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Announcements pertaining to Writing.Com! |
Hello! This entry is to introduce our new Authorized Accounts system -- however it's overshadowed by the Twitter features supported by the system. Though it opens now only with Twitter features, the Authorized Accounts area will be our central "hub" as we expand to more support more sites. In time, we'll provide the means for your Writing.Com portfolio to interact with many other social services, including Blogger, Facebook and others! The Authorized Accounts system allows you to provide the Writing.Com web site access to read from and write to other web sites and social tools. Wherever possible, we will use a new generation of account authorization systems that allow you to keep control over your accounts. You don't provide us with your account names and passwords, but instead tell each individual site that Writing.Com is allowed to access it. This is access you can later revoke on the external site, like Twitter. Our Twitter implementation is setup this way. With this initial release, you can authorize one or more Twitter accounts for WdC access. Once we're authorized, you can easily tweet about new items in your portfolio, edits to items and new entries to your book items. On the success screen for each action, you're given a pre-filled Tweet form with the Title and URL of your item/entry. If you have more than one twitter account authorized, you can choose the account to tweet to. (You can also use the Authorized Accounts page to easily tweet from many different Twitter accounts.) To get started, you can authorize and manage your "Authorized Accounts" here: http://www.Writing.Com/main/my_account/action/authorized_accounts * Please note: Since this area is new and only open for Beta testing, it is not linked from any navigation menu. You'll need to access it from the above link and, if you'd like quicker access to it, make it a bookmark in your browser for now. ![]() We appreciate your feedback on this new feature. All bug reports are appreciated! When using this new feature, please remember it is being opened for testing so we can find and work out any issues. ![]() And... Don't forget about Writing.Com's twitter account, now with over 1,200 followers: http://twitter.com/WritingCom And our creatively inspiring Daily Prompt... with almost 1,000: http://twitter.com/DailyPrompt Best wishes, ~~SM |