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Rated: 18+ · Book · Fanfiction · #1602865
The newest family member, what is she, who is she, and will Esme approve?
#669364 added September 26, 2009 at 5:22pm
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Chapter 2 Family is not Always what You Expect
The early morning sun streamed into the window waking a very tired and warn blond haired woman. Things were so foggy, "where was she again?" Last thing Shan had remembered was the bitter cold, and the gentle words of a woman saying almost singing, “It is alright, the warmth will come, rest now, your safe”. She must have found them, only a cold blood could sound as if they were singing when speaking. Pain shot though her as she rolled up into a sitting position, the woman must have washed and dressed her; she wore a lacy gown, in place of her wet and muddy jeans. Her broken ribs were properly wrapped, a sling held her bruised and torn arm, the gash over her eye had been stitched, and her ankle was bandaged. Looking into the antique vanity mirror she couldn’t help but wonder if she would ever recognize those hazel eyes that looked back at her. Who had she been? It was hard not remembering who you where or where you had come from. What memories that she could recall only dated back a few years and most of those she wished that she did not remember. They were filled with the stench of musky old mold, excruciating pain, and the knowledge of just how cruel man could really be. Perhaps it was for the best not knowing who or where she had come from. “Urge I need a brush...”

“You can try on the cloths there on the dresser; I think they will fit you.” Can a cheery voice from the door, my name is Kate, “glad to see you up, we were getting worried. Do you need help dressing?”

“U..mm no thank you, I can mange, how long have I been a sleep?” Shan's accent was always more pronounced when she was nervous and it seem that Irish slur was at it's worst this morning. “Me name is Shan.”

“Nice to meet you Shan, about five days now, you were a mess when Eleazar brought you in.”

“Eleazar? Brought me in? I am sorry, me memory is a bit foggy.” Replies Shan rubbing her head

“I would think so, you were really out of it. Any ways get your self dressed and come meet the family,” smiles Kate as she leaves the room.

“Good morning sleepy head, I am Tanya, looks like the jeans were a little long, I told Kate that they would be, but she knew better. I tried to get the shorter ones ...”

“Tanya... Don't mind her come sit down, I am Carmen and this is my mate Eleazar. You certainly look much better than when we brought you in.”

“Hi, it is nice to be meeting all of you. Thank you kindly for me cloths and to who ever did me minding. I am sorry, but you are the Denali's right? You knew a gentleman by the name of Zedekiah?” Shan was very nervous as she sat down

“Yes, I've known him for years. I meant Zed when I was still with the volturi. We had a lot of good times. Even got into trouble a time or two,” laughs Eleazar, “What’s he up to these days. I thought he was heading up Carlisle’s way but it seems he never made?”

“Talk about your handsome men,” smiles Kate raising her eyebrows, “will he be meeting up with you here? Perhaps for the festival? I bet he is a great dancer.”

Tears swelled in her eyes as the memories began to run though her aching head, of him sitting on the floor up against the wall, he was smiling even though the pain. His words echoed in her ears, her heart tugged with confusion, regret, remorse, he gave his life for me, why? He could have escaped many times, but no he stayed knowing it would only lead to his death “ No, I am sorry to be saying, he.. he is no longer with us.

“What do you mean?” ask Kate

“He died” her soft voiced cracked as she spoke the painful words aloud

“I would like to know how he died,” gently request Eleazar seeing her pain “I am sorry, I can see this hurts you, but he was a good friend”

“Protecting me, he died because of me,” answered  Shan so quietly that had they not all been cold bloods she would have never been heard

“Than he died the way he lived,” came the comforting words of Eleazar, “he believed that one fights for what they believe in and dies for it if that is what it takes. It's hard to loss a friend, but if we must, I can think of no better way than if they go fighting for what or who they believe in. You are welcome here for as long as you like. Any friend of Zedekiah's is most certainly a friend of ours.” Eleazar was watching Shan, it was obvious that she was scared, nervous, and in trouble. She had taken some pretty bad bumps in what ever she had gotten herself into. 

“I tell you that your friend died because of me, and you open up your home to me?” More confusion, more painful emotion, how could they want her there, it was her fault?

