By biggest challenge- My life. Wanna know me? |
I had been trying to create a simple program (get two integers from the user, add them and get their average) in Visual Studio C++. Finally, after about 2 hours, success knocked at my door. Yahoo! I've got four interesting subjects in my course curriculum this semester: Probability and statistics Business English Art and Aesthetics And Introduction to Computer Science - which is why I have to sit in front of the computer for hours, just to practice c++. I love to learn languages. I can write and speak Bangla and English, I can understand and speak Hindi too . But computer languages can be so sensitive! Just one missing semicolon in a program, can create a lot of errors. Still, learning something new is good. I like it. Our instructor is also very nice. Math - is always a phobia for me. I just started learning statistics, enjoy it. English is my all time favorite. So is my mother tongue, Bangla. I enjoy every moment of English class learning how to communicate, as our course is all about Business communication. Art is my passion. I can spend hours painting pictures, so I just can't figure out how time passes away in art class. We also have other things beside painting here. We'll go on an excursion soon, perhaps I'll write in my blog about it. Have painted about 4 different poses of Buddha. According to our art instructor, the first Bengali paintings focused on Buddha, so I have to learn that too. Having lots of fun lately. I've reopened my raffle:
check it out! |