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Rated: 18+ · Book · Sci-fi · #1587540
Not hardcore enough to be ultra nerdy, but it's not that shallow, either.
#662924 added January 16, 2010 at 1:58pm
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Sexuality and Sci-Fi, Part 1
(originally appeared in "Chalice of MaliceOpen in new Window. [XGC] on 1/31/2007)

Alrighty, I know I'm trying not to fangirl too much regarding Heroes, but there's an issue that keeps entering the show's forums. What is it?

gay characters

Despite my (waning) homophobia, here's what I have to say about gay characters.

Why are you people bitching?

Yes, people have been bitching about there being gay characters on the show. In fact, creator Tim Kring has outright stated one of the main characters (presumably a Hero) is gay. Who is it, exactly? No one really knows at this point, and I'll get back to that in a minute. Anyway, this came up because Zach (Claire's only true friend) was created as a gay character. From what I could tell, the writers did a pretty good job of avoiding typical gay stereotypes. So, I really didn't think anything of it. Then I got to the message boards.

Holy s***.

I've never seen so many raving lunatics since the first three days of the year. There are so many people that protested both the appearance of a gay character on the show and, a little later, protests against NBC for turning Zach straight. As it turns out, it was Thomas Dekker's management team that played into the sudden "straightening" of Zach. (FYI, Thomas Dekker is the guy who plays Zach, but due to a role on another TV program, he's going to be off the show at least for a while.) Here's my thing. First of all, while homosexuality is not my cup of tea, I can deal with gay characters in a TV show. Why? Well, it's not real for one thing. Second, denying that gay people exist is a grand example of showing your head up your rear and hooking yourself up to an oxygen tank via your navel.

Besides, homosexuality adds a complication element that is unique unto itself. Yeah, it's taboo, but that's not it, really. Gay characters tap into our protective instincts when portrayed right. I find myself more enchanted when it's two men involved, but it can work for women. Then again, that could be my preference for males shining through. *Wink* In any case, regardless of the characters engaging in any physical contact, the odds they face tend to be more challenging than heterosexual couples who "shouldn't" be together for whatever reason. As the gay taboo begins to erode away, it's something of modern society's Romeo and Juliet (which, by the way, is an awful play. If he wasn't already dead, I'd shoot Shakespeare for it.). This sense of protecting both yourself and the one you love can be manifest in a wide range of emotions, ranging from tenderness to vengeance. I've also concluded that the protective instincts tend to come from both parties. One thing I hate about heterosexual love stories is that it tends to only show one person being protective, which is both boring and leads to flat characterization. It's formulaic, while gay love stories, curiously enough, have a little more wiggle room.

That said, which a show like Heroes, homosexual dynamics would fit surprisingly well with the stakes as they are. Aside from the fact there are more guys in the cast, the need to protect people both with and without powers is a huge theme of the show. With the way the show is progressing, there are some people that are more vulnerable than others. Opportunity knocks, and I don't doubt that Kring sees that. So, who is gay? Among the Heroes, there's some debate. Among the main characters (including those without powers), one seems to be emerging as the most likely to end up with homosexual leanings. I apologize in advance for any spoilers or if I alter your view of the show. It's all speculation at this point. Anyway, who do I think it is?


Yeah, I know. He is my favorite character, but after watching (and rewatching) some of the more recent episodes, most of the evidence points to him. The most recent episode is my favorite example (although I do need to rewatch "One Giant Leap", because I need to compare a few things). There's a scene in which he and Nathan go to Peter's apartment to try to stop him from running off to Nevada. At one point, Peter wants to talk to Nathan alone, so he dismisses Mohinder with this really sharp look in his eyes. When they cut to Mohinder...it's all about the look on his face. If you watch the episode online, this scene is in part four. Play it until the little timer says 1:02. This is really the best place to see what I'm talking about when it comes to facial expressions. It's mostly in the eyes, but shock dominates all of his facial features. And let's not even get started on the outfit. Between the pink shirt and that damn scarf, I surrender. I have no comments for it. It's just beyond words. Then again, Mohinder's wardrobe merits a whole separate venue for discussion because it is clearly the most varied out of all the characters, which I find rather strange. Speaking of strange, "Seven Minutes Till Midnight" provides something of a glimpse into Mohinder's past, most notably introducing us to Mira, an ex-lover and someone who tore into Papa Suresh's theories. Judging by the way the two scenes involving Mira played out, Mohinder showed almost no love for Mira. She seemed to still care about him, but he was civilly cold toward her.

This may not say much about his sexuality, depending on your point of view. It is interesting, though, in regards to seeing how he handles relationships. At one point in "Seven", he makes a comment about America being a strange country due to everyone being "so lonely", yet what does he do? He runs right back to New York! He strikes me as the lonliest character in the whole show, especially with Eden being dead. I admit I'm not sure about his interaction with Eden, other than their kiss being a ploy. HRG says that Eden seemed to like him, but it never struck me as reciprocal on a romantic level. I think he regarded her as a friend and an ally, nothing more. If anything, he seems most influenced by Peter (sorry, Mark, but I call 'em as I see 'em). Though he is icy cold to Peter early in the series, there's a turn somewhere that brings Peter back under his scope big time. Now he regards Peter as the most important person on the list, and he's pinning all his hopes on one guy. I think his first attempt to talk to Nathan (forget which exact ep) shows his beginning to wonder, but he denies it in order to go back to India. Still, his behavior around Peter combined with his perceptions of the man show both his emerging belief and his emotionally volatility. I think Mohinder has the most to lose, and he's the most likely to combust from emotional pressure: jealousy of the Petrelli brothers (which made an appearance in the most recent ep), frustration in his scientific quest and a lot of baggage from his past. You want to talk about a walking time bomb. Mohinder is it. And why do I think he's fixated on Peter? Because Peter is tender and protective, really the perfect gay character. He is really the only hero at this point that has shown any ability to cut through the emotional walls Mohinder has constructed. Do I think they'll get together? Eh, I don't know. I think it's too early to tell. I think Mohinder will struggle with that pesky heart-tugging sickness called unrequited love for a good while (at least a good ways into season 2).

Of course the wild card is whether or not Mira will reenter the fold. That would makes things an even bigger mess.

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