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Rated: 18+ · Book · Sci-fi · #1587540
Not hardcore enough to be ultra nerdy, but it's not that shallow, either.
#669548 added September 27, 2009 at 9:54pm
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Old School Recaps, Part 3
No seriously, it is. I'm talking about last night's Heroes episode. Seriously, this ep was very good, grumblings about Peter and Claire be damned. I mean, you had DL actually doing something; Hiro and Kaito in a nerdtastic swordfight; HRG starting to lose his grip on sanity; Peter doing some mind reading; Ted getting his head sliced open; Mohinder going parental...need I go on? Oh, and by the way, Micah really got a raw deal. Not to mention I'm really intrigued by Molly and her storyline. Then again, Mohinder's involved. *Pthb* But seriously, so much happened with this episode I'm not sure where to begin.

First off, death toll. Thompson, Linderman and Ted all kicked the bucket. We'll see what happens to DL. A small part of me has wanted to see more happen with DL. After all, his power is very fascinating to see in action. He's already been shot a couple times (including this ep), so he might go next ep. Now what I'd like to see go are the damn Peter/laire vibes. They weren't as noticeable in this ep, but they were there. Luckily a bunch of dead guys diverted my attention. Sine I'm stuck on this topic, let me also say that I'm bummed about Linderman dying. Yes, DL was full of awesome with the way he killed Linderman (hint: in a way that Sylar couldn't get his power), but a part of me enjoyed Linderman. Then again, Malcom McDowell rocks. Gotta love A Clockwork Orange! Anyhow, Ted's death kinda sucked, but in a way, it's best for him. He's reunited with his wife, and we can ross him off the Bomb List. Thompson, well, he had it coming. I just was surprised to see Bennet pull the trigger. I hear there are four more deaths on the way, and I strongly suspect Nathan is one of them. I'm starting to wonder if Sylar might die as well. It depends on how his showdown with Peter goes.

What else happened? Oh, fuck it! I am officially pissed off at every last Petrelli. Yes, this includes Claire because she's well in the bloodline. Between the incest innuendos, Nathan and Mama being pure asswipes and even Peter's starting to irritate me. Of course, my irritation comes from Peter being something of an ass in regards to Mohinder. After all, Mohinder doesn't know Peter's alive. He thinks that he is the reason Peter died. You know this is a concern when non-Peter/Mohinder shippers at 9th Wonders are discussing it (unless there's a bunch of, um, closeted Peter/Mohinder shippers I'm not aware of). But yeah, out of all the Petrellis, only Claire is halfway tolerable (even though I'm annoyed by her). Well, Heidi (Nathan's wife) is still decent, but she's not in the bloodline. By the way, did you see Linderman's skills on her? Sweet. And did he inadvertently keep DL alive a bit when DL phased through his skull? I wonder. Anyhow, moving on because I'd still like to strangle the entire Petrelli family tree.

Then there's Hiro and dad (Kaito). First off, seeing George Takei move like that was just crazy. I was going "Oh, snap!" during the training sequences. Plus, I love a good swordfight. It was stunning visually and depicted Kaito as potentially the least screwed up of the heroic parental units. I'm very curious as to what Kaito's power is, and I hope he becomes a main character next season. I have this theory that he's the best presented parent because we have yet to meet Hiro's mom. Somehow, after we meet the mothers of the main characters, we realize that they were kind of screwed from the beginning. This does include Mohinder's mom, who was a lying asswipe in episode 9 ("Homecoming"). We'll see how this theory holds up next episode. I can't say anymore because, well, that'd be a spoiler. *Wink* I've been very impressed with Hiro the past few episodes, and I'm curious as to what the season finale will bring. I know. I'm sad that season 1 is almost over. *Cry*

On that note, time for my weekly Mohinder ramble. First off, he managed to treat Molly by being alive. Yay! Second, it seems Molly is growing closer to him as well. Will he end up being her dad? While I'd love that, Mohinder's status in the states is unknown, and I doubt legal residents would be seen as ideal candidates. But would Matt be in a position to adopt her? How about Molly's extended family? If he adopted her, though, that might make him a more prominent character in season 2. According to the TV Guide interview, Mohinder's character will be expanded in a figureative sense. Yay! But yeah, Mohinder going all protective for Molly has spurred the Stik Squee. Eeeeeeeeeeee!!!! *Bigsmile* Anywho, yeah. Mohinder rocks, and he'll be back. Now if we can just get another couple comics with him in it, it'd be all good.

On that note, my ramble is over...until next week. I'm a Heroes addict. I can't help it! And hey. Let's throw in a link without context for good measure. *Smile*


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