn’t want to anger the titan further.
  A young woman was speaking with a soldier in the library. She was wearing a black leather ensemble with intricate silver- embroidery on the vest and lower pant legs. Her long red hair was pulled into a ponytail.
  “I’m off to Olympus to meet with father. Be sure that lieutenant Kayne receives that letter.” She gestured at the sea foam green envelope in the soldier’s hands.
  “Understood princess Adryan.” the soldier said curtly. Then he quickly put the envelope in his armor. “Have a safe journey.” Adryan looked at the soldier then turned around and looked out the windows at the ocean. A dolphin swam by.
  “Always do.” Then, she put two fingers on the silver shell pendant on her neck and said “Olympus.” Then in a flash of green light and an eruption of bubbles, she was gone.
  When someone says the word ‘Olympus’ you get the picture in your head of a mountain with golden buildings and gods walking around in togas and olive branches, right?
  Olympus is made up of large white marble buildings. Moving where ever the gods please, it’s not placed on top of a mountain or anything like that. The gods wear a variety of clothing. Poseidon, for example wears a pair of shorts and a tennis jersey, with a pair of flip-flops. Zeus wears a button down shirt and a pair of blue jeans. So, whatever image you may have of the Olympians needs to go straight out the window this very moment.
  The gods are in counsel to discuss various reports from Hermes and Apollo.
  “There is no possible way Atlas could have staggered. If he hasn’t dropped Ouranos by now, then he’s not going to!!!” shouted Ares, glaring hastily at Apollo.
  “That is what I saw.” Apollo said, glancing toward the large empty throne of Zeus. Then, as if answering his son’s thoughts, Zeus strode into the room, silencing it with a rumble of thunder. Even Ares, with his extreme temper cooled off immediately. Like the calm before a storm, the Olympian throne room was dead silent as Zeus went to sit upon his golden throne. Poseidon, seeing that his brother had no intention of speaking yet, interrupted the quiet.
  “Hmm yes. Anyway, Ares. What Apollo says may be true,” looking at the war god, who looked himself ready to start yelling again. “I sensed some seismic disturbances in that area. Now, that would directly relate to Atlas falling to his knees.” He looked once more at Ares before looking around the marble room at the other gods. Then, Zeus opened his mouth to speak, but as he started to talk the large black marble doors opened as Adryan came in. Apollo got up to walk her to her father’s side; she let him take her to her place, Then turned to Zeus.
  “Uncle, I believe you had Hermes summon me. May I ask what you are in need of?”
  “Yes. I want you to investigate Apollo’s report of Atlas. You may take two companions with you or you may go alone.” Zeus said in his thunderous voice. He looked at Adryan with brilliant eyes waiting for her answer.
  “Of course uncle. I’ve grown restless in the palace anyway.” She smiled at her uncle. Then her smile mashed into a hard line.  “Uncle, may I take Apollo with me?”
  Zeus looked at her for a moment then turned to his son with a questioning look.
  “I don’t mind father. Of course that leaves Helios to deal with the sun.” Apollo answered his father’s unspoken question, shrugging his shoulders. Being the god of prophecies he knew what Zeus was going to ask before he knew himself.
  “As you wish Adryan. Now I expect you to depart tonight. Take Apollo’s chariot” Zeus commanded turning to hear Hermes’ report.
  “Father, wouldn’t it be better if we went on foot. Then atlas or the others wouldn’t be able to sense our approach.” Apollo stated. Looking from his father to Poseidon asking his uncle a silent question.
  “Yes, brother I could lend them horses.” Poseidon, as he cast his gaze upon his daughter then around the throne room at the other gods for their consent before returning it to his brother. Zeus gave his mumbled consent. Apollo took this answer and left the throne room. Adryan, seeing that she was meant to follow, excused her self after a brief word from her father.
  “Be careful Adryan. Atlas is very clever. Do not be fooled by his tongue. Those who listen to him often regret their mistake.” Poseidon said forewarning his daughter. She nodded sharply. Then turned to leave. “The horses are in the western stables.” With that Adryan danced out of the throne room, murmuring her acknowledgements to the other gods.
As she left the Olympian palace she spotted Apollo waiting by one of the fountains. He gave her a knowing look and sat down.
  “Was that okay, Apollo? I didn’t want to make uncle angry.” Adryan asked with a reproachful tone.
  “Yes. I just didn’t expect Ares to act like he did. He just erupted after I reported to Poseidon. Then father comes in and everything just got silent, even Ares.  This is not good, Adryan. The titans are planning something.” He said not looking at her. Then when even Apollo himself wouldn’t have known, she pulled him into a tight hug.
  “It’s fine Apollo. If something starts to go wrong I’ll just slow down time enough so the others can take care of it. Don’t worry. Atlas will never separate us even if he has to destroy Olympus.” She comforted him. Then stroking his soft blonde hair she said, “Come. We must leave now. The horses are waiting.”
  “Okay. Wait, what about the other companion?”
  “Probably father’s lieutenant, Kayne. Why?”
  “No reason. I just wanted to know who we are going to be spending the next few days with.” He said flashing his brilliant smile that could be the sun it’s self.
  “Alright let’s go before your smile blinds me.” She laughed, and they left Olympus without another word.
© Copyright 2009 Celine Sebastiani (UN: junglecat26 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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