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Announcements pertaining to Writing.Com! |
Greetings Members! We've created a system to beta test the conversion of Rich Text Format (.RTF) files to WritingML formatted text. About RTF from Wikipedia: "The Rich Text Format (often abbreviated RTF) is a document file format developed by Microsoft in 1987 for cross-platform document interchange. Most word processors are able to read and write RTF documents." --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rich_Text_Format Specifically, you can easily export your MS Word (and other word processor files) to .RTF files using your word processor. You can then upload them to Writing.Com using our converter and most of the formatting will be converted to WritingML, including colors, bold, italics, etc. The converter can only be accessed directly via the following URL: http://www22.writing.com/main/tools.php?action=rtfconvert This is an early beta and there are still a number of issues to work out. We're opening this test period, though, because we're curious to hear about your results! For now, please use the comment area of this blog entry to provide us with any feedback. Also, if there's anything in particular you'd like us to look at it, your file and results will be given an ID # that you can give to us. Giving us the ID will allow us to look on the server at that specific result. Enjoy, ~~SM |