“Let me ask you, why did you come here?” Eleazar's gentle words were so kind and understanding

“Because I knew of no other place to go.” Shan was looking at her hands “This is where he said to come”

“He knew that we would help you, so yes our home is open to you.” Gently assures Carmen, such fear in those pretty hazel eyes, “what has happened to you?”

“That be a long story, but it is done now, I only need some place to stay for a bit. I promise not to stay long,” fidget Shan nervously looking at Carmen

“Your welcome here as long as you like, there is no hurry,” smiles Carmen, “but perhaps if you told us your story we could be of more help”

“I thank you for your kindness of the room, I just need a little time,” spoke Shan softly, “I need to figure out where to go is all.”   

“Where are you from?” asks Tanya

“No where in particular,” shrugs Shan growing even more nervous by the question, “was in Italy”

“O I love Italy it is so pretty there, where you there long?” chimes in Kate trying to sound cheery hoping to calm her

“A few years. I was wondering if maybe I could have some water please.” Requests Shan standing up and pointing towards what she had taken to be the kitchen.

“Of course, we even got you some things to eat, I am assuming you eat?” smiles Kate getting up and motioning her hand towards the kitchen.

“Yes, thank you. I be a bit hungry as well,” Shyly Shan replies,

“Help your self, don’t be so shy, smiles Kate placing a plate on the table

“Really I do not eat so much, an apple some cheese and meat will be plenty,” comments Shan as she stares at the small fest of apples, pastry’s, cheeses, and meats that Kate had placed in front of her.

“Sorry I was not sure what you would eat,” laughs Kate sitting down at the table “so I thought I would give you lots to choose from.”

“I see that, thank you,” smiles Shan taking a bite from the apple

“I hope you stay, it would be nice to have a new face around. We’re not half bad once you get to know us,” teases Kate

“I would not think of intruding,” says Shan shocked

“It is only intruding if you are not invited, and I just invited you so” smiles Kate raising her eyebrows and laughing

“I guess you have a point,” Smiles Shan

“What point might that be,” ask Eleazar as he and Carmen join them in the kitchen

“That it is only intruding if one is not invited, and she has been invited” sums up Kate

“Kate is right. Consider your self invited, and please take your time in figuring out what you need to.” Smiles Carmen placing her hand gently on Shan shoulder

“Sorry, I don’t” Began Shan who had quickly stood up before realizing  “like to be touched”

“That is okay, Please sit, finish eating,” smiled Carmen sitting down thinking that was a strange reaction

“Carmen meant nothing more than to comfort you,” replied Eleazar slightly annoyed,

“Sorry,” Sheepishly replied Shan sitting back down staring at her apple, but no longer eating “I did not mean to offend you ma’am. Especially after all your kindness.”

“Think no more of it and eat,” smiles Carmen, “there was no harm done,”

“Tell me, when Zed sent you here to us, did he send any message for me,” asks Eleazar, his old friend would never  send anyone in trouble with out letting he know what was going on.

“He only said to come, that I would find peace here.” Softly replied Shan still ashamed that she had offend them

“Nothing more, you sure?” Continued Eleazar, he would not have sent her with out letting me know what was needed, I am sure of that

“He said to come here,” answered Shan “that I could began life here. Said that you were the only friend he would ever trust with his daughter.”

“Daughter?” that had caught him by surprise

“Yes, he considered me his daughter for some strange reason,” tears again threatening to spill from her eyes

“That changes things,” began Eleazar watching the small framed woman at the end of the table as she tries hard to hide the tears

“Changes things, sir,” her thick Irish accent revealing panic in her voice, I have to leave? I have know other place to go!

“Yes, you seem to think he sent you here temporally, until you could settle some place else,” began Eleazar

“I.e., that he did,” agreed Shan nervously not sure what he was getting at, but pretty sure she was not going to like it much

“No, you see he sent you here, because he knew I would care for you as my own. Carmen, it seems my old friend has given us a daughter,” smiles Eleazar getting up from

the table looking down at his mate

“Excuse me! I not be sure what you mean” stammered Shan with wide eyes

“He means welcome home, daughter,” smiled Carmen getting up and wrapping her arm around Eleazar’s waste

© Copyright 2009 Maggie MB (UN: shyeyes_lie at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/669364-Chapter-2-Family-is-not-Always-what-You-Expect