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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #1111435
My second journal here. My new beginnings.
#662862 added August 9, 2009 at 10:47am
Restrictions: None
Last Week and Now
I sat up out of bed last night because that last entry had just suddenly come to me.

I just got on here to write a little bit more.

Boo is supposed to find out tomorrow if he got that job. We are really hoping so. It's at an art studio and he would be like the shipping director-type-deal. lol, something like that. Anyway, Thursday after he got out of the interview he said it went really, really well. She seemed to like him a lot (the lady who creates the art-work and sells it) He seemed really positive about it but had to wait until Monday when she would call him.

I think he will get it. I hope so.

After the interview we went to the Bloomington library and checked out some books. He got a few Charles Bukowski and an Anton Chekhov. I got a book called "Against the Stream" which is about practicing Buddhism (really about practicing being a good hearted person which is mostly what Buddhism is, and being a rebel against all that causes suffering) and a book called "Banana Rose" by Natalie Goldberg. I have read a few articles by her in my Shambala Sun magazines so I really wanted to read this book. It's about a woman with living in a hippie-type communes in the desert. It's pretty damn interesting so far, I really like it.

After we went to the library we stopped at the coffee shop, Soma. That was some damn good coffee. It reminded me a lot of Encore but not nearly as good. It was quiet but lacked a lot of the sorority/frat type people you would get in a regular Starbucks. The coffee and atmosphere in Soma was better than any Starbucks anyway. Plus, it just had all the more unique people of Bloomington. And the smell of organic food from the upstairs restaurant, the Laughing Planet, filled the place too. I think the good coffee mixed with the smell of organic food is what reminded me of Encore. Nothing will ever be the same to me though. I'm still depressed they turned it into an organic store. Which is fine, organic food stores are great but I wish they would have kept my cafe....my escape.

Everything else is working itself out. Bills. Money. All that bullshit I could do without. I think things are looking up. I'd like to be living in Bloomington this time next year, I don't know. We'll see how things go.

And then there is my Little Bear. She is getting so big and will be ONE YEAR OLD next month. I am in love with her*Heart* she walks around everywhere, and sings all the time. And my sister, Morgann is teaching her sign language, which to me, is unbelievable. She can sign "more" "bite" "drink" and "beads" *Pthb* that one cracks me up. I'm seriously amazed. My dad is her favorite person in the world. She will walk to him while he is sitting on the floor watching t.v and he will pick her up and she will start crying until he gets up and walks around with her! She is spoiled to pieces!!! I told my dad "she has you wrapped around her finger!" and he said "yeah, she does." I said you don't mind a bit do you?" "nope. Not at all" he said. hahahahaha.

She is spoiled but she is the bright spot in my life.

I feel fall is not far away. I can sense it as always and it always makes me very energetic.

Anyway, I think I'm gonna get out of my jammies and start my day.

*Star*Elaine Bradley

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